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Porel, Polym. Chem., 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C9PY00886A.
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21 September 2017
Pages 5255-5446
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Sequence-defined Non-natural Polymers: Synthesis and

Polymer Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

Received 00th January 20xx,
Published on 09 September 2019. Downloaded by Northwestern University on 9/9/2019 5:57:57 AM.

Accepted 00th January 20xx Pandurangan Nanjan and Mintu Porel*

DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x Precise control over the monomer sequence on a polymer backbone, resulting a sequence-defined polymer
(SDP), is a crucial parameter for tuning their structures, properties, and functions. The examples of natural
SDPs are the proteins and nucleic acids that possess the structural and functional complexity to live a life. A
highly sophisticated machinery has evolved in the living organisms for the de-novo synthesis of natural SDPs.
However, absolute control on the monomer sequence in a non-natural polymer is still challenging. In
comparison to biopolymers, non-natural SDP has an even wider scope of unlimited functional side-chains as
well as backbone diversity. Hence, SDP is a perfect platform for generating extensive structural complexity
such as self-assembly into nanostructures, folding, the formation of stimuli-responsive sites, catalytic sites,
etc. In this review, we have penned down the current status of the SDPs that holds tremendous potential for
future research and development. This review seeks to draw attention to the development of non-natural
SDPs via innovative synthetic routes established in the recent past. Followed by the synthesis and
characterization, the next obvious step to move the field forward is to explore SDP for potential applications.
Hence this review is divided into two parts: (i) diversified synthetic strategy of SDP (ii) applications of SDPs in
the material and biomedical sciences. This field is progressing rapidly; there are immense possibilities for
exploring different chemical reactions to develop novel classes of SDP, and many potential application
opportunities are there via pre-determined sequence in synthetic polymer.

1. INTRODUCTION properties. The structural properties determine the bulk

properties of a material such as elasticity, solubility,
Sequence control in the synthetic polymers is important for
conductivity, biocompatibility, etc7. Hence, understanding and
modulating their structure, properties and functions and
mastering the principle that rules the properties of the
hence has added renewed interest in the recent past 1,2. The
materials is crucial for the future generation of materials. The
inspiration for developing synthetic sequence-defined
secondary and tertiary structure of the biopolymers develops
polymers (SDP) comes from the nature as the major part of a
from the non-covalent interaction between backbones and
living system is made of sequence-defined biopolymers such as
side chain residues. Hence functional groups of both the
proteins and nucleic acids. Monomeric sequence is the prime
backbone and side chain are important to tune the structure of
factor leading to the structural complexity and self-assembly
a macromolecule. Thus, development of novel
property of biopolymers, and eventually rewarding them with
macromolecular backbone with sequence-specific side-chain
diverse functional aspects such as biocatalysis3, information
arrangement is instrumental for developing materials with
storage/transport4, molecular recognition5 etc. For example,
tuneable properties.
~20,000 genes have been identified in the human physiology
(through Human Genome Project)6 with the option of four
nucleotide-monomers (guanine, adenine, thymine/uracil and
cytosine) and one kind of backbone. An efficient human
system can generate more than one million different proteins
utilizing those genes. Compared to the natural SDP, non-
natural synthetic SDP has even broader scope for backbone
and pendant functionality to manipulate its structure and Figure 1. Differences between the peptide and peptoid backbones8,9.

The seminal discovery in this field is sequence-defined peptoid

(Fig. 1) which is a peptidomimetic polymer with

Discipline of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad, Kerala-

678557, India.

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Figure 2. Syntheses of different SDP through solid-supported methodologies.

Scheme 1. Synthesis of oligothiophenes by Stille coupling reaction19.

N-substituted amide backbone whereas natural peptide has C- enzymatic stability9-15. Considering this example, it is obvious
substituted amide backbone8,9. This small change in the that in addition to diverse functionality at the pendant group,
backbone has been proven to have a high impact in backbone diversity in a macromolecule is also essential to tune
overcoming many challenges posed by peptides such as their properties and functions. Non-natural SDP has unique

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advantages such as access to unlimited functionalities, better of Merrifield for polypeptide synthesis DOI:brought
a major
environmental and biological stability, flexible chemical and paradigm shift in the area of polymer methodology18. Solid-
physical properties via modular functional groups and supported synthesis has advantages to remove excess starting
economical synthetic route. However, it is indeed a synthetic materials, reagents and undesired intermediates in the
challenge to precisely control the sequence of monomer in a synthesis by washing. In this section, we have covered
growing polymer chain. Several research groups are trying to different solid-supported methodologies for the preparation of
overcome this challenge by developing new classes of SDP SDP. Fig. 2 represents an overall picture of different backbones
through their potential synthetic strategies. Here we would developed through solid-supported methodologies.
like to draw readers’ attention towards two terminologies in 2.1.1. Sequence-defined oligothiophenes

