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Submitted by
Mekhika G Mohan
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements
For the Degree of Bachelor of Architecture

Holy Crescent College of Architecture

Mahatma Gandhi University


Holy Crescent College of Architecture, S.Vazhakulam, Alwaye


This is to certify that the dissertation work titled ―Green roof as an element of biophilic
architecture‖ is a bonafide work of Mekhika G Mohan, under my guidance, submitted as
Semester VII & VIII subject for the award of ―Degree of Bachelor in Architecture‖ during
the term of 2018 to 2019 through Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.

Prof. (Ar. Sriparvathy Unni) Director (Ar. Pratheek Sudhakaran)


Holy Crescent College of Architecture, S.Vazhakulam, Alwaye


I, Mekhika G Mohan, hereby declare that this dissertation entitled “Green roof as an element
of biophilic architecture” is the outcome of my own research study undertaken under the
guidance of Ar. Sriparvathy Unni, Professor at Holy Crescent College of Architecture,
Cochin. It has not previously formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, or
certificate of this Institute or of any other institute or university. I have duly acknowledged all
the sources used by me in the preparation of this dissertation.

Name of the student: Mekhika G Mohan

Date: 20/05/2019
Place: Alwaye


First of all, I thank The Almighty God for blessing with his profound grace, without which
this dissertation would not have been a success.

I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude towards my guide Ar. Sriparvathy Unni
for giving me her valuable suggestions and guiding me, throughout the course of my
research. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Faculty members of the
Department of Architecture for their constructive support and cooperation at each and every
juncture of the research. Finally, I express my heartfelt gratitude towards my parents and
friends for the mental support they had offered me and for their immense encouragement
throughout my years of study and towards the successful completion of the work



The increased urbanisation, urban heat island effect, global warming are affecting humans
badly so that they are more conscious about their built environment. Thus, the innate
connection between humans and nature is increasing which leads to the increased practice of
biophilic architecture. Green roofs are yet to develop in countries like India and are gradually
gaining popularity. Green roofs are being practised in metropolitan cities and becoming an
interesting sustainable building design element. People are more demanding than ever in the
residential segment due to increased competition and increased marketing budgets of the

Mainly in countries like India where the temperature is high, green roof serves greater energy
savings compared to other roofs. Through shading, insulation, evapotranspiration and thermal
mass, green roofs help to improve the thermal performance of a building. This research gives
a brief idea about green roof, its types, its components, specification of materials and about
how green roof help to improve the thermal performance of a residential building. The
primary and secondary datas are being collected from literature reviews and case studies.
Conducted interviews with renowned architects in Kerala about how green roof helps in
cooling buildings. The findings from the primary and secondary survey show that how
effective green roof system is in reducing problems like pollutions, urban heat island effect,
solar albedo effect etc.

This report contains various comparative analysis taking into account various parameters that
affect the energy performance of buildings. This study mainly gives a brief idea about how
green roof can improve the energy performance of a residential building and also concludes
about how well green roof can be used as a biophilic architecture element in today‘s scenario.

Sustainable, Human Comfort Scale, Extensive Green Roof, Intensive Green Roof, Ecotect
Analysis, Ecosystem Benefits, Urban Heat Island


Table 1: : Structure of the report ................................................................................................ 6

Table 2: Research methodology................................................................................................. 7
Table 3: Methodology ................................................................................................................ 8
Table 4: Drainage Type P ........................................................................................................ 21
Table 5: Installation of Drainage type G.................................................................................. 23
Table 6: Installation of Drainage type M ................................................................................. 25
Table 7: Estimated annual conductive heat gain through unit roof area ................................. 28
Table 8: Estimated Annual Storm-water runoff from different roofs ..................................... 28
Table 9: Comparison of types of green roof ........................................................................... 29
Table 10: Load of the green roof with respect to the substrate ............................................... 29
Table 11: Comparison of different roofing element with their surface albedo value .............. 31
Table 12: Green roof material specifications ........................................................................... 32
Table 13: Cost of components of green roof .......................................................................... 33
Table 14: Green roof configurations for intensive green roof ................................................ 34
Table 15: Green roof configurations for extensive green roof ............................................... 34
Table 16: Types of plants used ............................................................................................... 50
Table 17: Comparative analysis .............................................................................................. 51


Figure 1: Temperature vs. time graph showing today‘s scenario ............................................. 1

Figure 2: Global and regional maps showing the location of urban agglomerations ................ 3
Figure 3: Global and regional maps showing the location of urban agglomerations ................ 3
Figure 4: Extensive green roof ................................................................................................. 9
Figure 5: Intensive green roof .................................................................................................. 10
Figure 6: Semi- intensive green roof ...................................................................................... 11
Figure 7: Classification of green roofs..................................................................................... 11
Figure 8: Modular System ...................................................................................................... 12
Figure 9: Loose Laid/Built-Up systems .................................................................................. 12
Figure 10: Section of green roof ............................................................................................. 13
Figure 11: Shading and evapotranspiration ............................................................................. 18
Figure 12: Systems of green roof based on drainage .............................................................. 19
Figure 13: Green Roof Systems .............................................................................................. 20
Figure 14: Installation of Drainage type P .............................................................................. 21
Figure 15: Installation of Drainage type P .............................................................................. 22
Figure 16: Installation of Drainage type G ............................................................................. 24
Figure 17: Installation of drainage type M ............................................................................. 26
Figure 18: Section of green roof ............................................................................................. 27
Figure 20: maximum temperature fluctuation of a typical flat conventional roof .................. 30
Figure 19: Runoff vs. water retention capacities ..................................................................... 30
Figure 21: Anti-slip cleats clipped to anti-sip mesh ................................................................ 32
Figure 22: Anti-slip tees .......................................................................................................... 33
Figure 23: Figure: 3D view of Green House Residence ......................................................... 35
Figure 24: Section of green roof ............................................................................................. 36
Figure 25: Sectional view of Green House Residence ............................................................ 36
Figure 26: Earth Cube residence ............................................................................................. 37
Figure 27: Details about context and site ................................................................................. 38
Figure 29: Zoning of different spaces in the site and the residence......................................... 39
Figure 30: Earth Cube Residence ........................................................................................... 39
Figure 28: Zoning of plan ....................................................................................................... 39
Figure 31: View of the residence from the site ........................................................................ 40
Figure 32: Analysis of each green space in the residence ....................................................... 40
Figure 33: Visual axis of spaces .............................................................................................. 40
Figure 34: Zoning of site plan and floor plans ......................................................................... 41
Figure 35: Section of green roof .............................................................................................. 41
Figure 36: Malabar Headquarters ........................................................................................... 42

Figure 37: Area statement ....................................................................................................... 42

Figure 38: Site plan of Malabar Headquarters ......................................................................... 43
Figure 39: First basement plan ................................................................................................ 44
Figure 40: Second basement plan ........................................................................................... 44
Figure 41: Third and Fourth basement plan ............................................................................. 45
Figure 42: Ground floor plan ................................................................................................... 46
Figure 43: First floor plan ........................................................................................................ 46
Figure 44: Second floor plan.................................................................................................... 47
Figure 45: Third floor plan ..................................................................................................... 47
Figure 46: Fourth floor plan .................................................................................................... 48
Figure 47: Terrace plan ........................................................................................................... 48
Figure 48: Section .................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 49: Section of green roof ............................................................................................. 50

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................. III

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................... IV

LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................. V

LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................. VI

CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................................................. 1

INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 GAP IN THE RESEARCH ........................................................................................ 3

1.2 NEED FOR THE STUDY ................................................................................................ 3

1.3 HYPOTHESIS .................................................................................................................. 4

1.4 AIM .................................................................................................................................. 4

1.5 OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................... 5

1.6 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS ......................................................................................... 5

1.7 STRUCTURE OF THE REPORT .................................................................................... 6

1.8 RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND METHODOLOGY .................................................... 7

CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................................. 9

LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................................................... 9

