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Bayugan City, 8502 CARAGA Philippines

Midterm Examination to Understanding Culture,
Society and Politics
2nd Term – 1st Semester

NAME: ________________________________________Grade/ Section: __________________ Score: ___________

Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the best answer by encircling the letter of your choice.

1. It is a systematic study of social behavior and human groups.

a. Anthropology b. Biology c. Political Science d. Sociology
2. This social science discipline takes account of the “equal but different ways” of how people live in the world.
a. Anthropology b. Biology c. Political Science d. Sociology
3. Which of the following does NOT define the word society?
a. A complex web of relationships existing out of man’s contact with one another
b. Society is a historically formed entity
c. Society is made possible by social interaction
d. The term was coined to facilitate exploration on social phenomenon
4. A set of imaginary coordinates that determine social actor’s opportunities and life chances in the social world
a. Social address b. Social location c. Social map d. Social position
5. Our God is all-knowing. What tripartite power is described in the sentence?
a. Omnipotence b. Omnipresent c. Omniscience d. Three-fold
6. Society is powerful because its agents such as laws and rules control the people. What tripartite power does
society possess based on the statement?
a. Omnipotence b. Omnipresent c. Omniscience d. Three-fold
7. What is anything shared by human beings and shared way of life?
a. Culture b. Politics c. Society d. Tradition
8. Every new year, Gina always prepare twelve circle fruits with twelve of each thinking that it would bring her
good luck. This practice is an example of __________.
a. Beliefs b. Norms c. Tradition d. Values
9. Which of the following is NOT true about culture, society and politics as concepts?
a. They cannot be seen nor touch.
b. They exist in the realm of ideas and thoughts.
c. They shape only as basis of social behavior.
d. They influence the way we see and experience our individual and collectives lives as social beings.
10. Jona’s habit of taking selfie develops when her parents gave her phone. What specific social dynamics shown in
the phenomena?
a. Cultural Change b. Political Change c. Social Change d. Social Realities
11. Kim is the incumbent mayor of the City of Amin. His son, Kimmy is currently running for the congressional seat
of district. What specific social dynamics shown in the phenomena?
a. Cultural Change b. Political Change c. Social Change d. Social Realities
12. Members of the SDA church are strongly prohibited from eating pork and food with blood. Which statement
supports this behavior?
a. A form of lifestyle associated with a specific sexual preference.
b. Bribing and use of influential mediator.
c. Group-based practiced made possible and stronger by a set of beliefs.
d. Young people have more meaningful experience in the outside world rather than staying at home.
13. Felix is trained by his father how to fish. When he got a child, he teach his child how to fish as well. This is an
example of
a. Acculturation b. Assimilation c. Enculturation d. Transmission
14. Preparing spaghetti, mango float and macaroni along with lechon and kakanin during fiesta celebration have been
adapted by Filipinos through this process.
a. Acculturation b. Assimilation c. Enculturation d. Transmission
15. It is a transmission of culture wherein someone learns a culture different from his own and completely forget his
own culture.
a. Acculturation b. Assimilation c. Enculturation d. Transmission
16. Manunggol Jar and Balangay represents the culture of early Filipinos. In what component of culture do these
a. Behavior b. Cognitive c. Communication d. Material
17. When Eva judges the behavior and beliefs of others who are different from her beliefs.
a. Cultural Relativism b. Ethnocentrism c. Xenocentrism d. Xenophobia
18. Georgia went to Bulgaria to study. She learned that nodding in Bulgaria means “no” but in the Philippines it is
“yes”. This shows,
a. Cultural Relativism b. Ethnocentrism c. Xenocentrism d. Xenophobia
19. Hera believes that ice cream in US is far superior to those in the Philippines.
a. Cultural Relativism b. Ethnocentrism c. Xenocentrism d. Xenophobia
20. In the caste system in India, people of the higher caste fear and shun those of lower casts.
a. Cultural Relativism b. Ethnocentrism c. Xenocentrism d. Xenophobia


Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. Write FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
_________________ 1. Society is made possible by social interactions.
_________________ 2. Social change may be a product of technological change.
_________________ 3. Emile Durkheim is the father of sociology.
_________________ 4. A person’s coordinates in his social map determines his enduring opportunities and limitations in
_________________ 5. Cultural diversity means a range of different societies or people of different origins, religions and
_________________ 6. Values are firmly held opinions or conviction.
_________________ 7. Norms are rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior of its members.
_________________8. Social forces represent the constellation of powerful forces influencing the behavior of an
_________________9. “I love to buy ukay-ukay. They have better quality unlike the Philippine-made clothes.” The
statement is an example of ethnocentrism.
_________________10. Dave has been introduced to Italian food and Korean food by his friend. He never like it. For
him, nothing can bet the Filipino food. This is an example of xenocentrism.
_________________11. The transmission of culture in which someone learns a culture different from his own is called
_________________12. When a person learns a culture of his own, the transmission is called as enculturation.
_________________13. A person may totally forget his birth culture when he lives in a foreign land with a different way
of life.
_________________ 14. Cultural relativism is the idea that culture varies from society to society.
_________________ 15. Cultures around the world are different but equal.
_________________ 16. Culture is continuous; therefore, it is changing.
_________________ 17. Culture involves behavior more than attitude.
_________________ 18. Transmission of culture is made possible by language.
_________________ 19. Culture is something that an individual alone cannot possess.
_________________ 20. Culture is composed of both material and nonmaterial components.

Directions: Discuss your chosen article. Write the title, author and brief summary or content of the article. Discuss briefly
the summary or content of your chosen article for 5-7 sentences only. (10 points)

“Don’t stop when you are tired, stop when you are done.”
Prepared by:
Ria B. Lasaca
Faculty, Senior High School – Basic Education

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