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TOEFL Grammar Exercises

Exercise #1

All About TOEFL

More TOEFL Exercises

Directions: The questions here test your knowledge of English grammar. Each question
consists of a short written conversation, part of which has been omitted.

Four words or phrases, labelled 1, 2, 3, and 4, are given below the conversation. Choose
the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation. Click on the
answer you think is correct.

1. What year did you _____ university?

graduate from
graduating from

2. It seems to be getting worse. You had better _____ a specialist.

consult to
consult with
consult by

3. Chicago is a large city, _____?

aren't it
doesn't it
won't it
isn't it

4. Don't leave your books near the open fire. They might easily _____.
catch to fire
catch the fire
catch on fire
catch with fire

5. Do you enjoy _____?

to swim
to swimming

6. I have trouble _____.

to remember my password
to remembering my password
remember my password
remembering my password

7. Do you have _____ to do today? We could have a long lunch if not.

many work
much work
many works
much works

8. My brother will _____ for a few nights.

provide us up
provide us in
put us up
put us in

9. When will the meeting _____?

hold on
hold place
take on
take place

10. The board meeting was held _____.

at Tuesday
on Tuesday
with Tuesday
in Tuesday

11. Why don't you _____ us?

go to the house party with
go together the house party with
go the house party with
together the house party with

12. That awful accident occurred _____.

before three weeks
three weeks before
three weeks ago
three weeks past

13. They didn't _____ John's plan?

agree with
agree to
agree about

14. The social worker _____ the two old sisters who were ill.
called to the house of
called on the house of
called to
called on

15. Tomorrow is Paul's birthday. Let's _____ it.


16. If you don't understand the text, don't hesitate _____.

ask a question
asking a question
to ask a question
to asking a question

17. It's snowing. Would you like to _____ on Saturday or Sunday?

go to ski
go skiing
go ski

18. Our company didn't pay _____ for that banner advertisement.
much funds
many funds
many money
much money

19. Do you feel like _____ now?

to swim
to go swimming

20. Tom was thrilled to be _____ such a beautiful and interesting lady.
introduced at
introduced with
introduced to

21. "What happened to them last night? They look depressed"

"I don't think _____ happened."

22. "It is not very cold. I don't think we need these big jackets."
"I don't think so, _____."

23. "Bill is not doing well in class."

"You must _____, that he is just a beginner at this level."
keep minding
keep to mind
keep in mind
keeping in mind

24. "Excuse me. Do you know where the bus terminal is?"
"It is _____ the large police station."
opposed to
opposite with
opposite to

25. "Those students will perform the annual school play."

"Yes, it is _____ for next week."
put on

TOEFL Practice Test - Free Exercise Material

Complex Sentence Structure Practice #2

All About TOEFL

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Main Verb Exercise

1. There is a law in France, which says that only the family has the right to decide
what _______ or not known about the health of a patient.”

A. must be known
B. must have known
C. must have been known
D. must have been being known

2. A top US disease expert said this week that killer virus "Bird Flu" was the
world’s number one health threat and should _______ .

A. be took serious
B. be took seriously
C. be taken serious
D. be taken seriously
3. After much criticism, the politician _______ his controversial statement of the
previous day.

A. quickly retracted
B. quickly retracted to
C. quickly was retracted
D. quickly has retracted

4. The vague and misleading instructions _______ in two entirely opposite ways.

A. could been interpreted

B. could be interpret
C. could easily be interpreted
D. could easily interpreted

5. The beginning of the Symbolist movement in art __________ having begun in the
late 1880's.

(A) is regarded as
(B) is regarded
(C) is regarding
(D) regarded as

Noun Clauses

1. We don't know __________ taught us noun clauses before.

(A) if the teacher has

(B) the teacher has
(C) the teacher hasn't
(D) whether teacher

2. The teacher didn't know _______ .

A. which noun clauses teach

B. which noun clauses to teach
C. why noun clauses to teach
D. when noun clauses to teach
3. Can you please tell me ________ ?