2.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 9

2.2 TYPES OF GREENROOF ............................................................................................... 9

2.3 GREEN ROOF SYSTEMS ............................................................................................ 11

2.4 TYPES OF PLANTS USED .......................................................................................... 12

2.5 BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF GREEN ROOF PLANTS ....................................... 13

2.6 BENEFITS OF GREEN ROOF: .................................................................................... 15

2.7 DISADVANTAGES OF GREEN ROOF ...................................................................... 17

2.8 HOW GREEN ROOF REDUCE URBAN HEAT ISLAND: ........................................ 17

2.9 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF GREEN ROOF: .................................. 18


(Dubey) ................................................................................................................................. 28

CHAPTER 3 ........................................................................................................................... 29

STUDY/RESEARCH............................................................................................................. 29
3.1 TYPES OF GREEN ROOFS AND ITS SPECIFICATIONS ........................................ 29


3.3 GREEN ROOF MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................... 31

3.4 GREEN ROOF CONFIGURATIONS ........................................................................... 34

CHAPTER 4 ........................................................................................................................... 35

CASE STUDIES ..................................................................................................................... 35

4.1 LITERATURE CASE STUDY ...................................................................................... 35
4.1.1 GREEN HOUSE RESIDENCE ............................................................................... 35

4.2 LIVE CASE STUDY...................................................................................................... 37

4.2.1 EARTH CUBE RESIDENCE .................................................................................. 37
4.2.2 MALABAR HEADQUARTERS ............................................................................. 42

CHAPTER 5 ........................................................................................................................... 52

RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS ............................................................... 52

5.1 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................ 52

5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................................ 52




Mainly contemporary cities experience more stressful life while the built environments
show increasing problems like air and water pollution, greenhouse effect, urban heat
island effect, solar albedo effect etc. By considering these problems, a new design
strategy is to be established where nature needs to play a significant role which is
known as biophilic architecture. This design approach creates an innate connection with
nature that helps to make buildings more effective human abodes. One of the biophilic
design approaches for ‗sustainable building practice‘ in cities is green roofs.

Today, building occupants are more conscious of their built environment and
demand for green spaces in the form of green terraces for spending their leisure time has
increased. Green terraces are becoming a trend in nowadays in residential segment too.
Almost 75 lakh upto 2 crore is being spent on it. The durability of these roofs is no less
than three to five decades and sometimes even more. The application of green roof on
residential buildings in Kerala is limited and is mainly concentrated on metropolitan
areas. Main ecosystem services of a green roof include improved storm-water
management, regulation of building temperature, reduced urban heat-island effect and
increased green spaces.

A green roof is defined as a kind of roof that is completely or partially covered with
vegetation, planted over a waterproof membrane. Its main components are its layers like
root barrier and drainage layer and irrigation system. It is also known as eco-roofs,
vegetated roofs or living roofs.

Figure 1: Temperature vs. time graph showing today‘s scenario (Solar responsive India July 2018 pdf)

Planting vegetation on a building is being practised thousands of years ago. Earlier, it

was done for aesthetic purposes but now it is used to cure problems in today‘s
environment. The oldest green roof appears to be the ziggurat of ancient Mesopotamia,
built from the fourth millennium until 600 B.C.E. located in the courtyards of temples in
major cities (Green Roofs and Their Implementations in Architecture The obstacle and
challenges in Erbil city, 2015). Ancient known green roof is the Hanging Garden of
Babylon, constructed in 500 BC. These gardens consisted of many stone arches and
they are waterproofed using a combination of reeds and tar. Trees and plants are being
planted over it. Sod was used in green roof construction in more recent history and it
provides insulation for houses, built of natural materials. Now the trend in green roof
technology has been changed dramatically but the principles of green roof technology is
same since these times. Germany was the first to adopt modern green roof technology
and it was begun in the early seventies and it was marketed on a large scale at that time.
Then in the late eighties began the emergence of extensive green roof. The reason is that
to create lighter and cheaper systems which could be applied even to flat roofs. The
main reason for the practice of green roof was to attain biophilic architecture thereby
restoration of nature and protection of the roof membranes from the elements and
temperature fluctuations. Green roofs provide many benefits for communities,
neighbourhoods and individual property owners by protecting and restoring local
watersheds. Green roofs can help reduce the total amount of storm water runoff as well
as the sudden surges of runoff by filtering, absorbing, and detaining rainwater. Green
roof filters the rain water falling on it and it absorbs the pollutants thus reduce the
volume of pollutant entering nearby water bodies and improve the quality of water. As
an element of biophilic architecture, green roof attracts bees, birds and creatures and
provides a habitat of living for wildlife.

Due to population pressures in urban areas since the Renaissance period, steeply
terraced gardens were commonly seen in Italy. In contemporary architecture, Le
Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright made extensive use of green roofs. This was due to
the arising concerns about the nature quality and rapid decline of green space in
intensely developed areas. Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright were the modern
architects who used the concept of green roof and Le Corbusier encouraged rooftops as
another location for urban green space, and Wright used green roofs as a tool to
integrate his buildings more closely with the landscape (Green Roofs and Their
Implementations in Architecture The obstacle and challenges in Erbil city, 2015).

Figure 2: Global and regional maps showing the location of urban agglomerations with 750000-plus
inhabitants in 1950. Source:Revi et al(2014)

Figure 3: Global and regional maps showing the location of urban agglomerations with 750000-plus
inhabitants projected for2025. Source:Revi et al (2014)


Often, guidelines for green roof system, its benefits is been researched whereas the
method of implementing it even in residential buildings is not been researched. My
study focuses on the benefits of green roof in the residential buildings and how well it
can be used for temperature control and as an effective replacement of open space even
in residential buildings.


 Green roofs can extend the lifespan of a roof by protecting the waterproofing
layer from weather and temperature changes.

 They can provide sound insulation, reduce the heating and cooling requirements

and slow storm water runoff, alleviate the urban heat island effects, capture
gaseous and particulate pollutants and improve air quality.

 The structures can support local biodiversity, create a new open space for
recreation, growing food and support the inhabitants‘ physical and mental

 There is more scope for biophilic architecture due to drastic changes in climate
and due to increasing urbanization problems.

―Better living for all and future generations‖ is the main desire and need of the universe.
Due to urbanization, natural resources are being utilized without any proper planning
and limit. This results in unsustainable development. If this situation continues for a
longer term, it will cause disruption and revolt. Mainly, coming generations are being
affected due to lack of sufficient natural resources. Thus the desire of universe to have a
better living condition will get shattered if the situation is not healed properly. So
nature‘s main basic rule is to be followed. i.e.,‖ Reduce, reuse and recycle‖. Focusing
on energy efficiency or sustainable buildings, the need for green buildings emerged and
biophilic architecture emerged. Green roofs or terrace gardens are popular in trend as
they add to the aesthetics and also they have many benefits like they can facilitate water
harvesting system, prevent green house effect etc Green roofs benefit biodiversity,
storm water management and reduce the heat island effect. Green roofs act as a sponge
by soaking up rainwater which would otherwise run off, contributing to erosion and
increasing pressure on sewer systems. As a basic cooling mechanism, plants absorb
water and then gradually released through transpiration, cooling the air above the humid
mass of planting medium and plants adds insulation to the building below thereby
reducing the need for air-conditioning. Green roofs can be built everywhere. Anyone
who has observed vegetation flourishing on abandoned rooftops, dry- stone walls or
gravel road sides can testify that the right plant will find its way into the most
inhospitable-looking place.

1.4 AIM
The study aims at assessing the benefit of green roofs on residential buildings in India.

 Research about green roof technology in residential building.

 Identify the best solutions that green roof technology can offer to improve
energy efficiency.

 Survey the possibility of transforming the normal roof to the green roof systems.

 Survey the effects of green roof on thermal behaviour inside the buildings.


 The study helps in finding the best tool for designing solar responsive building.

 It helps in understanding the methods to create a healthy sustainable


 It also gives a brief about climate responsive features of the roofing system and
helps in preventing solar albedo effect, urban heat island effect etc.

 As a professional, the future of architecture and construction will be ecological

and sustainable.

 The demand for green products and solutions are also increasing which is
creating a great opportunity for architects and builders who are prepared to
deliver high performance.

 Today, biophilic architecture is being a trend due to the increase in urbanisation

problems and loss of biodiversity and habitat.

 My study focuses on green roof of residential buildings.

 This study is limited to the benefits of green roofing system as an element of

biophilic architecture.

