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merely entrusted the property to her father.

ten-year prescriptive period for the recovery of a
SOLEDAD CAÑEZO vs. CONCEPCION property held in trust would commence to run
ROJAS only from the time the trustee repudiates the trust.
The RTC found no evidence on record showing
G.R. No. 148788, November 23, 2007 that Crispulo Rojas ever ousted the petitioner
NACHURA, J. from the property.

The subject property is an unregistered land CA - reversed the amended decision of the RTC.
situated at Naval, Biliran. Petitioner Soledad Hence, this petition for review.
Cañezo is the step daughter of respondent
Concepcion Rojas. The petitioner insists that her right of action to
recover the property cannot be barred by
Petitioner Soledad – filed a complaint in 1997 for prescription or laches even with the respondent’s
the recovery of the subject real property. She uninterrupted possession of the property for 49
alleged that she bought such parcel of land in 1939 years because there existed between her and her
from Crisogono Limpiado, although the sale was father an express trust or a resulting trust.
not reduced into writing. Thereafter, she
immediately took possession of the property.

In 1948, she and her husband left for Mindanao and ISSUE:
entrusted the said land to her father, Crispulo
Rojas, who took possession of, and cultivated the Whether or not there is an existence of trust over
property. In 1980, she found out that the the property – express or implied – between the
respondent, Concepcion Rojas, her stepmother, petitioner and her father.
was in possession of the property and was
cultivating the same. She also discovered that the RULING:
tax declaration over the property was already in the
name of his father. NONE.

In ruling the case, the Supreme Court discussed

the different kinds of trust since it is a rule that in
express trusts and resulting trusts, a trustee cannot
acquire by prescription a property entrusted to
him unless he repudiates the trust. Further, it is a
rule that if no trust relations existed, the
Respondent Concepcion - claimed that it was possession of the property by the respondent,
her husband who bought the property from through her predecessor, which dates back to
Limpiado, which accounts for the tax declaration 1948, would already have given rise to acquisitive
being in Crispulo’s name. prescription in accordance with Act No. 190
(Code of Civil Procedure). Under Section 40 of
MTC - rendered a decision in favor of the Act No. 190, an action for recovery of real
petitioner Soledad, making her the real and lawful property, or of an interest therein, can be brought
owner of the land. only within ten years after the cause of action
RTC - reversed the MTC decision on the ground
that the action had already prescribed and A trust is the legal relationship between one
acquisitive prescription had set in. person having an equitable ownership of property
and another person owning the legal title to such
Motion for reconsideration: the RTC amended property, the equitable ownership of the former
its original decision and held that the action had entitling him to the performance of certain duties
not yet prescribed considering that the petitioner and the exercise of certain powers by the latter.

Either express or implied. was intended.

(a) Express trusts are those which are created by (2) Constructive trust
the direct and positive acts of the parties, by some
writing or deed, or will, or by words evincing an - is one created not by any word or phrase, either
intention to create a trust. expressly or impliedly, evincing a direct intention
to create a trust, but one which arises in order to
- As a rule, however, the burden of proving the satisfy the demands of justice.
existence of a trust is on the party asserting its
existence. - It does not come about by
agreement or intention but in the main by
The presence of the following elements must be operation of law. 

- Assuming that there is
(1) a trustor or settlor who executes the
constructive trust in this case, prescription
instrument creating the trust;
may supervene even if 
 the trustee does
(2) a trustee, who is the person expressly not repudiate the relationship.
designated to carry out the trust; Necessarily, repudiation of the said trust
is not a condition precedent to the
(3) the trust res, consisting of duly identified and running of the prescriptive period.
definite real properties; and
Thus, the Supreme Court ruled that there was no
(4) the cestui que trust, or beneficiaries whose express trust or implied trust established between
identity must be clear. the petitioner and her father. In the absence of a
trust relation, the court can only conclude that
Accordingly, it was incumbent upon petitioner to Crispulo’s uninterrupted possession of the subject
prove the existence of the trust relationship. It property for 49 years, coupled with the
must be proven by some writing or deed. And performance of acts of ownership, such as
petitioner sadly failed to discharge that burden. payment of real estate taxes, ripened into
The petitioner testified only to the effect that her ownership.
agreement with her father was that she will be
given a share in the produce of the property
[G.R. No. 116211. March 7,
(b) Implied trusts are those which, without being
expressed, are deducible from the nature of the
transaction as matters of intent or, independently, petitioner,
of the particular intention of the parties, as being ROSITO PUECHI S. UY, respondents.
superinduced on the transaction by operation of
law basically by reason of equity. DOCTRINE:
(1) Resulting trust Implied trusts are those which, without being
expressed, are deducible from the nature of the
- is a species of implied trust that is presumed transaction by operation of law as matters of
always to have been contemplated by the parties, equity, independently of the particular intention of
the intention as to which can be found in the the parties.
nature of their transaction although not expressed
in a deed or instrument of conveyance. FACTS:
- In the present case, there was no evidence of any The Petitioner, Meynardo Policarpio (with co-
transaction between the petitioner and her father plaintiffs in antecedent cases: Rodolfo Gayatin,
from which it can be inferred that a resulting trust Jose Villacin and Jocelyn Montinola) and private

respondent, Rosito Uy were former tenants of the
30-door Barretto Apartments formerly owned by
Serapia Realty, Inc. Sometime in April 1984, A constructive trust as invoked by
private respondent was elected President of the petitioner can be implied from the nature of the
Barretto Tenants Association which was formed transaction as a matter of equity, regardless of the
"to promote, safeguard and protect the general absence of such intention in the purposes of their
interest and welfare of its members." In a letter Association.
dated July 30, 1984, private respondent as
president sought the assistance of the then During his negotiations with Serapia Realty, Inc.,
Minister of Human Settlements to cause the private respondent admitted that he was not only
expropriation of the subject property under the representing himself but also the other tenants as
Urban Land Reform Program for resale to its president of the Association. This admission
tenants. recognized the confidence reposed in him by his
co-tenants and private respondent violated the
Failing to get the assistance of the government, same.
the tenants undertook to negotiate directly with
the owners of the Barretto Apartments. On July Alfonso Barretto, president of Serapia Real Estate
27, 1985, Serapia Real Estate, Inc., sent a letter to Corporation, testified that the owners wanted to
respondent to inform that they are offering to sell deal with one "spokesman." Hence, the tenants
the said property at a price of P4,500,000.00. authorized private respondent to negotiate on
While, Serapia Realty, Inc. sent to spouses Gayatin their behalf. Unfortunately, private respondent
a letter for the first priority to purchase the same. negotiated for himself only, and successfully
Thereafter, petitioner and his co-plaintiffs were purchased eight (8) apartment units and secured
notified that private respondent was the new an authority to sell the remaining twenty-two (22)
owner of the apartment units. Believing that they units.
had been betrayed by their Association president,
petitioner sued for "Redemption and Damages Private respondent alleges that, after being
with Prayer For Preliminary Injunction." The trial informed by the owner, petitioner, together with
court favored plaintiffs. The CA reversed the the latter's co-plaintiffs in the action for
decision and denied the subsequent motion for redemption, did not want to contribute funds to
reconsideration. Hence, this petition. redeem the encumbered apartment. (Such
redemption was required before the units could be
 WON implied trust was created by the sold.)
agreement between the petitioner and the If only the tenants had been informed by private
respondent. HELD: respondent of this predicament of the owners,
surely they would have raised the required amount
Yes, the court hold that implied trust existed. to redeem the property and, in turn, acquired the
Implied trusts are those which, without being units being rented by them. The incriminating
expressed, are deducible from the nature of the admission of private respondent that he had not
transaction by operation of law as matters of informed the plaintiffs in the redemption case of
equity, independently of the particular intention of the prices at which the apartment units were sold
the parties. Constructive trusts are created in order demonstrated beyond cavil his betrayal of their
to satisfy the demands of justice and prevent trust
unjust enrichment. They arise against one who, by The tenants could not be faulted for not inquiring
fraud, duress or abuse of confidence, obtains or into the status of private respondent's negotiation
holds the legal right to property which he ought with the owners of the apartments. They had a
not, in equity and good conscience, to hold. right to expect private respondent to be true to his
duty as their representative and to take the
It is not necessary that the intention of the tenants initiative of informing them of the progress of his
to purchase their apartments units be categorically negotiations.
stated in the purposes of their Association.

