USSBS Report 70 The Seventh and Eleventh Air Forces in The War Against Japan PDF

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ene) THE UNITED STATES STRATEGIC BOMBING SURVEY THE SEVENTH AND ELEVENTH AIR FORCES IN THE WAR AGAINST “Military Analysis Divisios May 1947 “RESERICTED THE UNITED STATES STRATEGIC BOMBING SURVEY THE SEVENTH AND ELEVENTH AIR FORCES IN THE WaR AGAINST JAPAN Military Analysis Division Dates of Survey: 7 December 1941—15 August 1945 Date of Publication May 1947 RESTRICTED "andexpt std ofthe Mls four taco. Geenany. to tr tnd waetn wih a ainces “ ondapar and 1 estabinh a ase for evataating the “impetase and peal «it power eh inerament of milter xeveq for plane the kine develope of the Unt Sater sed foes a0 or dete tices yooh i teh ope tthe nl dene A ery ere por andveie 20 sipping ree entaig the ‘Surrey in the prepanstion of frthe> mporte of ¢ mow eoinprohemsy conus o* opine expresed in thin ep mu be amide the spectic material eovered and as sabjec> to further inte-pretation 5 offre states ond hy the Serves. Nar snd tote Beertay af Ose Navy. The fe ‘of the Survey daring i Japan past were Fronklin Glen Chaioman iiaay 1 ee on, andthe fete the atone babe Soparatere Jeon Cally prs vil be need evergreen. pooh oleate "The Survey intermased mere than 70 apace ‘ava uae ailitary, goverraneni, ata indestrial office Te seo Peover ane traded nay dbewneats wih F Fad Ses Jy ‘noe tony seme to the Saree ut wis ‘Menroo B. Sah, ‘avn dat valuable forcther stds, Aremgemeat Ds LowisR, Tham, se beng mad To tar over the Surveys lee ‘Tiewdom P. Wright, Diwor. rman govermmetsuency white they willbe Waler Wid Serdar. rll for fete xarnaton aad stration u INTRODUCTION “This report is desigard to report the contribution of Seventh AT opee- ations ie the war in the Pace Ite nor designed ta integrate the con- tibutioe ofthe Seventh AF with thi of he Novy and Marne its which assumed that that integration will be operved sa accomplisted elsewhere. Sutemeats as (0 seale of effort end cesules accom lishee shoald consider chat all sircrat, Any and Navy, oper- sted as par of one overall xr plan theatre because (Claims of eoemp aircraft nd shipping destroyed, probably destoyed fr damaged are oficial claims of the Seveath AE, in conformity with sequicer of AAF directive. The shipping division of USSBS is being, ‘onstant’ sefrred to inan efor: to establish information to sabstantate ‘Seventh AF claims ngsinst shipping. The Statistics in this ceport are de- ‘ved (rom various sources, in whicl slight discrepancies exist. Sources for the information herein ate listed in the tables and stati 1 Recoanaissacce Phase 1 Gilber Islands Phase LUI Marshall Islands Phase LY Marisna Islueds Phat... Palau and Philippines Phase... VI Iwo Jima Phase. ‘VII Byukqus Campaign. Val Ais War Against ps3 1 Summary. PART ONE SEVENTH AIR FORCE OPERATIONS ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS 7 Dee. 1541 0 13 Now. 1943-2... 13 Now. to 6 Dec. 1943... 3 «7 Dez 1543 02 Mar. 1944, ‘4 - $ March 10 15 Ang. 1944 6 15 Ag. t0 31 Dec. 1944. 5 2 Ja 00 31 Bar 1945.00. n + 1 April to 30,June 1945. 