 It also focuses on aesthetics and sustainability without addressing other factors.



The dissertation is divided into 5 chapters:

Chapter 1: It include general introduction which include aim, objective, scope,

limitations and methodology of the report. And also the background study, history of
green roof, need for the study, research questions are being dealt in chapter 1.

Chapter 2: It consists of the background study of the research where topics such as the
evolution of green roof and its relevance are discussed along with an in-depth study.
The data collection of the relevant topic is being included in this chapter.

Chapter 3: It deals with the concept of green roof as an element of aesthetic, detailed
information about different types and systems of green roof, their benefits to humans
and selection of appropriate materials.

Chapter 4: It deals with live, literature case studies of green roof system. Green roof of
different projects are being taken and being analysed.

Chapter 5: It deals with general comparative analysis, inference and conclusion. And
overall summary of the dissertation is also given.

The whole report gives an analysis and conclusion about the topic, ―Green roof as an
element of biophilic architecture‖.

• INTRODUCTION - Background study, Classification, History and Evolution, Aim,

CHAPTER Objective, Scope, Limitations, Methodology, Research question and need for the study

• LITERATURE REVIEW - Data collection


• STUDY/RESEARCH - Specifications of materials, cost


• CASE STUDIES - Live and Literature case studies with inference


• CONCLUSION - Comparative analysis, inference, conclusion and recommendations


Table 1: : Structure of the report (Author)



 Which type of green roof is proper for residential buildings

 How does green roof affect the thermal behaviour of buildings

 How is the irrigation of green roof done

 What are the plant species proper for green roofing

 Will green roof help to prevent problems like global warming, albedo effect,
urban heat island etc



Understanding the How buildings Study of present scenario

environmental problems are affecting using net case study,
caused by the buildings. nature? journels, articles

To find various issues What are the Study of climatic problems

that affect nature. environmental through articles
problems in the
present scenario?

Understanding the What are the Analysis of climatic factors

climatic factors in warm factors that affect
and humid region the climatic
variation in
warm and humid

To explore the Effectiveness of Live, Literature case

possibility of designing presently using studies and analysis.
biophilic environment biophilic
using green roof architecture

Table 2: Research methodology (Author)








LOAD etc




Table 3: Methodology (Author)



This chapter explores the current theories and literature about green roof. It begins with
an overall understanding about green roof and methods of installing it on roof.

Green roofs provide cool and clean air by allowing the air to get filtered. Air-borne
particles such as smog and carbon dioxide are being taken by leaves of the plants and
get filtered. Green roof also helps in preventing environmental impacts like urban heat
island effect, global warming, green house effect etc. On a hot day, an urban area can be
10 degrees hotter than the surrounding area due to human activities; green roofs stay
substantially cooler (up to 40 – 50 degrees cooler) than conventional roofs helping to
reduce the surrounding air temperature. This practice may also increase property values
and reduce property maintenance fees. Other than these, green roof has so many energy
saving benefits. The life of green roof can be increased by green roof as it is an
additional layer that helps to protect roof from ultraviolet rays and thermal stress. Green
roofs also provide an extra layer of insulation that helps to reduce heating and cooling
costs. So by installing a green roof, you can help protect the environment and conserve
water resources.


1. Shallow green roof system, also known as extensive green roof system. It includes:

 Modular tray systems i.e., growing medium and vegetation in ‗modules‘ or


 Modular continuous systems i.e., roll of growing medium and vegetation.

Figure 4: Extensive green roof at Whistler Daycare Centre ( BCIT Commons)

Characteristics of extensive green roofs are ( BCIT Commons):

 3- 6″ of light weight growing medium.


 Low-maintenance ground-cover plants.

 Ideal for large flat-roof buildings and apartments.

 Suitable for low-sloped residential roofs and retrofits.

 Desert grasses and succulent plants.

 After one year, they do not require watering.

 Annual spring weeding of tree seedlings & weeds, brought in by birds and wind.

2. Deeper green roof systems or green roof gardens (also referred to as ‗intensive‘
green roofs).

Figure 5: Intensive green roof at Chicago city hall ( BCIT Commons)

Characteristics of intensive green roofs are ( BCIT Commons):

 8-12 inches, or more, of growing medium.

 Fully landscaped roof top garden.

 Require regular maintenance -similar to an at-grade garden.

 Diverse plants and trees can be planted (avoid plants with invasive root

 Walkways, railings and lighting.

 Parks, playgrounds or vegetable gardens are possible.

3. Semi-intensive green roofs– It‘s a combination of both extensive and intensive

green roofs.

Figure 6: Semi- intensive green roof at Vancouver Public Library ( BCIT Commons)

Figure 7: Classification of green roofs according to type of usage, construction factors and maintenance
requirements. (Babak Raji, 2015)


Green roofs can be of either in modular (trays or continuous mat) or loose laid/built -

1. Modular systems:

Modular systems is made up of readymade flexible (vegetative mats into a woven

fabric) or firm (metal or recycled plastic) trays or modules (POLE CHOOBI). Modules
have the main components of the green roof system already combined (except the

irrigation process), including: Drainage, Growing medium, Root barrier, Borders,


Figure 8: Modular System (POLE CHOOBI)

2. Loose Laid/Built-Up Systems:

They are separate installations of green roof components. So it increases design

opportunities, biodiversity and experience.

Figure 9: Loose Laid/Built-Up systems (ALPHA ROOFING SERVICES LTD)


Extensive green roof:

 Mat forming species of sedum, sempervium and moss

 Ferns could be used in dry shady conditions.

Semi extensive green roof:

 Dry habitat perennials and ornamental grasses and even bulbs.

Intensive green roof:

 Drought tolerant plants are used as they tend to be both sun and wind tolerant.

 Intensive green roofs have deeper growing media, which allows them to
incorporate larger plants, including shrubs, bushes, and trees, in their design


 Lasting, thriving or active throughout the year and throughout the seasons or
through many years (perennial plants).

 Lateral and adaptable root system (fibrous or woody root system, without a deep
tap root).

 Low nutritional requirements.

 Low maintenance.

 Light weight at maturity.

 Drought resistant in both cold dry winters and hot dry summers.

 Wind resistant.

 Non invasive.

 Low, compact, spreading growth habit.

 Low dry matter content to alleviate fire safety concerns.

Basic components of green roof are:

Figure 10: Section of green roof (green-roofing-construction)

 The primary organic matter of the light weight engineered growing medium may
or may not be the soil and they have good water retention property without
water-logging the plants.

 The growing medium and the roof may have same time of durability. Basically,
the growing medium contains at least 80 percent of lightweight inorganic
materials and 20 percent of organic material like topsoil (Reducing Urban Heat
Islands: Compendium of Strategies-Green roofs-EPA).

 Plants of the extensive green roofs will have growing medium of height, 6

inches (15 cm) and plants of intensive green roofs will have growing medium of
8 inches (20 cm) or more (Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of
Strategies-Green roofs-EPA).

 A filter membrane layer of the green roof may be a geotextile that allows
excess water from the growing medium to flow out and also prevents the fine
particles from washing away and clogging the roof drain.

 A drainage layer of the green roof helps in preventing overloading of the roof
and provide a good balance of air-moisture in the growing medium. Drainage
layer may be in the form of egg crates which allows the storage of some water.

 A root barrier helps in preventing leakages by not allowing the aggressive

roots of the plant to penetrate.

 A waterproofing/roofing membrane protects the building from water leakages

or penetrations. Any roofing membrane can be used in green roofs, although
single-ply waterproofing membranes are generally thicker and more durable on
green roofs than on conventional ones (Reducing Urban Heat Islands:
Compendium of Strategies-Green roofs-EPA).

 A cover board of a green roof is a thin, semi-rigid board that acts as a protective
shield or separation and also support for a roofing membrane. .

 A vapour barrier layer of the green roof is may be a plastic or foil sheet that
prevents the entry of moisture content through the ceiling.

Building and roof structural support: Green roof components weigh more than
normal roofing so extra panels or load bearing supports should be added. Main
weighing element of the green roof will be the growing medium and the plants. An
extensive roof weighs from 15-30 pounds per square foot and it will depend on the
depth of the growing medium and other site-specific factors.

