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The review of the literature for this study focuses on

creating computerize inventory system for Cavite State
University Marketing Main Campus. In order to create we
need to find some helpfull resources about the study.

Related Literature Janes (2001) stated that computers are

extremely reliable device and very powerful calculators with
some great accessories applications like word processing
problem for all of business activities, regardless of size,
computers have three advantages over other type of office
equipment that process information because computer are
faster, more accurate more economical. Reyes (2005) task
would be time consuming to accomplish manually and
more practical with the aid of …show more content…
For the mere fact that instead of doing things manually,
with the use of computer technology everything is done
Huntchinson (2001) stated that file is a collection of
related records. Examples are the entire student’s courses
card for Anthropology 101 or the transcript of all courses in
the register’s office.
Sander (2002) computers are an intelligence amplifier that
can free human to use their time effectively. Because a
computer is a fast and accurate electronic symbol or data
manipulating system that design automatically accept and
store input data process and procedure output results
under the direction of the stored program or instruction.
Towsand (2005) stated that database is structed collection
of data. The data may be about people, product events in
short, any type of information is to manage the collection of
data for reporting and making decision.
Adamski(2007) give some advantages of database
processing first economy of scale getting more information
from some amount of data, sharing data balancing
conflicting requirement, enforcement of standard,
controlled redundancy consisting integrity security
,flexibility and responsiveness ,increase programmers
productivity, improve program maintenance and data
Alcaria (2004) explained that the use of computer are
continue to grow, the need for a more timely information
and data processing comes on demand keeping the
records of

Wu. H.M. 148 reports the results of the library user survey, conducted in 1995 by the National Chiao-
Tung University, Taiwan. The study found that : the ratio of undergraduate and graduate users is almost
the same as that of the registered undergraduate and graduates students ; library users fall into 3
groups (undergraduate students, graduate students and professors); the major activities of
undergraduate students are Chinese publications for reading and self study. Major activities of
professors are Western publications reading and article copying; while the major activities of graduate
students tend to embrace those of the undergraduates and professors ; the rank (highest to lowest)
corresponding to library user satisfaction tends to be in the order graduates, undergraduates and
professors. All 3 groups tend to have the same user satisfaction regarding the library online public
access catalogue (OPAC), network, book borrowing rules but have different opinions with the services,
that are to be improved

Lin. J.T. etc 83 presents a study which aimed to examine the service use patterns in a university library
(the NTHU Library, China) and to compare these with the required service involvements. In particular, it
was found that different groups of readers have different user patterns. Furthermore, the results did not
show that the lower the degree of service involvement, the more the service was used, not that the
higher the degree of service involvement, the less the service was used.
Wei, W. 143 describes that study at the Science Library at the University of California, Santa Cruz,
employed both questionnaires and REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 131 focus groups techniques to
gain insight by users and their assessment of Science Library resources. The 2 techniques were
conducted with partial independence but conclusions were drawn by pulling together the results of
each, thereby capitalizing on the quantitative powers of questionnaires while using the flexibility and
synergy generated in focus group sessions. The results were examined by Science Library staff and
subsequent changes are in progress. The study documents efforts by library staff to efficiently and
accurately meet changing user needs.

Chopra, H.R. 25 presents the result of the survey of teachers and students of 15 colleges of Chandigarh
and highlights their library needs, purpose of visit, type of library material often consulted or borrowed
and REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 133 their information seeking behaviour. The result brings out the
extent of library and information services being provided in these college libraries. The user education
programmes being organized by some of the college libraries are described.

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