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Information for candidates Paper 1 MARKS

1. This question paper consists of 2 Papers: 1 /8

Paper 1 consist of 5 parts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 2 /8
4 and Part 5 3 /8
Paper 2 consist of 2 parts: Part 1 and Part 2
4 / 10
2. Answer all sections. 5 /6
TOTAL / 40
3. You are advised to spend 1 hour 15 minutes on Paper
1 and 1 hour on Paper 2. Paper 2 MARKS
1 / 20
2 / 20
TOTAL / 40
GRAND TOTAL / 80 = ____ %

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 11 halaman bercetak

Reading and use of English 1 hour 15 minutes
Part 1
Questions 1- 8
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each
question, mark the correct answer A, B or C.


Be mesmerised by the Dancing, Singing and Drama show of the year!
Enter the Mayten Chocolate Talent Search today!
It is open to students aged 13 - 16 years.
Schools can participate in either solo or group categories.
The Grand Finals of the talent search will be held in Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre on
August 25, 2019.
DATE: JULY 7 and 8, 2019 (SAT, SUN)
TIME: 8.30 am
The first 20 schools to register will receive a special gift each.
Contact - Mayten Chocolates Sdn. Bhd. for more information
Toll Free: 1-800-88-2540 Tel: (03) 4430 2884 Email:

1. What is the aim of the advertisement above?

A To attract students to join a talent show
B To get students to join dance classes
C To encourage schools to distribute chocolates


Have fun and at the same time improve your English!
Everyone is welcome to join us for an educational and fun English Day at the Concourse at
Arcadia Mall on 5/12/2012. DON’T MISS YOUR CHANCE!


- Spelling Bee 10.30 a.m.
- Story Telling 11.30 a.m.
- Sing Along 12.30 p.m.
Children: RM5.00
Adults: RM8.00
The first twenty early birds: FREE!


Storybooks, colour pencils & notebooks
WIN Attractive prizes & Go home happy

2. According to the notice who will not have to pay?
A The first ten to arrive
B The first five to arrive
C The first twenty to arrive

3. In the newspaper report above, the word drew can best be replaced by
A dragged
B persuaded
C attracted

Wet Floor

4. According to this notice, people should

A. keep this floor wet
B. not walk on this floor
C. walk carefully on this floor

5. Read the information below and answer the following question.

Did you know.........

Koreans are much more likely to ‘Naver’ ( something than Google it. Naver
is far and away Korea’s leading search engine and has a separate gaming portal that caters
to Korea’s avid online gaming community. Naver leads the pack because it provides a large
amount of Korean language content. Another Korean language search engine,
Daum( is second to Naver.

We can conclude that Naver

A. is the most preferred searching engine among Koreans.
B. is far and away the best searching engine.
C. supplies a large amount of foreign language content.

6. According to the email above, the dream of the author is
A. to become a scientist
B. to hear words of encouragement from Professor Anthony.
C. to receive a reply from Professor Anthony.

7. The aim of the author’s message is to

A. ask Dennis to get an autograph of the artist.
B. apologise to Dennis
C. tell Dennis that he cannot attend the concert next week.

8. The boy is saying that he and Denis __________ .
A. are fighting
B. are enemies
C. always argue
[8 marks]
Part 2
Questions 9 - 16
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors. For each question, write the correct
word in the space provided.

Benefits Of Having A Hobby

A hobby is an activity carried out frequently in our free time for our own personal pleasure.
Some of us like to read, paint and (0) play the piano as a hobby others like (9) collect things
like stamps, coins and other unique collectibles. A hobby can greatly benefit an
(10) individuals. Hobbies enable one to spend his or her free time doing something (11) with
interest, which may even be profitable. Some people (12) sews clothes, plant organic
vegetables or collect antiques which can be (13) sell for a profit. Some (14) hobby even
teach us to appreciate the value of the things we (15) collecting. For example, coin and
paper money collectors need to be knowledgeable of the currency they collect; know the
history and current value. There are many shared interest and hobby (16) group that one
can find online. Through these groups, members can connect with other like-minded
individuals and share knowledge regarding their shared interest. They can also organise
special events or meetings to foster better kinship among its members.
[8 marks]

0 or

No. Write your answer

9. collecting

10. individual

11. of

12. sew

13. sold

14. hobbies

15. collect

16. groups

Part 3
Questions 17- 24
Read the text and answer questions 17 to 24.

