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RESTRICTED THE UNITED STATES STRATEGIC BOMBING SURVEY A REPORT ON PHYSICAL DAMAGE IN JAPAN 2\( \ sehe§ Physical Damage Division {Ge R hoy, June 1947 Back 49. + RESTRICTED RESTRICTED THE UNITED STATES STRATEGIC BOMBING SURVEY A REPORT ON PHYSICAL DAMAGE IN JAPAN oemmpyesrene ¥: OCT amg a] is Gua Gol Physical Damage Division June 1947 RESTRICTED FOREWORD an Stotegie Homing Survey Tate President Revels Ta iets inprtialsndeaport sty” of th of our aerial aftnck on Germany, to be wot in ‘intestion with air dupa and testa Tula WES ee fests ea RG cee ta eal Tentnlties of si inate! of tuliay strtegy for planning the face develop tent of the Unit States atte forsee and Fr Alerminnge fata wonemi pices with te the tional defen. stnmary report sm On 1 August 1915, Truman re ened that the Survey conde star cy {tthe fects of all types ofa ata in the wa agaist Japan, submitting rer inept to the Secretary of War ano the Secretary of the Navy The offers ofthe Suey during is Jap ices, and The milittey segment of the onpazation ses dea the Aray to the exteat of 40 percent, and the Navy tothe stent of 40 pervent Bath the Army atl the Navy gure the Survey all por sible assstance in frithing men, supp, er ord infortation. ‘The Survey opertel font Iealqourter etblihed in Tokyo easly in Se tember 1945, seth rabheadgunrtert in) Naga naka, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and with elie teams operting in other pats of Japan, the Inlandeof the Past andthe Asiatic moinind Tt was pombe to reconstiet mach of wartime Japanese military planning and exeention, en hy egugement, al esp by et and tosorisereamebly ectrateoatiatce ‘Japan's eeonmy and mar production, plant by Dlaat, aid industry by industry. In addition, auies were conducted on Japs overall a tegic plane nad the background of er eatry the war, the internal dissisone and nett Teading to her aceptance of unconditional sender the course of health and morele among dhe aig ‘srilian population, the esctienas of the fap Paul TE Nite, Heory C. Alexander, Vice nese civilian defense organization, and the cts ‘Chairmen So the atomic bomb. Separate reports will le Harry fe Bowman Famied covering each pam of the seedy J. Renvath Galbraith, The Sarveyintrvogated more than 700 Sopa Rensis Likert, ese military, government, atd industrial fil Franke A. MeNamee J Teal ecoreed aid tatalated many documents Fred Sena J which not only have bua tefl to the Survey Moneve Sah Tat als wil furnish data valle for athe stu Dr. Tews Re Thorson jen Artangements lave ben made to tian er Theodore P. Weights Dietary the Surveys Mle co the Central Tatelligence Walter Wik, Svedory, Group, through whi they will be available fr Sureey's complement provided for ano further exaaination and tcibution, Thi oper wos writen pei For the mm of tag Hon Any cenclsins er opinions expres inthis repre mist be considered Timited to the sce nteral covered an suc to further iterpretntion us ing TABLE OF CONTENTS 1, Eersorivas o Hiu-Bromi Bowes Two Major Factors Affecting de Succenr of W iectivenna Studies (Otmerved Characteristics of Bomb Dany Procesing of Datt_-——————— Fon Avuixat Jaan Development of Tneadiary Progra ‘Target Characerstie ‘Tactics and Weapons gv gga cate Highlighs of Gall Gly Fire Sadia ions al Convent zo Macirxen Conetsions Protective Mesure Dacian 20 Urtirn Dasnage Aras VL Tur Aron Bea, Prosattack Condition The Attacks Bests Danage t Bullings_———- Damage to Machine ook Damage to Brig Damage to Stace. Datoge to Public Uitia Bie Vil, Seecorvat, Consens Chapter I INTRODUCTION nary uf damage to steve ities, beige, tacks services caused by high-exporire be aries, and