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DIRECTION: Read each question carefully.

Blacken the letter that corresponds to your answer in the answer

1. Anthony was fortunate to grow up in a well-to-do family; his father is a successful customs broker while his
mother is an accountant. He went to a prestigious university and took up a business course. What human variable
was shown in this institution?
a. Gender c. Religion
b. Nationality d. Socioeconomic status
2. Since childhood, Jean has demonstrated keen understanding of rhythms and sounds. She spends her days
humming. Despite her young age, she already participated in musical exhibitions. What human variable was
a. Ethnicity c. Gender
b. Exceptionality d. Nationality
3. Statelessness is defined by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees as a person who is not
considered as a national by any State under the operation of its law. What human variable was lost by a stateless
a. Ethnicity c. Nationality
b. Gender d. Socioeconomic status
4. The Filipino social scientist, Dr. Clarence Batan’s work on the istambay phenomenon in the country gave a
different perspective in an otherwise common problem found in urban areas. In what field of the social sciences
was the study beneficial?
a. Anthropology c. Political Science
b. Philosophy d. Sociology
5. The Filipino folklorist, Dr. Maximo Ramos pioneered the study of Philippine mythological creatures. He authored
several books about creatures from all over the country. In what field of the social sciences was the study
a. Anthropology c. Political Science
b. Philosophy d. Sociology
6. The study of the traditional concepts about illness particularly the connection of usog, kulam or pasma was
studied by Dr. Michael tan. In what field of the social sciences was the study beneficial?
a. Anthropology c. Political Science
b. Philosophy d. Sociology
7. The increasing number of “stay-at-home house bands” and their growing responsibility in looking after their
children and other household needs is an example of what kind of change?
a. Cultural Change c. Political Change
b. Historical Change d. Social Change
8. In recent years, there is a substantial change in the boundaries and sequences of love, marriage, sex and family.
This situation is an example of what kind of change?
a. Cultural Change c. Political Change
b. Historical Change d. Social Change
Read and analyse the following statements:
9. The support of adopting a federalist form of government is gaining popularity in most areas of the country. Some
Catholic parishes already allow young girls to serve as altar servers. What kinds of change is shown on the two
a. The first statement is about social change; the second statement is political change.
b. The first statement is about political change; the second statement is social change.
c. Both statements are about social change.
d. Both statements are about political change.
10. Our society experiences and undergoes changes, which of the following situations is not true about Philippine
a. The Filipino family has become less patriarchal or male-dominated.
b. There is a lesser wealth gap between rich and poor Filipino families.
c. Filipino women enjoy parity with men in terms of rights and opportunities
d. Philippine society had become more accepting of the LGBTQ community.
11. Elections are a political spectacle in the Philippines. Which of the following political phenomenon has not yet
happened in Philippine politics?
a. The candidates in local elections and dominated by a single family or clan.
b. During elections, candidates use scandalous rumors to discredit their opponents.
c. Political rallies should be entertaining; it should have celebrities, singers and dancers.
d. Majority of voters choose their candidates based from their platforms and plans for governance.
12. The subjects Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science all deals with human interaction. Why is it important
for individuals to have a clear understanding of its intersections?
a. These subjects teach individuals to be ethnocentric.
b. These subjects develop a pessimistic view about our country’s global standing.
c. These subjects encourage radicalism among citizens in order to change society.
d. These subjects teach the benefits of cultural relativism and social inclusiveness in a society.
13. The study of humanity, the diversity and similarity of the way a people live and establish relationship as social
and cultural beings is the focus of what field?
a. Anthropology c. Political Science
b. Philosophy d. Sociology
14. A young researcher went to a secluded, tribal community in the highlands of Davao in order to document their
customs and traditions. In what field in the social sciences is he majoring?
a. Anthropology c. Political Science
b. Philosophy d. Sociology
15. Alvins’ interest in reading focuses on the creation of laws and law enforcement. He plans to become a police
officer in the future. In what field in the social sciences is he interested in?
a. Anthropology c. Political Science
b. Philosophy d. Sociology
16. Culture can be defined either with an anthropological or sociological perspective, which of the following is not
accurate definition of it?
a. The learned set of beliefs, values, norms and materials goods shared by group members.
b. The activity through which people make, preserve and amend the general rules under which they live.
c. The ways of thinking, the ways of acting and the material objects that together from a people’s way of life.
d. That complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities
and habits acquired by man as a member of material culture.
