RESEARCH-para-print-chapter-1-and-2-final-konohay - Solid Waste Management

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3R’s Program in Managing Solid

Waste:Reduce, Reuse and Recycle in

Tugbongan National High School

A Research Paper

Presented to

Mrs.Celeste Rallos Amatril

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

Practical Research 2


Alan Villeagas Jr Ronaline Rose Gorero

Lorenze Gañolon Christian Sanchez

Renalyn Gerundio Baby Joy Ambatal

Sturdy Cañete Crislie Malusay

Vincent Tahor Kent Joshua Lendio

Elmar Mercado Bethanie Rome

Regina Marie Salarza April Tumongha


The researchers would first like to thank their Practical Research

Advisers, Mrs. Celeste Rallos Amaril & Windey Prado Avendaño because

their presence is always open for suggestions and queries about the

research. To our dear friends, classmates, and parents that helped us by

sharing us their ideas and moral support.


The researchers dedicate this study to all students of National High

School of Consolacion,Cebu for their involvement of the study.They also

dedicate this to their parents,dear friends and schoolmates and students who

share their ideas about the importance of 3R”s Program in managing solid

waste of Tugbongan National high School.

Table of Contents


TITLE ………………………………………………….. I

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ……………………………………………………. II

DEDICATION ……………………………………………………. III

TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………. IV


INTRODUCTION ………………………………………. 1

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY …………………………………… 2

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY ………………………………………….. 3


SCOPE AND DELIMATATION ………………………………………... 5

DEFINATION OF TERMS ………………………………………… 6



CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK …………………………………………… 8

PARADIGM OF THE STUDY …………………………………………… 9

DEFINATION OF TERMS ……………………………………………. 10


The Problem and It’s Setting


Solid waste generation is a continually growing problem at global, regional

and local levels. Solid wastes are those organic and inorganic waste materials

produced by various activities of the society, which have lost their value to the

first user. Improper disposal of solid wastes pollutes all the vital components

of the living environment (i.e., air, land, and water) at local and global levels.

Urban society rejects and generates solid material regularly due to a rapid

increase in production and consumption. The problem is more acute in

developing nations than in developed nations, as their economic growth as

well as urbanization is more rapid. This necessitates the management of solid

waste at generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport, processing,

and disposal stages in an environmentally sound manner in accordance with

the best principles of public health, economics, engineering, conservation,

aesthetics, and environmental considerations. Thus, solid waste management

includes all administrative, financial, legal, planning, and engineering

functions (Ramachandra, 2006; Ramachandra and Varghese, 2003).The

environmentally sound management of solid wastes issues had received the

attention of international and national policy-making bodies and citizens

(Subramanian, 2005). Waste audits are undertaken for a variety of reasons,

which is to ensure regulatory compliance compares actual practices to best

practice guidelines develop baseline generation data identify waste

minimization opportunities to establish sustainable development indicators or

benchmarks (Ashwood et al., 1996).

Background of the Study

Solid waste management continues to be a great challenge in the town

around the world, particularly in rapidly growing towns and cities in the
developing world. In fact, the lack of a solid waste management system that
efficiently and effectively has a negative impact on the environment.

The management of solid waste continues to be a major challenge in urban

areas throughout the world particularly in the rapidly growing cities of the
developing world. A high rate of population growth and increasing per capita
income have resulted in the generation of an enormous volume of solid waste,
which poses a serious threat to environmental quality and human health
(Snigdha, 2003). Access to sanitation services and clean adequate water are
therefore regarded as crucial to the health and wellbeing of people.

The primary goal of solid waste management is reducing and eliminating

adverse impacts of waste materials on human health and the environment to
support economic development and superior quality of life. This is to be done
in the most efficient manner possible, to keep costs low and prevent waste

Solid waste management is required to avoid all related effects on the

environment. Waste management focuses on how to protect the environment,
minimizing the waste and how to reuse the waste

The aim of this research is to educate and implant to their minds of

students in Tugbongan National High School to change their practices in
segregating of solid waste and this study keeps the importance of solid waste
management how to reuse WASTE or turn it into a cash
Statement of the Problem

This study will help the students to fully aware of how to maintain in

managing solid waste in Tugbongan National High School. As the problem

statement of solid waste management in the study area is not good enough.

