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Introduction to Law The Government Service Insurance System

Atty. Almendral (GSIS) decided to sell through public
bidding 30% to 51% of the issued and
outstanding shares of the Manila Hotel
Chapter III – Constitution (MHC). In a close bidding, two bidders
participated: Manila Prince Hotel
Case Digests Compilation Corporation (MPHC), a Filipino corporation,
which offered to buy 51% of the MHC at
Pages: 10 P41.58 per share, and Renong Berhad, a
Malaysian firm, with ITT Sheraton as its
Disclaimer: Read at your own risk hotel operator, which bid for the same
number of shares at P44.00 per share, or
Table of Contents: P2.42 more than the bid of petitioner.
1. Manila Prince Hotel Vs GSIS Pending the declaration of Renong Berhard
2. Nitafan vs. CIR as the winning bidder and the execution of
3. Government vs. Springer the contracts, the MPHC matched the bid
4. Marcos vs. Manglapus price in a letter to GSIS. MPHC sent a
5. In re Cunanan manager’s check to the GSIS in a
subsequent letter, which GSIS refused to
6. Angara vs. Electoral
accept. On 17 October 1995, perhaps
Commission apprehensive that GSIS has disregarded
7. Amores vs. HRET the tender of the matching bid, MPHC came
8. Francisco vs. HRET to the Court on prohibition and mandamus.
9. Civil Liberties Union vs. Petitioner invokes Sec. 10, second par.,
Executive Art. XII, of the 1987 Constitution and
10. Chiongbian vs. De Leon submits that the Manila Hotel has been
11. Macalintal vs. COMELEC identified with the Filipino nation and has
practically become a historical monument
which reflects the vibrancy of Philippine
MANILA PRINCE HOTEL VS. heritage and culture. Respondents assert
GSIS that Sec. 10, second par., Art. XII, of the
G.R. NO. 122156; February 3, 1987 Constitution is merely a statement of
1997 principle and policy since it is not a self-
FACTS: executing provision and requires
implementing legislation(s).
The Filipino First Policy enshrined in the
1987 Constitution, i.e., in the grant of ISSUE/S:
rights, privileges, and concessions covering 1. Whether or not Article XII Sec. 10 of the
the national economy and patrimony, the Constitution is self-executing
State shall give preference to qualified 2. Whether or not the Manila Hotel forms
Filipinos, is invoked part of the national patrimony
by petitioner in its bid to acquire 51% of
the shares of the Manila Hotel Corporation HELD:
(MHC) which owns the historic Manila 1. Yes. Sec 10, Art. XII of the 1987
Hotel. Opposing, respondents maintain Constitution is a self executing provision.
that the provision is not self-executing but A provision which lays down a general
requires an implementing legislation for its principle, such as those found in Article II
enforcement. Corollary, they ask whether of the 1987 Constitution, is usually not self-
the 51% shares form part of the national executing. But a provision that is complete
economy and patrimony covered by the in itself and becomes operative without the
protective mantle of the Constitution. aid of supplementary or enabling
legislation, or that which supplies sufficient
rule by means of which the right it grants
may be enjoyed or protected, is self prohibit the Commissioner of Internal
executing. Section 10, second paragraph, Revenue and the Financial Officer of the
Art. XII of the 1987 Constitution is a Supreme Court from making deductions of
mandatory, positive command which is withholding taxes from their salaries.
complete in itself and which needs no
further guidelines or implementing laws or According to the petitioners, the tax
rules for its enforcement. From its very withheld from their compensation as
words the provision does not require any judicial officers is a violation of Section 10,
legislation to put it in operation. Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution which
2. Yes. In its plain and ordinary meaning, states that:
the term patrimony pertains to heritage.