Having concluded that private respondent willfully favor of the spouses. According to her, she
violated the trust reposed in him by his co-tenants, confronted the spouses Ramos. The spouses being
we consider it a serious matter of "justice, guilty, offered 1 million in as payment, which
morality, conscience and fair dealing" that he petitioner agreed. However, petitioner suddently
should not be allowed to profit from his breach of discovered that the said property was sold to
trust. "Every person who through an act of Baxter Inc. despite her warnings and
performance by another, or any other means, disagreements thereto.
acquires or comes into possession of something at
the expense of the latter without just or legal As to her Second cause of action, petitioner
ground, shall return the same to him." 35 Thus, claimed that she owned and operated a hardware
petitioner is granted the opportunity to purchase store, situated in a building owned by her,
the property which should have been his long ago however, the land on which such building is
had private respondent been faithful to his trust. situated was rented out from Maria Mendoza.
Petitioner argues that sometime, she offered the
We only regret that we cannot grant the same management of the hardware store to the spouses
opportunity to the other beneficiaries or cestuis que on the agreement that, the spouses shall facilitate
trust for their failure to perfect their petitions for the purchase of the lot being rented, which funds
review of the respondent Court's Decision. shall come from the earnings of the hardware.

WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby She also agreed that title to the property shall be
GRANTED. placed in the name of the spouses in order for
them to secure a loan for the expansion of the
hardware. There was no contract or written
agreement between petitioner and the spouses.
LINA PEÑALBER, Petitioner, Petitioner prays that the title to the said properties
vs. be issued in her favor, being the true owner
QUIRINO RAMOS, LETICIA PEÑALBER, thereof. Trial of the case thereafter ensued. The
and BARTEX INC., Respondents. RTC ruled that petitioner, on her argument that
her signature in the deed of donation was forged,
failed to overcome the presumption of its due
Facts: execution, the deed being notarized.
Petitioner Lina Peaber is the mother of As to the second cause of action, the RTC ruled in
respondent Leticia and the mother-in-law of her favor and declared that the property and
respondent Quirino, husband of Leticia. hardware is indeed her own.
Respondent Bartex, Inc., on the other hand, is a
domestic corporation which bought from On 24 July 2000, respondent spouses Ramos
respondent spouses Ramos one of the two elevated their case to the Court of Appeals, insofar
properties involved in this case. as the ruling of the RTC on petitioners second
cause of action was concerned. The appeal was
Firstly, petitioner alleged in her Complaint that docketed as CA-G.R. CV No. 69731.
she was the owner of a parcel of land situated in
Ugac Norte, Tuguegarao, Cagayan, registered in On 15 December 2006, the Court of Appeals
petitioners name. A residential house and a rendered the assailed Decision in favor of
warehouse were constructed on the said parcel of respondent spouses Ramos.
land which petitioner also claimed to own.
Petitioner averred that in the middle part of 1986, Issue:
she discovered that her title to the properties was
cancelled and a new one was issued under the (1) whether the existence of a trust agreement
name of the spouses. Allegedly it was because of a between her and respondent spouses Ramos was
fictitious deed of donation that she executed in clearly established, and (2) whether such trust

agreement was valid and enforceable. admitted to prove the existence of an express trust
concerning an immovable property or any interest
Held: therein.

In its technical legal sense, a trust is defined as the On this score, we subscribe to the ruling of the
right, enforceable solely in equity, to the beneficial RTC in its Order dated 17 July 2000 that said
enjoyment of property, the legal title to which is spouses were deemed to have waived their
vested in another, but the word trust is frequently objection to the parol evidence as they failed to
employed to indicate duties, relations, and timely object when petitioner testified on the said
responsibilities which are not strictly technical verbal agreement. The requirement in Article 1443
trusts. A person who establishes a trust is called that the express trust concerning an immovable or
the trustor; one in whom confidence is reposed is an interest therein be in writing is merely for
known as the trustee; and the person for whose purposes of proof, not for the validity of the trust
benefit the trust has been created is referred to as agreement.
the beneficiary.There is a fiduciary relation
between the trustee and the beneficiary (cestui que Therefore, the said article is in the nature of a
trust) as regards certain property, real, personal, statute of frauds. The term statute of frauds is
money or choses in action. descriptive of statutes which require certain classes
of contracts to be in writing. The statute does not
Trusts are either express or implied. Express trusts deprive the parties of the right to contract with
are created by the intention of the trustor or of respect to the matters therein involved, but merely
the parties. Implied trusts come into being by regulates the formalities of the contract necessary
operation of law.Express trusts are those which to render it enforceable.
are created by the direct and positive acts of the
parties, by some writing or deed, or will, or by The effect of non-compliance is simply that no
words either expressly or impliedly evincing an action can be proved unless the requirement is
intention to create a trust. No particular words are complied with. Oral evidence of the contract will
required for the creation of an be excluded upon timely objection. But if the
parties to the action, during the trial, make no
objection to the admissibility of the oral evidence
The petition, is denied. to support the contract covered by the statute, and
thereby permit such contract to be proved orally,
it will be just as binding upon the parties as if it
express trust, it being sufficient that a trust is had been reduced to writing.
clearly intended. However, in accordance with
Article 1443 of the Civil Code, when an express A careful perusal of the records of the case reveals
trust concerns an immovable property or any that respondent spouses Ramos did indeed fail to
interest therein, the same may not be proved by interpose their objections regarding the
parol or oral evidence. admissibility of the afore-mentioned testimonies
when the same were offered to prove the alleged
From the allegations of the petitioners Complaint verbal trust agreement between them and
in Civil Case No. 3672, the alleged verbal trust petitioner. Consequently, these testimonies were
agreement between petitioner and respondent rendered admissible in evidence. Nevertheless,
spouses Ramos is in the nature of an express trust while admissibility of evidence is an affair of
as petitioner explicitly agreed therein to allow the logic and law, determined as it is by its
respondent spouses Ramos to acquire title to the relevance and competence, the weight to be
Bonifacio property in their names, but to hold the given to such evidence, once admitted, still
same property for petitioners benefit. Given that [47]
the alleged trust concerns an immovable property, depends on judicial evaluation. Thus,
however, respondent spouses Ramos counter that despite the admissibility of the said testimonies,
the same is unenforceable since the agreement was the Court holds that the same carried little weight
made verbally and no parol evidence may be in proving the alleged verbal trust agreement