1 July co 14 Aug. 1945. ‘one ground or dung beyend rep twe= he ‘ofa the sieaft in ty Hevwaian Teande 1 Theta attach, however wasn the wuss fart. ‘Tae iii of he dspam wae 9 stay cr mmebize encugh "our Bet to make Impansibic forthe Uakea Stats Navy to ible ‘vt the Japa eonapst of he sur remus {has The attaek on Cry was followed by the rant “anew oeeepatin of Wace, anil, Gua, Hong ‘Kang, Haba and Singay-e, and bylnding ine Ditah Hast indies, Forse ‘and New Gulnea. Ta ZB ays they were to Heke advanes ever Kame jm) me, om Busan othe Silhrt Ida 2. Strategic Stestion. ‘The strategie situation in the Pace on 7 ‘Decsier 10HL was 41 by Taves of the ener who Tad ta the ita ve. He had lad bse which ‘atoll the Pac i ara ac lane lo tote Rayan Inds. He posse eerie al ond surface renggh, Wit thenitiatve isha his eal of posits eluded attacks on any Pace Teiaade Be desired fn ui t+ Haya senda. Ake posible wer sna Ime attack the Pears army Masks, Canes and the West Const of te United states 1b Wemereon the defensive gna an encay vin ei srk a many ost an} who coud Father splot “he demeat ef suri. Oxe alexa em ‘regi was infer te the eneay’s and ne had ferrari the Pcie Then bates were not wel se ps for extensive ovmatins or even for ther Coe delense rth eo 10 Dass ith Fhe of the canny, Th Seventh AP sould ot read ‘he eneny in he Mart slants woh ner 2,900 RESTRICTED ‘ils from Cb, 8 meant « Tinied seo ‘even 0 nak: rownnaisance of the vac. 3. S Bases ‘9 Tn 1042, oar formant lnee was the Hawaiian denis. Canton, Midway’ apd Chestmss [ands wer being devebped. But oven the manst of thee, Canon, war tore than a ousind ike fra the nen. Fone Canton fo Mile was 154 ies From ‘Midnay to Mille was 1467 nee Malvay, i fet, vas never ime fr attak of the Manabe out ‘frage ven or rvonesieance mies gaia the Mana, 1, cid ty bain bases within range of the nen, preparations were nade to move i the ilies Ile Ths grap of Sethe stole was in the wnoseupiat NoMan's Lane tetweer. the “Japanese se Giberts andthe Allint South Face inserof BijiandSamox (The Japanese rover Ended inthe Ele sande) Tae Marinstoo ore Funatut in the Inter par of 142, ard nama was carved ‘out af the emer grees, Dong 085, By sag from Oalu firmgh Canioe and Finals, sera attacks wore muudoagaast the Gilberts She dance fron Fone othe Japs new tee at Tarawa was TOA ies te stac ei B-24e ying rem Oahu ead rae «our trpof (46 males Disting HZ and most ef 196, dhe aly forward Isc ala the Seventh AF for recomnaiance sd altace were Midway, Punafutl ard Canton 4. Enemy Bess ‘I 1042 the Japase were well etnencbed in ‘the Marsal Inds. They had air tes at le Malislap ard Warje They also tad a anlar bast at Jalutfror_ whieh they operated rowonainance Dns foclucing fouengiced ving boats. They Jporedevtloplgifieleat Kwajpeinsnd Eniretak 1. The Jayamee hac poseaion of Wake om their northern fai enl 58 mile from Baivetok Inthe Giftr skids they el tae ovo the Britsh dares without oppesition ant we bing ‘anu bao Transl eaphns base at Makin. ‘Nour alse hed ben estar and was eingdevel ‘open an air Das ‘6 The sve theo 2 total i tho Gites an Macs of 7 ir Hee (Mill, Males, Wotis: enjele, Faiweoky Nour, Terawa) and 2 eo flav tone Gal Maki) "This dot inte Tc bin the Cras lest supper the Masha ith dt Kaw of supply 10 the nr" apne oly contd a he Central Ps wes: Meas [lan but Ui ‘Sts iformtion (Jupanow bce was meager inane onset 5. Mision, “The misono tb: Sort AP-ya the dele of the Havaianas nv the yonnaiwanes all fe Innes ney tes with ang. (6 Tage Ht 2, Reconniaano or ambi ais wer seaiet lof he and nh Cilbert Gap ie ding Yourusad Down, Beconcaimaate rice tore fore owe tw of che Mahal dai and Mlle Sceral ninos a wer frm wait Wat pats th Mit 'b, Wake felt thy Jones om 21 Deemer 11 On catuy 192 nd 1 Febery 012, nh es ras or: Wake on pie renorsinatts mas, ivy wari wtrks wen exe out m Foor ‘ad Maré onthe Marshall the Gilli, Wate, snd Marna The Seve Ai For puto of Wake we utand im phoning the