When the Constitution speaks of national “The salary of the Chief Justice and of the
patrimony, it refers not only to the natural Associate Justices of the Supreme Court,
resources of the Philippines, as the and of judges of lower courts shall be fixed
Constitution could have very well used the by law. During their continuance in office,
term natural resources, but also to the their salary shall not be decreased”.
cultural heritage of the Filipinos. Manila
Hotel has become a landmark - a living
In other words, by deducting withholding
testimonial o Philippine heritage. While it
taxes, the judges asserted that their
was restrictively an American hotel when it
salaries are being decreased, citing
first opened in 1912, it immediately
Perfecto vs. Meer and Dencia vs. David as
evolved to be truly Filipino. Formerly a
their legal basis.
concourse for the elite, it has since then
become the venue of various significant
event which have shaped Philippine In particular, since the 1987 Constitution
history. It was called the Cultural Center of does not contain a provision similar to
the 1930s. It was the site of the festivities Section 6, Article XV of the 1973
during the inauguration of the Philippine Constitution, petitioners claimed that the
Commonwealth. Dubbed as the Official intent of the framers was to revert to the
Guest House of the Philippine original concept of “non-diminution” of
Government it plays host to dignitaries and salaries.
official visitors who are accorded the
traditional Philippine hospitality For more The Chief Justice had actually dealt with
than eight (8) decades Manila Hotel has this matter previously in response to
bore mute witness to the triumphs and representations that the Court direct its
failures, loves and frustrations of the Finance Officer to discontinue the
Filipinos; its existence is impressed with withholding of taxes from salaries of
public interest; its own historicity members of the Bench. While the question
associated with our struggle for has been resolved, the Court decided to
sovereignty, independence and settle the legal issues through a judicial
nationhood. Verily, Manila Hotel has pronouncement.
become part of our national economy and
patrimony. ISSUE/HELD:

Whether members of the judiciary are

Nitafan vs. CIR, G.R. No. 78780, subject to payment of income tax – YES
July 23, 1987
Members of the judiciary are subject to
payment of income tax
Petitioners are qualified judges of the
Regional Trial Court. They sought to
This payment of income tax does not fall committee created by Acts. No. 2705(Sec
within the constitutional protection against 4) and 2822 (Sec 2). The GPI instituted an
decrease of their salaries during their original action of quo warranto against the
continuance in office. Further, the deletion newly appointed directors, assailing the
of the grant of exemption from payment of validity of the said acts which provide: "The
income tax to members of the Judiciary voting power of all such stock (in the
was a way of ensuring the equality of the National Coal Company) owned by the
three branches of government. Government of the Philippine Islands shall
be vested exclusively in a committee
Based on jurisprudence, it was concluded consisting of the Governor-General, the
that the true intent of the framers was to President of the Senate, and the Speaker
make the salaries of members of the of the House of Representatives."
Judiciary taxable, as is applicable to all Reference was made therein that the
income earners. provisions of the statutes passed by the
Phil. Legislature creating a voting
The course of deliberations, debates, and committee or board of control, and
amendments on the draft proposal of enumerating the duties and powers thereof
Section 10, Article VIII further clarified the with respect to certain corporation in which
issue: the Philippine Gov is the owner of stock, are
Commissioner Cirilo Rigos’s proposal, that
the term “diminished” be changed to
Whether or not the Phil Legislature has the
“decreased” and that the word “nor
power to appoint officials.
subjected to income tax” be deleted, was
Commissioner Joaquin G. Bernas Sec. 22 of the Organic Act, "That all
announced that by putting a period after executive functions of the government
“decreased”, it is with the understanding must be directly under the Governor-
that the salaries of justices are subject to General or within one of the executive
tax. He cited that this is based on the departments under the supervision and
understanding that there will be a provision control of the Governor-General." At the
in the Constitution similar to Section 6 of very least, the performance of duties
Article XV, the General Provisions of the appurtenant to membership in the voting
1973 Constitution, which states that no committee is an executive function on the
salary of any public officer shall be exempt Government, which the Organic Act
from payment of income tax. requires must be subject to the
unhampered control of the Government-
Due to these issues, Fr. Bernas stated that General. The administrative domination of
the ruling in Perfecto vs Meer and Dencia a governmentally organized and controlled
vs David were not applicable anymore. corporation is clearly not a duty germane
to the law-making power.