The previous research states how to seek the answer what is the importance

of solid waste management to their environment in terms of proper Disposal,

educating the students, recycling solid waste. It will seek to answer the

following questions:

1. How to implement solid waste management in every classroom?

2. How does the 3r’s (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) is becoming a program

in school?

Null hypothesis

The solid waste management has no significant importance in Tugbongan

National High School

Alternative Hypothesis

The solid waste management has significant importance in Tugbongan

National HIGH School.

Composting organic waste can help nurture crops and result in a better

agricultural yield. Reducing landfilling and building sanitary landfills will reduce

ground and surface water pollution which can help provide clean drinking


The Results of the study will be of great benefit to the Following people


This will help the students to be knowledgeable enough about the

importance of solid waste management in the school to maintain cleanliness

and safety.


This will help them to have an idea of how to guide their children especially

on how to segregate solid waste.


This will help teachers to do some actions and techniques on how to prevent

improper disposal of waste.

Future Researchers

They can be able to use the result of the study will be significant to their

future research.

School Head

This study helps the school head that they may behave an effective

solution in handling solid waste management or to think more efficient

projects/programs in managing waste.

The Government.

This study would help the government to know what policies and regulations

they will implement when it comes to proper waste management.

The Community.

This study would encourage every member of the community to take

responsibility for their wastes.

The Readers
This study would help the readers to know why the students should have a

big responsibility/part in Tugbongan National High in managing their wastes.

And also, it helps them to identify the materials used to be reuse and recycle


This study is conducted by the concerned researchers. Because

nowadays, garbage is a big problem mostly in all residences especially in

schools (Tugbongan National High School ). And through this study, the

researchers will be able to come up with engaging ways of solid waste

management. This study is delimited in knowing how the students in

Tugbongan National High School manage their wastes.

With regards to several respondents, students should be willing to

collaborate in the study and some may find it offensive on their end of being

asked regarding the importance of solid waste management in Tugbongan

National High School since the study is dealing with the 3r’s program in

managing solid waste, there are possibilities that some respondents are not

honest to their answer to the given questionnaires that may mislead the

researchers to have lack of facts and information regarding the importance of

solid waste management in Tugbongan National High School.

Thus, it is also delimited in identifying the materials they are using in

managing their wastes.and the questions of the research will just include

information that is highly related to the research topic.


According to Hiriya (2003) , the functional elements of Municipal Solid

Waste are as follows: 1) Waste generation: Waste generation encompasses

activities in which materials are identified as no longer being of value and are

either thrown away or gathered together for disposal. 2) Waste handling and

separation, storage and processing at the source: Waste handling and

separation involves the activities associated with management of waste until

they are placed in storage container for collection. Handling also encompasses

the movement of loaded containers to the point of collection. Separation of

waste components is an important step in the handling and storage of solid

waste at the source.3) Collection: The functional element of collection includes

not only the gathering of solid waste and recyclable materials, but also the

transport of these materials, after collection, to the location where the collection

vehicle is emptied. This location may be a material processing facility, a transfer

station or a landfill disposal site. 4) Separation and processing and

transformation of solid wastes: The types of means and facilities that are now

used for the recovery of waste materials that have been separated at the source

include curbside collection, drop off and buy back centers. The separation and

processing of wastes that have been separated at the source and the

separation of commingled wastes usually occur at a materials recovery facility,

transfer stations, combustion facilities and disposal sites.5) Transfer and

transport: This element involves two steps: 1) the transfer of wastes from the

smaller collection vehicle to the larger transport equipment 2) the subsequent

transport of the wastes, usually over long distances, to a processing or disposal

site. 6) Disposal: Today the disposal of wastes by land filling or land spreading

is the ultimate fate of all solid wastes, whether they are residential wastes

collected and transported directly to a landfill site, residual materials from

materials recovery facilities (MRFs), residue from the combustion of solid waste,

compost or other substances from various solid waste processing facilities. A

modern sanitary land is not a dump; it is an engineered facility used for

disposing of solid wastes on land without creating nuisance or hazards to public.

(January 23, 2009).

The municipal solid waste (MSW) industry has four components:

recycling, composting, land filling, and combustion. The U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency defines MSW to include durable goods, containers and

packaging, food wastes, yard wastes, and miscellaneous inorganic wastes from

residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial sources. It excludes

industrial waste, agricultural waste, sewage sludge, and all categories of

hazardous wastes, including batteries and medical wastes. There are a lot of

human activities that contribute to waste generation. These waste materials if

failed to be disposed in the proper manner and in the proper place create a

serious problem to humans and threat to nature. Solid Waste Management

plays a big role on the preservation of life and nature. Managing wastes has

become a problem especially in highly urbanized areas. Philippines is

considered as the tiger economy of Asia for its fast growth and development.
This advancement comes together with problems of solid waste management.