A. what time the next bus arrives

B. what time arrives the next bus
C. when arrives the next bus
D. when arrives the bus

4. The judges had an extremely hard time deciding _______ .

A. who's painting was the best

B. whose painting was the best
C. painting who was the best
D. the best painting was who

5. _______ is a mystery. I wish that I could ask him.

A. How did it
B. What he did it
C. How he did it
D. When did it

Word Order

1. I think Jane deserved to be fired for her __________ .

(A) totally behavior irresponsible

(B) behavior totally irresponsible
(C) irresponsible totally behavior
(D) totally irresponsible behavior

2. _______ appeared to be coming from the science lab next door.

A. The pungent unpleasant odor of burning plastic

B. The unpleasant pungent odor of burning plastic
C. The pungent unpleasant odor of plastic burning
D. The unpleasant odor pungent of burning plastic
3. One of Jane's favorite subjects in school is drama because _______ lots of fun
and enjoys being part of it all.

A. has really she

B. she really has
C. she really is
D. is she really

4. Only after they had completed the analysis to that degree _______ how to apply
technology to the needs of our enterprise.

A. did they ask to begin

B. did they begin to ask
C. they did begin to ask
D. to ask did they begin

5. The archaeologists were astonished to find such _______ at that particular site.

A. an incredibly rare beautiful artifact

B. a rare incredibly beautiful artifact
C. a beautiful artifact incredibly rare
D. an incredibly beautiful rare artifact
TOEFL Practice Test - Free Exercise Material

Complex Sentence Structure Practice #2

All About TOEFL

More TOEFL Exercises

Main Verb Exercise

1. There is a law in France, which says that only the family has the right to decide
what _______ or not known about the health of a patient.”

A. must be known
B. must have known
C. must have been known
D. must have been being known

2. A top US disease expert said this week that killer virus "Bird Flu" was the
world’s number one health threat and should _______ .

A. be took serious
B. be took seriously
C. be taken serious
D. be taken seriously

3. After much criticism, the politician _______ his controversial statement of the
previous day.

A. quickly retracted
B. quickly retracted to
C. quickly was retracted
D. quickly has retracted

4. The vague and misleading instructions _______ in two entirely opposite ways.

A. could been interpreted

B. could be interpret
C. could easily be interpreted
D. could easily interpreted

5. The beginning of the Symbolist movement in art __________ having begun in the
late 1880's.

(A) is regarded as
(B) is regarded
(C) is regarding
(D) regarded as

Noun Clauses

1. We don't know __________ taught us noun clauses before.

(A) if the teacher has

(B) the teacher has
(C) the teacher hasn't
(D) whether teacher

2. The teacher didn't know _______ .

A. which noun clauses teach
B. which noun clauses to teach
C. why noun clauses to teach
D. when noun clauses to teach

3. Can you please tell me ________ ?

A. what time the next bus arrives

B. what time arrives the next bus
C. when arrives the next bus
D. when arrives the bus

4. The judges had an extremely hard time deciding _______ .

A. who's painting was the best

B. whose painting was the best
C. painting who was the best
D. the best painting was who

5. _______ is a mystery. I wish that I could ask him.

A. How did it
B. What he did it
C. How he did it
D. When did it

Word Order

1. I think Jane deserved to be fired for her __________ .

(A) totally behavior irresponsible

(B) behavior totally irresponsible
(C) irresponsible totally behavior
(D) totally irresponsible behavior

2. _______ appeared to be coming from the science lab next door.

A. The pungent unpleasant odor of burning plastic

B. The unpleasant pungent odor of burning plastic
C. The pungent unpleasant odor of plastic burning
D. The unpleasant odor pungent of burning plastic

3. One of Jane's favorite subjects in school is drama because _______ lots of fun
and enjoys being part of it all.

A. has really she

B. she really has
C. she really is
D. is she really

4. Only after they had completed the analysis to that degree _______ how to apply
technology to the needs of our enterprise.

