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First Estate (Clergy): numbered about 130,000 (out of a total population of

27 million). Own 10 percent of the land. The clergy was radically divided.
Higher Clergy:
● Cardinals
● Bishops
● Heads of Monasteries
The higher clergy are from noble families and shared their views and
interests. Parish priests were mostly poor and they are commoners.

Second Estate (nobility): numbered 350,000 and owned about 25-30

percent of land.
● Play crucial role in 1700s
● Held leading positions
- government
- military
- Law courts
- Roman Catholic Church
Despite controlling most of the wealth, neither clergy or nobles had
to pay taille (France’s chief tax)

Third Estate: Divided by the differences in occupation, level of education,

and wealth. Peasants made up about 75-80 percent of the Third Estate and
they owned about 35-40 percent of the land. The rest of the land was owned
by the people in the middle class. Peasants resented the duties that they
owed their lord. The other part of the Third Estate is made up of urban
craftspeople, shopkeepers, and workers.

The First Estate was the clergy
They were the church authority
They have good homes because they were rich
Having the money to not sleep in a ditch
The Second Estate were the lords
There was barely nothing they can’t afford
Leading position were the one they hold
Wealth was the thing they controlled
The third Estate was mostly the peasant
Their life was anything but pleasant
They owed the nobles many jobs
Such as harvesting and cleaning globs


1. What caused the Bastille?

The people were over taxed because the money was being sent
to support the American revolution. People starved and were
pushed by King Louis XVI. So the Parisians attacked the Bastille
to get gunpowder and release the prisoners.

2. What happened during the Bastille?

The Parisians attacked the Bastille within 4 hours and finished at

noon, to steal 30000 gunpowder and arms to raid King Louis XVI
and french monarch.

3. Why do they storm bastille?

The reason behind the attack was to start the revolution because
it represented the oppressive nature of monarchy. They also
released 7 prisoners who refuse to follow the rules of politics. The
raid was the beginning of French revolution.

4. What were the results?

led to the overthrow of King Louis XVI and the French Revolution. The
success of the revolutionaries gave commoners throughout France
the courage to rise up and fight against the nobles who had ruled
them for so long.

The Bastille was a prison that contained 7 prisoners

It was also an armory that contained gunpowder

The Parisians gather in front of the prison

They came to the Bastille for many reasons

The first reason it to raid the armory

That will make the attack on Louis become more easily

They chip and they chop the general’s head

There were many people that were found dead

The raid was finally won

Which made the battle finally done

The Bastille was a symbol for a monarch's power

After the attack the symbol was gone forever

Women’s March on Versailles


- A poor French economy had led to a scarcity of bread and high

prices. The people were hungry
- Women went to the store to buy bread for their family, however,
it was very expensive.


- Women were starving because the economy was bad thing

including the bread which sell in a very high prices
- As the economy was bad but the royalty was still live in a
luxurious life and Marie Antionette said that if there was no
bread let them eat cake that is the beginning of the

- There were men included in the crowd as well
- One of the main leaders of the march was a man named
“Stanislas-Marie Maillard”
- The crowd arrived at the king’s palace in Versailles after 6 hours
of marching
- The crowd demanded to meet the king
- The king made a promise that he will provide them food from
the king’s store.
- However, there were some people who stayed and continued
the protest
- On the next day, Marquis de Lafayette restored the peace
- The revolutionaries demanded that the king return to Paris with
them, the king agreed
- Then the crowd demanded to see Queen Marie Antoinette
- The queen stood there by herself with many guns pointing at
- She may have been killed, but Lafayette knelt before her and kiss
her hand which made the crowd calmed and allowed her to live
- After that, the king and queen travelled back to Paris with the
crowd. The crowd had increased its amount.
- After the return march, the king went to live at Tuileries Palace
- Paris and would never return to Versailles

Women’s March Poem:

The Women's March was caused by the French recession,

which was so bad it led to aggression,

women and children both were wane,

Queen Marie's words to people ended her reign..

Let them eat cake if there was no bread,

This quote could lead to Marie being dead,

The king and queen’s lives were luxurious,

This was the reason why the women were furious.

The crowd arrived at the king's residence,

They said meeting the king would be such excellence,

They knew the king had food in store,

So now it was time to settle the score.

There were some people who decided to stay,

They continued the protest for one more day,

The peace was restored by Marquis de Lafayette,

But The crowd demanded to see Marie Antionette.

The Bastille was a prison for people charged with treason

Parisians gathered outside and broke in for a reason

They stole some gunpowder and freed those inside

For the soldiers guarding had no place to hide

They chip and chopped Governor de Launay’s head

Hundreds of Parisians were later found dead

The Bastille was a symbol of a monarch’s power

After the attack peace finally ruled the hour

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