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this field: sequence-controlled polymer (SCP) and sequence- Solid-supported synthesis of sequence-defined asymmetric
defined polymer (SDP) which will be employed frequently in oligothiophenes19 was first reported by Frechet et al.
Published on 09 September 2019. Downloaded by Northwestern University on 9/9/2019 5:57:57 AM.

this review16. In SDP, the sequence of monomer is controlled Oligothiophenes are one of the important class of compounds
to some degree and this control can be absolute but not which was found to have different optical and electronic
necessarily. SDP is a subclass of SCP. In SDP, the sequence of properties20. Additionally, it is also environmentally stable
monomer is absolutely defined with an exact chain length. both in normal and oxidized states. Sequence-defined
We have attempted to cover three main categories of oligothiophene backbone was achieved by utilizing a Stille
synthetic strategy: i) solid-supported synthesis, ii) soluble- coupling reaction (Scheme 1). Thiophene scaffolds were
supported synthesis and iii) support-free synthesis. In addition prepared using brominated thiophene and a trimethyl stannyl
to the diverse pendant functional groups, this account pays compound in presence of palladium catalyst. Bromination was
attention to the different backbones of SDP generated by performed at each step so that self-polymerization can be
different methods. The functional group of SDP-backbone is avoided. Thus, monodisperse oligothiophenes were
dependent on the reaction performed to assemble the synthesized successfully through Stille coupling and
building blocks. Hence diversity of backbones is coupled with bromination reaction sequences. By utilizing this method, up
the diversity of synthetic methods. As the inspiration of non- to 5-mer has been synthesized efficiently with good purity.
natural SDP comes from the natural SDP such as a peptide, These rigid oligothiophenes show better solubility and optical
until recently, most of the synthetic SDP have a peptide-type properties19. In this method, the solid support was prepared by
backbone by virtue of having amide bonds. Realizing the the nucleophilic displacement reaction of 2,2-bithiophene-5-
importance of different backbone of a polymer for tuning its carboxylic acid and macroporous Merrifield-type
properties, additional bond-forming reactions are being chloromethylated resin.
investigated to create new polymer architectures. All these 2.1.2. Multifunctional polyamidoamines
different classes of SDP-backbones, their synthesis, physical Polyamidoamine (PAA), peptidomimetic polymers, show
properties, and applications have been detailed here. The inherent immunogenicity and reduced cyto- and hemo-toxicity
advantages, as well as limitations of each synthetic method in vivo21. Additionally, these compounds are often utilized for
and the important features of the backbones and their aggregation purposes due to their structural diversity. Hence,
applications, have been mentioned in each section. The last PAA can be used as nano carriers. PAAs were synthesized at
part of this review highlights the recent applications of SDPs in multigram scale by the sequential addition-reaction of succinic
wide fields from material to biomedical sciences including acid and diamines on a solid-support (Scheme 2)22. The fully
coding and decoding systems, anti-bacterial, anti- automated peptide synthesizer was used for this methodology
inflammatory, gene-delivering system, anti-proteases and upto 10-mer PAA was synthesized without any side
applications, etc. We have detailed here how the structure and reaction. The synthesis of PAA is designed in such a way that
properties of a specific class of SDP contribute for a specific the backbone can be readily tuned with the wide range of
application and the effect of monomer sequence to improve available diamine derivatives.
the activity for each case. 2.1.3. Sequence-defined Polymers with Polypeptoid Block
2. SDP-BACKBONE DIVERSITY COUPLED WITH A unique class of sequence-defined block copolymer has been
SYNTHETIC STRATEGY synthesized via azide-alkyne “Click reaction” between azide
This section covers three major synthetic strategies for SDP: (i) functionalized polybutyl acrylate and alkyne functionalized
solid-supported synthesis, (ii) soluble-supported synthesis and polypeptoids with 2-methoxyethyl side chains (Scheme 3)23.
(iii) support-free synthesis. Copolymerization resulted in lowering the aggregation and
hence order-disorder properties of the polymer were also
2.1. SDP by solid-supported synthesis reduced. Due to this advantage, polymers comprised of 18 to
Solid-supported synthesis is a conventional and powerful 48 monomers were efficiently prepared without much
technique for polymer syntheses17. The pioneer contribution

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Scheme 2. Synthesis of polyamidoamines through aminolysis and coupling strategies22.