atomic babe -AMotgh many of Tasic conclusions devired from the eects of vial warfare sted Inthe Esropeen Theater ro clange ana rel ofthe Jap “ition concisons. bare. bren evolve Tne on new eanbes suchas ype af constr of ven toed M the advent of the atomic bam het Tn aking tudes of ight-explnie bombs, principal ft thanage cused in patil typeof b {crashed target, therefore, was avo premsing ject of dy and for that reson. the report ds nt give at complete a picture of Nigieexplosive dang az it dows of imi Toon atl atonicomb damage. Likewise, the ‘nite time which was svalable co the Survey for its work jn the Bek prokbited «summation ‘i ott dst sanige achieved By ih txploive mexpons Teter information vas btn om the eet of tomb constertion han on production. The fact ht the Jupnnene made oral fer to rp their builingvorto get back ito prevdetion afte ing acurately th effects of bombing on » more plants prodrtion ease after bombing without Tear to the nal efctiveness of the attack ‘Se plans were st of praduetion before the tree bone ether Beate te Ao of xr mate Tins to the pants ed stopper, or bacwase the STaymnece, fnvng a attached started to di yee pant opipment and machines The fr ticks on Japan went throug a il av-erron perio fa teensy days, during whieh netics were developed. which eximinated inthe Highly succes incendiary atackson Tokyo and taher eles” Une incendiey attcks on Ger thang, few oF no high explosives were mined with the fre amt, since the Misi: built dveltings rt in densely popalted ere exteely yunerale to maturation stocks Uae the fin This fact tether with tee favorable fhe attacker nor the attacked contributed to au cendiary campaign that was comely icon {al tn len every ce The one bom changed the Iitng that tgpe af bomb co the date texted In all types of building were xt of eae tasces whieh were generally similar. Tis Vast faplsive wenpons,algh conideeny i Sted ud more widespread ‘The new factors of fan ent and radiation at kevin conve in this separ Although «large mumbo the indent report prepared by the Dison inl wctions which Maparen damage analysis rade photo Hater preaton wil am analyse ade by eld tea {nis general report does mo contin photo tation caper simi to that fx the Tearopean report. The departure Teo the pur por is accounted for by the fact tat in Ep {he only infrmation atained Uy the Seve am photo interpretation wens thre by this Div om, where in Japan a separate division of Survey se concerned solely with this To teaters who are Interested detailed a siyesof physeat damage in apa the following Teyorts ate secnimende actor of Chapter I EEFECTIVENESS OF HIGH-EXPLOSIVE BOMBS A aj part ofthe ase in upon wa the de teonation of the eflestisenes of high-explosive me sgaieat Japanese industsal targets, heh ts deri as not accomplished ‘Chneaey a sxbetatialndition was made othe Cee a tec sae, type, ae faxing of TREE iene ti to the dag sutlred Uy ing 0 maclorseontributed atrial 0 i cmptching this putpoe. One of pie ofthe Trent AE, nck Japanese tes wth ncendiney tht atria targets wi hgesplsive a heather was he fac that twa gene TH tor itation Weft a aber of relatively sR Sigeerand mare them comporaively easy scenes condition found but raely in Ger Tih factors nay tte, etn iat AY bombing i Vas i lsc» Netereal vals of the SIA for rariostonts a bring pes ha Moe calenated from ld stensrements, Th MAT given inchde raluew for the following To! Sd Llonponnd, Tight cast, ad 2.00%, {idan and pond, general purpose, high-ex inven. Tew oerved STAT qe igcance and found reasonably reliable he Te “TWO MAJOR FACTORS AFFECTING THE SUCCESS OF WEAPON. EFFECTIVENESS STUDIES Teo factors hada major effect on weapon tiveness