A. did they ask to begin

B. did they begin to ask
C. they did begin to ask
D. to ask did they begin

5. The archaeologists were astonished to find such _______ at that particular site.

A. an incredibly rare beautiful artifact

B. a rare incredibly beautiful artifact
C. a beautiful artifact incredibly rare
D. an incredibly beautiful rare artifact
TOEFL Practise Tests - Free Exercises & Study Material

Complex Sentence Structure Practice #1

All About TOEFL

More TOEFL Exercises

Adjective Clauses

1. This new service will be available to all users _______ up for paid membership.

A. that signed
B. that signed it
C. which signed
D. sign
2. That is a story of hardship _______ our own situation into perspective.

A. puts
B. it puts
C. that it puts
D. that puts

3. John Smith, _______ of economic crimes, tax evasion and fraud, is being accused
of attempted murder now.

A. of that he was accused

B. that was accused
C. whom he was accused
D. who was accused

4. The process uses an innovative digital technology __________ the products with
as many colors as the image contains.

(A) imprints
(B) that imprints it
(C) that imprints
(D) that it imprints

5. The police were greatly outnumbered by rioters, _______ ran into the hundreds.

A. whose figures
B. those figures
C. that its figures
D. its figures that

Adverb Clauses

1. __________ getting the highest result in the class, John still had problems with
the teacher.

(A) Despite of
(B) In spite of
(C) Even though
(D) Nonetheless
2. _______ air is composed of about 78 percent nitrogen and only about 21 percent
oxygen, is a little known fact on the streets.

A. How that
B. That
C. When
D. However

3. _______ he was seen to be an aggressive politician, he was a quiet and loving

family man at home.

A. Although
B. Despite
C. In spite of
D. Nevertheless

4. _______ the variable drops by a unit of 1, the rank drops by X amount.

A. Why
B. Whenever
C. How
D. What

5. This method is widely used _______ algorithm is not only effective but also very

A. because its
B. because
C. it is because
D. because of its

Main Subject

1. It is said he was a man, _________ to have the vision of an eagle and courage of a

(A) who appeared

(B) he appeared
(C) that appears
(D) and appears
2. Before Johnson & Smith reached great heights in the business world, ______
encountered many great difficulties in promoting their theories and methods.

A. they
B. who
C. which
D. and

3. After the discovery of the abandoned getaway vehicle, ________ believed to be

hiding in the nearby Riverside forest region.

A. that the bank robber is

B. the bank robber who
C. the bank robber is
D. the bank robber who is

4. A gifted scientist, Newton _______ some of the most fundamental laws in the
history of science.

A. keeps discovering
B. who discovered
C. the discoverer of
D. discovered

5. George Washington once said that _______ have virtue enough to withstand the
highest bidder.

A. few men
B. the few men
C. few are the men
D. the men are few

TOEFL Practise Tests - Free Exercises & Study Material

Complex Sentence Structure Practice #1

All About TOEFL

More TOEFL Exercises

Adjective Clauses

1. This new service will be available to all users _______ up for paid membership.
A. that signed
B. that signed it
C. which signed
D. sign

2. That is a story of hardship _______ our own situation into perspective.

A. puts
B. it puts
C. that it puts
D. that puts

3. John Smith, _______ of economic crimes, tax evasion and fraud, is being accused
of attempted murder now.

A. of that he was accused

B. that was accused
C. whom he was accused
D. who was accused

4. The process uses an innovative digital technology __________ the products with
as many colors as the image contains.

(A) imprints
(B) that imprints it
(C) that imprints
(D) that it imprints

5. The police were greatly outnumbered by rioters, _______ ran into the hundreds.

A. whose figures
B. those figures
C. that its figures
D. its figures that

Adverb Clauses

1. __________ getting the highest result in the class, John still had problems with
the teacher.
(A) Despite of
(B) In spite of
(C) Even though
(D) Nonetheless

2. _______ air is composed of about 78 percent nitrogen and only about 21 percent
oxygen, is a little known fact on the streets.

A. How that
B. That
C. When
D. However

3. _______ he was seen to be an aggressive politician, he was a quiet and loving

family man at home.