Scheme 3. Sequence-defined polymers on polypeptoid block copolymer by Click chemistry23.

difficulty. Further, chiral functionalities have been thioether via releasing a thiol for subsequent Michael addition
incorporated in the polypeptoid backbone to assess if it has reactions24,25. Triphenylphosphine catalyst played a dual role:
any effect on secondary structures. Results suggested that i) reduced the disulfide bond formation and ii) improved the
chirality does influence the secondary structure for the specific Michael addition reaction. Though it works perfectly fine up to
type of interactions. 3-4 monomers, but in the case of higher degree polymers the
2.1.4. SDP with amide-thioether backbone reaction became slower. This difficulty was further overcome
Espeel et al., developed a two-step iterative strategy by carrying out the reaction under microwave conditions 24,25.
(aminolysis followed by Michael addition) for the synthesis of 2.1.5. SDP with triazine based scaffold
amide-thioether based polymer by utilizing thiolactone Grate et al., have established a solid-supported triazine-based
building blocks on a solid-support (2-chlorotrityl resin) SDP scaffold to mimic backbone-backbone interaction of
(Scheme 4)24,25. The first step involves the aminolysis of cyclic

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Scheme 4. Chemo-selective synthesis of oligomer with amide-thioether backbone24,25.

Scheme 5. Synthesis of sequence-defined oligotriazine polymers26.

biopolymers26. This method provides a macromolecule based 2.1.6. Sequence-defined oligoazidopeptides from natural and
on aromatic nucleophilic substitution of cyanuric chloride. synthetic building blocks
Triazine moiety has unique structural properties which can be sequence-defined oligoazidopeptides27 have been synthesized
used to control the substitution reactions. For example, the by using natural (i.e. amino-acids) and synthetic building
first substitution was performed in <5 oC (Scheme 5)26. After blocks. An azido-amino acid was synthesized by reacting a
the first substitution, the system is deactivated and the next resin supported amino acid with an azido-acid via spacer chain
substitution cannot be performed at the same temperature. such as acetyl, hexyl, isobutyl and methyl propionyl
The second substitution was performed at room temperature. derivatives27 (Scheme 6). Thereafter, copper-assisted Click
Similarly, the third substitution was only possible at a higher reaction was performed with the supported azide group and
temperature (>80oC). The novelty of this backbone is that it amine terminal alkyne. The azido-peptides were prepared via
has the ability to form backbone-backbone interaction like repetition of amide formation followed by Click reactions
biopolymers, but stable under a harsh condition which is not (Scheme 6). The azido-peptides provide not only flexibility to
possible with the normal biopolymers. the polymer, but also it is used to generate spacing between
controlled insertions of amino-acids residues.

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Scheme 6. Synthesis of sequence-defined oligoazidopeptides27.

Figure 3. Soluble-supported synthesis.

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2.2. SDP-backbone via soluble-supported polymer methods focus on diverse pendant group and having less
synthesis access on modulating the backbone, this method allows
The soluble support has unique advantages such as complete generating SDP with a wide variety of backbone diversity.
miscibility of supported substrate with the reactants which 2.2.2. Sequence-defined oligo(phosphodiester)s
improves the reaction rate and ease of stepwise monitoring Sequence-defined oligo(phosphodiester)s was prepared
the reactions by analytical tools. The SDP-backbones which are through the iterative phosphorylation on styrene-based
developed through soluble-supported reactions are compiled soluble-support. This strategy was developed based on a
in Fig. 3. three-step cycle: (i) coupling of the hydroxyl with a

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2.2.1. Sequence-defined oligo azido-amides by soluble- phosphoramidite monomer, (ii) oxidation of the phosphite into
support a phosphate, (iii) deprotection of a resin-bound hydroxyl group
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Lutz group has reported a soluble-supported synthesis for (Scheme 8)29. The products can be generated even at minute
sequence-defined oligoazidoamides by utilizing chemo- time scale with high yield by utilizing this methodology. As a
selective reactions28. The method involves two chemo- result, sequence-defined polynucleotides containing >100
selective reactions (azide-alkyne Click reaction and amide residues have been synthesized. This methodology employs
formation) on styrene based soluble-support. This method was two reactive phosphoramidite monomers: (i) 2-cyanoethyl (3-
developed by a strategic design of two monomers: (i) alkyne dimethoxytrityloxy-propyl) diisopropylphosphoramidite, and ii)
terminal acid and (ii) azide terminal amine (Scheme 7). This 2-cyanoethyl (3-dimethoxytrityloxy-2,2-dimethyl-propyl)
class of SDP was synthesized via consequence reaction of diisopropylphosphoramidite.
soluble-supported azide with an acid terminal alkyne.
Thereafter the acid group was amidified with the amine group
of azide terminal amine monomer28. While other synthetic

Scheme 7. Synthesis of oligoazidoamides28.

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Scheme 8. Synthesis of sequence-defined oligo(phosphodiester)s29.

Scheme 9. Synthesis of oligoetheramides through orthogonal reactions30.