studies in Japan. ‘These wee the bo tig poe of the Tenieth AF an th reaction Boke Tepanese to AE boning of thee ind ‘Weapon Selection Policy of the Twente AP The policy ofthe NX Ronee Command (later dasignated the Twentieth AF) which opected ogee i il co sae iis with incary bor, i tith AF a with high PSlocive bontin,Uhis paler was adopted de stone effete tha high-esplesive bow, ton for sxpleives and incentive nope bla, How cating he fee Ths plan us ans as pst ofthe bao of the factors ie herewith kre factors govern rly ewe, Peer tod Ms tocision nt to tse both igh Giant were Largely operational, Howbing al for which the B-2) had been designed. The di ferences between (he alien of the igh ex ‘hove of the mcendinry ere ste et prc ne pacts of iting aa ste target wit both hon they were droped tiplane ot. frmatin of lepine var pawtenaey trae a the bombing ‘onion wa mot helped by the ext ‘Stren oncucring wt he attades where wea to 300 mils per hoar were reported. The trey ected wa the AN-I va geneva pron mb i alist Tanne were sel topether bein mn munber of Appel fron he se apn Stenke but it na ft Eat roc a Se Rmsint me thet ipl hits with salle Jacke af incendiary mix would be far mon Hective The posiility sud sna, a Sng attack ais an seal target bu dropping hens from diferent sing bh igh explsires inaly on the Tet an singe co stack lone (this Following 9 March 108 lambing To fet by night Tomevedy ad Del Toads creas avn ply tens the decison of the wasnt attempt, Tha iy weve ae tthe pares Ofee by dy ane Taisticn of rma fo pat 6 Sem Begining with th aud eontinaing aac to te en sion rete dst . ive al som eve dope oo decd Toky sed evidence that He Botton of the bi trong raped Tn May th ‘XXI Bomber Command few weontrolled tacks” - old vereal ‘ua Th Fc the Ist tack, ow sleve, ae uve coinatons for which Tun thowe in whieh 400-pound,Tightease and 20 pad, te loth intresting and frail 3 the pattern of Twesteth AF bombing develope Ce UMC Sen tiarice weve osed for might urba attacks and igh explosives were used lrgely for daglight tacks gloat “precision” inde ‘Site fanone nga ol targets ye 315th Wing sing higheexplsive bombs, (90-pounl jvc puapose, except mone atta where 250 Mend tnd Epon goneral purpose bombs Reaction of Jopnee to Inderal Bombings Th Europe nny ofthe targets ad bron it natber of tines by both the USAAF an TRAF with several erent bob- fan coi onm, "hear susie tacks resulted frm the fnstntrepaie poly of the Germans and the Foraion of the ait wats They rendered anal I weapon efletivenes extremely fie Shope. Ta conte, the eats shore drs tion of the seatepie bombing eampsiz Ut the Jepaness to abandon plants thei inte often after singe attack, Heft veuparatiely Sela targees: Many of then taal be twit a sng bomen combination, Wlcin a ber of cay cas posle to ote {ho etete ef a single bonD with resonable ce Ming. As real valle ions othe date Up atetivenes of high-enponiv bots ae ben Tvained, cect of tone to he nal Vagus ‘isch data wide variation nt ft, and ioficint sompl ie @ repai policy, and the decision FACTORS AFFECTING WEAPON [EFFECTIVENESS The primary purpow of hambing sto danas ir the state embing of usta target te specie porpue isto stop prodution fuerthe maton period of tine peasible. The Tater san be accomplished anos efilently Dy ex Poking bombs at the ext spots where they will Trae che nasianan damaging effets en the par Tien type of targetnderaltack; however, just aa (and no tore) bomb sould be std 10 anplish the desired pati be vestared to tne rficent damage to ‘Teavtain eral pint whic dpm on the pa lar vadstry as whole nd of the ners ‘Sues war econny, en and only then sus he {yet be reattached, A number of uncertainties