GPI vs Spinger
Marcos vs Manglapus
50 Phil 259 G.R. No. L-26979 April 1 1927 G.R. No. 88211 September 15 1989
[Appointing Power of the Chief Executive]
FACTS: Former President Marcos, after his and his
Spinger, Costas and Hilario were elected to family spent three year exile in Hawaii,
be the directors of the Nat'l Coal Company USA, sought to return to the Philippines.
by the legislative members (Senate The call is about to request of Marcos family
President and Speaker of the HoR) of the
to order the respondents to issue travel 1953……………………..72%
order to them and to enjoin the petition of 1954……………………..73%
the President's decision to bar their return 1955……………………..74%
to the Philippines.
Provided however, that the examinee shall
ISSUE: have no grade lower than 50%.
Whether or not, in the exercise of the Section 2 of the Act provided that “A bar
powers granted by the Constitution, the candidate who obtained a grade of 75% in
President may prohibit the Marcoses from any subject shall be deemed to have
returning to the Philippines. already passed that subject and the
grade/grades shall be included in the
RULING: computation of the general average in
Yes subsequent bar examinations.”
According to Section 1, Article VII of the ISSUE:
1987 Constitution: "The executive power Whether of not, R.A. No. 972 is
shall be vested in the President of the constitutional.
Philippines." The phrase, however, does RULING:
not define what is meant by executive Section 2 was declared unconstitutional
power although the same article tackles on due to the fatal defect of not being
exercises of certain powers by the embraced in the title of the Act. As per its
President such as appointing power during title, the Act should affect only the bar
recess of the Congress (S.16), control of all flunkers of 1946 to 1955 Bar
the executive departments, bureaus, and examinations. Section2 establishes a
offices (Section 17), power to grant permanent system for an indefinite
reprieves, commutations, and pardons, time. It was also struck down for allowing
and remit fines and forfeitures, after partial passing, thus failing to take account
conviction by final judgment (Section 19), of the fact that laws and jurisprudence are
treaty making power (Section 21), not stationary.
borrowing power (Section 20), budgetary As to Section1, the portion for 1946-1951
power (Section 22), informing power was declared unconstitutional, while that
(Section 23). for 1953 to 1955 was declared in force and
The Constitution may have grant powers to effect. The portion that was stricken down
the President, it cannot be said to be was based under the following reasons:
limited only to the specific powers 1. The law itself admits that the
enumerated in the Constitution. Whatever candidates for admission who
power inherent in the government that is flunked the bar from 1946 to 1952
neither legislative nor judicial has to be had inadequate preparation due to
executive. the fact that this was very close to
the end of World War II;
IN RE CUNANAN 2. The law is, in effect, a judgment
94 PHIL. 534 revoking the resolution of the court
on the petitions of the said
FACTS: candidates;
Congress passed Rep. Act No. 972, or what 3. The law is an encroachment on the
is known as the Bar Flunkers Act, in 1952. Court’s primary prerogative to
The title of the law was, “An Act to Fix the determine who may be admitted to
Passing Marks for Bar Examinations from practice of law and, therefore, in
1946 up to and including 1955.” excess of legislative power to
Section 1 provided the following passing repeal, alter and supplement the
marks: Rules of Court. The rules laid down
1946-1951………………70% by Congress under this power are
1952 …………………….71% only minimum norms, not designed
to substitute the judgment of the concurrence of a majority of all its
court on who can practice law; and members is essential to the conclusion of
4. The pretended classification is treaties. Furthermore, its power to
arbitrary and amounts to class determine what courts other than the
legislation. Supreme Court shall be established, to
As to the portion declared in force and define their jurisdiction and to appropriate
effect, the Court could not muster enough funds for their support, the National
votes to declare it void. Moreover, the law Assembly controls the judicial department
was passed in 1952, to take effect in 1953. to a certain extent. The Assembly also
Hence, it will not revoke existing Supreme exercises the judicial power of trying
Court resolutions denying admission to the impeachments. The Judiciary, in turn, with
bar of an petitioner. The same may also the Supreme Court as the final arbiter
rationally fall within the power to Congress effectively checks the other departments in
to alter, supplement or modify rules of the exercise of its power to determine the
admission to the practice of law. law, and hence to declare executive and
legislative acts void if violative of the
Angara vs Electoral Commission Constitution. This power of has been stated
in Section 2, Article VIII of the Constitution.