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2.2.3. Sequence-defined oligothioetharamides by soluble hydroxyproline which was synthesized by coupling of the
fluorous support fluorous-Cbz-NHS ester with hydroxyproline (Scheme 10)34.
Porel et al., reported a unique soluble-supported strategy to The next substituted hydroxyproline was attached in SDP by

Polymer Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

achieve the polymerization reaction in a controlled way via amidation in the presence of carbonyldiimidazole. Monomer
utilizing orthogonal organic reactions 30-33. The two important coupling condition was optimized for complete conversion by
Published on 09 September 2019. Downloaded by Northwestern University on 9/9/2019 5:57:57 AM.

aspects of this strategy (Scheme 9) are: (i) soluble fluorous the addition of excess monomer at each step (Scheme 10).

Scheme 10. Oligohydroxy-proline polymers by amidation and coupling strategies34.

support was introduced for the first time for SDP synthesis and 2.2.5. Sequence-defined multifunctional polyethers via liquid
(ii) a unique monomer was designed and synthesized namely phase synthesis
allyl-acrylamide monomer. Rationale behind the design of Sequence-defined polyethers have received significant
allyl-acrylamide monomer is while the allyl group performs the attraction due to its properties like water solubility,
photoinduced thiol-ene reaction with a thiol, the acryloyl biocompatibility and stealth effect 35,36. Livingston et al., has
group undergoes Michael addition with a thiol and both the reported a novel soluble phase synthetic strategy coupled with
reactions are rapid and quantitative (quantitative yield in 1.5 molecular sieving to synthesize sequence-defined
min and 5 min for thiol-ene and Michael addition respectively). multifunctional polyethers (Scheme 11)37. This strategy has the
As both the reaction requires thiol, a dithiol was chosen as a advantage for real-time monitoring to ensure the completion
co-monomer for this strategy. Fluorous support was efficient of each step and quick purification via size-exclusion molecular
to maintain fast solution kinetics and purification was also sieving to yield pure sequence-defined polyethers. The authors
rapid by the virtue off fluorous solid phase extraction. After have shown an efficient approach for site-selective post-
repeating the desired cycle of the abovementioned two synthetic modification that makes this method versatile to
reactions, the final oligoetharamide was cleaved from the tune its structure and function. This method has been
fluorous support via acid cleavage of the perfluorocarbon alkyl developed based on two synthetic aspects i.e. firstly it involves
chain. the utilizing protection-deprotection chemistry37 for the
2.2.4. Sequence-defined oligomers with proline-based generation of growing monomer with terminal functional
backbone by fluorous support groups. Second step involves Williamson ether synthesis with
Anderson et al., have developed a class of SDP with proline hydroxyl end. The stepwise reactions are outlined in Scheme
moiety utilizing fluorous support from hydroxyproline building 11.
blocks. Synthesis began with fluorous-benzyl-protected 2.2.6. Synthesis of sequence-defined vinyl polymers

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In this report, the authors have established a new class of reactivated via ATRA reaction. The sequence-defined vinylic
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sequence-defined vinyl polymers38. The method involves DOI:same
polymer was synthesized by repeating the 10.1039/C9PY00886A
sequence of
iterative atom transfer radical addition (ATRA) of an allylic orthogonality reactions (Scheme 12). Additionally, the
alcohol on vinyl polymer. The synthetic process starts with the synthesized polymer can be easily purified due to their large
activation of C-Br of the chain via ATRA. Then, the oxidation of polarity differences between the product and impurities.
alcohol performed to achieve carboxylic acid followed by Poly(methyl-acrylate) (PMA) was used as a soluble-support38.
esterification leading to the reactive synthon which can be

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Scheme 11. Synthesis of multi-functional PEG-based sequence-defined polymers37.

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Scheme 12. Synthesis of sequence-defined vinyl polymer38.

Scheme 13. Synthesis of sequence-defined peptoid39.