between petitioner and respondent spouses. CASE: Rizal Surety vs CA Citation: G.R. No.
96727 August 28, 1996
Petitioners allegations as to the existence of an
express trust agreement with respondent spouses RIZAL SURETY & INSURANCE
Ramos, supported only by her own and her son COMPANY, petitioner, vs. COURT OF
Johnsons testimonies, do not hold water. APPEALS and TRANSOCEAN
As correctly ruled by the Court of Appeals, a respondents.
resulting difference of P116,946.15 in the
beginning inventory of the stocks of the hardware FACTS:
store (before management was transferred to
respondent spouses Ramos) and the second The Reparations Commission
inventory thereof (after management was returned (REPACOM) sold to Transocean
to petitioner), by itself, is not conclusive proof 
 Transport Corporation the vessel 'M/V
that the said amount was used to pay the purchase
price of the Bonifacio property, such as would TRANSOCEAN 

make it the property of petitioner held merely in
trust by respondent spouses Ramos.Such a The vessel was insured with
conclusion adopted by the RTC is purely Rizal Surety & Insurance 
 Company for
speculative and non sequitur.
US$3,500,000.00, with stipulated value in
The resulting difference in the two inventories 
 Philippine Currency of P23,763,000.00.
might have been caused by other factors and the

same is capable of other interpretations (e. g., that
the amount thereof may have been written off as
business losses due to a bad economic condition, The policies named
or that the stocks of the store might have been REPACOM and Transocean the insured.
damaged or otherwise their purchase prices have 

increased dramatically, etc.), the exclusion of
which rested upon the shoulders of petitioner Subsequently, Rizal Surety
alone who has the burden of proof in the instant reinsured the vessel with a foreign
case. This petitioner miserably failed to do.

 insurance firm. 

The fact that respondent spouses Ramos never
denied the P116,946.15 difference, or that they Sometime in Feb 1975, during
failed to present proof that they indeed used the the effectivity of the marine 
said amount to pay the other obligations and policies, the vessel 'M/V
liabilities of petitioner is not sufficient to discharge
petitioners burden to prove the existence of the TRANSOCEAN SHIPPER' 
 was lost in
alleged express trust agreement. the Mediterranean Sea. 

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant The insured filed claims

Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of against Rizal Surety for the insurance
the Rules of Court is hereby DENIED. The
assailed Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA- 

G.R. CV No. 69731 dated 15 December 2006 is
hereby AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner. On November 18, 1975,
Transocean and REPACOM requested

 Rizal Surety to pay the insurance
proceeds in their joint names, despite
problems regarding the amount of their

respective claims. 
 Art. 1441. Trusts are either express or implied.
Express trusts are created by the intention of the
trustor or of the parties. . . .
On January 1976, Rizal Surety
informed Transocean and REPACOM
Art. 1444. No particular words are required for
that the entire insurance proceeds for the
the creation of an express trust, it being sufficient
loss of the vessel (both from local
that a trust is clearly intended.
insurance companies and reinsurers and
from the foreign insurer) had been Indicia that trust exists in this case
deposited with Prudential Bank. 

The evidence on record is clear that Rizal Surety
Transocean and REPACOM held on to the dollar balance of the insurance
entered into a partial compromise proceeds because (1) Transocean and REPACOM
agreement and agreed to divide and requested it to do so as they had not yet agreed on
distribute the insurance proceeds in such the amount of their respective claims, and the
a manner that each would receive as its Final Compromise Agreement was yet to be
initial share thereof that portion not executed, and (2) they had not, prior to
disputed by the other party (thus,
REPACOM — US$434,618.00, and January 31, 1977, signed the Loss and Subrogation
private respondent — US$1,931,153.00). Receipt (I don’t know unsa ni) in favor of Rizal

Rizal Surety never claimed ownership over the
The balance in dispute would funds in said deposit. In fact, it made several
continue to be kept in the same bank tenders of payment to Transocean and
account in trust for Transocean and REPACOM, albeit the latter declined to accept
REPACOM unless the parties otherwise since the dispute as to their respective claims
agree to transfer said balance to another could not yet be resolved at that time.
bank account.
By its own allegation, Rizal Surety held on to the
ISSUE: WON a trust relationship exists dollar balance of the insurance proceeds to protect
between Transocean and Rizal Surety. its interest, as it was not yet granted the right of
subrogation over the total loss of the vessel. As
YES (an express trust, in particular) 
 Rizal Surety continued holding on to the deposit
for the benefit of Transocean and REPACOM,
Rizal Surety obviously recognized its fiduciary
 What is a trust?
 It is basic in law
relationship with said parties. This is the essence
that a trust is the right, enforceable solely of the trust flowing from the communications of
in equity, to the beneficial enjoyment of petitioner.
property, the legal title to 

Elements of an express trust
which is vested in another. It is a fiduciary
relationship concerning property which obliges a 1) Competent trustor; 

person holding it (i.e., the trustee) to deal with the
property for the benefit of another (i.e. the
beneficiary). 2) Competent trustee; 

Express trusts are created by direct and positive 3) An ascertainable trust res; and 

acts of the parties, by some writing or deed, or
will, or by words either expressly or impliedly
evincing an intention to create a trust. 4) Sufficient certain beneficiaries. 

The evidence adduced by the Plaintiffs discloses
A declaration of terms is essential, and these must that the Plaintiffs are the absolute and exclusive
be stated with reasonable certainty in order that owners of the premises in question having
the trustee may administer, and that the court, if purchased the same from Celso Avelino. They later
called upon so to do, may enforce, the trust. There caused the transfer of its tax declaration in the
must also be some power of administration other name of the female plaintiff and paid the realty
than a mere duty to perform a contract although taxes thereon. Celso Avelino (Plaintiffs'
the contract is for a third-party beneficiary. predecessor in interest) purchased the land in
question consisting of two adjoining parcels while
All elements are present in this case he was still a bachelor and the City Fiscal of
Calbayog City from Alejandra Mendiola and Celita
Undeniably, all the elements are present in the Bartolome, through a "Escritura de Venta".
instant case.
After the purchase, he caused the transfer of the tax
As to Rizal Surety’s argument that it was never a declarations of the two parcels in his name as well
party to the Partial Compromise Agreement:
 It as consolidated into one the two tax declarations in
his name. With the knowledge of the Intervenor
is unavailing, since, upon being furnished a copy
and the defendant, Celso Avelino caused the survey
of the same, it undoubtedly became aware that the
of the premises in question, in his name, by the
parties to said agreement considered it as their
trustee in respect of said dollar balance. Yet, no Bureau of Lands. He also built his residential house
manifest objection was made, but it instead therein with Marcial Aragon (now dead) as his
master carpenter who was even scolded by him for
proceeded to accept its role and responsibility as
such trustee by implementing the compromise constructing the ceiling too low. When the two-
agreement. Equally as significant, it never storey residential house was finished, he took his
committed any act amounting to an unequivocal parents, Rosendo Avelino and Juana Ricaforte, and
his sister, Aurea, who took care of the couple, to
repudiation of its role as trustee.
live there until their deaths.
Petitioner's desperate attempt to establish a viable
defense by way of its allegation that no fiduciary He also declared this residential house in his tax
relationship could have existed because of the declaration to the premises in question and paid the
joint insured's adversary positions with respect to corresponding realty taxes, keeping intact the
the insurance proceeds deserves scant receipts which he comes to get or Aurea would go
consideration. The so-called adversary positions of to Cebu to give it to him. After being the City Fiscal
the parties had no effect on the trust as it never of Calbayog, Celso Avelino became an Immigration
changed the position of the parties in relation to Officer and later as Judge of the Court of First
each other and to the dollar proceeds, i.e., Instance in Cebu with his sister, Aurea, taking care
petitioner held it for private respondent and of the premises in question.
REPACOM, which were the real owners of the
money. While he was already in Cebu, the defendant,
without the knowledge and consent of the former,
constructed a small beauty shop in the premises in
question. Inasmuch as the Plaintiffs are the
G.R. No. 117228 June 19, 1997 RODOLFO purchasers of the other real properties of Celso
MORALES, represented by his heirs, and Avelino, one of which is at Acedillo (now Sen. J.D.
PRISCILA MORALES, petitioners, vs. Avelino) street, after they were offered by Celso
COURT OF APPEALS (Former Seventeenth Avelino to buy the premises in question, they
Division), RANULFO ORTIZ, JR., and examined the premises in question and talked with
ERLINDA ORTIZ, respondents. the defendant about that fact, the latter encouraged
them to purchase the premises in question rather
than the property going to somebody else they do
FACTS: not know and that he will vacate the premises as
soon as his uncle will notify him to do so. Thus,