17. Which of the following is an example of material culture?
a. Cooking of adobo c. Bayanihan tradition in rural areas
b. Use of anting-anting of agimat d. respecting elders through pagmamano
18. Different cultural groups in the world have their own courting and marriage rituals. How culture is best described
in this statement?
a. Culture is relative c. Culture is universal
b. Culture is pedicular d. Culture is spontaneous
19. When walking pass between two persons in the middle of a conversation, Filipinos will be excused themselves by
extending downward an arm. What example of symbolic culture is presented in the given example?
a. Gesture c. Norm
b. Language d. Sign
20. Our society values human life; it is the reason that taking a human life is personalized by the state. What example
of symbolic culture is presented in the given example?
a. Gesture c. Norm
b. Language d. Sign
21. In rural areas, when a woman got pregnant before marriage, she is considered to have violated what social norm?
a. Folkways c. Mores
b. Laws d. Taboos
22. Traditional Kalinga tattoos were once only given to head-hunters as a sign of their ability. Now, anyone who is
able to pay the price and willing to travel to the remote village of Apo Whang Od can get a Kalinga tattoo. It is a
compromise to make sure that their tattoo will get the attention. What aspect of culture is shown by the statement?
a. Culture is learned. c. Culture is all-encompassing
b. Culture is shared d. Culture can be adaptive or maladaptive
23. Society gives meaning on a thing or event then understands and appreciates such meaning. What aspect of culture
is explained by the statement?
a. Culture is learned. c. Culture is all-encompassing
b. Culture is shared d. Culture can be adaptive or maladaptive
24. Apo Whang Od is the only remaining tattoo artist or mambabatok of the Kalinga. Until her grandnephew’s
decision to learn traditional tattooing, it was feared that their tradition will be lost. What aspect of culture was
shown by her nephew continuing the tradition?
a. Culture is symbolic c. Culture is integrated
b. Culture is learned d. Culture is symbolic
25. Values are ideas that cultural groups cherish and honor. Which of the following is not an example of a value that
is still desirable among Filipinos?
a. We value utang na loob highly; it is a debt that must be repaid and last for a lifetime.
b. Most Filipinos give directions to los travellers; this demonstrates Filipinos’ willingness to help.
c. Filipinos are romantic people; kissing in public and other public displays of affection are accepted.
d. Respect evident among Filipinos; we call anyone kuya, ate, tita or tito even though we are not related.
26. Filipino culture is rich with sayings that teaches us the meaning of being Filipino. Which of the following has an
incorrect explanation?
a. “Daig ng maagap ang masipag” shows the importance of doing task promptly
b. “Habang may buhay, mag pag-asa” demonstrates resiliency I the face of hardship.
c. “Pag may tiyaga, may nilaga” exhibits the natural thriftiness or frugality of Filipino families.
d. “Kapag maikli ang kumot, matutong mamalukto” shows Filipinos’ acceptance of life’s hardships.
27. The OFW phenomenon caused a large number of Filipinos bam and raised in a foreign country. Which is not a
proper way to teach them about Philippine culture?
a. Let the children taste examples of Filipino cuisine.
b. Teach and practice common Filipino values at home.
c. Let them experience Filipino culture first hand by visiting the Philippines.
d. Provide the children with all the books and magazines about the Philippines.
28. What is the term used when an individual prioritizes understanding other cultures rather than labelling them as
“strange” or “exotic”?
a. Cultural relativism c. Cultural value
b. Cultural shock d. Ethnocentrisms
29. Different sets of people have their own distinguishing culture. Which of the following demonstrate Filipino high
a. The increasing interest of Filipino teenagers with Korean pop culture.
b. Filipino Muslims being influenced by ideas from terrorist group like Isis.
c. The growing number of restaurants that offers foreign cuisine to customers.
d. The numerous and well attended, customized car shows around the metropolis.
30. Sylvia grew up in a small, conservative, provincial town. she was fortunate enough to be able to study in Manila.
This experience changed the way she dresses and carry herself in public. When she returned home, the
townspeople were scandalized by her liberal ways of dressing. What kind of culture was shown in the given
a. Counterculture c. Popular culture
b. High culture d. Subculture
31. Intangible cultural heritage is the tradition-based creations of a cultural community. Which of the following is not
an example of it?
a. The Ifugao tugging game, punnuk c. the Ilocano epic of Biag Ni Lam-Ang
b. The Sarimanok statue of the Maranao d. the Hanunoo Mangyans Ambahan poetry.
32. The Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary is listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Which of the
following is not a threat to the mountain range?
a. The illegal collection of endemic wildlife from the area
b. Uncontrolled tourism related activities on the mountain range.
c. The increasing population of the indigenous people living around the range.
d. Unrestricted sale of forest to forest land to land developers and other commercial entities.
33. A cultural heritage site like Vigan has benefited from its inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List and
became a successful tourist destination. Its colonial-era houses exemplified the fusion of Spanish and Filipino
architectural styles. What is the best way to maximize its tourism potential without losing its cultural value?
a. Commercial establishment should be encouraged to invest in Vigan.
b. A long-term plan should be designed to properly manage and preserve the colonial houses.
c. The local government should launch a global tourism campaign to encourage more foreign visitors.
d. The colonial houses should be rehabilitated so that it can provide modern amenities like air-conditioning.
34. The human body has evolved after numerous generations. Which statement accurately describes our body’s
physiological evolution?
a. The human brain is the largest in all of the animal kingdom.
b. Bipedalism was instrumental in humanity’s increased mobility.
c. The development of language enabled humans to share their culture.
d. The human hands and feet are similar, in form and function, with other primates.