Republic Act 9003 of the Philippines addresses different issues regarding Solid

Waste Management. It mandates Local Government Units to implement

policies to promote proper solid waste management. This study is concerned

on the SWM of Barangay Lahug, Cebu City. It examines the ordinances

and implementation enforced by the local government unit (LGU) and the status

of practices and compliance the residents in the barangay make regarding solid

waste management. It will also investigate the municipal solid waste

management in a barangay level. In conducting this study, interview

questionnaires were answered by 107 household residents and 21

business/commercial establishments’ respondents. An interview with the Lahug

LGU representative was held. The survey was conducted to gather information

on the knowledge and practices respondents have on solid waste management.

This paper concludes that solid waste management in Barangay Lahug

implements solid waste management through enforcing Cebu City Ordinance

No. 2031 known as Solid Waste Segregation. The awareness of the residents

and business establishments in the barangay about solid waste management

is high. The practices and compliance of residents indicates the knowledge and

training they have acquired. Solid waste management is a human obligation to

fulfill. The inefficiency and failure to sustain proper solid waste management is

a societal, environmental, economical, and political issue. Keywords: Solid

Waste Management, Municipal Solid Wastes, Local Government Unit, Republic

Act 9003, City Ordinance 2031, Lahug .Waste mismanagement has serious

environmental effects making the passage of the Republic Act (RA) 9003 or the

Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 a landmark environmental

legislation in the Philippines. The law was crafted in response to the looming

garbage problems in the country. RA 9003 declares the policy of the state in

adopting a systematic, comprehensive and ecological solid waste management

program that ensures the protection of public health and the environment and

the proper segregation, collection, transport, storage, treatment and disposal of

solid waste through the formulation and adoption of best environmental

practices. Moreover, it illustrates the potentials and benefits of recycling not

only in addressing waste management problems but also in alleviating poverty.

RA 9003 describes solid waste management as a discipline associated

with the control of generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport,

processing, and disposal of solid wastes. The manner by which these activities

are conducted shall be in accord with the best principles of public health,

economics, engineering, conservation, aesthetics, and other environmental

considerations,and public attitudes. The Act provides for a comprehensive

ecological solid waste management program by creating the necessary

Institutional mechanisms and incentives, appropriating funds, declaring certain

acts prohibited, and providing penalties.

Conceptual Framework

Waste Generation



Transfer & Processing &

Transport Recovery

Final Disposal

Terms here are conceptual and operational and operational defined for

better understanding of the readers

Solid Waste Management – refers to the collection, transportation,

treatment, final disposal and recycling of solid waste materials.

Business establishment is defined as a location where business is

conducted, goods are made or stored or processed or where services are


Implementation- is the carrying out, execution, or practice of a plan, a

method, or any design, idea, model, specification, standard or policy for doing

something. As such, implementation is the action that must follow any

preliminary thinking in order for something to actually happen.

Planning– is the process of thinking about and organizing the activities

required to achieve a desired goal. It involves the creation and maintenance of

a plan, such as psychological aspects that require conceptual skills. There are

even a couple of tests to measure someone’s capability of planning well. As

such, planning is a fundamental property of intelligent behavior.

Monitoring – Observe and check the progress or quality of (something)

over a period of time; keep under systematic review.

Evaluation – concern with the actual impact of the policy on Society.

Republic act no. 9003 - an act providing for an ecological solid waste

management program, creating the necessary institutional mechanisms and

incentives, declaring certain acts prohibited and providing penalties,

appropriating funds therefore, and for other purposes.