2.3 SDP backbone by support-free polymer synthesis which can provide structural versatility on both the backbone
Support-free methodologies were developed without solid or and pendant groups. Peptoids have been able to solve several
soluble support; hence they are free from any limitation limitations for therapeutical applications of peptide.
arising from support. The backbones developed based on the 2.3.2. SDP with a multifunctional backbone (ester and
support-free methods are mentioned below (Fig. 4). thioether)
2.3.1. Synthesis of peptoids, peptidomimetic SDP, through Oligothioether-ester backbone has been introduced by
iterative Ugi reactions. Solleder et al., in SDP via Passerini three-component reaction
Peptoids were synthesized via de nova design and iterative Ugi (P-3CR)40 in combination with thiol-ene reactions41,42. Reaction
four-component reactions (Scheme 13)39. The pre-designed of a long chain acid (e.g., stearic acid or acid functionalized
peptoids were synthesized from amino acid- a dual synthon polyethylene glycol) with an aldehyde and desired functional
i.e. amine and acid which sequentially react with an aldehyde group substituted cyanide was used for synthesizing sequence-
and an isocyanide. This synthetic strategy is soluble-supported, defined oligothioether-ester (Scheme 14). Thereafter, an acid
scalable and versatile to different functional groups. terminal thiol reacts with the alkene of the first step product
Additionally, the coupling strategy was introduced in Ugi via thiol-ene reaction. Each step was purified by precipitation
reaction to achieve structural diversity of peptoids. Further, it via polyethylene glycol group or the starting long chain. This is
has also been extended for the incorporation of DNA with a protection group-free strategy and multiple side chains have
sequence-defined peptoid39 which can potentially be applied been shown to get attached on this class of SDP.
to the area of drug delivery. This could be a unique strategy 2.3.3. Photoinitiated reactions for multifunctional SDP

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Figure 4. Backbones developed through support-free strategies.

Scheme 14. Synthesis of sequence-defined oligomer by Passerini/thiol-ene reactions41.

You et al., designed a one-pot reaction for sequence-ordered thiolactones, an ABC-sequenced oligomer was synthesized
copolymers involving three-component reactions such as efficiently (Scheme 15). Then photoinduced reaction of the
photoinitiated thiol-ene, acryloyl-thiol Michael addition, and free thiol with the alkene moved to the next step of
ring opening of thiolactone by an amine43. The strategy polymerization (Scheme 15). By this support-free one-pot
employs three types of monomers: ethylene dimethacrylate synthetic strategy, SDP has been synthesized with backbones
(A), amine substituted thiol (B), and thiolactone (C). Michael including ester, thioether and amide moieties. The amines are
addition of aminothiols was carried out with acrylate and more susceptible for aminolysis of thiolactones (C) and affords
methacrylate. Methacrylate does not react with amines CBABC polymer with thio-end at each side. When a dibromo-
without a catalyst, but reacts with thiols quantitatively, even maleimide (D) was added to CBABC sequence, it underwent
under catalyst-free conditions. Taking advantage of these highly selective substitution reaction by the thiols yielding a
selective reactions and susceptibility of amine for aminolysis of DCBABCD sequence with a thio-maleimide functional group at
each-end (Scheme 15). Finally, DCBABCD-sequenced

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Scheme 15. Photo-initiated multi-functional SDP43.

Scheme 16. Photo-initiated orthogonal reactions for sequence-defined phthalimide-based SDP44.

Scheme 17. Xanthate-based polymers via RAFT-mediated reaction46.

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copolymer was prepared by the nucleophilic addition of of concept has been demonstrated via the isolation of
amines on thiomaleimide. Utilizing this strategy, ABC-, intermediate products. Based on this approach, it is possible to
CBABCD-, and DCBABCD sequence ordered copolymers were develop SDP through photoligation reactions 44.

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prepared43. 2.3.5. Sequence-defined functional polymers with xanthate
2.3.4. Sequence-defined phthalimide-based polymers backbone via RAFT-mediated reactions
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A unique class of SDP was synthesized by a new photo-ligation A catalyst-free strategy for single unit monomer insertion
reaction strategy through bifunctional orthogonal reactions (SUMI) into reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer
(Scheme 16)44,45. The monomers were designed based on the (RAFT) agents has been developed through photo-initiated
selective photochemical reaction by utilizing complementary reaction at low-intensity visible light 46,47. The reported study
dienophile/diene molecules. The reaction starts with demonstrates that catalyst-free photo-SUMI is a versatile
photoactive bifunctional monomers, i.e. a photoenol or a method for a wide range of monomer varieties with high
phenacylsulfide respectively, and a diene or dienophilic unit. efficiency. By this strategy, an oligomer consisting of five
An open chain diene is reacted with a photoenol, whereas a different monomers in the defined sequence was successfully
dienophile releasing phenacylsulfide is reacted with a synthesized. The oligomers comprising five defined vinyl
dienophile (furan protected maleimide function) (Scheme 16). monomers repeat units were produced by an iterative method
The synthetic key making this concept feasible is the through three consecutive SUMI reactions, two intermediate
orthogonality i.e. the non-reactivity of the diene and the esterification (coupling reaction) and three thiol-ene additions
activated dienophile not undergoing a ligation process and are (Scheme 17). The scope of this strategy has been expanded to
distinctly addressable via photochemical methods. The proof a wide variety of different substituted monomers including
acrylate, acrylamide and styrenic derivatives.

Scheme 18. Ring-opening metathesis for SDP48.

Scheme 19. Synthesis of SDP via Flow-IEG method49.

