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Electrolysis Apparatus

 What do you think would happen if you ran an electric current through a glass of water? If you
set it up just right, you might see bubbles of gas rising to the surface. What is happening inside
the water to make the bubbles? It's a process called electrolysis that uses electricity to separate
chemical compounds. Inside the glass of water, water molecules are being split to produce
hydrogen and oxygen gas, which bubbles to the surface. The word electrolysis comes from the
Greek lysis which means 'to dissolve' or 'break apart.'

Although the bubbling water looks pretty cool, electrolysis can do much more than just make
water bubble. It can be used to create oxygen for astronauts on the space station, extract pure
metals from metallic compounds, and even make pennies!

What you will need

 Glue
 ruler
 alcohol lamp/safety matches
 stripping knife
 dry cells (1.5 V)
 2 paper clips (bulldog type)
 3 disposable syringes (10 mL)
 2 stainless steel screws # 6 (2 x 12)
 2 connecting wires (red and black)
 iron nail (about 6 cm)
 plastic bottle (1 L, 8 cm in diameter or more ), preferably thick and hard
 hard plastic straw or dextrose plastic tube (6 cm long)

Uses of electrolysis:

1. Electrolysis is used in the extraction of metals from their ores. For example, when a current is
passed through molten sodium chloride, sodium is deposited at the cathode and chlorine gas is
evolved at the anode. Aluminium and potassium are also extracted by electrolysis.
2. It is used for refining certain metals such as copper and zinc.
3. Electrolysis is used for the manufacture of chlorine. In submarines, oxygen produced by the
electrolysis of water is used for breathing.
4. Electrolysis is used for electroplating many things we use every day.

2. Gyroscope

 A gyroscope is a device for measuring or maintaining orientation, based on the principles of

angular momentum. Mechanically, a gyroscope is a spinning wheel or disc in which the axel is
free to assume any orientation. Although this orientation does not remain fixed, it changes in
response to an external torque much less and in a different direction than it would with the
large angular momentum associated with the disc’s high rate of spin and moment of inertia. The
devices orientation remains nearly fixed, regardless of the mounting platform’s motion, because
mounting the device in a gimbal minimizes external torque.

A free gyroscope maintain its axis. Gyroscope can be used to construct gyrocompasses, which
complement or replace magnetic compasses (ships, aircraft and spacecraft, vehicles in generals),
to assist in stability (hubble space, telescope, bicycles, motorcycles, and ships) or be used as part
of an inertial guidance system. Gyroscopic effects are used in tops, boomerangs, yo-yos, and
powerballs. Many other rotating devices, such as flywheels, behave in the manner of a
gyroscope, although the gyroscopic effects is not being used. When the gyroscope is not free
(under the influence of torques), it exhibits a number of behaviors including precession and

Modern uses: in addition to being used in compasses, aircraft, computer pointing devices, etc.
gyroscopes have been introduced into consumer electronics. Since the gyroscope allows the
calculation of orientation and rotation, designers have incorporated them into modern
technology. The integration of the gyroscope has allowed for more accurate recognition of
movement within a 3D space than the previous accelerometer within a number of smartphones.

Heat transfer in an incandescent lamp

 How much of an incandescent lamp's electric power input is wasted by thermal conduction from
the filament? If these losses are substantial, their reduction could significantly improve the
operating efficiency of incandescent lamps.
 This project is an experimental study of the thermal behavior of an incandescent lamp, looking
for opportunities to improve lamp efficiency.

3. Galvanometer

 In electronics, a galvanometer is an instrument used to detect and measure electric current. It

isn’t surprising that most people don’t know how it works as we seldom use this device in our
day-to-day life. The working principle of a galvanometer is quite interesting, and if you thought
it would be boring like all the other science projects you did in your school, you are surely in for
a surprise.
 In 1820, Danish physicist, Hans Christian Oersted noted that a magnetic needle gets deflected as
it comes in contact with an electric current. This observation eventually became the basic
principle of the working of a galvanometer. In the same year, German physicist, Johann
Schweigger worked on this principle and came up with the first galvanometer. The credit for the
invention of the first moving-coil galvanometer, which is widely used even today, goes to the
French physicist, Jacques Arsene D’Arsonval. A few years later, Edward Weston made quite a
few changes to this design and improvised it.

Principle of Galvanometer

The potentiometer is based on the premise that the current sustaining coil is kept between the
magnetic field experiences a torque.
Galvanometer – How Does It Work

The galvanometer works on the basis of electromechanical transduction, which responds to the
current that it is subjected to on the basis of the strength of the current and its rate of flow. Other
than these two factors, it also responds to any sort of stimuli, which strengthens the current, or
blockage, which weakens the current. Among the various types of galvanometers, the two most
commonly used ones are:

▶ Moving-coil galvanometer with the coil either mounted on pivots or suspended by thin metal

▶ Moving-magnet galvanometer with the needle mounted on the pivot in itself being a permanent
magnet surrounded by the coil.

The galvanometer has following applications. They are

It is used for detecting the direction of current flows in the circuit. It also determines the null point of
the circuit. The null point means the situation in which no current flows through the circuit.

It is used for measuring the current.

The voltage between any two points of the circuit is also determined through galvanometer.

5. Hooke’s Law Apparatus

 Hooke’s law gives the relationship between the force applied to an unstretched spring and the
amount the spring is stretched.
 To conduct an experiment to determine how the extension of a spring varies with the stretching
 A spring is hung vertically from a fixed point and force is applied in stages by hanging weights
from the spring.

6. Free Energy Generator using Magnet

7. Electroscope

 An electroscope is a scientific device that is used to detect the presence of an electric

charge on a body. In the year 1600, British physician William Gilbert invented the first
electroscope with a pivoted needle called versorium.

Electroscope detects the charge based on the Coulomb electrostatic force which causes the
motion of test charge. Electroscope can be regarded as a crude voltmeter as the electric charge
of an object is equal to its capacitance. An instrument that is used to measure the charge
quantitatively is known as an electrometer.

Working of Electroscope

The working principle of an electroscope is based on the atomic structure of elements, charge
induction, the internal structure of metal elements and the idea that like charges repel each
other while unlike charges attract each other.

An electroscope is made up of a metal detector knob on top which is connected to a pair of

metal leaves hanging from the bottom of the connecting rod. When no charge is present the
metals leaves hang loosely downward. But, when an object with a charge is brought near an
electroscope, one of the two things can happen.

When the charge is positive, electrons in the metal of the electroscope are attracted to the
charge and move upward out of the leaves. This results in the leaves to have a temporary
positive charge and because like charges repel, the leaves separate. When the charge is
removed, the electrons return to their original positions and the leaves relax.
When the charge is negative, the electrons in the metal of the electroscope repel and move
toward the leaves on the bottom. This causes the leaves to gain a temporary negative charge
and because like charges repel, the leaves again separate. Then when the charge is removed,
the electrons return to their original position and the leaves relax.
An electroscope responds to the presence of a charge through the movement of electrons
either into or away from, the leaves. In both cases, the leaves separate. It is important to note
that the electroscope cannot determine if the charged object is positive or negative – it is only
responding to the presence of an electrical charge.

Following are the uses of electroscope:

 It is used to detect the static charges.

 The nature of electric charges can be determined using an electroscope.
 The magnitudes of two different charges can be compared using an electroscope.


 Glass jar with lid

 Awl
 2'' of plastic straw
 10'' of 14 gauge copper wire
 Hot glue
 Pliers
 Balloon
 Any other materials you'd like to test for a charge, such as carpet, rubber, or vinyl 2 - 2''
square pieces of aluminum foil (or gold leaf)

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