In the Philippines, aside from the insufficiency of funds, the LGUs are

incurring a financial gap in the implementation of the whole system (ADB,

2003; Sumalde, 2004). However, the LGUs have several funding

arrangements and options for the establishment of a solid waste management

system. The sources of funds for the LGUs include the following: (a) general

budgetary appropriations; (b) external sources; (c) Cost recovery mechanisms

such as a collection of waste fees and fines from waste violations; and (d)

National Solid Waste Management Fund (ADB, 2003). Despite the availability

of financing options or mechanisms, improper management of solid waste is

still prevalent worldwide particularly in developing countries. The immediate

option for the insufficiency of funds is the imposition of the economic

instruments since solid waste is considered public good (Cointreau and

Cravioto, 2005). However, some economists believe that the developing

countries are not ready for these kinds of instruments. The reasons cited are

lack of financial and human resources, lack of enforcement, poorly developed

financial markets and legal systems, corruption, and lack of enough

equipment and data. And the ineffectiveness of these instruments to the

developing countries may be due to the fact that these were applied based on

the applicability of the developed countries without considering the local

circumstances (Matete and Trois, 2008; Couth and Trois, 2010). On the other

hand, some researchers perceive that the insufficiency of funds may not be
the root cause of the problem but the ineffective utilization of funds (Oelofse

and Godfrey, 2008). Solid Waste Management has been identified as an

important service which drastically increasing in volume and cost faster

than the rate of urbanization globally (Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata, 2012).

Further, the growing complexity of the waste management problem may be

attributed to various factors such as financial, institutional and others (van de

Klundert and Anschutz, 2001). This crucial issue threatening the environment

and human civilization is worth scrutiny to attain a sustainable future for the

recent globalized society. However, there are few studies conducted

assessing the efficiency of the waste sector, especially in developing

countries. The comprehensive lists of literature reviews about the economic

performance of the waste sectors are presented in the paper of Simões and

Marques (2012). Over the past decades, the Philippines enacted several laws

and regulations in order to protect the environment and its citizenry especially

to tackle the solid waste problem. However, the urgency to tackle the said

problem was heightened after the disposal crisis hits Metro Manila in 2000

known as Payatas Tragedy when the mountains of garbage collapsed

resulting in the loss of hundreds of human lives. A year after that incident,

Republic of the Philippines Congress of the Philippines (REPUBLIC ACT NO.

9003- Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 was enacted. In the

next few years, the estimated waste generation will increase rapidly due to the

rapid growth in population and urbanization alongside the development of the

socio-economic characteristics of the country. As estimated, the waste

generation in 2005 amounting to 24,059 tons/day has increased to 28,875

tons/day in 2010 (NSWMC, 2004; Atienza, 2011). The major sources of the
wastes generated are households, commercial buildings,

industrial/manufacturing facilities, institutions, and health care facilities.

Approximately 73% of these wastes come from households while 26% come

from the industrial/manufacturing facilities (Aguinaldo, 2008). Further,

approximately 50% of the waste generated from these sources consists of

food and other organics while approximately 45% of the waste generated

consists of plastics, paper, glass and metals (ADB, 2003). Since the passage

of RA 9003 in 2011, there is a slow development of the solid waste

management system in the Philippines. The system is facing several issues

and challenges such as inadequacy of funds, lack of political will from the

local officials, improper segregation at source and lack of environmental

awareness from the households. Sumalde (2004) found out that the LGUs

incurred a substantial fiscal gap from the income obtained and the amount

needed to finance the solid waste management system. According to

Sumayao and de Guzman (2007), the knowledge of households about solid

waste management is fairly high. As for the success of the waste

management programs, the households expect that the local officials will play

proactive roles in implementing and monitoring the said programs.

Chapter III


Research Design

This research will use the descriptive qualitative design in this matter,

survey techniques are employed, As this study will go through its process, this

method helps the researchers to distinguish the factors and identify its impact

that will lead ted researcher to set recommendation that will solve the current


Research Respondents

The researcher respondents will be the students of Tugbongan

National High School. Most of the students are lack of knowledge on how to

segregate and manage solid waste management.

Research Environment

This study will be conduct in Tugbongan National High School the

average students is 1151 some of the students in this institution are sons and
daughters of people living at Tugbongan also in neighboring barangay like

Nanka, Jagobiao and etc.

Research Instruments

This study uses a survey questionnaire to achieve data and

information in this study. The researcher formulated the research in advance

to avoid disorganization in the research.

Research Sampling

The researcher uses a Systematic Sampling. The researcher needs to

select these members who fit the criteria which in this case will be 1 in 10

individuals. The research in charge must figure out the ideal size of the

sample, i.e how many people from the entire population to choose to be a part

of the sample.

Research Population

This study utilizes a population of 1151

Research Sample
Chapter IV


Analysis and Presentation of Data

Discussion of findings
Chapter V


Summary of the findings


Appendix A


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