ation of te alt for Botte of Nida. The enemy tuk ibe ibitine in she Cena Pedicoly ome alter “Fea Harter," en that eat Be en nt ane ee aoe AV units cn V dway comprized. (ein wang eae secon era en edt an ee ee oo: mc comen ingore fers An he aden os Mi of oki y Sima aby smal ed 0 ced ay wus denon Sine 182 Saperea {hed My ith DD 20ers nd ‘eniyacvea Nain fier eres the new thet and tie eucoeded In ahaing dt ‘trny io, ht fry be 19 Pees cme the sore en for thr emcee a dling how and AA Bre al ve oo ay Wome Flo the twe ands eng Mleay Alo, ate fr omni esongsaaee fag to tae the ait af Ue air aus de a Babe the ston cannot, to pmatioe sctvty fhe gains daon aan ete fh Aa cing ssn, rin the fling lines thre tebe one by hates oul Tiling mans ihnsiichemowra "Theft neato epanesmyee Moivay cite on ISA 142 hon he ert eae ms codon spoilt iy i ite st lane, Bs agented a tn by Be te we on ah nec Tire wh re Comptia! ge pron the Be eo ne Ta of Mewes ec i hing ot my ta foe mmo eosin foe a ss ah rg he bie i Thiet stk aes ona ws sew thie sna ee cn done a2 meni Be {sted fapunse ship droping 1960 pros seltn il Attach Dy E-s on enon et ts wee cntwed dang sa 3 Sua, ele Strceben muds 195, Tune A tale ac vis nig 55st wes Hai 1 Themuner a RA7e mae whens Bll 2 day ie Basen May 1, 4 inating sre ode Cs Dl the number for cn bat was 27. Sou sod ep rc ang the Hatt of Mle 1 he Bate which atte the Japan He inte brn rie yor hint osm 2 dns a BS wel ‘saree ation Tw 17s wwe aed 1 Aemy Airaid oer srs a cate drag te 3 ot hay. The ch of gmt and seem t Nida font est da ene dere avant of ‘or servant mine The at of TE sort is rtd Chonabe stomata a ‘ib fe cence ere a ata of he th ns eed ies eat ea ae tiring the Bath a Mioay erate ish tou aberaielnisentiretsemynt iste setae ext ers ou eee tia Bit Espended. e: Noat of the eflert expended bythe Soveath ising this prio ending Now 1945 wan for woot ‘ase, Total sine cf embat aons for 35 9 Bieri, doping 22 neon terme 9. Fores Araileble. ‘6, Tre form 34 wed for reprting statins, vas ot in owl Novae 108: dase ped aaesie Ban inde te the brited number of stent availa ise nthe fact hat he gestae sera enplyed in any mason was 241-24 ‘Ts “aes masinam flr, Most winia cmployed ot nore than 4 agen Type of abst: The BAT wat wed for one tingheplte nacon apt Wake ay Sa the Battle of Maway_ The Hels all were thers ter tratslored tot auth Faeieand pied BK, 10, Kesits Acenaplited. 15 The Bench AV wceemilly noone the econnsininerof the maappraches ta the Fasian Iles The xeny-newr apm atte tank them exept for une maid by 3 ving tnete 4 ‘Maré 182, which did ao damage 7. The Seventh ontated to te Sela of the Japasese in te Bate of Midivay 7 enduccing ‘etna and wrk inion The wvonth ecomoiterd ani atte emeny Imac t Wale, the Gilbert land, dt of he Maral! li, 11. Limiting Factors | ack of snag, In of range abot and lock of base thin rane f the ene ny Were the hie ining het GILBERT ISLANDS PHASE, 15 NOVEMBER TO 6 DECEMBER 1943 1. Geveral Objection. 'b. Tre objective of thi pha of yperstian wa the occupation of Ie lle! Inde nd ereston of tir ts on the iad f Taras, Maki, sed ‘hema, 2, Mision, ‘. Tre mision of the Seventh AP ding tienen tin ata dey te the enemy. thea aac of ‘Tarawa, Mati, Mil aut, Maloy and Yaurs fa the Gibran Sara Idan groupe, Mane Mand, 284 es eat Tara sensed ae the Gilets, abu is pogzaphiealy el fed amen iad ina ', Openitnal conta ef th: VIT Bomber Cane sls vente in Comrade Task Fore 87. (Tbe Sevent™“AF headgnrtn as not fede nthe ‘pera ein of sonenand 4 Targets Hit. (15 Nov. to 6 Dec. 1943) 