A. Although
B. Despite
C. In spite of
D. Nevertheless

4. _______ the variable drops by a unit of 1, the rank drops by X amount.

A. Why
B. Whenever
C. How
D. What

5. This method is widely used _______ algorithm is not only effective but also very

A. because its
B. because
C. it is because
D. because of its

Main Subject
1. It is said he was a man, _________ to have the vision of an eagle and courage of a

(A) who appeared

(B) he appeared
(C) that appears
(D) and appears

2. Before Johnson & Smith reached great heights in the business world, ______
encountered many great difficulties in promoting their theories and methods.

A. they
B. who
C. which
D. and

3. After the discovery of the abandoned getaway vehicle, ________ believed to be

hiding in the nearby Riverside forest region.

A. that the bank robber is

B. the bank robber who
C. the bank robber is
D. the bank robber who is

4. A gifted scientist, Newton _______ some of the most fundamental laws in the
history of science.

A. keeps discovering
B. who discovered
C. the discoverer of
D. discovered

5. George Washington once said that _______ have virtue enough to withstand the
highest bidder.

A. few men
B. the few men
C. few are the men
D. the men are few
Online TOEFL Preparation Course
Word Order :

1. _________ explores the nature of guilt and responsibility and builds to a

remarkable conclusion.

A. The written beautifully novel

B. The beautifully written novel
C. The novel beautifully written
D. The written novel beautifully

2. Over time the young students will perfect the art of piano playing. After all, such
________ needs delicate handling.

A. a tuned instrument finely

B. an instrument tuned finely
C. a finely instrument tuned
D. a finely tuned instrument

3. Honore de Balzac said "The errors of ________, from their faith in the good, or
their confidence in the true".

A. women spring, almost always

B. almost always, women spring
C. almost women, always spring
D. almost spring, always women

4. In that particular department of the company, production __________ day and


(A) going often keeps

(B) keeps often going
(C) keeps going often
(D) often keeps going

5. The tenants were asked to throw all recyclable trash into __________.

A. the green big plastic bag

B. the big plastic green bag
C. the big green plastic bag
D. the green plastic big bag
Verb Forms

1. The causes of gamma-ray bursts throughout the universe, and how the gamma
rays are actually produced, ________ until recently remained a mystery.

A. have
B. have been
C. has been
D. has

2. That the legal drinking age ________ lowered is a hot topic for debate in many

A. should have
B. which should
C. should be
D. should

3. Discovery of these ancient anthropic markings ________ our understanding of

how these early humans interacted with their environment.

A. has broadened
B. have broadened
C. broaden
D. will have broadened

4. The rivalry between the two communities stems from ancient times and openly
__________ to this day.

A. persist
B. which persist
C. persists
D. which persists

5. Despite the simplicity of their construction, the ancient systems ________ exhibit
very complicated behavior.

A. find to
B. found to
C. are found to
D. were found to

The Subject

1. In general, ________ have a professional obligation to protect confidential

sources of information.

A. which journalists
B. journalists
C. journalists, they
D. journalists that

2. ________ of Elvis Presley is banned in seven different countries across the world.

A. The music is
B. That the music
C. The music which
D. The music

3. For ________ you who don't know, "Rainbow" was a credible children's TV
show from the 70's and 80's.

A. those of
B. those in
C. these of
D. these in

4. As was the case throughout the United States, __________ was subject to higher
gas prices during the winter of 2002-2003.

A. for New York

B. for New York as well
C. New York which
D. New York

5. ________ in history caused as much shock and grief worldwide as the 2004
tsunami disaster in Asia.
A. None natural disaster
B. That natural disaster
C. No natural disaster
D. The natural disaster

Prepositional Phrases

1. Surprisingly cost was regarded __________ important factor in choosing a new

cell phone by the three teenagers.