involved in executing an deal attack, as der loves render dict see a ecomplsinent ‘Shnily thew ofan operational nature, may ea ted without discs. Others however: sch was dantging characteris ofthe bomb, the Fancioning of the fase and its lia, the Major eonponents of te fel of eenial bali Tier shot hich relatively Title reliable Xow tdnding of the Tnitatony and rel of ween ruins analysis tht hy ate disse Fr ther Damaging Characteristics of Hombs— Progress Iu bee te hy the eric, and rng the ving cnn sare, bs i this cory in Baglin nesting the mela Meson of on Por pec om taction of bist presses nual, sin al Sadat at fenzoente a velit an zee Towra the shack wave though certain aia have eon stable with fair teibiity. Likewise {ies and trction ofthe svking Yeloe Ay ot'meat of the Urited States bone when {togped frm tiller alien at varons Bint adeare known. Tie data sist which eae ‘eS tetoes othe pli earners of the tarp ste eet of blstpremare on brick wali on las wins, ad the effect of enh ston at bets neaget, Date fo fala fees ade expan bomb im bailings are uted Seas tleranees te mechais of active and the ie ried for detonation ae relay nw Bs ite Bae Bee cnet dete nine he rlaonsip teen hese quae an the sarong ret overt kel to be vowerad i argets Along scans elf tnt that Tights fag, abestos-cement wpe ef radueng the moment of «om Crelngat 900 fet yer seen sulin ate the eatin tail Ee twas nt That contact now fs eh delays shorter tha [Mt son were weiable in quantity Prior That time therefore choice of faze with pect tor delay was Beewsen thoes with peveialy 10 {higy ad others with relatively’ Tong delay. This meat then, whet rooting ofee lines n0 SCONMES the thet had pero be erred i) ether intently (hat the eR uel have fevveed ony a font two afer Seapel) ne (2) after Tend ad te to bury rT er the floor of the ding, assuming vet ane ngh a eit ok be desirable, de nti pan te nuberaley of the ta any epee the bot way to stop poet Tinie nat eagremest on te ve ge analysts en sere concerned with he podem a to how to acomptish i, Could {AA Tm ee damaged structure be lid pot angi the Wecred damage to machines! Ietxpled beat the Me al elianee a upon eat hick? ‘Tet dln woe fey small ofa exspls ba i fom the Hii epevience mr atacky Great reliance In €0 be ss ean thi point = sl ) the rion Tunes ih fai oniateney. and Sivery a pretion whi ould wot Ditties and Scope of Fi Survey Tk es chou that many of the doubts and tigate ight be solved by goons Sepeafexpturd nny targets, Tui 008 be ‘She evident to Held eis Chat any dil Sonate then To determine with « Play the sine and type af bomb aids exact Init of econo was ot easy. Crmechecig evened porated exaination mn pin of the dang args The Rld eum tree fod, the pot inter ers had een in the subscasifation 0 [Skin types in or Co preserve data simples ta signin sige. For the sake of comicenes the casifations adopt were there previously ea by Ge Joint Target Group. whiek had been {esi from the earlier work in England of the Ex Seton, Resear anal Bxpevi tents Ministry of Heme Secu with deiitions of ries verity, ad 1walinite the Survey choweitshigh-exlonve us with The purpose of caning che mask own the effects of vidal at of 380 tons of bihexplsive bo seas reposted oped asi anked eth aon 638 to of high-ex {he fotleng bombs (wen pounds) : 1 Ivana wie of bom ity WNT oy 2m ots TH sould te wot ak Bel tm aurvey sot coat pesent of the total tonnage of eek sive bomb seported ropes Nr awe ofthe targets tas posible tpt sing the Dont tha had hit within the tant a Oi cna certains at others thik sree dure wos quite imponble base of the ee fort to clan up ee aren a to be A ae later cane only tho bun rpeljdets prminng relinble