(G.R. No. L-45081)
Section 4, Article VI of the Constitution
Separation of Powers provides that “x x x The Electoral
Commission shall be the sole judge of all
FACTS: In the elections of September contests relating to the election, returns
1935, Jose Angara, Pedro Ynsua, Miguel and qualifications of the members of the
Castillo and Dionisio Mayor were National Assembly.” In view of the
candidates voted for the position of deliberations of the framers of the
member of the National Assembly in the Constitution, it is held that the Electoral
first district of Tayabas. The petitioner was Commission was acting within the
proclaimed member-elect for the said legitimate exercise of its constitutional
district for receiving the most number of prerogative in assuming to take cognizance
votes and thereafter took his oath in office. of the protest filed by the respondent
A Motion of Protest was filed by Ynsua Ynsua. The petition of writ of prohibition
against the election of the petitioner. The against the Electoral Commission is hereby
petitioner countered this with a Motion to denied.
Dismiss the Protest which was denied by
the Electoral Commission. Milagros Amores vs. HRET and
Emmanuel Joel J. Villanueva
ISSUES: Whether the Supreme Court has
jurisdiction over the Electoral Commission
and the subject matter of the controversy; G.R. No. 189600 June 29, 2010
Whether the said Electoral Commission
acted without or in excess of its jurisdiction This is a petition for certiorari challenging
in assuming cognizance of the protest filed the assumption of office of Emmanuel Joel
over the election of herein petitioner. J. Villanueva (private respondent) as
representative of the party-list
HELD: The National Assembly operates as organization Citizen’s Battle Against
a check on the Executive in the sense that Corruption (CIBAC) in the House of
its consent through its Commission on Representatives. The petitioner alleges
Appointments is necessary in the that, among other things, private
appointments of certain officers; and the respondent assumed office without a
formal proclamation issued by the office on July 10, 2007, especially
Commission on Elections (COMELEC); he considering that he admitted receiving his
was disqualified to be a nominee of the own Certificate of Proclamation only on
youth sector of CIBAC since, at the time of December 13, 2007. Private respondent
the filing of his certificate of nomination avers in the main that petitioner has not
and acceptance, he was already 31 years substantiated her claims of grave abuse of
old or beyond the age limit of 30 pursuant discretion against public respondent; and
to Section 9 of RA No. 7941, otherwise that he became a member of the overseas
known as the Party-List System Act.; and Filipinos and their families sector years
his change of affiliation from CIBAC’s youth before the 2007 elections.
sector to its overseas Filipino workers and
their families sector was not effected at ISSUE: Whether or not Section 9 and 15 of
least six months prior to the May 2007 RA No. 7941 apply to private respondent.
elections so as to be qualified to represent
the new sector under Section 15 of RA No. HELD:
7941. HRET (public respondent) dismissed
petitioner’s petition, finding that CIBAC
The Court finds no textual support for
was among the party-list organizations
public respondent’s interpretation that
which the COMELEC had partially
Section 9 applied only to those nominated
proclaimed as entitled to at least one seat
during the first three congressional terms
in the House of Representatives through
after the ratification of the Constitution or
National Board of Canvassers (NBC)
until 1998, unless a sectoral party is
Resolution No. 07-60 dated July 9, 2007. It
thereafter registered exclusively as
also found the petition which was filed on
representing the youth sector. Respecting
October 17, 2007 to be out of time, the
Section 15 of RA No. 7941, the Court fails
reglementary period being 10 days from
to find even an iota of textual support for
private respondent’s proclamation.
public respondent’s ratiocination that the
Respecting the age qualification for youth
provision did not apply to private
sectoral nominees under Section 9 of RA
respondent’s shift of affiliation from
No. 7941, public respondent held that it
CIBAC’s youth sector to itsoverseas Filipino
applied only to those nominated as such
workers and their families sector as there
during the first three congressional terms
was no resultant change in party-list
after the ratification of the Constitution or
affiliation. What is clear is that the wording
until 1998, unless a sectoral party is
of Section 15 covers changes in both
thereafter registered exclusively as
political party and sectoral affiliation. And
representing the youth sector, which
the latter may occur within the same party
CIBAC, a multi-sectoral organization, is
since multi-sectoral party-list organizations
not. In the matter of private respondent’s
are qualified to participate in the Philippine
shift of affiliation from CIBAC’s youth sector
party-list system. Hence, a nominee who
to its overseas Filipino workers and their
changes his sectoral affiliation within the
families sector, public respondent held that
same party will only be eligible for
Section 15 of RA No. 7941 did not apply as
nomination under the new sectoral
there was no resultant change in party-list
affiliation if the change has been effected
affiliation. Petitioner contends that, among
at least six months before the elections.