8. Gilt tends ‘Tara a). “ Makin orapne bis) 3 Navn wl) : by, Mors Isiads Mie (ce ‘ Jal Geapane br) ae Malley (eek 4 * (Tieatieroarny arias the Giker-Maraall, soe nee amd ae al arte fo: he Navy: Km jal, Rov ane Wore) 4. ifort Exponded, Total emage droped wan 85 te 29 ssnsinvelving) eee xi agaist te above He tare Ib Thesireraft ployed wea theB-24 exe use ‘The Hwan Tne a! the urd Pata 7 ¢ Nekutaw » Elie Teas Neon | Baer |S bain the Zara Tak thee, Nuvtes, Nesom, al Take sme ete forte cera, 6, Fones Aselable, "x Tae wor aaa nthe VIL Somer ome rund Fr eprint the abore aixtargetl, reer the Gtborsfavadon, coven leary bom Tanimeat sss, hving an everage stag ct S0B-2 Abeat 8S perent of the rises hand voce kept income. The distants f0¥E Pach nore tan Halo the tpt, all bi the {ro squad hand on Natures, ma th tha ‘aging thrvughtheadranced bash Ranemesand Taker land na eed. 7. Reals Ascomplited, % The eens sir Lees attsked by the VI ember Command in the Girt and) Mama MARSHALL ISLANDS PHAS 1, General Objection a. The abjetives ot labo i wo pas hin aod Maja a sino ata 2. Miso The is sean oF tye Sovntl AP forthe fmt we AP lor def () Teese een iit bef arate tee and (2 1. dest every aval an faction at Mabelan Woe, Fi, tad Kes eee Wonk Bo aad Reape i fe is epenion vere seo (0) the cept Kea ane (2) she weapon of sirbawst few eure on Ki . vs formed an ae of mutally supporting Gilberts Naki was th es defend ens fe Ta the mo be 811244 20 November in prparnion forthe amphi ane = whieh mas rade on 20 Noveribe, thy VIE Boy Ginn a boeber tem si mieons crop “tos om the Lagearemile sland of Bet tte Tarawa aiid al dbensos wine conse sd nlite a eppasion. There were four ouemy ‘slacks pins cura bia The Gilbert Ina de ore users ly ontuy, and the pan ila Panwa nas eae ea proved for our us as wll as anole fd erated ‘onthe oll. Makin aad Abram lao wee rpily ‘avert into akc giving tat offeur ten Ail orftewe ep atons 7 DECEMBER TO 2 MARCH 1644 ei fore in deming Wee at Mall th 9) To descr aipyne ©) Ia adit, «die: grunt mii 5 flor on D fry Bate doped 0 ees ce Kahin Loin oe 1s Forth en phan he cvuton of ale Sg cma eS mete, {henry ai ise Pera aa Kua Aly 2 ‘Sete to maitain tae notre the EY lest Namal Ts, pons Nl Mabel and Wot 3. Targets Hit oe 2 diferent ian tangs the Caine 2) D2 dey and teeny, to ami ler | | Cbs ad) Mandal were: ‘Kajlein Nena 0 Amo, Alingopalp, Aur, sod Hongsap nen, 4. Bfort Expended. ‘4, tote of 3812 ton of tomtawere devo on ‘the easy n 2807 cost we vertien 5, Oar Baws ‘4. Cur bases Nore Tara 2 sts) Makin and Alvonamain te Gillet nee, the nrthest= reat the lie Goon ', The wees of theirs operation pm he Grwanl moverert of Reavy. bontandent, fighter and dive boner squsrors fram Caxten, Fanaft and Nuke to new eds carevd ont of ‘ceont reves in tLe Gliber hla. In cn, {te former every fle Betis Ila Tara tel, ‘was pated and inprone ‘The Terwarl mverent of mast o one tases ‘ih us lage tothe remy pert a Ba Ids. The utinton of Mak prmitted oar dee Lomb and Shr scacrone bee! thet ah {eeremy st Mile, nen and lly 28 lee 6 Fesces Ansiable 1, Toros avalaheemsist: of Shem tn nha sent squadrons, medi bombarnent oq 3 fighter acadtony, and 1 r-bember sqeacicn ‘Tals latory anal fossconccted continue dy tnd gh operations seas the emery. Speise Uhjetites acide a remit and shipping "The oe Fort wan dics ngunst omental wir bases and fun -efee fat lane, 7. Reslts Accamprished. 