Kelvin Doe

Kelvin Doe was born in Sierra Leone. This 17-year-old is a self-taught engineer. When he
was 11 years old, he looked through waste bins in his neighbourhood to look for scrap
electronic parts.
At 13, he made his own battery. He put acid, soda and metal in a tin can. He waited
for the mixture to dry and the wrapped tape around it.
Doe then decided to build a generator to tackle the lack of constant electricity
supply to his neighbourhood. He used parts that he made himself or had found in waste
bins. The generator he built helped power a community radio station too.
In fact, the radio station was another one of Doe’s creation He built that using
recycled materials. He is known as DJ Focus. He plays music at the radio station while his
friends work as journalists and station managers.
Doe had never been more than ten miles from his home but in 2012, he went to the
United States of America. He spoke to the Meet the Young Makers panel in New York,
presented his inventions to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) students and
lectured to engineering students at Harvard College.
Kelvin Doe is an inspiration to teenagers all over the world.
Adapted from Changing the World, The Star, October 2013

Complete the following table.

Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided.

Age and place of birth 17 years old

17. ________________________________________________
Sierra Leone
18. ________________________________________________

Things he built battery

19. ________________________________________________
20. ________________________________________________
Radio station
21. ________________________________________________

Materials used to build Recycled materials

the radio station 22. ________________________________________________

Educational institutions Institute of Technology

he visited 23. Massachusetts ___________________________________
Harvard College
24. ________________________________________________

Part 4
Questions 25- 34
Read the diary entry and answer questions 25 to 34.

12 April, 2019

Questions 25 – 32
Answer the questions below.
Choose no more than five words and/or a number from the text for each answer.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided.
25. _________________________________________________ was very hungry so she
headed straight to the canteen during recess. [1 mark]
food stall
26. There were a few boys who were playing the fool in front of a ____________________

____________________________ in the canteen. [1 mark]

27. What did Sophia buy during recess?

A bowl of noodle soup
[1 mark]
one of the boys
28. Sophia tripped and fell because _____________________________________________
pushed her. [1 mark]
in a mess
29. Sophia was very upset because she was embarrassed and _______________________
__________________ [1 mark]

principal’s office
30. Two prefects later took the naughty boys to the _______________________________
patient [1 mark]
31. Students should be _______________________________________________________
while waiting to buy their food during recess. [1 mark]
warning letters
32. Naughty students should be given _________________________________________
and advice so that they realize their mistakes. [1 mark]

Questions 33 and 34
Complete the table below with a word from the test.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided.
Meaning Word
33. humiliating
____________________________________________ [1 mark]
34. make trouble [1 mark]
[10 marks]
Part 5
Questions 35- 40
You are going to read an article about a hobby.
Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose the sentences (A - H) to fit each
gap (35-40).
There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.



E 8
A It is a wonderful experience.

B I can travel to places and see various people just by reading alone.

C I really enjoyed reading the various genres in my childhood.

D From cooking and baking to sewing, I have enjoyed many things in life.

E No wonder my teachers always said that reading is the key to good writing.

F Once I entered into the world of reading, there is no turning back.

G The content is about two children who went on many adventures to the beach.

H I am especially fascinated by the power of writing.

[6 marks]

Writing 1 hour
Part 1

[20 marks]
You should spend about 25 minutes in this part.

Read the message from your friend, Rachel.


I’m thinking of joining a skill class for the coming school holidays.
I am interested in cooking, drawing and make-up but I don’t know which one to choose. Which
class should I join?

Please give me your opinion.

In about 80 words, write a message to Rachel giving some advice.

Hi Rachel,


[20 marks]

Part 2

[20 marks]
You should spend about 35 minutes in this part.

You witnessed your neighbour’s house on fire last night.

In about 120 words write a recount of the incident. You may use the notes to help you.

Write your recount.



[20 marks]


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