A as the least
B of the least
C in the least
D to the least

2. Maine's coastline is a major attraction and a vista of sandy beaches contrasted

________ rockbound shoreline.

A to the rugged
B by the rugged
C on the rugged
D at the rugged

3. John knows that he had better ________ his algebra skills before the mid-term

A. brush up on
B. brush on up
C. brushing up on
D. brushing on up

4. The pressure ________ was intense after his team lost five basketball games in a

A. under the coach

B. over the coach
C. of the coach
D. on the coach
5. In __________, the team has begun to show some form again and has won some
big games.

(A) few weeks

(B) few past weeks
(C) the past few weeks
(D) a few weeks since
TOEFL Test Grammar Examples & Practice Tests

Exercise #2

All About TOEFL

More TOEFL Exercises

Directions: The questions here test your knowledge of English grammar. Each
question consists of a short written conversation, part of which has been omitted.

Four words or phrases, labelled 1, 2, 3, and 4, are given below the conversation.
Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation. Click on
the answer you think is correct.

Principio del formulario

1. "You are welcome to order the goods now."

"But payment should be made _____."
for advance
in advance
to advance

2. "Where do you live now?"

"I live in Utah; my _____."
parents too do
parents do
parents do, too
parents also do

3. I cannot understand my neighbour's accent. I wish she would _____.

speak clearer
clearer speak
more clearly speak
speak more clearly

4. "Why are you driving so fast?"

"I'm _____."
must be hurry
in hurry
in a hurry

5. I have your music CD. I think I _____ your concert video.

also have
have too
too have
have further

6. I hear you have started a new job. _____ like it?

How do you
What you
What do you

7. I really have to go now. I have _____ the doctor.

appointments to
an appointment to
appointment with
an appointment with

8. I can meet you at Central Station. Will _____?

convenient for you
that convenient
that be convenient
you be convenient

9. I don't have any results for you today. I _____ tomorrow.

have any
may have any
have some
may have some

10. I would rather _____ a quiet cup of coffee in the office than sit in a noisy cafe.
to have
prefer to have

11. "Where _____ last weekend?"

"I went to see my aunt and uncle."
are you go
do you go
have you went
did you go

12. I was very surprised _____ that she didn't pass the exam."
to hearing
at hearing
to hear

13. "Why _____ she isn't speaking to us?"

"We must have done something that upset her. She is just too sensitive."
are you think
are you imagine
do you think
you think

14. I hope that this winter won't be _____ last."

as cold as
so cold as
as cold like
so cold like

15. Sorry to be late. I was delayed by _____."

a heavy traffic
heavy traffic
some heavy traffic
traffic being heavy

16. The sky is getting dark. It _____ rain is on its way.

looks like
seems to
will be

17. Would you do me a small favour? I _____ very much.

appreciate it
would appreciate
would be appreciative
would appreciate it
18. I am familiar with that product. I don't know _____ times I've seen it
advertised on TV.
how many
how often
how much
many often

19. "When _____ leaving for Toronto, Canada?"

"We are planning to set out at 10 o'clock."
are we
will we
will us
are us

20. I asked Robert when he could fix my leaking tap. He said that he would come
round and fix it _____.
as much as possible
as possible as he could
as fast as he could possibly
as soon as possible

21. "Do you know _____ that building is?"

"I would say that it is was built at least 100 years ago."
how age
how old
which age

22. The man told us that the next train would arrive _____.
at three thirty
at three thirty o'clock
in three thirty
in three thirty o'clock
23. "How _____ a crowd had gathered at the scene of the accident?"
"I don't know exactly, but there were a lot of shocked onlookers."

24. That is the city _____ worst crime record.

on the
in the
with the
for the

25. "Where should I put this key?"

"You can _____ it on the shelf?"
Final del formulario
TOEFL Test Grammar Examples & Practice Tests

Exercise #2

All About TOEFL

More TOEFL Exercises

Directions: The questions here test your knowledge of English grammar. Each
question consists of a short written conversation, part of which has been omitted.

Four words or phrases, labelled 1, 2, 3, and 4, are given below the conversation.
Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation. Click on
the answer you think is correct.