they paid the purchase price and Exh. "C" was involving merely personal duties; it involves the
executed in their favor. However, despite due existence of equitable duties imposed upon the
notice from his uncle to vacate the premises in holder of the title to the property to deal with it for
question, the defendant refused to vacate or the benefit of another; and it arises as a result of a
demolish the beauty shop unless he is reimbursed manifestation of intention to create the
P35,000.00 for it although it was valued at less than relationship.
P5,000.00. So, the Plaintiffs demanded, orally and
in writing to vacate the premises. The defendant Trusts are either express or implied. Express trusts
refused. As the plaintiffs were about to undertake are created by the intention of the trustor or of the
urgent repairs on the dilapidated residential parties, while implied trusts come into being by
building, the defendant had already occupied the operation of law, either through implication of an
same, taking in paying boarders and claiming intention to create a trust as a matter of law or
already ownership of the premises in question, thus through the imposition of the trust irrespective of,
they filed this case. and even contrary to, any such intention. In turn,
implied trusts are either resulting or constructive
Plaintiffs, being the neighbors of Celso Avelino, of trusts.
their own knowledge are certain that the premises
in question is indeed owned by their predecessor- Resulting trusts are based on the equitable doctrine
in-interest because the male plaintiff used to play in that valuable consideration and not legal title
the premises when he was still in his teens while the determines the equitable title or interest and are
female plaintiff resided with the late Judge Avelino. presumed always to have been contemplated by the
Besides, their inquiries and documentary evidence parties. They arise from the nature or
shown to them by Celso Avelino confirm this fact. circumstances of the consideration involved in a
Likewise, the defendant and Intervenor did not transaction whereby one person thereby becomes
reside in the premises in question because they invested with legal title but is obligated in equity to
reside respectively in Brgy. Tarobucan and Brgy. hold his legal title for the benefit of another. On the
Trinidad (Sabang), both of Calbayog City with their other hand, constructive trusts are created by the
own residential houses there. Due to the damages construction of equity in order to satisfy the
they sustained as a result of the filing of this case, demands of justice and prevent unjust enrichment.
the plaintiffs are claiming P50,000.00 for mental They arise contrary to intention against one who,
anguish; monthly rental of the premises in question by fraud, duress or abuse of confidence, obtains or
of P1,500.00 starting from March 1987; litigation holds the legal right to property which he ought
expenses of P5,000.00 and P10,000.00 for not, in equity and good conscience, to hold.
Attorney's fees.

A resulting trust is exemplified by Article 1448 of

ISSUE: Whether or not the property acquired is a the Civil Code, which reads:
trust property?
Art. 1448. There is an implied trust when property
is sold, and the legal estate is granted to one party
RULING: but the price is paid by another for the purpose of
having the beneficial interest of the property. The
NO. A trust is the legal relationship between one former is the trustee, while the latter is the
person having an equitable ownership in property beneficiary. However, if the person to whom the
and another person owning the legal title to such title is conveyed is a child, legitimate or
property, the equitable ownership of the former illegitimate, of the one paying the price of the sale,
entitling him to the performance of certain duties no trust is implied by law, it being disputably
and the exercise of certain powers by the latter. presumed that there is a gift in favor of the child.
The characteristics of a trust are: It is a relationship; The trust created under the first sentence
it is a relationship of fiduciary character; it is a of Article 1448 is sometimes referred to
relationship with respect to property, not one

as a purchase money resulting trust. 17 The the property was conveyed to Celso. Accordingly,
trust is created in order to effectuate what the situation is governed by or falls within the
the law presumes to have been the exception under the third sentence of Article
intention of the parties in the 1448, which for convenience we quote:
circumstances that the person to whom
the land was conveyed holds it as trustee . . . However, if the person to whom the title is
for the person who supplied the purchase conveyed is a child, legitimate or illegitimate, of
money. 18 the one paying the price of the sale, no trust is
implied by law, it being disputably presumed that
To give rise to a purchase money resulting trust, it there is a gift in favor of the child. (Emphasis
is essential that there be: supplied).

1. an actual payment of money, property or On this basis alone, the case for petitioners must
services, or an equivalent, constituting valuable fall. The preponderance of evidence, as found by
consideration; the trial court and affirmed by the Court of
Appeals, established positive acts of Celso Avelino
2. and such consideration must be furnished by indicating, without doubt, that he considered the
the alleged beneficiary of a resulting trust. 19 property he purchased from the Mendiolas as his
exclusive property. He had its tax declaration
There are recognized exceptions to the transferred in his name, caused the property
establishment of an implied resulting trust. The surveyed for him by the Bureau of Lands, and
first is stated in the last part of Article 1448 itself. faithfully paid the realty taxes. Finally, he sold the
Thus, where A pays the purchase money and title property to private respondents.
is conveyed by absolute deed to A's child or to a
person to whom A stands in loco parentis and who The theory of implied trust with Celso Avelino as
makes no express promise, a trust does not result, the truster and his parents Rosendo Avelino and
the presumption being that a gift was intended. Juan Ricaforte as trustees is not even alleged,
Another exception is, of course, that in which an expressly or impliedly, in the verified Answer of
actual contrary intention is proved. Also where the Rodolfo Morales nor in the Answer in
purchase is made in violation of an existing statute Intervention of Priscila A. Morales. 25 In the
and in evasion of its express provision, no trust former, Rodolfo alleged that:
can result in favor of the party who is guilty of the
fraud. A. [T]he lot and the two-storey building in
question . . . which are actually possessed by
As a rule, the burden of proving the existence of a Rodolfo Morales, defendant herein, and by his
trust is on the party asserting its existence, and parents — Priscila A. Morales and Cesar Morales
such proof must be clear and satisfactorily show — and consequently, the ones now in litigation in
the existence of the trust and its elements. 21 While the above-entitled case, were originally and
implied trusts may be proved by oral exclusively owned and possessed by his
evidence, the evidence must be trustworthy and grandparents-Rosendo Avelino and Juana
received by the courts with extreme caution, and Ricaforte;
should not be made to rest on loose, equivocal or
indefinite declarations. Trustworthy evidence is B. [S]laid lot, together with an old house then
required because oral evidence can easily be thereon, were (sic) acquired by said couple —
fabricated. 23 Rosendo Avelino and Juana Ricaforte — on July
8, 1948, which they right away possessed
In the instant case, petitioners' theory is that exclusively in the concept of owner; 26
Rosendo Avelino owned the money for the
purchase of the property and he requested Celso, Priscila, on her part, merely reiterated the
his son, to buy the property allegedly in trust for foregoing allegations in subparagraphs A
the former. The fact remains, however, that title to