Other maintenance activities including:

 Fertilize: Once in a year, the owner should add fertilizer to the green roof to
avoid acidity.

 Irrigate: Natural irrigation is ideal for all plants so an ideal green roof should
have natural irrigation. Irrigation depends on local climate and it helps in
reducing fire risks and increases evaporative cooling in green roofs. Intensive
and semi-intensive green roofs always needs better irrigation due to the presence

of variety of plants whereas extensive green roof requires only less irrigation.
For time-saving and less labour cost, owners of the green roof install drip
irrigation system.

 Replant: After some time, replantation or addition of the growing medium is

necessary for the better growth of plants.

 Fire Safety: Sometimes green roofs may catch fire if it is not saturated with
water. So during summer, it‘s better to water the green roof daily. The most
common ways to increase fire safety are to:

a) Use plants and grasses that don‘t get dried during summer and use fire resistant
plants like sedums and a growing medium that is low in organic content
(Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of Strategies-Green roofs-EPA).

b) Construct fire breaks on the roof— 2-foot (0.6 m) widths of concrete or gravel at
130-foot (40 m) intervals (Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of
Strategies-Green roofs-EPA).


Green roofs offer many benefits to urban areas especially where there is lack of habitat.
While some of the benefits can be quantified and assigned financial values, other
benefits are intangible and their values are difficult to quantify objectively (Joseph).
This section of the dissertation report summarizes the major benefits of green roofs
regardless of when, to whom, or with what value the benefit accrues.

Individual Benefits:
 Energy efficiency - A green roof increase the energy efficiency of the building
and also reduces a building‘s energy demand on space conditioning by
preventing greenhouse gas emissions, through direct shading of the roof,
evapotranspiration and improved insulation values. Green roofs prevent heat
entry into the building during summer. The plants in the green roof shade and
cool the roof. Both plants and growing medium provides insulation. Water in the
plants and the growing medium evaporates thus cools the roof. The growing
medium acts as a thermal mass by storing solar energy.

 Urban agriculture - Green roofs can be used for agricultural purpose by

providing opportunities for owners to have their own farm.

 Roof durability - Green roofs are less likely to crack because they maintain

 Fire retardation - Compared to conventional roofs, green roofs have a much

lower burning heat.

 Reduction in electromagnetic radiation - Green roofs are known to reduce the

electromagnetic radiation from wireless devices by 99.4% (Herman 2003).

 Noise reduction - Green roof have excellent noise attenuation thus reduces
noise penetration by up to 40 decibels.

 Enhanced marketability - Green roof have increased market value since it

became one of the most used feature of biophilic architecture.

Public Benefits:
 Biodiversity and Habitat Preservation - Urban sprawl has badly affected the
ecological balance and biodiversity. Green roofs can act as a transitional space
or an intermediate space by connecting nature and buildings. Potential for
biodiversity or habitat increases with plant height, growing medium depth etc.

 Aesthetics and New Amenity - Green roofs not only provide recreational green
space for city dwellers and living space for birds and insects; they often improve
the architectural aesthetic of the building. Green roofs also encourage a more
thoughtful approach to city planning by increasing amenity and green space,
encouraging community gardens and food production and extending commercial
and recreational space and it has been known that green roof reduces stress and
patient recovery time, thus increases property value (Joseph).

 Waste diversion - By prolonging the service of the HVAC equipment through

decreased use (Joseph).

 Storm Water Management – The percentage of permeable surfaces are getting

lower due to urbanization so large volume of storm water is sent through various
management components such as pipes, ditches and tunnels that leads to water
bodies. This increase of runoff causes pollution in rivers and streams. Green
roofs can convert impervious rooftops into pervious surfaces by absorbing water
and then release it slowly over a period of time. Some water is taken up by the
plants and released back to the atmosphere through evapotranspiration and
excess water is discharged from the green roof system to the roof drain.

 Reduce urban heat island effect - The urban heat island (UHI) refers to the
increase in temperature in the city centre compared to the surrounding natural
landscape. Lack of habitat and natural landscape causes less evaporative cooling
thus increases the surrounding temperature. Dark building materials on rooftops
and pavements further absorb and trap solar heat and these factors combine to
cause increase in the urban heat island effect. The implementation of green roofs
can reduce UHI by introducing vegetation onto the surfaces prone to excess heat
in urban areas (Joseph). Temperature can be reduced by means of
evapotranspiration and simply covering the roof with less absorbing surfaces.

 Improved Air Quality - Plants remove airborne particles by absorbing them

and purifies air. The particles get washed off by the leaves into the growing
substrate during rain.


 Green roof has a higher initial cost.

 Maintenance will depend on the type of green roof.

 Green roofs require stronger supports for carrying the load of the layers of the
green roof, mostly the soil.

 Green roof plants that suits with the local climate should be planted otherwise it
will not grow well.


Green roof prevents urban heat island effect by shading and evapotranspiration.

 Shading: Roof membrane is protected by the green roof as the plants of the
green roof and the associated growing medium, a specially engineered soil block
the sunlight. All green roofs don‘t have trees and vines, so green roof indicates
how other vegetation shade surfaces below them. For instance, the amount of
sunlight transmitted through the canopy of a tree will vary by species (Reducing
Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of Strategies-Green roofs-EPA). During
summer, only 10 to 30 percent of the sun‘s energy reaches the area below a tree
and the remaining portion will be absorbed by the leaves which are used for the

process of photosynthesis. Some are being reflected back into the atmosphere.
During winter, the amount of sunlight transmitted through a tree is much larger.
It is almost 10 to 80 percent because evergreen and deciduous trees have
different wintertime foliage, with deciduous trees losing the leaves and allowing
more sunlight to enter (Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of
Strategies-Green roofs-EPA). Shading reduces temperature of the surface below
the plants and these cooler surfaces, in turn, reduce the heat transmitted into
buildings or re-emitted into the atmosphere. For instance, a multi-month study
measured maximum surface temperature reductions due to shade trees ranging
from 20 to 45ºF (11-25º C) for walls and roofs at two buildings.7 Another study
examined the effects of vines on wall temperatures, and found reductions of up
to 36ºF (20ºC) (Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of Strategies-Green
roofs-EPA). The growing medium of a green roof protects the underlying layers
from exposure to wind and UV radiation.

 Evapotranspiration: Water is being absorbed by plants through their roots and

emits it through their leaves and it‘s known as the process of transpiration. The
conversion of water from a liquid to a gas, evaporation, also occurs from the
surfaces of plants and the surrounding growing medium in a green roof. Both
process of transpiration and evaporation, together, known as evapotranspiration.
So the process of evapotranspiration cools the air by using the heat from the air
to evaporate water.

Figure 11: Shading and evapotranspiration (Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of Strategies-Green


For all types of green roofs like extensive, Intensive or semi-intensive green roof, the

main factors that should be taken into account are:


The main factors that determine type of vegetation are:

 Type of roof (extensive or intensive),

 Building design,

 Local climate,

 Available sunlight,

 Irrigation requirements,

 Anticipated roof use

Extensive green roof plants are typically hardy perennials having shallow-rooting.
They are self generating plants that spread rapidly and require minimal nutrients.
They should tolerate sun, wind, and extreme temperature fluctuations and
succulents, such as sedums, are well adapted for green roofs because they are
drought-resistant and their high water content makes them fire resistant (Reducing
Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of Strategies-Green roofs-EPA).

Drainage system:

By categorizing green roof systems based on type of drainage and thickness of growing
media, one can determine the load, slope, rainwater retention characteristics and type of

Figure 12: Systems of green roof based on drainage (Laguna, 2011)

 Drainage Type P:

Drainage Type P uses drainage plates; waffled plastic sheets and it store water

above and drain water below. Drainage plates are lightweight and are easy to
install. They are available in 2 sizes to meet the drainage and water storage
requirements of almost any type of green roof.

 Drainage Type G:

Drainage Type G uses a lightweight, porous inorganic granular media and it is

embedded with slotted plastic triangular drainage conduit. Granular media is
heavier and is more labour-intensive to install when compared to drainage
plates. It helps in plant root growth by providing a superior environment.