35. The British naturalist Charles Darwin was the proponent of the Theory of Evolution. Which of the following
mechanisms of genetic evolution is correctly explained?
a. Natural selection occurs when a change in an individual’s genes happened by chance.
b. A specie must be “fit to survive” in order to reproduce; it is explained by gene flow.
c. The exchange of genetic material between large populations of the same species is an indication of random
genetic drift.
d. occur when there is a change in the DNA molecules of a specie. This is a consequence of mutation.
36. The Neanderthals were the first homonid specie to properly demonstrate burial practices. Why was it significant
in humanity’s cultural evolution?
a. It demonstrated our ancestors’ close familial ties
b. It showed our ancestors’ hygienic practice
c. It demonstrated our ancestors’ belief in the afterlife.
d. It showed our ancestors’ concern for their dead members.
37. Food security brought by the Agricultural Revolution played a crucial turning point in humanity’s cultural
evolution. Which of the following artifacts was not a result of the Agricultural Revolution?
a. Bone flutes c. stoned sickle
b. Clay tablets d. wooden wheel
38. A foraging society is the simplest form of human society. Which of the following is a characteristic of a foraging
society in terms of social status?
a. Their society is egalitarian c. Their society is divided by access to resources
b. Their society id highly stratified d. Their society is egalitarian but with some gender stratification
39. Analyse the statements about horticultural and agricultural societies.
Horticultural societies practice shifting cultivation and uses hand tools to plant crops.
Agricultural societies rely on rain for watering their farmlands
a. Both statements are correct c. The first statement is correct, second in incorrect
b. Both statements are incorrect d. The first statement is incorrect, second in correct
40. The most important national archaeological and cultural treasures are concrete examples of the richness of our
history and culture. What serves as the primary repository of the country’s national treasures?
a. Ayala Museums c. Malacanang Palace
b. Central Bank of the Philippines d. National Museum of Anthropology
41. Museums have numerous collections of artifacts and art pieces. What is not a crucial reason to visit a museum?
a. It teaches about the importance of one’s culture.
b. It increases a person’s cultural awareness.
c. It encourages the protection of cultural treasures.
d. It gives a person as opportunity to spend time in an appropriate activity.
42. Which of the following artifacts found in the National Museum of Anthropology does not teach us about or pre-
historic ancestors’ way of life?
a. Balangahai c. Laguna Copperplate Inscription
b. Bronze cantons of the San Diego d. Manunggul Jar
43. Socialization is important for a person to develop his distinct personality. Which of the following statements is
not related to the concept of socialization?
a. The first agent of socialization, a person encounter is their family.
b. It is a lifelong social experience in which a person learns his culture
c. It is a person’s distinct pattern of acting and behaving.
d. It is a two-fold process of learning culture an internalizing value.
44. Numerous psychologist and sociologist formulated theories regarding the development of a person’s self. Which
of the following statements is incorrect about the theories of the self?
a. The Theory of the Social Self explains a person’s self through the concepts of id, ego and super ego.
b. According to Erikson’s Stages of Development, the self is a product of the challenges a person faced through
the course of his life.
c. According to the Looking Glass Self, the self develops through an individual’s perception of others’
evaluations and appraisals of them.
d. The Theory of Social Development believes a person’s self is related to his moral reasoning, judging
situations based from right and wrong.
45. The school is an important agent of socialization. Which of the following is not a role of the school in
a. It shapes future citizens of a country. c. It teaches individuals about the hidden curriculum.
b. It serves as a budge to other social group. d. It forms the earliest social and emotional bonds of a person.
46. A person’s status refers to all social position a person holds. Which of the following is an achieved status?
a. An aunt or uncle c. A grandson
b. An eldest son d. A professional engineer
47. Marco is a senior high school student; he studies hard to get high grades. He also a campus journalist; he is his
schools; contestant in journalism competitions. He is a basketball varsity player and trains regularly for an
upcoming competition. He also takes care of his mother who is suffering from diabetes. He finds it difficult to
balance all his responsibilities. Marco’s situation is an example of what concept about role?
a. Role Conflict c. Role Set
b. Role Exit d. Role Strain
48. Travis Hirschi’s Control Theory gave several considerations for a person to resist doing something wrong. Which
of the following does not affect a person’s decision to commit a wrongdoing?
a. Strong faith and morality c. Fear of losing strong bonds with loved one
b. The material benefit lost from wrongdoing d. Fear of losing a good reputation and opportunity
49. The political scientist Derek Heater defined civic virtue as an individual’s willingness to accept the
responsibilities that concerns for living in a community. In what situation does it is not clearly manifested?
a. Rodrigo volunteers as community watcher during weekends.
b. Paula read stories for children in their community-based reading and learning camps.
c. Allen brings out his unsegregated trash during the community-designed pick-up time.
d. Samantha believes in the community’s youth programs and encourages her friends to support its
50. In the Philippines, incidence of petty crimes committed by minors are increasing in an alarming rate. How should
it will be solved?
a. Lower the age of criminal liability so that more youth offenders can be jailed and persecuted.
b. The problem is best solved by leaving it to offender’s family and the local community council.
c. Strengthen the criminal justice system so that offenders can be persecuted quickly and efficiently.
d. Strengthen the institutions that protect the youth from violence and crime and provide more support centers
that reform youth offenders.

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