and B of paragraph 2 of her Answer in Yet, petitioners now want us to reverse the rulings
Intervention. 27 of the courts below that Celso Avelino was the
absolute and exclusive owner of the property in
Rodolfo and Priscila likewise even failed to question, on strength of, primarily, their "implied
suggest in their respective Special and Affirmative trust" theory. The problem with petitioners is that
Defenses that Celso Avelino held the property in they entirely forgot that the trial court and the
trust despite Rodolfo's claim that: Court of Appeals did not base their rulings on this
alone. As shown earlier, the trial court pointed out
4. [T]he alleged sale by Celso Avelino alone of the numerous other flaws in petitioners' theory, such
properties in question in favor of plaintiff Erlinda as laches. Then, too, the rule is settled that the
Ortiz and the alleged TD-47606 in the name of burden of proving the existence of a trust is on
Erlinda Ortiz, were clandestine, fraudulent, null the party asserting its existence and that such
and void because, first, said documents cover the proof must be clear and satisfactory. 32 As to that,
entire properties in question of the late Rosendo petitioners relied principally on testimonial
Avelino and Juana Ricaforte; second, only Celso evidence. It is, of course, doctrinally entrenched
Avelino sold the entire properties, without the that the evaluation of the testimony of witnesses
knowledge and consent of said Priscila A. by the trial court is received on appeal with the
Morales, Trinidad A. Cruz and Concepcion E. highest respect, because it is the trial court that has
Peralta — children and heirs of said Rosendo the direct opportunity to observe them on the
Avelino and Juana Ricaforte; and, third, said stand and detect if they are telling the truth or
documents were also made without the knowledge lying through their teeth. The assessment is
and consent of defendant Rodolfo Morales who accepted as correct by the appellate court and
has prior and legal possession over the properties binds it, absent a clear showing that it was reached
in question and who is a builder in good faith of arbitrarily. 33 In this case, petitioners failed to
the shop building thereon. assail, much less overcome, the following
observation of the trial court:
Not surprisingly, Priscila merely restated
these allegations in paragraph 2 of her Six. On the witness chair,
Special and Affirmative Defenses. If truly Intervenor's demeanor and
they were convinced that Celso Avelino manner of testifying show that
acquired the property in trust for his she was evasive and shifty and
parents, it would have been far easier for not direct in her answers to
them to explicitly state such fact. 29 simple questions that she was
admonished by the Court not to
The separate Answers of Rodolfo and Priscila do be evasive and direct and
not likewise allege that Celso Avelino committed categorical in her answers; and
any breach of the trust by having the property which rendered her testimony
declared in his name and paying the realty taxes unworthy of full faith and
thereon and by having the lot surveyed by the credit. 34
Bureau of Lands which gave it a lot number: Lot
1949. 30 Even more telling is that in the Pre-Trial Likewise fatal to petitioners' cause is that
Order 31 of the trial court, petitioners did not Concepcion Peralta's sworn Confirmation dated
claim the existence of an implied trust; the parties 14 May 1987 cannot be considered hearsay
merely agreed that the main issues were: evidence due to Concepcion's failure to testify. On
the contrary, it is an exception to the hearsay rule
a. Who is the owner of the under Section 38 of Rule 130 of the Rules of
premises in question? Court, it having been offered as evidence of an act
or declaration against interest. As declarant
Concepcion was a daughter of Rosendo Avelino
b. Who is entitled to the
and Juana Ricaforte, and a sister of Celso Avelino
possession thereof?
and intervenor Priscila Morales, Concepcion was
thus a co-heir of her siblings, and would have had

a share, equal to that of each of her co-heirs, in sisters' failure to assert co-ownership of the
the estate of Rosendo and Juana. However, property based on the theory of implied trust is, to
Concepcion explicitly declared therein thus: say the least, flimsy. In light of their assertion that
Celso Avelino did not have actual possession of
That my aforenamed brother [Celso Avelino], the property because he "was away from Calbayog
during the time when he was City Fiscal of continuously for more than 30 years until he died
Calbayog City and still a bachelor, out of his own on October 31, 1987, 36 and the established fact
money, bought the parcels of land located at that the tax declarations of the property were in
corner Umbria Street and Rosales Blvd., Brgy. Celso's name and the latter paid the realty taxes
Central, Calbayog City, from Culets Mendiola de thereon, there existed no valid and cogent reason
Bartolome and Alejandra Fua Mendiola by virtue why Priscila and her sisters did not do anything to
of a Deed of Sale entered as Doc. No. 37; Page have their respective shares in the property
No. 20; Book No. XI; Series of 1948 in the conveyed to them after the death of Rosendo
Notarial Book of Atty. Celedonio Alcazar, Notary Avelino in 1980. Neither is there any evidence that
Public of Calbayog, Samar; Likewise, out of his during his lifetime Rosendo demanded from Celso
own money, he constructed a residential building that the latter convey the land to the former,
on the lot which building is made of strong which Rosendo could have done after Juana's
materials. death on 31 May 1965. This omission was mute
and eloquent proof of Rosendo's recognition that
If indeed the property was merely held in trust by Celso was the real buyer of the property in 1948
Celso for his parents, Concepcion would have and the absolute and exclusive owner thereof.
been entitled to a proportionate part thereof as
co-heir. However, by her Confirmation, 1. MORALES v CA
Concepcion made a solemn declaration against
interest. Petitioners, realizing that the Seller owns two adjoining parcels of land on which
Confirmation was admissible, attempted to he constructed a house where he let his parents and
cushion its impact by offering in evidence as sister lived while he worked as City Fiscal of
Exhibit "4" 35 Concepcion's affidavit, dated 16 Calbayog, then Immigration Officer, and, later on,
June 1987, wherein Concepcion stated: as Judge of CFI Cebu.

3. The property in question (particularly the While in Cebu, without the Seller’s knowledge, his
house), however forms part of the state of our Nephew built a beauty shop on his property. When
deceased parents, and, therefore, full and complete he was offering to sell the property to prospective
conveyance of the right, title and interest in and to buyer Spouses, the latter did an ocular inspection
such property can only be effected with the and was able to talk with the Nephew, who
agreement of the other heirs, namely, my sisters encouraged them to buy the property and assured
Trinidad A. Cruz and Priscila A. Morales, and them that he will vacate the premises if notified by
myself. the seller to do so.