 Drainage Type M:

Drainage Type M uses a drainage mat, a multi-layer fabric mat which combines
soil separation, drainage, and protection functions into 1 unit. When compared
to other systems, this system is the fastest to install and also the thinnest and
lightest one. Since its water storage and drainage capacity is limited, it is mainly
used for sloped roofs.

Figure 13: Green Roof Systems based on thickness of the growing media (Laguna, 2011)

Drainage Type P:

System Designation Thickness Type 1 Thickness Type 2 Thickness Thickness Type 4 [P4]
[P1] [P2] Type 3 [P3]

Typical plants Sedum Sedum Perennials Grasses

Herbs Herbs Shrubs
Perennials Trees

Extensive soil mix 3‖ 5‖ - -

Intensive soil mix - - 8‖ 12‖

Separation fabric 1/8‖ 1/8‖ 1/8‖ 1/8‖

Drainage plate 1‖ 1-1/2‖ 1-1/2‖ 1-1/2‖

Protection mat 1/4‖ 1/4‖ 1/4‖ 1/4‖

Nominal thickness 4‖ 7‖ 10‖ 14‖

Dry weight 13 lbs/𝑓𝑡 2 21 lbs/𝑓𝑡 2 34 lbs/𝑓𝑡 2 51 lbs/𝑓𝑡 2

Saturated weight 21 lbs/𝑓𝑡 2 34 lbs/𝑓𝑡 2 53 lbs/𝑓𝑡 2 78 lbs/𝑓𝑡 2

Minimum slope 1/4:12 1/4:12 1/4:12 1/4:12

Maximum slope 1:12 1:12 1:12 1:12

Water retention 50% 60% 70% 80%

Table 4: Drainage Type P

Installation of Drainage Type P (Laguna, 2011):

 Lay protection mat: First apply a root

barrier membrane. Then unroll Standard
Protection Mat, overlapping adjacent
sheets at least 6‖, and cut openings for
roof drains.

 Install drain access boxes: Position

Drain Access Boxes over roof drains,
adding sidewall elements as needed to
match the system thickness.

 Install retaining edge: Retaining Edge

should be installed on extensive green Figure 14: Installation of Drainage type P
(Laguna, 2011)
roofs approximately 30‖ from roof edges

with roof drains and 18‖ from other edges. If there will be a gravel perimeter,
the retaining edge will separate the soil and gravel and does not need to be
attached. If there will be no gravel perimeter, the retaining edge should be
attached to the waterproofing membrane or the protection mat so it will stay in

 Lay drain plates: Lay Drain

Plates in a staggered pattern. The
plates should fit tightly but are
not overlapped. Two
thicknesses are available to
match drainage and water
storage requirements: 25mm
(1‖) and 40mm (1.5‖).

 Lay separation fabric:

Separation Fabric is engineered
to retain soil without clogging
while allowing plant roots to
easily penetrate to reach water in
the drain plates. Unroll
Separation Fabric over the drain
plates, overlapping adjacent
sheets at least 6‖. Trim the
fabric carefully at the edges.

 Spread gravel perimeter:

Spread well-washed gravel
screened to 3/8‖ minimum
particle size. Whenever
possible, the gravel should be
dispensed from super sacks
to Figure 15: Installation of Drainage type P (Laguna,
suspended from cranes 2011)
minimize the potential for

 Spread soil: For extensive roofs, spread Extensive Green Roof Soil at a
minimum rate of one cubic yard per 100 square feet (3‖). For intensive roofs,

spread Intensive Green Roof Soil as needed to obtain the required system
thickness. Where possible, the media should be dispensed from super sacks
suspended from cranes to minimize the potential for damage.

 Plant: Insert green roof plants in a random pattern, two per square foot. Water
thoroughly after installation, and during extended dry periods for the first two
years. Broadcast Slow Release Fertilizer twice yearly on extensive roofs.

Drainage Type G:

System Designation Thickness Type 1 Thickness Type 2 Thickness Thickness Type 4

[G1] [G2] Type 3 [G3] [G4]

Typical plants Sedum Sedum Perennials Grasses

Herbs Herbs Shrubs

Extensive soil mix 2‖ 4‖ - -

Intensive soil mix - - 6‖ 9‖

Separation fabric 1/8‖ 1/8‖ 1/8‖ 1/8‖

Granular drainage 2‖ 2‖ 4‖ 5‖

Protection mat 1/4‖ 1/4‖ 1/4‖ 1/4‖

Nominal thickness 4‖ 6‖ 10‖ 14‖

Dry weight 16 lbs/𝑓𝑡 2 24 lbs/𝑓𝑡 2 40 lbs/𝑓𝑡 2 56 lbs/𝑓𝑡 2

Saturated weight 23 lbs/𝑓𝑡 2 36 lbs/𝑓𝑡 2 58 lbs/𝑓𝑡 2 82 lbs/𝑓𝑡 2

Minimum slope 0:12 0:12 0:12 0:12

Maximum slope 1:12 1:12 1:12 1:12

Water retention 50% 60% 70% 80%

Table 5: Installation of Drainage type G (Laguna, 2011)

Installation of Drainage Type G (Laguna, 2011):

 Lay protection mat: If the primary roof waterproofing is not root resistant, first
apply a root barrier membrane. Then unroll a protection mat with water-storage
capacity, overlapping adjacent sheets at least 6‖, and cut openings for roof
drains. Use Standard Protection Mat, or for optimal performance use Capillary
Protection Mat for extensive roofs and Heavy-Duty Protection Mat for intensive

 Install drainage system: Position Drain Access Boxes over roof drains, adding
sidewall elements as needed to match the system thickness. Construct drainage
―trees‖ using triangular drainage channels and
tees. For optimum performance, any point on the
roof should be within two channel lengths of the
closest point of the drainage tree: this will be
achieved if the ―branches‖ of each drainage tree
are laid four channel lengths (4 meters or 13 feet)

 . Install retaining edge: Retaining Edge should

be installed on extensive green roofs
approximately 30‖ from roof edges with roof
drains and 18‖ from other edges. If there will be a
gravel perimeter, the retaining edge will separate
the soil and gravel and does not need to be
attached. If there will be no gravel perimeter, the
retaining edge should be attached to the
waterproofing membrane or the protection mat so
it will stay in place.

 Spread granular media: Spread Granular

Drainage Media or other free-draining inorganic
media with well-graded particle size and neutral
pH. Apply a minimum of one cubic yard per 150
square feet (2‖) for extensive or semi-intensive
roofs and one cubic yard per 75 square feet (4‖)
for intensive roofs. If feasible, the media should be
dispensed from super sacks suspended from cranes
to minimize the potential for damage.

 Lay separation fabric: Separation Fabric is Figure 16: Installation of Drainage

type G (Laguna, 2011)
engineered to retain soil without clogging while
allowing plant roots to easily penetrate to reach water in the granular media and
protection mat. Unroll Separation Fabric over the granular media, overlapping
adjacent sheets at least six inches. Trim the fabric carefully at the edges.

 Spread gravel perimeter: Spread well-washed gravel screened to 3/8‖

minimum particle size. If feasible, the gravel should be dispensed from super
sacks suspended from cranes to minimize the potential for damage.

 Spread soil: For extensive roofs, spread Extensive Green Roof Soil at a
minimum rate of one cubic yard per 150 square feet (2‖). For intensive roofs,
spread Intensive Green Roof Soil as needed to obtain the required system
thickness. Where possible, the media should be dispensed from super sacks
suspended from cranes to minimize the potential for damage.

 Plant: Insert green roof plants in a random pattern, 2 per square foot. Water
thoroughly after installation, and during extended dry periods for the first two
years. Broadcast Slow Release Fertilizer twice yearly on extensive roofs.