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2.3.6. SDPs with multifunctional backbone via ring opening 2.3.7. Scalable synthesis of SDP through flow-iterative
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metathesis of macrocycles exponential growth method DOI: 10.1039/C9PY00886A
Gutekunst et al., developed a directional iterative strategy to The effective semi-automated flow technique was developed
synthesize SDP by triggering polymer metathesis reactions. by Johnson group for the synthesis of SDP at a multi-gram
This class of polymers has a unique backbone with multi- scale49,50. A Flow-iterative exponential growth (Flow-IEG)
functionality (such as amide, sulfonamide, ester, aliphatic, system was developed allowing “plug and play” monomer
aromatic, heterocyclic etc.). The concept was originally selection which ultimately resulted in the architecturally new
established through regioselective cleavage of functionalized defined polymer in an efficient way. The Click reaction was
saccharin48. The key step of this strategy is that the saccharin utilized for Flow-IEG systems due to its efficiency, chemo-
was cleaved regio-selectively in the presence of veratrole selectivity, and easy preparation of coupling partners (Scheme

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alcohol and an acid labile protecting group. During this step, 19). Due to the aforementioned advantages of this
sulfonamide anion was generated that was further reacted methodology, it makes the process suitable for large scale
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with acetoxy-allyl bromide in the same pot to give the desired productions in polymer industries. So far, Flow-IEG is the only
enyne (Scheme 18). Further, the acetate was removed method available for the scalable synthesis of monodispersed
efficiently with sodium methoxide yielding a monoprotected macromolecules that is able to control both sequence and
polymerization trigger. The key advantages of this strategy are architecture individually.
cost-effective, readily accessible reagents and without
requiring column chromatography, the intermediate at each
step was isolated via precipitation or recrystallization.

Scheme 20. Synthesis of sequence-defined oligoether51.

Scheme 21. Synthesis of sequence-defined vinyl polymer52.

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2.3.8. Sequence-defined oligo ether synthesis 2.3.9. Sequence-defined vinyl copolymers by regioselective
A new class of sequence-defined oligo ether was prepared ring-opening strategy
through iterative strategy by utilizing hydroxy-aromatic The ring-opening metathesis was applied for efficient synthesis

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aldehydes and ketones as monomers. This strategy involves of SDPs from multi-substituted cyclooctenes using different
two-step reaction of Mitsunobu coupling and carbonyl Grubbs catalysts52. By introducing substituents region-
Published on 09 September 2019. Downloaded by Northwestern University on 9/9/2019 5:57:57 AM.

reduction to provide a protecting-group-free path with high specifically at 3-position of cyclooctenes resulted in the
yield51. Mitsunobu reaction was useful for ether bond efficient ring-opening and thus producing highly regio- and
formation since it provides a good activation for primary and stereo-regular polyalkenamers in Head-to-tail and E-selective
secondary aliphatic alcohols (act as nucleophiles) which was manner (Scheme 21). Further, sequence-defined vinyl
utilized for the coupling reaction for ethers with different copolymers were synthesized upon selective hydrogenation
nucleophiles such as phenols (Scheme 20). The assembly using p-toluenesulfonyl hydrazide at higher temperature. The
process was started with Mitsunobu coupling of benzyl alcohol method also suggested that the stereo-control could be
and the hydroxy-aromatic aldehyde or ketone as a nucleophile achieved by the selective incorporation of pre-designed
since carbonyl group would not be able to interfere ether bond stereoisomers.
formation. After coupling, the carbonyl group was reduced to a 2.3.10. Iterative exponential growth strategy for stereo-
benzylic alcohol functionality for the next cycle of ether bond controlled SDPs
formation. Synthesized oligomers were screened for protease The Johnson group have developed a unique iterative
activity and found to inhibit trypsin, chymotrypsin, and exponential growth strategy (IEG+) to synthesize a new class of
subtilisin in micromolar ranges.

Scheme 22. Iterative strategy for stereo-controlled SDP53.

Scheme 23. Preparation of sequence-defined polylactic acid derivatives54.

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stereo-controlled/defined (Scheme 22) SDPs (up to 6 kDa) via 3.2. Anti-microbial SDP View Article Online
enantiopure epoxides53. The reported method has includes the DOI: 10.1039/C9PY00886A
Anti-biotic resistance is one of the alarming issues around the
following steps: i) a unique chiral monomer (TMS stereo- globe. The reported studies suggested that peptidomietics
controlled/defined (Scheme 22) SDPs (up to 6 kDa) via with structurally modified peptides backbones such as α-, β-
enantiopure epoxides53. The reported method has includes the and γ-AApeptides, and peptoids have already shown their
protected epoxide 1R alkyne), utilized for chemo-selective resistance through proteolysis pathway58. Further,
substitution by sodium azide reaction to yield azido-1R-alcohol conventional organic polymers i.e. Nylon-359 and others i.e.
ii) the synthesized latent functional group-alcohol efficiently poly(methacrylates)60, poly(acrylamides)61 have shown less
converted into acetate by the reaction of acetic anhydride, iii) efficacy on different broad spectrum bacterial strains tested 62.
a reactive partner i.e. 1S alkyne was used for the next iterative This situation strongly suggests that development and