other things, public respondent created
Again, since the statute is clear and free
distinctions in the application of Sections 9
from ambiguity, it must be given its literal
and 15 of RA No. 7941 that are not found
meaning and applied without attempted
in the subject provisions, fostering
interpretation. This is the plain meaning
interpretations at war with equal protection
rule or verba legis, as expressed in the
of the laws; and NBC Resolution No. 07-60,
maxim index animi sermon or speech is the
which was a partial proclamation of winning
index of intention. A cardinal rule in
party-list organizations, was not enough
statutory construction is that when the law
basis for private respondent to assume
is clear and free from any doubt or October 22, 2003 for being insufficient in
ambiguity, there is no room for substance. To date, the Committee Report
construction or interpretation. There is only to this effect has not yet been sent to the
room for application. It is, therefore, House in plenary in accordance with the
beyond cavil that Sections 9 and 15 of RA said Section 3(2) of Article XI of the
No. 7941 apply to private respondent. The Constitution. Four months and three weeks
Court finds that private respondent was not since the filing on June 2, 2003 of the first
qualified to be a nominee of either the complaint or on October 23, 2003, a day
youth sector or the overseas Filipino after the House Committee on Justice
workers and their families sector in the voted to dismiss it, the second
May, 2007 elections. The records disclose impeachment complaint was filed with the
that private respondent was already more Secretary General of the House by
than 30 years of age in May, 2007, it being Representatives Gilberto C. Teodoro, Jr.
stipulated that he was born in August, and Felix William B. Fuentebella against
1975. Moreover, he did not change his Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr., founded
sectoral affiliation at least six months on the alleged results of the legislative
before May, 2007, public respondent itself inquiry initiated by above-mentioned
having found that he shifted to CIBAC’s House Resolution. This second
overseas Filipino workers and their families impeachment complaint was accompanied
sector only on March 17, 2007. by a "Resolution of
Endorsement/Impeachment" signed by at
ERNESTO B. FRANCISCO, JR. vs. least one-third (1/3) of all the Members of
the House of Representatives.
G.R. No. 160261. November 10, ISSUES:
2003. 1. Whether or not the filing of the second
impeachment complaint against Chief
Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr. with the House
FACTS: of Representatives falls within the one year
On July 22, 2002, the House of bar provided in the Constitution.
Representatives adopted a Resolution,
sponsored by Representative Felix William 2. Whether the resolution thereof is a
D. Fuentebella, which directed the political question – has resulted in a
Committee on Justice "to conduct an political crisis.
investigation, in aid of legislation, on the
manner of disbursements and expenditures
by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
of the Judiciary Development Fund (JDF)." HELD:
On June 2, 2003, former President Joseph 1. Having concluded that the initiation
E. Estrada filed an impeachment complaint takes place by the act of filing of the
against Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide Jr. impeachment complaint and referral to the
and seven Associate Justices of this Court House Committee on Justice, the initial
for "culpable violation of the Constitution, action taken thereon, the meaning of
betrayal of the public trust and other high Section 3 (5) of Article XI becomes clear.
crimes." The complaint was endorsed by Once an impeachment complaint has been
Representatives Rolex T. Suplico, Ronaldo initiated in the foregoing manner, another
B. Zamora and Didagen Piang Dilangalen, may not be filed against the same official
and was referred to the House Committee. within a one year period following Article
The House Committee on Justice ruled on XI, Section 3(5) of the Constitution. In fine,
October 13, 2003 that the first considering that the first impeachment
impeachment complaint was "sufficient in complaint, was filed by former President
form," but voted to dismiss the same on Estrada against Chief Justice Hilario G.