The sale was consummated and the Spouses paid

Note that Concepcion seemed to be certain that
the purchase price. Unfortunately, despite due
only the house formed part of the estate of her
notice from the Seller, the Nephew refused to
deceased parents. In light of the equivocal nature
vacate or demolish the beauty shop unless he is
of Concepcion's later affidavit, the trial court and
reimbursed for P35k. The Spouses also
the Court of Appeals did not then err in giving
subsequently found out that the Nephew also then
more weight to Concepcion's earlier
occupied the dilapidated residential building, which
the former had sought to repair. The Spouses then
filed a case to recover the property against the
At bottom, the crux of the matter is whether Nephew (later substituted by his heirs).
petitioners discharged their burden to prove the
existence of an implied trust. We rule in the According to the Nephew’s mother, sister of the
negative. Priscila's justification for her and her Seller, (aside from the one who live in the house

constructed) who also intervened in the case, the A trust is the legal relationship between one person
property was inherited by her together with their having an equitable ownership in property and
other siblings, except for the Seller who was away another person owning the legal title to such
for 30 years because of his job. property, the equitable ownership of the former
entitling him to the performance of certain duties
The Seller, being the only son, was allowed by their and the exercise of certain powers by the latter. The
father to acquire the property with money coming characteristics of a trust are: (a) it is a relationship;
from the father. She further alleged that the (b) it is a relationship of fiduciary character; (c) It is
constructed house was built by their parents and a relationship with respect to property, not one
that the built beauty shop was with the knowledge involving merely personal duties; (d) it involves the
and consent of the Seller. She intervened arguing
that the sale was fraudulent for including her share existence of equitable duties imposed upon the
and the beauty shop of her son. holder of the title to the property to deal with it for
the benefit of another; and (e) it arises as a result of
The Trial Court ruled in favor of the Spouses and a manifestation of intention to create the
ordered the Nephew to vacate and remove the relationship.
beauty shop. The court noted that the seller’s
siblings and their descendants had not disputed the A resulting trust, also sometimes referred to as a
Seller’s ownership of the property nor the extra PURCHASE MONEY
judicial-partition effected on the property, even
though two of the Sister-Intervenor’s children were RESULTING TRUST, is exemplified by Article
lawyers. It further noted that the claim of 1448 of the Civil Code, which Art. 1448. There is
ownership by the buyer Spouses were based on an implied trust when property is sold, and the legal
documentary evidence (Deed of Conveyance, tax estate is granted to one party but the price is paid
declarations transferred to the wife-buyer, etc.), as by another for the purpose of having the beneficial
against the evidence presented by the Seller’s Sister interest of the property. The former is the trustee,
and Nephew which were only testimonial. while the latter is the beneficiary. However, if the
Furthermore, the other sisters did not join them person to whom the title is conveyed is a child,
and intervened in legitimate or illegitimate, of the one paying the price
of the sale, no trust is implied by law, it being
the case. The court further ruled that their claim of disputably presumed that there is a gift in favor of
implied trust is untenable, because in order for the child.
implied trust to exist there must be evidence of an
equitable obligation of the trustee to convey, which To give rise to a purchase money resulting trust, it
was absent in this case. The CA affirmed the is essential that there be (1) actual payment of
decision of the trial court. money, property or services or an equivalent,
constituting valuable consideration
ISSUE WON the Seller was a mere trustee for his
parents and siblings (2) and such consideration must be furnished by the
alleged beneficiary of a resulting trust

The CA agreed with the lower courts that the
current situation falls within the exception under ht
NO. As a rule, the burden of proving the existence
third sentence of Article 1448.
of a trust is on the party asserting its existence, and
such proof must be clear and satisfactorily show the Also, fatal to the case of Sister and Nephew is the
existence of the trust and its elements. While declaration of their other sister, Concepcion, who
implied trusts may be proved by oral evidence, the disclaimed any interest on the property and
evidence must be trustworthy and received by the executed a Confirmation that their brother bought
courts with extreme caution, and should not be the property using his own funds. If indeed the
made to rest on loose, equivocal or indefinite property was merely held in trust by Celso for his
 parents, Concepcion would have been entitled to a

proportionate part thereof as co-heir. the said lots intended for the expansion of the
Lahug Airport were not utilized.
However, by her Confirmation, Concepcion made Petitioners filed a complaint for
a solemn declaration against interest. Furthermore, reconveyance and damages with the RTC of Cebu
the Seller’s sisters did not do anything to have their City against the respondent asserting their right to
respective shares in the property conveyed to them reacquire the subject properties. The trial court
after the death of their father. Neither is there any rendered judgment in favor of the petitioners,
evidence that during his lifetime, their father granting them the right to repurchase the properties
demanded from the Seller that the latter convey the at the amount originally paid by the respondent,
land, which was mute and eloquent proof of the including consequential damages.
father’s recognition that the Seller was the to be the
absolute owner of the property. The CA reversed the trial court’s decision
on the premise that the judgment affirming the
state’s right to exercise its power of eminent
domain was unconditional. The petitioners filed a
motion for reconsideration but was denied.

GR 156273 Aug 9, 2005 Petitioners filed before the SC for review

Heirs of Moreno vs. Mactan of the decision of the CA. SC reversed the CA
FACTS: decision. Respondents now filed a motion for
In 1949, the NAC sought to acquire Lot reconsideration.
No. 916 and Lot No. 920 for the proposed
expansion of the Lahug Airport. The two parcels of ISSUE:
land located in Lahug, Cebu City were owned by Whether or not petitioners are entitled to
the spouses Timoteo Moreno and Maria Rotea. The reconveyance or repurchase of the lots in question
spouses refused to sell their properties because the when the public purpose for which the eminent
proposed price was unacceptably way below the domain was exercised no longer subsists.
market value of the lands at that time. As an
incentive for the other owners to cede their lots HELD:
adjoining the then existing Lahug Airport, NAC The motion for reconsideration filed by
guaranteed them or their successors-in-interest the respondents was denied.
right to repurchase their properties for the same
price paid by the government in the event that these Nothing in the Fery case bespeaks that
properties were no longer used for purposes of the there should foremost be an express condition in
airport. Some landowners executed deeds of the dispositive portion of the decision before the
conveyance while others who refused to cede their condemned property can be returned to its former
properties became defendants in an action for owner after the purpose for its taking has been
expropriation filed by the Republic of the abandoned or ended.
Philippines before the CFI of Cebu. Lot Nos. 916
and 920 were among those included in the SC also discovered a significant portion of
expropriation case. the subject properties had been purchased by the
In a Decision rendered by the trial court, Cebu Property Ventures, Inc. for the development
the properties of Moreno and Rotea were of a commercial complex. The respondent, in its
condemned for public use after payment of just answer, did not deny this allegation in the
compensation. petitioners’ complaint.
Subsequently, the Lahug Airport was
abandoned and all its functions and operations The predominant precept is that upon
were transferred to the Mactan Airport. The abandonment of real property condemned for
petitioners herein, wrote then President Fidel V. public purpose, the party who originally
Ramos and the MCIAA General Manager, condemned the property recovers control of the
requesting for the exercise of their supposed right land if the condemning party continues to use the
to repurchase the lots in question considering that property for public purpose; however, if the