Principio del formulario

1. "You are welcome to order the goods now."
"But payment should be made _____."
for advance
in advance
to advance

Answ er number 2. Sorry, that's not right. Try again. Score: 0%.

2. "Where do you live now?"

"I live in Utah; my _____."
parents too do
parents do
parents do, too
parents also do

3. I cannot understand my neighbour's accent. I wish she would _____.

speak clearer
clearer speak
more clearly speak
speak more clearly

4. "Why are you driving so fast?"

"I'm _____."
must be hurry
in hurry
in a hurry

5. I have your music CD. I think I _____ your concert video.

also have
have too
too have
have further
6. I hear you have started a new job. _____ like it?
How do you
What you
What do you

7. I really have to go now. I have _____ the doctor.

appointments to
an appointment to
appointment with
an appointment with

8. I can meet you at Central Station. Will _____?

convenient for you
that convenient
that be convenient
you be convenient

9. I don't have any results for you today. I _____ tomorrow.

have any
may have any
have some
may have some

10. I would rather _____ a quiet cup of coffee in the office than sit in a noisy cafe.
to have
prefer to have
11. "Where _____ last weekend?"
"I went to see my aunt and uncle."
are you go
do you go
have you went
did you go

12. I was very surprised _____ that she didn't pass the exam."
to hearing
at hearing
to hear

13. "Why _____ she isn't speaking to us?"

"We must have done something that upset her. She is just too sensitive."
are you think
are you imagine
do you think
you think

14. I hope that this winter won't be _____ last."

as cold as
so cold as
as cold like
so cold like

15. Sorry to be late. I was delayed by _____."

a heavy traffic
heavy traffic
some heavy traffic
traffic being heavy

16. The sky is getting dark. It _____ rain is on its way.

looks like
seems to
will be

17. Would you do me a small favour? I _____ very much.

appreciate it
would appreciate
would be appreciative
would appreciate it

18. I am familiar with that product. I don't know _____ times I've seen it
advertised on TV.
how many
how often
how much
many often

19. "When _____ leaving for Toronto, Canada?"

"We are planning to set out at 10 o'clock."
are we
will we
will us
are us

20. I asked Robert when he could fix my leaking tap. He said that he would come
round and fix it _____.
as much as possible
as possible as he could
as fast as he could possibly
as soon as possible

21. "Do you know _____ that building is?"

"I would say that it is was built at least 100 years ago."
how age
how old
which age

22. The man told us that the next train would arrive _____.
at three thirty
at three thirty o'clock
in three thirty
in three thirty o'clock

23. "How _____ a crowd had gathered at the scene of the accident?"
"I don't know exactly, but there were a lot of shocked onlookers."

24. That is the city _____ worst crime record.

on the
in the
with the
for the
25. "Where should I put this key?"
"You can _____ it on the shelf?"
Final del formulario
Home > Testing > Language Quizzes > Which conditional?

Quiz: Which conditional?

Choose the correct answer. Click here for the answer sheet.

Q1 - If I were you, I ____ her straightaway.

will tell

shall tell

would tell

Q2 - If I were you, I ______ that.

wouldn't do

wouldn't have done

Either could be used here.

Q3 - If I'd been there, things _____ different now.

would be

would have been

Either could be used here.

Q4 - If I'd known, I ____.

will help

would help

would have helped

Q5 - Should you see her, _____ her to call me?

will you tell

would you have told

Q6 - If you did that, it ______ cause trouble.

would probably

might probably
Q7 - If he's there, there ____ be trouble.


Q8 - If you liked it, _____ you buy it?



Q9 - If it took all day, ___ you want to do it?



Either could be used here.

Q10 - Were you to fail, what ____?

will you do

would you do

would you have done

Q11 - If I'd known, I would ____ there.


have gone

Q12 - If you are there, _____ you do me a favour?



Either could be used here.

Q13 - If you'd been, there _____ you have helped?



Either could be used here.

Q14 - Were you _____ the job, how would you feel?

to get


Q15 - If aid doesn't arrive soon, a million people could die.

Zero Conditional

First Conditional

Third Conditional

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