Polymer Chemistry Accepted Manuscript

step with the product of step i. iv) Coupling reaction of azido- approval of new antibacterial drugs is the need of the hour.
1R-alcohol and 1S alkyne produced the first generation dimer Keeping this in view, Porel et al., from Alabi group have
Published on 09 September 2019. Downloaded by Northwestern University on 9/9/2019 5:57:57 AM.

with a desired side-chain reactive functionality. Further the developed a new class of antibacterial SDP named as
reaction sequence was repeated with steps i to iv constitute an oligothioetheramides which were synthesized by orthogonal
IEG+ cycle which introduces a new side-chain group (Scheme reactions of allylacrylamide and dithiol building blocks through
22). Additionally, the selective deprotection of acetate enables orthogonal chemistry62-66. Oligothioetheramides showed
the polyhydroxy functionality which is ultimately soluble in potential antibacterial activity against Gram Positive bacteria
water enhancing the scope of biomedical applications. including pathogenic-methycillin resistant Staphylococcus
2.3.11. Sequence-defined polylactic acid derivatives aureus (MRSA) and vanomycin resistant Entrococcus as well as
A series of sequence-defined polylactic acids have been non-pathogenic Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus
synthesized via ester formation by hydroxy and acid groups in epidermidis. Most importantly the activity was shown to be
presence of 1,3-diisopropylcarbodiimide (DIC) and 4- improved by modulating overall hydrophobicity of
(dimethylamino)pyridinium p-toluene sulfonate (DPTS) and oligothioetheramides via tuning the backbone functionality. As
sequential protection and deprotection chemistry (Scheme the bacterial cell membrane is enriched with negatively
23). Further, it was analyzed for anti-inflammatory activity 54 charged phosphate groups and hydrophobic lipids, a potential
which was detailed in the application section. antibacterial agent needs to possess cationic charge and
hydrophobic moiety. The balance between cationic charge and
3. APPLICATIONS OF SYNTHETIC SDP hydrophobicity is the key factor to enhance agent the
In this section, we aim to highlight the recent applications of selectivity of the antibiotics towards bacterial cell membrane
non-natural SDP. These examples will pave the path for the over the mammalian cell membrane66. Porel et al., developed
next generation of polymer science. a library of antibacterial oligothioetheramides 62 keeping six
3.1 SDP as information storage via coding system cationic moieties fix through pendant functional groups and
Genetic information is stored in DNA via sequence of four varied by modulating the backbone functionality through
nucleic acids (four codes) and similarly, a computer binary different dithiols (Fig. 5B). Studies indicated that the
language utilizing two different codes. Inspired by nature, Lutz oligothioetharamides work against different bacterial cells via
group has developed information storage in the SDP which membrane permeabilization and hydrophobicity structural
was designed and synthesized to encode a message. They have conformation was playing a key role to regulate this activity.
developed a new class with wide range of SDP consisting of a Additionally, some candidates exhibited a high degree of
binary codes 0 and 1 bit that can potentially be implemented activity (minimum inhibitory concentration∼ 0.5-5 μM) against
in a synthetic macromolecule-SDP via two strategic building clinically relevant pathogens in serum, with minimum or no
blocks; one with hanging -H and the other one with -CH3 group toxicity against RBCs and HEK293 cells.
for 0 and 1 bit respectively (Fig. 5A)28,55,56. According to this 3.3. SDP as gene delivery agents
concept each monomer is inserted at a desired sequence in Gene therapy is one of the powerful tools in oncology in recent
the right position. These digitally important SDP are aimed to years21. Polyamido amines (PAAs) play a major role in drug
be employed for long term data storage and product delivery and gene therapy due to their intrinsic properties such
characterization. For example, Lutz group has developed 2D as i) PAAs has capability of changing basicity with the tailored
molecular barcode by a three-component and a four- molecules through their amine functionality (pH dependent)
component library to encode a 2-bytes model binary which influences the lysosomotropic and intracytoplasmic
sequence. These coded libraries were efficiently incorporated delivery67, ii) PAAs can enter from endosomal/lysosome to
with various plastics through a solvent casting method. cytoplasm and form strong interaction through polycations of
Resulted materials were selectively identified by mass PAA with negatively charged DNA or RNA thus protecting the
spectrometric technique (LCMS/MS) even with the micro- DNA by nuclease attack and then delivering the drug to the
quantities. This system opens up many exciting opportunities target68. Due to their specific gene delivering properties, PAAs
including anti-counterfeiting and traceability applications 57. envisage designing of novel sequence-defined (SD)-PAA with
This work unlocks a new avenue for sequence-coded synthetic tailored endosolytic properties for plasmid DNA delivery. The
polymers which is beyond the scope of homopolymers or co- SD-PAAs involve the effective incorporation of bio-reversible
polymers. cystine residues in their scaffold along with polycations which