8. Pita neutralizaton of ney it the Mer taiiswas accomplice, Dating Sewn AP aticss or emmy Vasey enemy sein was Kinied inet ertiney to defenatystiamer: A Beare fem intone: to meage as the ener safe boaing is lites mupptie ofernamiir He trie rantelly ‘akee= one ninvay operat na atch of aes ‘yay repay afer ea i So inergtice ae enentered oe Synch ‘Ac mesionsover ths Marshall sande afer 3 Jen fry 1044 «7 Rajalin, No sipping escept snl Dent wat oer ©, Fenty ll mgs nd naliation ove rvondon Mile, Wate, Walodap, Kase, "Peasy we date cr eromly enced Hogs craters dhmed where amnion wiganes were ‘tilde by diet hits The guar satin fe Aebnd tiem eles bus thew penne wee ser of fanfare miltary we forthe enemy. 4 Kosaka Pore, inthe Caolins, ware of ‘heli Seventh AF neutalination beginning with the latter phase ofthe Maral oorption, «Kut, the eartrmeat of the Carolin, had ‘sll harbor and a aie dr venetian Th tea fret ached on 17 February 104, Tt wa a feck gam on the 20h, 22, und ib theater ‘being the heist ai 15 tone. Pct con crng thivatiaek sowed dentin watertont ans fie ‘The proctal tert on. Komie vas racials emolis i r rll The sel eve teen opertinal Porap: was nore importa taipet than [unio sl dholarg attacked bythe Seventh AE ‘yp to tat tine In four mide the neato at Ponape weve lagely emoled Wf Poca was an encny sappy ccatr foe the Mivshall sends Exe for rakes Palms, Ponape srarthe ret inportan of th 2 sled the Cae Tinogroo, Ia «haar, a aired, and vse Inu. Ponape Tos itil was He find conte ciaTnateereoartnet bythe Seventh AP. Terie fettomeat of densely eneestrated bsdingsecende fag show haf mle fom the water te the rmowntaae. The vatetont area, tppevinally alt Se li oor at arial anda, Th, Pony was alot enirlym Seventh AP kar ston afew bombs having been cropped ea the Inland by armed Nave reomnalsunse plane, The alls showed eles the eevee of Soret [AP bombing 1 was the rst cpportunty ie the Central Pace ta devonatiate the elct.vese of ineendaiog snd feta it of A an ‘tor for he ths of te Japanese land 1 Ponape cal 362 alee fro Eskzoto and {70 mies from Kee, It was a potential teat to car orton tgatat iwetn, at heat on ths the ecm vas sever abet canitalis, 1. Te yo fist etacod on 19 Febraary 1085. two days tate our anding ox Baik. Sorbet 12 droppe! tna of bmn an the ena te plane boty ad, rails, and wateeomt aan ‘The somo attace cone on D day (17 Fetminry 104). Oa 20 Febrowy, 840 6-youn snxndarce ne opal TE The Seventh AF had i nt oppartanitie to atta ines tad 2 yen SS my oer aac 25.2 ep fer an nny nc, opi oud Tek emma nage hee ae ree Ent ante the ova The waters atin Seton cana omy wi Bi bes St lena sen me bom to he aan ‘Linings rato ctw ana alo ow Ha ovine 1 Thales Langit nh th sin of Puen mnie r= ‘its eternal eee or Tireny ation dad a ae CGB Mask Cin eng fers When tr cry nl hme in pe, tea 3s oon tp a ot Aimy a J gore ils, Ds he Resin wh 9 eet, 7 fre erected ptt dete, ee es ae Er cae ae ones eee i ce Paces Coes eae clearer rc Sees ae ee oe ser sea coe See sae Sess Ser Se Ss ore eee eee seers ee ae See ee sree: Iv. MARIANA ISLANDS PHASE, 3 MARCH TO 15 AUGUST 1944 1. Genera Objective 2 The jetvas dung thi psn wie the ore atin ofan, Ta snd in the Meron I>, an the deveoprent on the ands oft Troe or Seventh and Tevmtth SP operat 2. Mision 4 Thess of theSerenh AF ma ihednt.e- on af em sipping and th etalntion of Cae Domed omega bos he Marshalls nel ho, om Wak ad at naa, 5 Tangs signa “the Seventh ia ontr of Iingoetan, wee ty) tm, 12) Ponape 13) Wale 1) Kaw 15) Or Bt of the Tinian operon: it was ths fi te Aer svraft the Bernth AF van ed a an 3. Targets Hit 2 Sovinth AP attacks sangre om the Cent Pace fom Uhe Mania to the Camis and Marinas