Davide, Jr., along with seven associate the provision of Sec. 13, Article VII
justices of this Court, on June 2, 2003 and of the 1987 Constitution
referred to the House Committee on Justice
on August 5, 2003, the second • The assailed provisions of EO 284
impeachment complaint filed by are as follows:
Representatives Gilberto C. Teodoro, Jr.
and Felix William Fuentebella against the Section 1: A cabinet member,
Chief Justice on October 23, 2003 violates undersecretary or assistant secretary or
the constitutional prohibition against the other appointive officials of the Executive
initiation of impeachment proceedings Department may in addition to his primary
against the same impeachable officer position, hold not more than two positions
within a one-year period. in the government and government
corporations and receive the corresponding
2.From the foregoing record of the compensation therefor.
proceedings of the 1986 Constitutional
Commission, it is clear that judicial power
Section 2: If they hold more positions
is not only a power; it is also a duty, a duty
more than what is required in section 1,
which cannot be abdicated by the mere
they must relinquish the excess position in
specter of this creature called the political
favor of the subordinate official who is next
question doctrine. Chief Justice Concepcion
in rank, but in no case shall any official hold
hastened to clarify, however, that Section
more than two positions other than his
1, Article VIII was not intended to do away
primary position.
with "truly political questions." From this
clarification it is gathered that there are
two species of political questions: (1) "truly Section 3: AT least 1/3 of the members of
political questions" and (2) those which the boards of such corporation should
"are not truly political questions." Truly either be a secretary, or undersecretary, or
political questions are thus beyond judicial assistant secretary.
review, the reason for respect of the
doctrine of separation of powers to be • 13, Article VII of the 1987
maintained. On the other hand, by virtue of Constitution, meanwhile, states
Section 1, Article VIII of the Constitution, that:
courts can review questions which are not
truly political in nature. Section 13. The President, Vice-President,
the Members of the Cabinet, and their
CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION, petitioner, deputies or assistants shall not, unless
otherwise provided in this Constitution,
hold any other office or employment during
THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, their tenure. They shall not, during said
respondent tenure, directly or indirectly, practice any
G.R. No. 83815 February 22, 1991 other profession, participate in any
business, or be financially interested in any
FACTS: contract with, or in any franchise, or special
privilege granted by the Government or
any subdivision, agency, or instrumentality
• The two petitions in this case sought
thereof, including government-owned or
to declare unconstitutional
controlled corporations or their
Executive Order No. 284 issued by
subsidiaries. They shall strictly avoid
then President Corazon C. Aquino.
conflict of interest in the conduct of their
• The petitioners alleged that Section
1, 2 and 3 of EO 284 contravenes
The spouse and relatives by consanguinity
or affinity within the fourth civil degree of
the President shall not, during his tenure, to hold multiple offices or employment
be appointed as Members of the which is a direct contravention of the
Constitutional Commissions, or the Office express mandate of Article VII, Section 13
of the Ombudsman, or as Secretaries, of the 1987 Constitution which prohibits
Undersecretaries, chairmen or heads of them from doing so, unless otherwise
bureaus or offices, including government- provided in the 1987 Constitution itself.
owned or controlled corporations and their
subsidiaries. The explained that the phrase “unless
otherwise provided in this constitution”
• PETITIONERS CONTENTION: EO must be given a literal interpretation to
284 adds exceptions to Section 13 refer only to those particular instances
of Article VII other than those cited in the constitution itself which are
provided in the constitution. Section 3 of Article VII (for VP) and Section
According to the petitioners, the 8 of Article VIII (for Secretary of Justice).
only exceptions against holding any
other office or employment in Thus, the PETITION is GRANTED.
government are those provided in
the Constitution namely: 1. The
Vice President (may be appointed
as a Member of the Cabinet under AL,
Section 3 par.2 of Article VII: “The
Vice-President may be appointed as 82 Phil. 771 (1949) (Constitutional
a Member of the Cabinet. Such Law – Citizenship)
appointment requires no
confirmation.”) and the secretary FACTS: Herein petitioner is a son of a
of justice (as an ex-officio member Chinese citizen who has been elected into
of the Judicial and Bar Council by office before the adoption of the
virtue of Sec. 8 of article VIII: “A Constitution, wherein said petitioner was
Judicial and Bar Council is hereby still a minor. Respondents seeks to cancel
created under the supervision of the petitioner’s registration certificates of
Supreme Court composed of the vessels and rescind the sale of vessels from
Chief Justice as ex officio Chairman, the same on the ground that the latter is
the Secretary of Justice, and a allegedly not a Filipino citizen and therefore
representative of the Congress as not qualified to operate and own vessels of
ex officio Members, a Philippine registry.