condemning authority ceases to use the property the heirs of Valdez prayed that damages be
for a public purpose, property reverts to the owner awarded in their favor.
in fee simple. The government’s taking of private
property, and then transferring it to private persons OCT No. 404 was attached as one of the annexes
under the guise of public use or purpose is the of respondents’ complaint. It contained several
despotism found in the immense power of eminent annotations in the memorandum of encumbrances
domain. Moreover, the direct and unconstitutional which showed that the property had already been
state’s power to oblige a landowner to renounce his sold by Pablo during his lifetime to Alejandria
productive and invaluable possession to another Marquinez and Restituto Morales.
citizen, who will use it predominantly for his own
private gain, is offensive to our laws. It was further averred in the complaint that Jorge
Pascua, Sr., son of Cipriano, filed a petition before
When the State reconveys land, it should the RTC of Olongapo City for the issuance of a
not profit from sudden appreciations in land values. new owner’s duplicate of OCT No. 404. However,
Any increase or decrease in market value due to the the RTC denied the petition and held that
proposed improvement may not be considered in petitioner was already the owner of the land,
determining the market value. Thus, reconveyance noting that the failure to annotate the subsequent
to the original owner shall be for whatever amount transfer of the property to it at the back of OCT
he was paid by the government, plus legal interest, No. 404 did not affect its title to the property.
whether or not the consideration was based on the
land’s highest and best use when the sale to the Petitioner filed a motion to dismiss the complaint
State occurred. on the grounds that the action is barred by the
Statute of Limitations, more than 28 years having
elapsed from the issuance of TCT No. T-10863
G.R. No. 171531 January 30, 2009 up to the filing of the complaint, and that the
complaint states no cause of action as it is an
GUARANTEED HOMES, INC., Petitioner, innocent purchaser for value, it having relied on
vs. the clean title of the spouses Rodolfo.
YUMUL and VICTORIA V. MOLINO), The RTC granted petitioner’s motion to dismiss.
(ILUMINADA and LEONORA P. TUGADE, The appellate court further held that the ruling of
HEIRS OF ETANG P. GATMIN the RTC that petitioner is an innocent purchaser
(LUDIVINA G. DELA CRUZ (by and for value is contrary to the allegations in
through ALFONSO G. DELA CRUZ), respondents’ complaint.
COBERO) and SIONY G. TEPOL (by and Hence, the present petition for review.
PABLO PASCUA, Respondents.
The sole issue before this Court revolves around
Facts: the propriety of the RTC’s granting of the motion
to dismiss and conversely the tenability of the
The descendants of Pablo Pascua filed a Court of Appeals’ reversal of the RTC’s ruling.
complaint (in their complaint respondents alleged
that Pablo died intestate sometime in June 1945 Held:
and was survived by his four children, one of
whom was the deceased Cipriano) seeking The petition is meritorious.
reconveyance of a parcel of land with an area of
23.7229 hectares situated in Cabitaugan, Subic, It is well-settled that to sustain a dismissal on the
Zambales with Original Certificate of Title (OCT) ground that the complaint states no cause of
No. 404 in the name of Pablo. In the alternative, action, the insufficiency of the cause of action

must appear on the face of the complaint, and the Petitioners are the heirs of the late Donata Ortiz-
test of the sufficiency of the facts alleged in the Briones (Donata), consisting of her surviving
complaint to constitute a cause of action is sister, Rizalina Ortiz-Aguila (Rizalina); Rizalina's
whether or not, admitting the facts alleged, the daughter, Erlinda Pilapil (Erlinda); and the other
court could render a valid judgment upon the nephews and nieces of Donata, in representation
same in accordance with the prayer of the of her two other... sisters who had also passed
complaint. away. Respondents, on the other hand, are the
heirs of the late Maximino Briones (Maximino),
Firstly, the complaint does not allege any defect composed of his nephews and nieces, and
with TCT No. T-8242 in the name of the spouses grandnephews and grandnieces, in representation
Rodolfo, who were petitioner’s predecessors-in- of the deceased siblings of Maximino.
interest, or any circumstance from which it could
reasonably be inferred that petitioner had any Maximino was married to Donata but their union
actual knowledge of facts that would impel it to did not produce any children. When Maximino
make further inquiry into the title of the spouses died on 1 May 1952, Donata instituted intestate
Rodolfo. proceedings to settle her husband's estate
On 8 July 1952, the CFI issued Letters of
Secondly, while the Extrajudicial Settlement of a Administration appointing Donata as the
Sole Heir and Confirmation of Sales executed by administratrix of Maximino's estate. She submitted
Cipriano alone despite the existence of the other an Inventory of Maximino's properties, which
heirs of Pablo, is not binding on such other heirs, included, among other things... parcels of land
nevertheless, it has operative effect under Section
44 of the Property Registration Decree (SEC. 44. The CFI would subsequently issue an Order,
Statutory Liens Affecting Title). dated 2 October 1952, awarding ownership of the
aforementioned real properties to Donata. On 27
Lastly, respondents’ claim against the Assurance June 1960, Donata had the said CFI Order
Fund also cannot prosper. Section 101 of P.D. recorded in the Primary Entry Book of the
No. 1529 clearly provides that the Assurance Register of Deeds, and by virtue thereof, received
Fund shall not be liable for any loss, damage or new
deprivation of any right or interest in land which
may have been caused by a breach of trust, TCTs, covering the said properties, now in her
whether express, implied or constructive. Even
assuming arguendo that they are entitled to claim Donata died on 1 November 1977. Erlinda, one
against the Assurance Fund, the respondents’ of Donata's nieces, instituted with the RTC a
claim has already prescribed since any action for petition for the administration of the intestate
compensation against the Assurance Fund must estate of Donata. Erlinda and her husband,
be brought within a period of six (6) years from Gregorio, were appointed by the RTC as
the time the right to bring such action first administrators of Donata's intestate estate.
occurred, which in this case was in 1967. Controversy... arose among Donata's heirs when
Erlinda claimed exclusive ownership of three
The petition is GRANTED. parcels of land... based on two Deeds of
Donation, both dated 15 September 1977,
allegedly executed in her favor by her aunt
Donata. The other heirs of Donata... opposed
Erlinda's claim. This Court, however, was no
longer informed of the subsequent development
ERLINDA PILAPIL v. HEIRS OF MAXIMINO in the intestate proceedings of the estate of
R. BRIONES, GR No. 150175, 2007-02-05 Donata; and as far as this Petition is concerned, all
the heirs of Donata, including Erlinda, appear to
Facts: be on the same side.

