The Effects of Using Mobile Phones in The English Learning Process

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A Thesis Proposal Presented to the

Faculty of Secondary Education
Governor Felicisimo T. San Luis Integrated Senior High School
Sta. Cruz Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment on the Requirements

For English 10




S.Y. 2018-2019

Chapter 1



Mobile Phones are part already of an individual’s life. All of the human all over

the world have experienced using mobile phones. Mobile phones have various

education benefits to learning like giving students a chance to collaborate with

each other, and to make their task much easier with a use of mobile phones.

These devices can also use for high-tech alternatives in lecture.

Learning process is basically the process when people pass through to

acquire new knowledge and skills and ultimately influence their attitudes,

decisions and actions. Some students became inattentive and imposed poor

academic performance in class due of the addiction of an student to the Mobile


Currently education is making a move toward the use of technology within

classrooms, In Grade 10 students of GFTSISHS devices being used most

commonly for educational purposes, like tablets (iOS/Android), smartphones

(iOS/Android), and laptops (Windows/Macintosh). These devices are being used

in hopes of enhancing students’ overall educational performance; students are

using devices for activities such as answering questions, examining

visualizations, note taking, researching, and communicating (e.g., email).


Using of mobile phones already been a regular part of the students’ lives, no

matter what grade level it is. Mobile phones are transforming the way we

communicate, socialize, play, shop and conduct business. Besides, the social

networking revolution makes the world a small village and gives people

opportunities to be independent learners rather than receiving knowledge merely

from teachers in a traditional manner.

This study is being proposed to assess what is the effects of the mobile

phones that mainly used by students of Grade 10. There is an evaluation based

on the experience of the respondents when they are using their Mobile phones.

This survey will conduct a sample of Grade 10 students from Governor Felicisimo

Integrated Senior High School.


There is a negative and positive effect of using mobile phones regarding to

learning process of a student to English subject. Mobile phones are part of

modern life; mobile phones were very essential nowadays. Mobile phones

provide many useful tools for students such as dictionary, translator and grammar

reference apps. Much like computers, students need to understand that their

phones aren’t for play or personal use, but to be used as learning tools.

Generally, Students get addicted to the Mobile Phones, It is clearly seen by

the researcher herself, maybe because we are living in the new generation,

where traditional teaching is getting unpopular these days. They are using their

mobile phones, anytime, anywhere.


The English Learning Process is decreasing because students also been

continue to use cell phones for non-educational purposes during class instruction,

even when they are aware of the negative side-effects of cell phone usage in the

classroom. Another reason students use their cell phones in class (e.g.,

messaging, looking at social media, gaming) is because they believe they can


Mobile Phones are also wonderful ways to promote English learning

process, in using them in positive ways. While using mobile phones for non-task

related purposes during class time has been shown to have negative outcomes

on student learning; it also has a negative effect on students in close proximity.

The researcher decides to do this study to prove that mobile phones do lots of

relevant things, especially in searching and seeking more in English and can

improve its learning process. For the students know their limits in using mobile

phones inside and outside the classroom.


Technology has undergone significant progression that benefits many,

including educational stakeholders. Smartphones, the Internet-enabled devices

incorporated with computer applications and software, are among the eminent

breakthroughs in this latest century.

This collection is directed towards anyone interested in the use of mobile

learning for various applications. Readers will discover how to design learning

materials for delivery on mobile technology and become familiar with the best

practices of other educators, trainers, and researchers in the field as well as the

most recent research initiatives in mobile learning.


In the present research, the researcher finds the Effects of Mobile phones in

the English Learning process.

The conceptual framework of the study is presented in the form of paradigm


Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Performance of Grade 10
students in english
learning process in terms
► Reading of:

► Academic language

FIGURE 1. The Research Paradigm of the study

This study frames shows that the independent variable consist of Effects of

mobile phones that can be use to improve the English learning process such as

Academic language and reading comprehension. The dependent variables


consist of performance of Grade 10 students in Gov. Felicisimo T. San Luis

Integrated Senior High School based on their Academic Performance.

Statement of the problem

The main purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of mobile

phones in the English learning process of Grade 10 students in GFTSISHS S.Y.


Specifically the study seeks to answer the following questions.

1. What is the level of the performance of Grade 10 students in the English

learning process in terms of:

1.1 Academic language; and

1.2 Reading comprehension?

2. What is the level of performance of Grade 10 students in terms of:

2.1 Academic Performance

3. Is there a significant effect of using mobile phones in the English learning

process of Grade 10 students?


There is no effect of using mobile phones in the English learning process.



This study determined the effectiveness of mobile phones in the English

learning process among Grade 10 students. It was conducted in Gov. Felicisimo

T. San Luis Integrated Senior High School S. Y. 2018 - 2019.


This study will benefit the following.

Students. They will be more aware on the cause and effects of mobile

phones, If properly managed, cell phones can be used as tools to help students

to learn in the classroom.

Teachers. Instead of using traditional teaching, teachers can now use Mobile

phones to send information or lesson to the students through social media or

through bluetooth.

Researcher. As future educator ot will help develop their skills in English

learning process and motivate to their studies.


The words and terms are defined based on their formation to the forgoing

research study.

English Learning Process. Knowledge or skill acquired by instruction

or study people of good education and considerable learning.


Mobile phones. Mobile phones are simply another tool for students to

access the internet, and quickly gain information that will help them in any


Academic performance. It is used to collect data from the student skills

and measure their achievement and the effectiveness of the study.