Drainage Type M:

System Designation Thickness Type 1 [M1] Thickness Type 2 [M2]

Typical plants Sedum Sedum

Herbs Herbs


Extensive soil mix 3‖ 5‖

Drainage mat 3/8‖ 3/8‖

System Designation Thickness Type 1 [M1] Thickness Type 2 [M2]

Protection mat * *

Nominal thickness 3‖ 5‖

Dry weight 13 lbs/𝑓𝑡 2 21 lbs/𝑓𝑡 2

Saturated weight 20 lbs/𝑓𝑡 2 32 lbs/𝑓𝑡 2

Minimum slope 1:12 1:12

Maximum slope 3:12 3:12

Water retention 50% 60%

Table 6: Installation of Drainage type M (Laguna, 2011)

*Protection mat only used at the edges


Installation of Drainage Type M (Laguna, 2011):

 Lay protection mat: First apply a root

barrier membrane. Then unroll a
protection mat around the roof perimeter
and cut openings for roof drains.
Although Standard Protection Mat is
suitable for the sides and top of the roof,
Capillary Protection Mat is preferred for
the base of the roof to prevent water

 Install drain access boxes: Position

Drain Access Boxes over roof drains. On
sloped roofs that use scuppers instead of
roof drains, Drain Access Boxes are not

 Install retaining edge: Retaining

Edge should be installed
approximately 30‖ from roof edges
with roof drains and 18‖ from other
edges. If there will be a gravel
perimeter, the retaining edge will
separate the soil and gravel and does
not need to be attached. If there will
be no gravel perimeter, the retaining
edge must be attached to the
waterproofing membrane or the
protection mat. If there will be no
gravel perimeter, the Retaining Edge
should be attached to the
waterproofing membrane or the
protection mat so it will stay in place.

 Lay drainage mat: Unroll Drainage

Mat, overlapping adjacent sheets at Figure 17: Installation of drainage type M
(Laguna, 2011)

least six inches. This mat combines the functions of protection, water storage,
and drainage in one product.

 Spread gravel perimeter: spread well-washed gravel screened to 3/8‖

minimum particle size. If feasible, the gravel should be dispensed from super
sacks suspended from cranes to minimize the potential for damage.

 Spread soil: Spread Extensive Green Roof Soil at a minimum rate of one cubic
yard per 100 square feet (3‖). Where possible, the media should be dispensed
from super sacks suspended from cranes to minimize the potential for damage.

 Plant: Insert green roof plants in a random pattern, two per square foot. Water
thoroughly after installation, and during extended dry periods for the first two
years. Broadcast Slow Release Fertilizer twice yearly on extensive roofs.

Cost (paragx):

Costs for the green roof system can range from Rs.5500/- Sq.m. to Rs.6900/- Sq.m. or

Cost per square meter depends on the following factors:

i) The size and slope of the roof.

ii) Depth and complexity of the system.

iii) Height and accessibility from the ground.

iv) Cost of labour and need for specialized elements, such as drains, railings,
pavers, slope stabilization measure, etc.


Drainage pipe

Figure 18: Section of green roof which has local materials as its layers (paragx)


Thermal performance of green roof:
Annual conductive heat gain through unit roof area of green roofs and normal roof is
being calculated and being compared in order to analyse the thermal performance of
green roofs.
City Annual Base case, KWh Extensive green Intensive green roof,
cooling roof,KWh KWh

Kolkata 35592 126.78 25.90 11.31

Mumbai 37791 134.61 27.50 12.01

Chennai 44343 157.95 32.26 14.09

New 42516 151.44 30.93 13.51

Table 7: Estimated annual conductive heat gain through unit roof area for 3 scenarios (Source: USAID

Sustainable Urban Drainage:

Green-roof is an important element of sustainable urban drainage system as it can shift
peak discharge by 20–30 min thus reduces the runoff volume. Calculation is based on
the assumptions that a 114 mm thick green roof can retain 55 % of annual average water
precipitation and the 365 mm thick intensive green roof can retain 70 % and using
average rain data (for the period 1981– 2005) collected from the National Data Centre
of India Meteorological Department based in Pune, India (Dubey).

City Annual rainfall, Base case, mm Extensive green Intensive

mm roof, mm green roof,

Annual average - 5% 55% 70%

storm water
retention rate

Kolkata 1765.1 1756.27 794.30 529.53

Mumbai 2334.6 2322.93 1050.57 700.38

Chennai 1549.9 1542.15 697.46 464.97

New Delhi 755.4 751.62 339.93 226.62

Table 8: Estimated Annual Storm-water runoff from different roofs (Source: USAID ECO-III PROJECT,








SUITABLE FOR Smaller Larger projects Specific Roof- garden in

projects like like multi storeyed objective restaurants,
residences, residences, high houses etc
small shops rise buildings etc

BUILT UP 80-90 mm 70-120 mm 70-200 mm 150-1500 mm

WEIGHT 64.5 kg/sq.m 80-125 kg/sq.m 90-225 200 kg/sq.m
MAINTENANCE Minimal Minimal Minimal Regular
IRRIGATION No, unless No, unless No Regular
specified specified
Table 9: Comparison of types of green roof (Green Roofs and Their Implementations in Architecture The
obstacle and challenges in Erbil city, 2015)


Top soil with mineral and organic 8-10
Mineral substrate with high organic 5-7
Mineral substrate with low organic 5-7
Expanded clay or slate 3,5-4
Recycled aggregates(broken bricks) 5-7

Expanded clay or slate 3,5-4

Table 10: Load of the green roof with respect to the substrate (Joseph)

Figure 19: Runoff vs. water retention capacities of extensive green roofs at 1", 2.5" and 4"
depths (Source: A.Dott, 1995, adapted with permission)
Maximum temperature fluctuations for a conventional roof and a green roof

Figure 20: In the graph on the left, the arrow shows the maximum temperature fluctuation of a typical flat
conventional roof, up to 60°C (140 F) in a single day, and up to 100°C during the year. The graph on the
right shows a significantly lower temperature fluctuations
Albedo is the quantity of solar radiation reflected from an object or surface (Cousineau).
One method to increase the albedo of the roof is to plant vegetation. Other materials like
white paint and highly refective roof have also high albedo value but they doesn‘t cool
roof as green roof does.


Highly reflective roof 0.60-0.70

White paint 0.50-0.90

Grass 0.25-0.30

Brick/Stone 0.20-0.40

Coloured paint 0.15-0.35

Trees 0.15-0.18

Red/Brown tile 0.10-0.35

Concrete 0.10-0.35

Corrugated roof 0.10-0.16

Tar and gravel 0.08-0.18

Asphalt 0.05-0.20

Table 11: Comparison of different roofing element with their surface albedo value


Separation Fabric is a non-woven geotextile made from recycled

polypropylene. Since it is significantly less likely to clog than common
filter fabrics, it is ideal for separating green roof soils from underlying
drainage media or drainage plates. Separation Fabric weighs
approximately 200 g/m2. (Rolls measure 2m x 25m (6‘8‖ x 82‘) and
cover approximately 500 square feet of roof with a 15 cm (6‖) overlap.

Standard Protection Mat is a non-woven geotextile made from recycled

polypropylene. It is puncture resistant and has a water storage capacity
of 4 l/m2, making it ideal for protection and supplemental water storage
under plastic drainage plates. Standard Protection Mat weighs 500
g/m2. Rolls measure 2m x 25m (6‘8‖ x 82‘) and cover approximately
500 square feet of roof with a 15cm (6‖) overlap.

Heavy-Duty Protection Mat is a non-woven geotextile made from

recycled polypropylene. It is extremely puncture resistant and has a
water storage capacity of 6 l/m2, making it ideal for protection and
supplemental water storage under granular drainage media. Heavy-Duty
Protection Mat weighs 900 g/m2. Rolls measure 2m x 15m (6‘8‖ x 49‘)
and cover approximately 300 square feet of roof with a 15cm (6‖)

Capillary Protection Mat is a non-woven geotextile made from a blend

of rayon and recycled polypropylene. It has an exceptional water
storage capacity of 9 l/m2 and can wick water and distribute it evenly,
making it ideal for use under granular drainage media on extensive
roofs. Capillary Protection Mat weighs 900 g/m2; rolls measure 2m x
15m (6‘8‖ x 49‘) and cover 300 square feet of roof a 15cm (6‖) overlap.

