Her Poetry and Later Works To Come

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Does a poet's influence in life solely reflect on his or her poetry and later works to come?

influences in a poet's life are associated to the era that he or she was raised in. In the Romantic
Era, Lord Byron applied his influences of different themes and images to his work as they stood
out in his life. Lord Byron uses the theme of life and death frequently in many of his poems to
show the importance of these themes in the Romantic Era. The meaning of life in Byron's work
is based on how he views his own life, and depicts it as light. The theme of life is shown when
he writes about the sun and expresses "The bright sun was extinguish'd" (BYRON 107). In this
particular poem, he talks about the sun as it reflects life because as the…show more content…
In this piece, the stars and space are introduced as images, which means that if the stars burn
out there will be no life left in the world. The theme of nature is also used to represent the
beauty of a woman. The readers can see how Byron demonstrates his view on beauty when he
wrote, "She walks in beauty, like the night" (BYRON 21). The author uses nature in his poems
because it has influenced him, and he relates his influences on nature to his many lovers.
Another method the author uses the theme of nature is when he relates it to his thoughts about
love and death. His thoughts on love and death are depicted when he says, "The flowers in
ripened bloom unmatched, must fall the earliest prey; though by no hand untimely snatched, the
leaves must drop away: And yet it were a greater grief to watch it withering, leaf by leaf, then
see it plucked today; Since earthly eye but ill can bear to trace the change to foul from fair."
(BYRON 41) The author develops the theme of nature by using images of leaves, and flowers,
as he was influenced by the death of one of his lovers, and talks about her grave site,
describing that even though the flowers make everything look beautiful, its only a matter of time
that the leaves whither away. Nature took an extraordinary effect on the writers of the Romantic
Era, and it presented itself to Byron
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not the tree of life.” - Lord Byron Lord Byron was exceptional poet whose work would stick
around forever and awe inspire many. Though born in the late 1700’s, Lord Byron was one of
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an unconventional lifestyle and producing a massive amount of emotion-stirring literary works,
Byron died at a young age in Greece

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poems, stories and the “Byronic Hero”. His work and life were adventurous. This only aided him
in creating his literary pieces. Lord George Gordon Noel Byron (1788-1824), better known as
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poems and their messages) Lord Byron, a generation two romantic poet who left an extremely
prominent mark in history. Along with his immense talent in poetry, he was also known for his
extreme interest in women. Clara Drummond, a romantics biographer explains, “Byron had
many lovers, and most biographers agree that he had relations with over 1,000 woman.” Aside
from his immoral activities his poetry is heavily influenced by Nature, as are most of the
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28, 1779. Just one of Byron’s many famous works is “To Time” published in 1806. The style and
content of Byron’s poems reflect experiences from his life. One of three influences in Byron's life
is his strange personality which is reflected through contradictions and strange variations in his
writings. An unfortunate marriage helped develop a sense of bitterness in Byron’s word choice
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which is characterized by the “macabre, mysterious, supernatural, and terrifying”, the haunting
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the true identity of someone or something. In the early 19th century, Lord Byron, also known as
George Gordon, a leading figure in the Romantic Movement was heavily involved in satire
because he saw great poets such as Walter Scott, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and William
Wordsworth betraying their principles. The poets also lost their passion towards the Romantic
Movement. In addition, the usage of satire fits the personality of Byron because he always found
his experiences in life humorous and never

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