SOP (Statement of the problem). The problem statement describes

the context for the study and it also identifies the general analysis approach.

Chapter 2


Related Literature

Ozdemir (2009) cited Indeed, it is really necessary to read comprehensively. It

really affects a learner’s education and his life as a whole.

According to Al- Khateeb (2010) "reading comprehension is considered the real

core for the reading process; and a big process around which all other processes are


Baumann (2009) With good, or sufficient reading comprehension, the students

may increase their knowlegde.

The above literature is related because mobile phones can affect the reading

comprehension of a student.

“Academic language proficiency is knowing and being able to use general and

content-specific vocabulary, specialized or complex grammatical structures — all for

the purpose of acquiring new knowledge and skills, interacting about a topic, or

imparting information to others,” (Bailey, 2007).

Academic language refers to the language used in school to acquire new or

deeper understanding of the content and communicate that understanding to others

Gottlieb & Ernst-Slavit (2013)


William Nagy and Dianna Townsend (2012), “Learning academic language is not

learning new words to do the same thing that one could have done with other words;

it is learning to do new things with language and acquiring new tools for these


The above literature is related because academic language is one of the effects

of mobile phones which may to enhance the students’ learning process since

Academic Language is believed to be one of the most important factors in the

academic success of English Language learners (ELLs).

Jackson etal (2014) cited that mobile phones’ usage is negatively impacting

students’ negative performance. This means that the students who are using mobile

phones more are having low grade point average (GPA)

Abdullah AL-Mutairi (2011) cited the academic performance of the student is

affected by communication skills; it is possible to see communication as a variable

which may be positively related to performance of the student in open learning.

Chen and Tzeng (2010) found that using the Internet for information seeking was

associated with better academic performance, while using the Internet for video

game playing was associated with lower levels of academic performance.

The above literature has relevance to the subject used related to identify if

learners undestand the topic based on their performances during on their academic

performance and might had affected the Learning process of studdents in English.

Chapter 3


This chapter describes and discusses how the researchers will gather the

necessary data and information that will be use in the entire study. It describes who

will be the respondents and focus of the research. This also shows the procedure of

data collection and instruments used; these chapters also discuss the type of

research, research method, and the research locale where the study will be


Research Design

Quantitative research design will be used to this study to determine the

effectiveness of mobile phones in the and learning process of Grade 10 students in


Research Instrument

A questionnaire will use as the main data-gathering instrument for this study. It

was divided into two main sections: the profile and the questionnaire proper.

The profile contains socio- demographic characteristics of respondents such as

name, age, gender.

Locale of the study


The research will be conducted in Governor Felicisimo T. San Luis Integrated

Senior High School located in RECS Village, Santa Cruz, Laguna.

Subject of the Study

The respondents of this study will be the selected Grade 10 students of Gov.

Felicisimo T. San Luis Integrated Senior High School. These respondents are the

ones who are knowledgeable enough to answer the problems posed in the present

study. They will answer the questionnaire that the researchers gave them which

supplies the information that the researchers need.

Sampling Technique

Students of Gov. Felicisimo T. San Luis Integrated Senior High School S.Y.

2018-2019 will obtain their scores who will fell down with a total population of 50

respondents; the respondents will select by random sampling of the academic

performance of the students

Statistical treatment of data

The responses will be tabulated as basis for statistical treatment of the data. This

will be done in order to determine the Variables Related to the Effects of mobile

phones in the English Learning process

In order to analyze and interpret the data gathered, the following statistical tools

will be utilized in the study.

Weighted Mean and Standard Deviation were as follows:

Weighted Mean

∑ 𝑓𝑋
𝑋 =

Where: 𝑥
̅̅̅= Mean

∑ 𝑓𝑋 = Sum of the product of the frequency and the class mark

N = Total number of respondents

Standard Deviation

∑ 𝑓𝑑²
SD = √ 𝑁

SD = Standard Deviation

∑ 𝑓𝑑² = Sum of the product of frequency and squared deviation

N = Total number of respondents

The Pearson’s r

√(∑𝑥 2 (∑𝑥)²)(∑𝑦²(∑𝑦)²)


N = number of pairs scores

∑xy = sum of the pair scores

∑x = sum of x scores

∑y = sum of y scores

∑x² = sum of the squared x scores

∑y² = sum of squared y scores

Research Procedure

The researcher will ask for the approval of the class president of different

sections to answer the survey questionnaires that the researchers do. The validity of

the questionnaires about the Effects of mobile phones in the english learning

process of Grade 10 students in Gov. Felicisimo T. San Luis Integrated Senior High

School was rated by the fifty (50) respondents including twentyfive (25) males and

twentyfive (25) females.



Abdullah AL-Mutairi (2011) retrieved from


Al Khateeb, O. (2010). The Impact of Using KWL Strategy on Grade Ten Female

Students' Reading Comprehension of Religious Concepts in Ma'an City. Retrieved

August 10, 2010 from World Wide Web

Bailey (2007) retrieved from



Baumann, J. (2009) retrieved from


Chen, S. Y., & Tzeng, J. Y. (2010). College female and male heavy Internet users’

profiles of practices and their academic grades and psychosocial adjustment.

Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 13, 257-262.

Jackson etal (2014) retrieved from

Gottlieb & Ernst-Slavit (2013) retrieved from



Nagy, W. and Townsend, D (2012) retrieved from



Ozdemir, A. (2010). The effect of reading comprehension abilities primary school

students over their problem solving achievement. Retrieved October 10, 2010, from 067948/

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