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Figure 5. Applications of different sequence-defined polymer systems.

is reflected in the efficient binding with DNA69. Later, the same that among different length of oligoethers, the tetramer and
group have developed different variety of SD-PAAs for their pentamer (Fig. 5D) show maximum activity at a micromolar
gene delivery applications70. In gene therapy, sodium iodide concentration. None of the other compounds such as
symporter (NIS) occupies major role based on its well-known monomers, dimers, trimers show activity indicating that
functions such as non-invasive imaging of vector bio- tetramers and pentamers effectively bind in the protein
distribution and their specific expressions in tumours cells. pockets which resulted in the inhibitory activities.
With the aim of improvement in the present gene therapy, 3.5 Anti-inflammatory responsive SDP
Sarah et al., developed novel SDPs comprising of polyethylene Meyer group has shown the importance of backbone in a SDP
glycol (PEG) and cationic (ethanoamino) amide cores coupled for its anti-inflammatory responsive activity54,72,73. Control on
with a mesenchymal- epithelial transition factor (c-Met)- the backbone structure in sequence-defined poly (lactic-co-
binding peptide 2 (cMBP2) and they have shown potential glycolic acid)s (PLGAs) (Fig. 5E) has shown significant influence
activity towards targeting receptor in human hepta-cellular on the production and release of micro particles as acidic
cancer (HuH7) mouse model (Fig. 5C). These polymers were products on matrices. This backbone-dependent tuning
coupled with NIS-DNA for transduction, specificity and property reflected on neutralization and anti-inflammatory
therapeutic efficacy and they showed improved efficiency with responses. The backbone was comprised of lactic acid and
reduced toxicity in tumours cells71. glycolic acid and was efficiently prepared through sequence-
3.4 Sequence-defined oligoethers possess protease inhibitory defined strategy to modify the microstructure of PLGA. The in
activity vivo and in vitro studies of SDP were effectively monitored by
Sequence-defined oligoethers (Fig. 5D) were efficiently using non-invasive-radiometric two-photon microscopy (TPM)
synthesized by Olivier et al. A library of this class of SDPs was method72,73. The study was conducted to analyse how
screened for protease inhibitory activity51. The proteases have effectively the polymer can control the changes in the pH as
channel-like binding pockets and can interact with different well as its particle nature. Through this macromolecular
residues on each side of the peptide bond of their peptide design, accumulation and percolation of acidic by-products,
substrates. Based on the protein model, oligoethers were degradation rate, foreign body response and microparticle
screened for protease inhibitory activities 51. Results suggest morphology were efficiently controlled.

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Pandurangan Nanjan obtained his M.Sc. in Chemistry from Periyar University, Tamilnadu, India in 2006.
Thereafter he worked in Merchem Limited from 2006 to 2009 and then joined Professor Asoke Banerji’s group
at Amrita University, Kerala, India in 2009 as Senior Research Fellow under the Department of Biotechnology
(DBT) project. He registered for his PhD under the guidance of Prof. Banerji in 2012. His Ph.D. work was
focuses on isolation, characterization, synthesis and biological activities of natural products. In 2018, he joined
Dr. Mintu Porel’s group in Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad, India as a post-doctoral researcher under.
His present interest is to develop sequence-defined macromolecules for different structure and functions.

Mintu Porel is currently an assistant professor (and Ramanujan Fellow) in the discipline of chemistry at
Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad, India. Her current research work is focused on the design and
synthesis of novel classes of sequence-defined macromolecules and their application in material and
biomedical sciences. She received her Ph.D. in supramolecular photochemistry from University of Miami,
Miami, USA under the supervision of Professor V. Ramamurthy in 2013. Before joining University of
Miami, she completed her B.Sc. in Chemistry from Calcutta University, India in 2005 and M.Sc. from
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India in 2007. She did her first postdoctoral work in Professor
Jingyue Ju’s group at Columbia University, New York, USA. Thereafter she moved to Cornell University,
New York, USA as a postdoctoral researcher in Professor Alabi’s laboratory and worked on designing new
sequence-defined polymers and their applications as antibacterial agents.

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To do……

Many promising
opportunities in terms of
synthesis and applications

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