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Directions: Choose the best answer. Write only the letter.

1. it is the perception of individuals to accepted reality.
a. Outlook c. Knowledge
b. Beliefs d. Folkways
2. These are the customary patterns of everyday life that specify what is socially correct and proper in
everyday life.
a. Mores c. Folkways
b. Norms d. Laws
3. It is considered as the main relationship between sociology and anthropology.
a. Emergence of Community c. Language use by people
b. Culture shared by men d. Fossils of early human beings
4.It refers to the stable patterns or configurations of social relationships and social interactions in
a. Social structure c. Social System
b. Social reality d. Social Organization
5. It refers to the totality of what man has learned as a member of society.
a. Sociology c. Culture
b. Anthropology d. Psychology
6. The following are examples of material culture except…
a. Tools c. Dwelling units
b. Weapons d. Customs
7. They represent the standards we use to evaluate the desirability of things.
a. Fads c. Laws
b. Values d. Mores
8. This arises from the fact that cultures differ and each culture defines reality differently.
a. Indoctrination c. Ethnocentrism
b. Relativism d. Imitation
9. It is an attempt to judge behavior according to its cultural context.
a. Cultural Indoctrination c. Cultural Relativity
b. Subcultures d. Culture Shock
10. The following statements are characteristics of culture except…
a. It is learned and acquired. c. It is shared and transmitted.
b. It is deliberated and enacted. d. It gratifies human needs.
11. It is the genus of modern humans and the first group that came out of Africa.
a. Rama c. Homo
b. Australopithecus d. Homo habilis
12. The earliest tools used by prehumen primates.
a. Spears c. Swords
b. Broken pebbles d. Arrows
13. The natural process of biological change occurring in a population across successive generations.
a. Evolution c. Biology
b. Culture d. Sociology
14. It is considered as the earliest known fossil creature identified as definitely man-like in form.
a. Ramapithecus c. Pithecanthropus
b. Australopithecus d. Eutherian

15. It refers to the period of flaked and polished stone implements.

a. Mesolithic c. Neolithic
b. Paleolithic d. Marsupial Period
16. This species is also known as the “Handy Man”.
a. Homo erectus c. Homo sapiens
b. Homo habilis d. Homo rudolfensis
17. It refers to a relatively high level of cultural and technological development of human beings.
a. Society c. Knowledge
b. Community d. Folkways
18. The cultural differences among groups of people bounded by certain cultural and historical
commonalities that establish their unique identity.
a. Outlook c. Knowledge
b. Beliefs d. Folkways
19. This species is also known as the “Upright Man”.
a. Homo sapiens c. Knowledge
b. Beliefs d. Folkways
20. It refers to genetic variation among human groups that characterizes their common biological traits
along with supposedly correlated other traits.
a. Race c. Civilization
b. Ancestry d. Ethnicity
21. This is the human action by which one tends to duplicate more or less, or exactly, the behavior of
a. Imitation c. Modification
b. Motivations d. Socialization
22. it serves as the primary agency for socialization.
a. Media c. Church
b. School d. None of the above
23. it is the process and outcome of integration to society through association, social interaction, and
social activities.
a. Assimilation c. Socialization
b. Accommodation d. Mobilization
24. It is an institution that is established explicitly for the purpose of socializing people.
a. Government c. Family
b. Peer d. None of the above
25. The following are not examples of formal sanction except…
a. Expulsion System c. Collectivization
b. Criminal justice system d. None of the above
26. it refers to the rules that regulate the process of social interaction.
a. Folkways c. Norms
b. Values d. Fads
27. It refers to sanctions which involve informal penalties for not conforming.
a. Accommodation c. Assimilation
b. Imitation d. None of the above
28. It is defined as an act that violates a social norm.
a. Deviance c. Cooperation
b. Cooperation d. Conflict
29. This occurs when people reject and attempt to change both the goals and the means approved by
a. Innovation c. Ritualism
b. Conformity d. Rebellion
30. This occurs when people no longer set high success goals but continue to toil as conscientious,
diligent workers.
a. Conformity c. Ritualism
b. Innovation d. Retreatism
31. They embody the code of ethics and standards of morality in society.
a. Mores c. Folkways
b. Norms d. Fads
32. The following are modes of learning and acquiring culture except…
a. Diffusion c. Indoctrination
b. Imitation d. Conditioning
33. The following are four principal ways of cultural adaptation except…
a. Ethnocentrism c. Fission
b. Convergence d. Parallelism
34.These consist of tangible things such as technological tools, architectural, structures, fashion and
accessories, and food.
a. Material culture c. Non-material culture
b. Basic culture d. Commercial culture
35. The totality of social organization which includes the social structure and system.
a. Tribe c. Society
b. Community d. Nation
36. It is the scientific study of the state and politics which deals with the nature, principles, and
mechanics of rule, authority, power, and influence.
a. Political science c. Law
b. Social science d. Humanities
37. It is the scientific study of patterned, shared human behavior.
a. Anthropology c. Sociology
b. Psychology d. History
38. The branch of knowledge which deals with the scientific study of man, his works, his body, his
behavior and values, in time and space.
a. Science c. Psychology
b. Humanities d. Anthropology
39. Family structure that is based on residence that permits the newly married couple to live
a.Neolocal c. Bilocal
b. Patrilocal d. Avunculocal
40. The marriage of a woman to two or more men at the same time.
a. Monogamy c. Polygyny
b. Polyandry d. Endogamy

II. Directions: Write A if the statement is correct and B if it is not.

____1. Society is a product of man’s political and economic interest.
____2. People develop a culture of their own out of their learning and experiences from their
environmental exposure.
____3. Every human society is organized in such a way that they need to conform to governmental;
____4. Geographical space determines the appropriate culture for one specific society.
____5. Bipedalism is an important characteristic of Homo habilis.
____6. The evidences of a change in economic aspect have resulted in the transformation of man’s way
of life.
____7. Social control refers to the efforts of a group or society to regulate the behavior of its members.
____8. Ridicule, ostracism, and rejection are examples of informal sanctions.
____9. Interaction occurs when the action of one person causes another person or persons to oact.
___10. Gesellschaft is a type of group which is characterized by impersaonal, secondary, contractual,
and rationalized relationships.

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