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It has been a long dream of mine to construct a dream community that suits not just my personality but
caters the needs of all those living. As a human that exists for just two decades and born to live with this preexisting
world, I may not have the chance to choose my dream community but the world guarantee that I can make one with
full capability. On behalf of Lyko Travel and Tours, let me walk you to the world of hope and beauty, welcome to

At this moment, we are about the ride the Rueda, a train, a type of mass transportation here in Liryo. Rueda
is a Filipino word for a wheel and could cater at least 1000 people inside. Here in our community, the use of mass
transportation is highly advised. Therefore, to obtain this, the government makes sure that a fast, convenient and
low-cost transportation is provided to people. Through the extensive efforts of our community’s Inhenyeros
(engineers), Rueda can run without the use of any fuel. This was all possible due to solar energy.

For about 100 meters from now, you will see at the Rueda’s right side the Pluma. It is the 20 hectares
university for the students of Liryo. Here, all expenses are provided and paid by the government. Pluma is known
for its world-class quality due to the fact that it acknowledges all types of intelligence. A school that fairly develops
its students’ capability whether in terms of academics, arts, and sports.

On your left is the community’s Dalubsakahan (agriculture). Liryo commends the efforts of our Paham
(scholar) to produce organic products that are also exported to other places which add to our community’s profit.
The government assures the Dalubsakahan that it is always promoted, supported and big part of governments’

Right beside the Dalubsakahan is the Kalasangan (forest). This forest is the home of hundreds of
thousands of wildlife. This is one of the proofs why Liryo is an exemptional community as it not focuses only on the
life of humans but also to all living within its border. In fact, the Government hired thousands of wildlife protectors
to ensure the security of the forest. All plants have their codes so they can be easily monitored when cut illegally.
The use of animals for entertainment such as captivation for the sake of putting them in the zoo is strictly prohibited.
All domestic animals are required to undergo the legal process of adoption.

For about a minute, visitors, we are about to reach our destination. The last station will show us the most
important part of this tour, the Kundangan. A Filipino word for respect. We, the people of Liryo, encourages
everyone that regardless of religion and beliefs in life, we must learn to respect each other. We may not be all the
same on our foundation of Ethics, whether we are rooting on the Divine Command Theory or Natural Law, we must
have a common ground which is respect. We, the people of Liryo believe that love begins with respect. Just like
Liryo, a Filipino word for lily, despite the muddy and stagnant water around us, let us not lose hope and let us
continue building our own bud. Everyone, the train has stopped. I am glad to meet you all and I hope you enjoyed
this trip. Have a nice day and goodbye!

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