Drainage Mat is a multi-layer fabric mat made from a blend of

polypropylene and acrylic. It acts as a separation fabric, protection mat,
and drainage system into one product with a water storage capacity of 6
l/ m2. It is ideal for use on extensive roofs with slopes from 1:12 to
3:12. Drainage Mat weighs 800 g/m2 (24 oz/yd2); rolls measure 2m x
10m (6‘8‖ x 33‘) and cover 200 square feet of roof with a 15cm (6‖)

25mm (1‖) Drainage Plate is a waffled plastic sheet made of recycled

polypropylene. The upper side of the sheet stores 5 l/m2 water and the
lower space serves as a high-volume drainage passageway. Water only
fills to the midpoint of the sheet, leaving an air gap under the separation
fabric. Sheets measure 1m x 2m (40‖ x 80‘) and cover approximately
21.5 square feet of roof, or 20 square feet of roof with a minimal

40mm (1-1/2‖) Drainage Plate is a waffled plastic sheet made of

recycled polypropylene. The upper side of the sheet stores 7 l/m2 water
and the lower space serves as a high-volume drainage passageway.
Water only fills to the midpoint of the sheet, leaving an air gap under
the separation fabric. Sheets measure 1m x 2m (40‖ x 80‘) and cover
approximately 21.5 square feet of roof, or 20 square feet of roof with a
minimal overlap.

Aluminum Edge is made from a 1.5mm (0.060‖) tempered aluminum

alloy, used to retain soil and at roof edges or to separate soil from
gravel and pavers. Holes on the vertical leg provide ample drainage
while retaining soil. It is available in 2m lengths in heights of 100mm,
and 150mm, both with extra-wide 150mm bases punched with large
holes to permit taping or welding to underlying membranes.

Table 12: Green roof material specifications (Laguna, 2011)

When the roof slope is 2:12 or 10°, special precautions should be taken to avoid sliding
of soil and independent root barriers or floating membranes are not recommended. So 2
types of components are being used- 1 system transfers soil loads up the roof and other
transfers soil loads down the roof.

1.Anti-slip cleats and mesh: Anti-Slip

Cleats are black recycled ABS plastic soil
retaining elements used with Anti-Slip
Mesh(extraordinarily strong structural
plastic mesh used Anti-Slip Cleats) to Figure 21: Anti-slip cleats clipped to anti-sip
mesh (Laguna, 2011)
prevent soil from sliding down sloped green
roofs by transferring soil loads to the top of the roof. Rows of cleats are spaced 10‖ to

50‖, depending on the roof slope.

2. Anti-slip tees: In contrast with the

cleat/mesh system, the Anti-Slip Tee system
transfers soil load down the roof to a
structural parapet or fascia at the bottom of
the roof slope. The system consists of two
interlocking T-shaped plastic extrusions: the
lower one follows the slope of the roof and
Figure 22: Anti-slip tees (Laguna, 2011)
the upper one crosses the slope of the roof.
The lower tees are spaced approximately one meter (40‖) apart and the spacing of the
upper tees varies from 10‖ to 50‖ depending on the roof slope.

Cost of materials (paragx):

Material Cost Unit

Waterproofing (0.01m) Rs. 100/- Sq.m.

Pumice stone (0.02m) Rs. 175/- Sq.m.

Material Cost Unit

Shingle (0.05m) Rs. 500/- Sq.m.

Soil (0.08m) Rs. 50/- Sq.m.

Elephanta Lawn (0.02m) Rs. 270/- Sq.m.

P.V.C. pipe 0.02 m(diameter) Rs. 20/- L.S.

Plants Rs. 80/- Nos.

ray Rs. 1200/- Nos.

Total = Rs. 2400/- Sq.m

Labour 10% Rs. 240/-

Transport 5% Rs. 120/-

Overhead 5% Rs. 120/-

Total = Rs. 2880/- Approximately Rs 3000/- Sq.m

Table 13: Cost of components of green roof (paragx)



Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3 Configuration 4

Intensive green Flat roofs soft or Flat roofs soft or Sloped roofs soft Drainage only for
roofs hard landscaping hard landscaping landscaping soft landscaping

Substrate and

Filter Layer


Protection Layer

Separation Layer

Table 14: Green roof configurations for intensive green roof (Green Roof Design Guides and
Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3 Configuration 4

Extensive green XF301 sedum Plug planted or Biodiverse Seeded roof

roofs blanket system wildflower

Substrate and

Filter Layer


Protection Layer Not required

Separation Layer Not required

Table 15: Green roof configurations for extensive green roof (Green Roof Design Guides and





Figure 23: Figure: 3D view of Green House Residence (Saieh,


Project: Residence

Location: WestKadungallur

Architects: Lijo Reny architects

Built up Area: 4,500 Sqft

Macro climate: Kerala belongs to the tropical monsoon climate with south west
monsoon winds and the prevailing winds. The climate is generally warm-humid with
ample rainfall in the monsoon season.

Micro climate: Annual mean temperature is 29.4°C. Maximum rainfall is in June

which is 783 mm and minimum rainfall is in January which is 11 mm.

Orientation: The building is oriented along east-west direction

―The ‗green roof was not just a statement here, but a thoughtfully crafted design
strategy. It was meant to keep the building cool and breathing along with the help of
several open to sky courtyards trapped internally. This Residence has broken all so
called ‗sacred architectural rules‘ that strangulates the field of design in Kerala. The
design doesn‘t carry forward the ‗visual‘ context as the architects felt the need to
demonstrate a different design possibility for the Tropical Climate of Kerala along with
the urge to discourage the practice of pseudo- traditionalism in design‖ (Saieh, 2010).

Plant used: Buffalo grass


Figure 24: Section of green roof (Author)

Figure 25: Sectional view of Green House Residence (Saieh, 2010)


Only buffalo grass is used as vegetation for the green roof and so the green roof is
extensive green roof. The temperature inside the green roof residence is 5° C lesser
when compared to normal residences. Extensive roofing is less costly than intensive and
also it is easy to maintain. The courtyard and the green roof of this building act as a
sustainable element for reducing heat and provide passive cooling. The whole green
roof area is almost 5000 Sq.ft and the green roof grass roll cost will be 10 Rs per Sq.ft.
So the total cost of green roof will be 50000 Rs.

Simple extensive green roof which is apt for residential buildings and it is of low cost
and maintenance. The vast spread of the vegetation over the roof provides thermal
insulation and cooling for all rooms.



Figure 26: Earth Cube residence (Cw, 2014)

Project: Residence

Location: Perumbavoor

Architects: Ar. Niranjan, Ego design studio

Built up Area: 210sqm 3bhk residence

Cost: 42 lakhs for built form, interiors & landscape

The cost is reduced by 25% than normal construction rates near by

Thermal quality: 5-7 degree C temperature lesser than the houses near by

Macro climate: Kerala belongs to the tropical monsoon climate with south west
monsoon winds and the prevailing winds. The climate is generally warm-humid with

ample rainfall in the monsoon season.

Micro climate: Annual mean temperature is 29.4°C. Maximum rainfall is in June

which is 783 mm and minimum rainfall is in January which is 11 mm.

―Site: The site is located far from the main road, in a purely residential area, with no
designed houses around. The site though little far away from main road was chosen due
to the presence of brothers and sisters living nearby so as, to have the same togetherness
which they once cherished in a joint family. The site faces relatively young teak
plantation, a seasonal space – fresh and green during monsoons and dry and dull in
summers. The back side of the site is barren land (Cw, 2014).‖

Process: Using the idea of the roof garden to create thermal comfort. Reusing the top
soil for the roof garden and using local plants for the roof garden. It was designed using
the traditional ideas of verandas and courtyards for ventilation. Locally available plants
and landscape materials are been used. Using less mechanical ventilation and lighting
systems. Experimented with new methods to interpret previously researched spaces and
volumes retracing from the tradition. Instead of a closed boundary wall, porous exterior
wall is being used. Adopted new method of landscaping using local plants and sacks.

Figure 27: Details about context and site (Cw, 2014)

 Orientation: The building is oriented along east-west direction

 Walls : Laterite

 Furniture : Mostly built in furniture used

 WINDOWS and DOORS: Steel

 ROOF GARDEN: Local plants/ karuka/ buffalo grass

 CUPBOARDS: Ply wood/ MDF

 PERGOLA / HANDRAIL: Stainless steel pipes

Sustainability factors:
 Buffer rooms on South West sides

 Verandas all around to reduce heat gain

through green house effect.

 Local cost effective materials "Laterite"

used for walls.

 No wood has been used.

 Temperature 5-7 degrees reduced.

