Midterms in Biochemistry

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Cuano, Ma. Joy Danielle L.

BSMT 2-1 (Lab A)


“Amino Acids”

 What Does it mean by L and D configuration of Amino Acids?
 What is the Basis of classification of Amino Acids? Cite examples per group
 Enumerate the different amino acids according to polarity. Indicate their 3-letter abbreviation and
single- letter code
 Describe how adjacent amino acids are linked in a protein chain
 What does it mean by glucogenic and ketogenic amino acid?
 Describe peptide bond formation and cysteine oxidation in amino acids.
 Discuss one chromatographic method and its importance in protein purification

1. What Does it mean by L and D configuration of Amino Acids?
 The structures of standard amino acids except glycine possess a chiral center – four
different groups are attached to α-carbon atom.
 With this property, an enantiomeric form, the Left and Right Handed forms exist in
amino acids. Thus, L and D configuration corresponds analogously to this left-handed
and right-handed forms.
 Only L-amino acids are manufactured in cells and incorporated into proteins. Some D
amino acids are found in the cell walls of bacteria, but not in bacterial proteins.

2. What is the Basis of classification of Amino Acids? Cite examples per group
 Classification of Amino acids on basis of:
a. R- Group
b. Nutrition
c. Catabolism

Classification of Amino Acids

Based on R- Group Definition
Non-Polar Amino Acid An amino acid that contains one amino
(Hydrophobic) group, one carboxyl + Non-polar side
Polar Amino Acid (Hydrophilic)
Cuano, Ma. Joy Danielle L.
BSMT 2-1 (Lab A)

- Polar Neutral Amino Acid An amino acid that contains:

one amino group + one carboxyl group
and a side chain that is polar but neutral
- Polar Acidic Amino Acid An amino acid that contains:
one amino group + two carboxyl group ,
the second carboxyl group being part of
the side chain.
- Polar Basic Amino Acid An Amino Acid that contains:
two amino groups + one carboxyl group
the second amino group being part of the
side chain
Based on Nutrition Definition
Essential Amino Acids Amino Acids that is obtained from dietary
sources because the human body can’t
synthesize it
Non- Essential Amino Acids These are amino acids that can be
synthesize in the body. The body can
synthesize 10 amino acids
Based on Catabolism Definition
Glucogenic Amino Acids (pure) An amino acid that can be converted
into glucose through gluconeogenesis.
Ketogenic Amino Acids (pure) An Amino Acid that can be degraded into
Acetyl- CoA, a precursor of ketone
bodies and myelin
Ketogenic and Glucogenic amino acids The Carbon Skeleton of some amino
acids that enter the ketogenic and other
part of glucogenic pathway.

3. Enumerate the different amino acids according to polarity. Indicate their 3-letter
abbreviation and single- letter code


Amino Acid Single Letter Code Three Letter Code
Arginine R Arg
Asparagine N Asn
Aspartate D Asp
Cysteine C Cys
Glutamine Q Gln
Glutamate E Glu
Histidine H His
Lysine K Lys
Serine S Ser
Threonine T Thr
Tyrosine Y Tyr
Cuano, Ma. Joy Danielle L.
BSMT 2-1 (Lab A)


Amino Acid Single Letter Code Three Letter Code
alanine A Ala
glycine G Gly
isoleucine I Ile
leucine L Leu
methionine M Met
phenylalanine F Phe
proline P Pro
tryptophan W Trp
valine V Val

4. Describe how adjacent amino acids are linked in a protein chain

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