Truk and Pep seve thc mete ‘or, with 2541 tons and 975 tna wapetely, shen in the flbering tabulate 4, Eft Extended, aoe ‘8 toul of approximately 6516 cfoctive ertce wore Beam by Bde 3256, Able, wd ite Toate Taey dropped a tal of 7518 tare om the 5. Our Base. ‘A At the tring ofthe pea 3 March 194 ‘Scoath AF tele nate were toe! he fle len Srna este: Thntwy, Mabin, Xaacrnee Apeonans Ta We moved out of thee except Nakin ortheremow ofthe Cllbw's I. the Manballe, car fvanet beadguarte moved up to. Kwsjlem Efe Navy Se, wa wed forstagigsres seunet Trak and Poa. after the Saipan letirg ‘rainfed ley Hci Thts Mali, Kwsjulen nf, Saipan woe ose fe At he nd ofthis rad, August 104, the lands fom which ot ar ute were 9peutog funst he vaomy wor Mein and Supa 6 Forces Available ‘At the begining hs peod, oneosavadaiie Hea Sorter {6 Squads eet 44 Squadzone Fahterliomber, 1 Squad Fae, 1 Saad _Attho end of thix pan, fos taicle were easy Somber 7 Sadan Moin Borer, 3 Squads Faia, Suan Night Fits, 7 Results Aeconplisbed. ‘u Trak yar nent ined by Seams of stabs by ‘he Thitent and Seventh AF uly Navy earsex ‘tacks This powerful sir base ani ome 000 te fiom Span, had thoy aia wo tye anes seomtrcton: Mstne 116, fea the South Pic ‘ae, plntogmphol the Trak Group on 4 Pury 196, Or Gand 17 Feta, earl task ous fint struck Truk, Shortly afr tig he Thirtent dit ones, aging ho gh he een and ad ky ‘Mende began iting Tra in daylight ih. The ‘ecny neat wa hot aad avy with 40 0 9 Intreotore wala cs ak. Utd State owes te hh Te Tie fn VLE Bomber Corman ad on Tike nee the night aie o" 15 Mare The Beals ad ‘Srp Fniwtok fra ld bass at Kwan, Te any used satel AA vis ine, aad one (to sgt iit tempted tration, 93 rng was ioue yo ara 2 Mighes AP wekly or bneerkly attach on Trak seine © net interepton in sara ber, Eat = i AP right lth ‘ound the ena sere Teta Hak ane see rorgion attempts naberar 4d From 15 Ses 47 Aust 19H the Seah AP fiw a tol of 87 BO shies mat Tay rete lames vee Teuk drag tis pan were © tre, or lew Ur eo per et. fe The ney reset of 0 te 9 interes scouted in Fuso” March eigaered aw Ty the fit parte? aut to to 8 ples {NU Border Cem pen tonic oer “Tal he at exes ee of sera bet ope ‘sur tobe Sis phnes wore ditaged or «men of ee bonis tat mne vas bet Te le woe eke lies indecte fe In the Marianas at ber mie fw ser hin, Thi, aoc Git, 6 ammed ort ie ions with Navy PEAY 1, Dut attr and ein beans any Sow asset enn D day br Rag ee IO4H, On 22 Jn P-lTeef the S18 Fighe= G-up re rataplat ron CVE= They ted Tey Field Baan, jor bac wrested fort the ene 1. The Pte for thelist wnat assoa on he say they lind Ty operated in apport combat ‘soup! om Saban. Cio igh strafed enany pone Fon thir way fa fen the a 7 Two fips of AOL night Beto: Bren fom ‘shal cared wd, withthe PA perting frm downto deena: 1 Though the Saga sed Seventh AP for eck of frome Bory Fk on Seip ane ht eaeray elds within eight of thir take, Sop and Tina ar erate by onl & ‘hele che Thies the et ve et write ff the Seventh opcated in ear support, aad pave he Sovents ths diet of having Bbw sme of sorted a wll ee lone, coat misiane fn thehistry of wart Lor sm tine befce D day mina, PA asst in elon up enemy defenses by ht Trach dso gut emplacements leer val ngs Tle were @ rains ay ith ap fponinatey Has yer inion, Tae intent af ‘ew sant fgeaged ed rece is pak on DAL {de Supporting mous ad spel Mombing tnd “rane mikes ver somnpabeddadCheoapout ‘he Tian bale wai was emprtd on 1 Aga TOU, The Poe on dow wows used Nap

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