 FAN only in 2 rooms.

 Electricity completely through solar Figure 28: Zoning of plan (Cw, 2014)

 Top soil and local planting excavated reused for roof garden.

 White wall surfaces reduce the use of lights in interiors.

Figure 29: Zoning of different spaces in the site and the residence (Cw, 2014)
The design programme and volumetric stacking was derived from the study of the
client‘s ancestral home which was a NALUKETTU. It supported a joint family of about
20-25 members with guests almost every time of the year.

Figure 30: Earth Cube Residence (Cw, 2014)

―The building has an extremely stunning flexibility and thermal quality which made it a
purely experiential space which catered to almost all functional purposes‖ (Cw, 2014)

Figure 31: View of the residence from the site (Cw, 2014)

Figure 32: Analysis of each green space in the residence (Cw, 2014)

Spaces and innovations

Figure 33: Visual axis of spaces (Cw, 2014)

Continuous spaces: Volumes for family interaction - seamless interiors for large rooms
which could afford a SADYA or a family meeting, enclosed external courts which can
offer spaces for family functions.

Sustainable ideas: Orientation of spaces, creating verandas outside major Windows to


reduce heat gain, creating buffer rooms on south west sides, green roofing uses local
plants, raising the south western side to shade the open courts for evening outside
spaces, using local building materials and plants.

Client specific spaces: creating calm volumes for spiritually inspiring spaces, white and
seamless, bringing in maximum external light through openings skylights and the white
colour theme, heat is reduced by about 5-7degrees with respect to nearby houses during
summers which makes majority of interior spaces well ventilated and comfortable
without fan or AC.

Figure 34: Zoning of site plan and floor plans (Cw, 2014)

Buffalo grass
Growing medium 4 inch

Tarpaulin sheet with drainage

Roof slab

Figure 35: Section of green roof (Author)

The residence is designed in a sustainable way by reusing the top soil for the roof
garden and using local plants for the roof garden and also using the traditional ideas of
verandas and courtyards for ventilation. Locally available plants and landscape
materials are been used.


Figure 36: Malabar Headquarters (Author)

Project: Corporate office

Location: Calicut

Architects: Stapati architects

Site area: 366.346 Ares (36634.66m2)

Building area (Sqm): 18323.75m2

Total height of building: 23.43 Metre

Thermal quality: Surveyed the temperature and found that it is 8 degree C lesser than
the houses nearby.

Macro climate: Kerala belongs to the tropical monsoon climate with south west
monsoon winds and the prevailing winds. The climate is generally warm-humid with
ample rainfall in the monsoon season.

Micro climate: Annual mean temperature is 27.3°C. Maximum rainfall is in July which
is 847 mm and minimum rainfall is in January which is 4 mm.

Site: The site is located at a distance of 1.5 km from kuttikattoor junction in Calicut.
Since the site is a contour site, the whole building is built in 2 levels. 2 blocks of the
building is been connected with cantileverd passages. The whole building is designed
by incorporating nature so that it lies in harmony with the surrounding.

Figure 37: Area statement (Author)



Figure 38: Site plan of Malabar Headquarters (MHQ)



Figure 39: First basement plan (MHQ)


Figure 40: Second basement plan (MHQ)



Figure 41: Third and Fourth basement plan (MHQ)



Figure 42: Ground floor plan (MHQ)


Figure 43: First floor plan (MHQ)



Figure 44: Second floor plan (MHQ)


Figure 45: Third floor plan (MHQ)



Figure 46: Fourth floor plan (MHQ)


Figure 47: Terrace plan (MHQ)



Figure 48: Section (MHQ)

Plants used
BIRD OF PARADISE Plant height: 5 - 9 inches

Plant spread: 4 - 8 inches

Sunlight: Full to partial sunlight

Cost: 300 Rs

It is being planted in the planter pot

Depth: 5 inch depth growing medium

FERNS Plant height: 5 - 9 inches

Plant spread: 4 - 8 inches

Sunlight: Part shade

Cost: 450 Rs

It is also planted in the planter pot

Depth: 5 inch depth growing medium


SPIDER LILY Plant height: 5 - 9 inches

Plant spread: 4 - 6 inches

Sunlight: Full sun to part shade

Cost: 299 Rs

It is also planted in the planter pot.

Depth: 5 inch depth growing medium

Plant height: 15 - 23 inches

Plant spread: 4 - 6 inches

Sunlight: Plumerias do best in full sun

It is also planted in the planter pot.

Depth: 5 inch depth growing medium

Cost: 489 Rs

BUFFALO GRASS Cost: Cost will be 10 Rs per sqft.

It is being planted on the roof.

Table 16: Types of plants used (Author)


Growing media

Drainage layer

EPDM, TPO or PVC membrane

Figure 49: Section of green roof (Author)

Total cost of roof is around 8 lakh as almost 50000Rs will be spent for the growing

Plants used are drought tolerant, ferns and sedums which are mainly used in extensive

building. Vertical green walls are being done using plastic trays whereas green roof is
done in its usual method.

Sustainable building using modern technology and roof terrace is well utilized using
green spaces and solar panels.

Comparative analysis:



GREEN HOUSE Extensive roof 5°C temperature Almost Cost effective Green house Tropical Used drainage
RESIDENCE using buffalo lesser than the 50,000 method, Residence monsoon layer, EPDM
grass surrounding rs Efficient serves 2 climate with or PVC
buildings. technology functions- 29.4°C as membrane
one to hide mean
the view and temperature
other is to
reduce the

MALABAR Intensive green 8°C temperature Almost Cost effective, As it is a Tropical Used drainage
HEADQUARTERS roof lesser than the 2 lakhs Aesthetically workspace, monsoon layer, EPDM
surrounding beautiful, the green climate with or PVC
buildings. Needs more roof act as a 27.3°C as membrane
care and cooling and mean
maintenance aesthetically temperature
element in
the building.

EARTHCUBE Extensive 5°C to 7°C Cost Cost effective, The green Tropical Used tarpaulin
RESIDENCE green roof temperature reduced Simple method roof is in monsoon sheet,
lesser than the by 25 ,Simple harmony climate with waterproofing
surrounding percenta method, Good with the 29.4°C as layer
buildings. ge of for kerala surroundings mean
original climate and also temperature
cost reduces heat

Table 17: Comparative analysis (Author)




This chapter explains an overview of the entire research process and the importance of
green roof in design. By comparing the advantages and disadvantages of green roof, the
recommendations for architects and engineers to increase the use of green roof are
suggested. The possible ways for finding the efficient method of cooling system is
suggested and finally it discusses about the scope of extending the study in future.

This research has critically explored the importance of green roof as a design
element. By conducting interviews and surveys with practising architects and users
shared their insights about the utility of installing green roof on buildings. The
interviews mainly focused on the pros and cons of installing green roof on buildings.
Finally, by criticizing the existing development of green roof system in the current
scenario gives the conclusion.

Green roof require proper attention at the earlier stage so that the plant species get
adapted to the conditions of the roof. The structure of the building should be affordable
for the green roof. Proper waterproofing should be done while installing green roof.

 Green roof is a sustainable method of improving the quality of life in urban

areas by mitigating urban issues.

 They help to maintain the natural habitat by providing a space for both residents
and wildlife.

 Green roof technology is an ideal architectural combination of aesthetics,

economy and ecology.

 The reduction in usage of energy by green roof contributes to a greener planet by

reducing harmful emission of gases.

Recommendations for better green roofing system:

For architects and engineers:

 Appropriate plant species that is adaptable to the climatic zone should be

selected while installing green roof.

 Better waterproofing or an extra water proofing membrane should be installed

on the roof for green roofing systems.

 The load of the green roofing system should not affect the structure of the

 New methods with low cost should be developed so that future scope for this
technology increases.

 Converting terraces into open spaces with the help of green roof installation
should be promoted.

 Horticulture using green roof system promotes the use of green roof in
residential buildings.

 When compared to office spaces, people spend most of their time in residences,
so green roof in residential buildings promote the scope of this technique.

 With the green roofing system, the increasing climatic problems and
environmental problems can be eliminated.

 Due to the increased benefits of green roof, effort should be taken among the
researchers to conduct more research on green roof technology.


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