On 21 January 1985, Silverio Briones (Silverio), a In summary, the heirs of Maximino failed to prove
nephew of Maximino, filed a Petition with the by clear and convincing evidence that Donata
RTC for Letters of Administration for the managed, through fraud, to have the real
intestate estate of Maximino, which was initially properties, belonging to the intestate estate of
granted by the RTC. The RTC also issued an Maximino, registered in her name. In the absence
Order, dated 5 December 1985, allowing Silverio... of fraud, no implied trust was... established
to collect rentals from Maximino's properties. But between Donata and the heirs of Maximino under
then, Gregorio filed with the RTC a Motion to Set Article 1456 of the New Civil Code. Donata was
Aside the Order, dated 5 December 1985, able to register the real properties in her name, not
claiming that the said properties were already through fraud or mistake, but pursuant to an
under his and his wife's administration as part of Order, dated 2 October 1952, issued by the CFI
the intestate estate of Donata.
The CFI Order, presumed to be fairly and
Silverio's Letters of Administration for the regularly issued, declared Donata as the sole,
intestate estate of Maximino was subsequently set absolute, and exclusive heir of Maximino; hence,
aside by the RTC. making Donata the singular owner of the entire
estate of Maximino, including the real properties,
On 3 March 1987, the heirs of Maximino filed a and not merely a co-owner with the... other heirs
Complaint with the RTC against the heirs of of her deceased husband.
Donata for the partition, annulment, and recovery
of possession of real property Issues:
They... alleged that Donata, as administratrix of Respondents move for the reconsideration of the
the estate of Maximino, through fraud and Decision of this Court raising still the arguments
misrepresentation, in breach of trust, and without that Donata committed fraud in securing the
the knowledge of the other heirs, succeeded in Court of First Instance Order, dated 2 October
registering in her name the real properties 1952, which declared her as the sole heir of her
belonging to the intestate estate of Maximino. deceased husband Maximino and authorized... her
to have Maximino's properties registered
After trial in due course, the RTC rendered its exclusively in her name
Decision, dated 8 April 1986, in favor of the heirs
of Maximino Ruling:
[T]he RTC declared that the heirs of Maximino While this Court is persuaded to reexamine and
were entitled to ½ of the real properties covered clarify some points in its previous Decision in this
by TCTs No. 21542, 21543, 21544, 21545, 21546, case, it does not find any new evidence or
and 58684. It also ordered Erlinda to reconvey to argument that would adequately justify a change in
the heirs of Maximino the said properties and to its previous position.
render an accounting of the... fruits thereof.
On the finding of fraud
The Court of Appeals, in its Decision,
promulgated on 31 August 2001, affirmed the In the Decision, this Court ruled in the negative,
RTC Decision since there was insufficient evidence to establish
that Donata committed fraud. It should be
In its Decision, dated 10 March 2006, this Court remembered that Donata was able to secure
found the Petition meritorious and, reversing the certificates of title to the disputed properties by
Decisions of the Court of Appeals and the virtue of the CFI Order... which declared her as
Regional Trial Court (RTC), dismissed the Maximino's sole heir. In the absence of proof to
Complaint for partition, annulment, and recovery the contrary, the Court accorded to Special
of possession of real property filed by the... heirs Proceedings No. 928-R the presumptions of
of Maximino regularity and validity.
This Court summed up its findings,[11] thus - It is worth noting that, in its foregoing
ratiocination, the Court was proceeding from an

evaluation of the evidence on record, which did entitled to inherit all the residue of this estate...
not include an actual copy of the CFI Order after paying all the obligations thereof
Respondents only submitted a certified true copy From the contents of the afore-quoted Order, this
thereof on 15 Court is able to deduce that the CFI Order was in
fact issued on 15 January 1960 and not 2 October
June 2006, annexed to their Supplemental Reply to 1952, as earlier stated in the Decision. It was the
petitioners' opposition to their motion for inventory of properties, submitted by Donata as
reconsideration of this Court's Decision. administratrix of Maximino's... intestate estate,
Respondents did not offer any explanation as to which was dated 2 October 1952.[18] Other than
why they belatedly produced a copy of the said such observation, this Court finds nothing in the
Order, but merely claimed to have been CFI Order which could change its original
"fortunate enough to obtain a copy" thereof from position in the Decision under consideration.
the Register of Deeds While it is true that since the CFI was not
Respondents should be taken to task for springing informed that Maximino still had surviving
new evidence so late into the proceedings of this siblings and so the court was not able to order that
case. Parties should present all their available these siblings be given personal notices of the
evidence at the courts below so as to give the intestate proceedings, it should be borne in mind
opposing party the opportunity to scrutinize and that the settlement of estate, whether... testate or
challenge such evidence during the... course of the intestate, is a proceeding in rem,[19] and that the
trial. However, given that the existence of the CFI publication in the newspapers of the filing of the
Order in Special Proceedings No. 928-R was application and of the date set for the hearing of
never in issue and was, in fact, admitted by the the same, in the manner prescribed by law, is a
petitioners; that the copy submitted is a certified notice to the whole world of the... existence of the
true copy of the said Order; and that the said proceedings and of the hearing on the date and
Order may provide new... information vital to a time indicated in the publication. The publication
just resolution of the present case, this Court is requirement of the notice in newspapers is
compelled to consider the same as part of the precisely for the purpose of informing all
evidence on record. interested parties in the estate of the deceased of
the existence of the... settlement proceedings,
The CFI Order[17] in question reads in full as - most especially those who were not named as
heirs or creditors in the petition, regardless of
This is with reference to the Motion of the
whether such omission was voluntarily or
Administratrix, dated January 5, 1960, that she be involuntarily made.
declared the sole heir of her deceased husband,
Maximino Suico Briones, the latter having died This Court cannot stress enough that the CFI
without any legitimate ascendant nor descendant, Order was the result of the intestate proceedings
nor any legitimate brother or sister,... nephews or instituted by Donata before the trial court. As this
nieces. Court pointed out in its earlier Decision, the
manner by which the CFI judge conducted the
At the hearing of this incident today, nobody proceedings enjoys the presumption of...
appeared to resist the motion, and based on the regularity, and encompassed in such presumption
uncontradicted testimony of Donata G. Ortiz that is the order of publication of the notice of the
she was the nearest surviving relative of the
intestate proceedings. A review of the records fails
deceased Maximino Suico Briones at the time of to show any allegation or concrete proof that the
the latter's death, and pursuant to the... pertinent CFI also failed to order the publication in
provisions of the new Civil Code of the newspapers of the notice of the... intestate
Philippines, the Court hereby declares the proceedings and to require proof from Donata of
aforesaid Donata G. Ortiz the sole, absolute and compliance therewith. Neither can this Court find
exclusive heir of the estate of the deceased any reason or explanation as to why Maximino's
Maximino Suico Briones, and she is hereby siblings could have missed the published notice of
the intestate proceedings of their brother.

Although Donata may have alleged before the CFI jurisdiction by the CFI in rendering the questioned
that she was her husband's sole heir, it was not Order, dated 15 January 1960, in Special
established that she did so knowingly, maliciously Proceedings No. 928-R.
and in bad faith, so as for this Court to conclude
that she indeed committed fraud. This Court again
brings to the fore the delay... by which
respondents filed the present case, when the
principal actors involved, particularly, Donata and
Maximino's siblings, have already passed away and
their lips forever sealed as to what truly transpired
between them. On the other hand, Special
Proceedings No. 928-R took... place when all
these principal actors were still alive and each
would have been capable to act to protect his or
her own right to Maximino's estate. Letters of
Administration of Maximino's estate were issued
in favor of Donata as early as 8 July 1952, and the
CFI Order in... question was issued only on 15
January 1960. The intestate proceedings for the
settlement of Maximino's estate were thus pending
for almost eight years, and it is the burden of the
respondents to establish that their parents or
grandparents, Maximino's surviving siblings, had...
absolutely no knowledge of the said proceedings
all these years. As established in Ramos v.
Ramos,[21] the degree of proof to establish fraud
in a case where the principal actors to the
transaction have already passed away is proof
beyond reasonable... doubt, to wit -
"x x x But length of time necessarily obscures all
human evidence; and as it thus removes from the
parties all the immediate means to verify the
nature of the original transactions, it operates by
way of presumption, in favor of innocence, and
against... imputation of fraud.
Fraud, or breach of trust, ought not lightly to be
imputed to the living; for, the legal presumption is
the other way; as to... the dead, who are not here
to answer for themselves, it would be the height
of injustice and cruelty, to disturb their ashes, and
violate the sanctity of the grave, unless the
evidence of fraud be clear, beyond a reasonable
Moreover, even if Donata's allegation that she was
Maximino's sole heir does constitute fraud, it is
insufficient to justify abandonment of the CFI
Order, dated 15 January 1960,[22] considering the
nature of intestate proceedings as being in rem
and the... disputable presumptions of the regular
performance of official duty and lawful exercise of


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