representative of the Integrated
Bar, a professor of law, a retired ISSUE: Whether or not petitioner is a
Member of the Supreme Court, and Filipino citizen.
a representative of the private
sector.”) HELD: Yes, because the petitioner, aside
from the fact that he was a minor at the
ISSUE: Whether or not EO 284 is time of the adoption of the
unconstitutional Constitution, follows the citizenship of his
father who having been elected to public
HELD: Yes. EO 284 is office before the adoption of the said
UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Constitution became a Filipino citizen as
provided by the same (Art. IV, 1987
The court said, by allowing Cabinet Constitution).
members, undersecretaries or assistant
secretaries to hold at least two positions in Macalintal vs. COMELEC G.R. No.
the government and government 157013. July 10, 2003 Suffrage,
corporations, EO 284 actually allows them
Overseas Absentee Voting

This is a petition for certiorari and Contrary to petitioner’s claim that Section
prohibition filed by Romulo B. Macalintal, a 5(d) circumvents the Constitution,
member of the Philippine Bar, seeking a Congress enacted the law prescribing a
declaration that certain provisions of system of overseas absentee voting in
Republic Act No. 9189 (The Overseas compliance with the constitutional
Absentee Voting Act of 2003) suffer from mandate. Such mandate expressly requires
constitutional infirmity. Claiming that he that Congress provide a system of
has actual and material legal interest in the absentee voting that necessarily
subject matter of this case in seeing to it presupposes that the “qualified citizen of
that public funds are properly and lawfully the Philippines abroad” is not physically
used and appropriated, petitioner filed the present in the country. The petition was
instant petition as a taxpayer and as a partly GRANTED. The following portions of
lawyer. R.A. No. 9189 are declared VOID for being
Petitioner posits that Section 5(d) is
unconstitutional because it violates Section 17. a) The phrase in the first sentence
1, Article V of the 1987 Constitution which of the first paragraph of Section
requires that the voter must be a resident 17.1, to wit: “subject to the
in the Philippines for at least one year and approval of the Joint Congressional
in the place where he proposes to vote for Oversight Committee;”
at least six months immediately preceding 18. b) The portion of the last paragraph
an election. Petitioner cites the ruling of the of Section 17.1, to wit: “only upon
Court in Caasi vs. Court of Appeals to review and approval of the Joint
support his claim. In that case, the Court Congressional Oversight
held that a green card holder immigrant to Committee;”
the United States is deemed to have 19. c) The second sentence of the first
abandoned his domicile and residence in paragraph of Section 19, to wit:
the Philippines. “The Implementing Rules and
Regulations shall be submitted to
Petitioner further argues that Section 1, the Joint Congressional Oversight
Article V of the Constitution does not allow Committee created by virtue of this
provisional registration or a promise by a Act for prior approval;” and
voter to perform a condition to be qualified 20. d) The second sentence in the
to vote in a political exercise; that the second paragraph of Section 25, to
legislature should not be allowed to wit: “It shall review, revise, amend
circumvent the requirement of the and approve the Implementing
Constitution on the right of suffrage by Rules and Regulations promulgated
providing a condition thereon which in by the Commission” of the same
effect amends or alters the aforesaid law;
residence requirement to qualify a Filipino
abroad to vote. He claims that the right of for being repugnant to Section 1, Article IX-
suffrage should not be granted to anyone A of the Constitution mandating the
who, on the date of the election, does not independence of constitutional
possess the qualifications provided for by commission, such as COMELEC. Pursuant
Section 1, Article V of the Constitution. to Section 30 of R.A. No. 9189, the rest of
the provisions of said law continues to be
ISSUE: in full force and effect.

Is RA 9189 [Overseas Absentee Voting Act

of 2003], valid & constitutional?

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