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Surely whether Rizal died a Catholic or an apostate adds or detracts nothing from his greatness as a

Filipino. It is because of what he did and what he was that we revere Rizal. Catholic or Mason, Rizal is
still Rizal: the hero who courted death “to prove to those who deny our patriotism that we know how to
die for our duty and our beliefs”

On my own understanding and view of my learnings about our National hero, again as I see things about
it: Rizal didn’t retract. Actually, he even revolt. However, not in typical meaning. It was a silent
revolution. He didn’t use sword and all physical deadly weapons but rather just like a famous
metaphorical sentence-example: “A PEN is mightier than a sword. Yes. He wrote to revolt. His books Noli
Mi Tangere and El Filibusterismo speaks about how he revealed abuses in the government. However,
there’s so much to deal about every details of his great masterpieces. If I may suggest, read as well his
last message to the Filipinos which is his “Mi Ultimo Adios.” He didn’t retract - he even died for the

The controversial retraction of Dr. Jose Rizal of his "anti-catholic" works has lead a number of historians
to doubt its authenticity. Several historians say's that Rizal retracted his anti- catholic ideas which was I
claimed it true and agree of what they believe, because Jose Rizal's document stated that "I retract with
all my heart whatever in my words, writings, publications and conduct has been contrary to my
character as son of the catholic church". In this case, he declare himself as a catholic and that his religion
where he was born.

On the other side, there are doubts on the retraction document abound, especially because only one
eyewitness account of the writing of the document exists, where the friar Fr. Vicente Balaguer testimony
told that Rizal's woke up several times, confessed four times, attended a mass, reveived communion,
and prayed the rosary, which he identified the character of Jose Rizal as a catholic person. But since it is
the only testimony, the ever wrote document of Rizal was been used to argue.

Cuerpo de Vigilancia stated that Rizal's last hour was he wanted only a prayer book after the assistant
Señor Maire asked him what things he wanted. Then, on the 30th of december was full of flooded tears
where the lover of Rizal embraced him at the point of his death.

Whether Rizal retracted or not, he still dedicated his life to serve his native land, bravely endured death
until the end. He inspired us to fight for freedom of the country. His retraction cannot change the fact
that Rizal did a great Job to serve his own country. Whatever our stand is, only history can rightfully
judge out National Hero named Jose Protasio Rizal Mercado Y Alonzo Realonda.
As the facts show that Rizal really signed the retraction letter because of his signature and the people
the witnessed that he do signed, let's all notice that Rizal modified the letter. He did some changes on
the letter because he wants to show that he sticks to his words and he is a catholic by heart, soul and
spirit. No matter what the truth is, let's keep in mind that his works were the match to start a fire on the
hearts of every Filipino to burn their will to fight for freedom. No one's perfect. If he do retracted then
so be it, but if not because of his mind-opening works we would have still be on the grasp of the

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