results ere st or tSapanee plant ofa wee interogsted eet satearle au were rue to furnish Tutte plans of buildings a installations deta Pes ahowing bomb cations as anne Tne ettity af the cout not be aimed Tone nd plans were prepared by ten member wats at He to cain, ral of date in nt Tos of pe Bombs surveyed The 10000 pound Domh—Light-case (inch icky, /BL patent, chargewelght ratio, nan dee daty fond "Te ue of this ight-c Da tart ental in nae, and it was enpoxed Pena targets where very high bt SEAT thought desirable. ‘The Tow char esi tug toa ory envy nos wet Ti 0 pound bom Laght-ase (Meitch snc), 80 promt chargewelght ratio, ia re ialy ftacd. Tt wa generally re agninst FROME atures whens in igh blast ec ad Tit orn opportunity tease widespread dam ‘Fhe 9000, 100, and 500-pound, gener-per neler weight ratio 500 56 pe ‘ant, cae theknen 030 neh 062 fo ses 02h fr nt eat be Gan instante ta ge Their ms a effec were OTe ee aad were iil fre thre sims ary gener ae wilh th spective weights, They a ed to peta ot (0 proce beany ‘eatawentation whch was not pele with the ea bub. Fuze istantanensly oF With aay chy cold alas be ase 4s HED acing the following fuings wereavalble fo woe wi hgheexplonive The ast thiee were used infrequently agit “Febanec targets nnd we not tui Cae Ureaploiee damage to bing wl be Cal here. Building damage wis si extgoriestvetaral and nape area of the doin Target Grn (Te The fold team reports have Lee exsnined and the materiel pertinent to analy ofefetivene® bln hs De trate Bro these data gather tes (MAE) aint raros building ¢spe have Tren computed for the five types of bub Tse re hg sho ave Hated Table 3 togeer with the metho Uy which exch was eaeute. ‘These MAB"s arson again in able tet with information on bo snd fig Tailng tyne, for ease of analysis. The SLAB ma mathetnateal ily fia fo mang. readers bt for the belt of the t380 Tir decebed as fale: The aren with wih all existing trae units of & prseribed This wl, on the evra, be dang 0» pe See degree hy « poeribed ean Attation eed the smal te of am paring to ny the exlewlated MATE ‘own in ea Tables 3d 4 ‘The danger a Placing reliance upon aus of the valies shown TILE appmeenc Thou also tx pointed out That the MEAT fr thy 400 sal Mow pourad 1" tmnt were bse ons strat danage hi inched ns distortion of the bull Teune, "This was de to the horbovtal Youd {Tartine ever nde areas which wee caused Dy thew hms explode at root level.” Since thi ert was pevaia othe 1A babs al since re ne reste of woe have ben tins based non hace vas nay be ne shat ince in fava of the TC bole. This Is Jartcalaey true of the Hight ste-fxne bul Thumm the A1tyA22,and A eateries (Table 1} on hich conserle portion of the recone iewet ral deg” wa of this mature (OBSERVED CHARACTERISTICS OF BOMB DAMAGE The bone surveyed displayed eran distine cracteristicseervable from target to target instar ally made crater Ir ustaly expe on contact with «toot oF # Fo lab ie dae rong from his bom an charuterti lereswept pearance neat the pin ot explosion. nal strecies, 5 well Irving ue approsiately cies, eared rea waa radi of fet or move (Photos and 2) Siretura dang extended over such grester Tingle storys ste! ailing. The damage was Character hy sere distortion of set mem bets ad ocasina spreading eallaps (Photos tive chassis 10 fet from the {own T3 fet fate arate Bomb al Sante open came sirocural dome 10 ene big 6a fot stants» sae ns ftlng nthe en fie o ate Tamuge trove linge 160 feet seinorcerconerte wall was pve Ds fag Teen pattern a8 fost (Photo). Sperfeal Atonoge ens wisp: the tras roots rere tipped by sige Bh to TaD see feet (P Pi jt pou Tite Be alway fed instantaneous ee, non-elay ily ao expla hv impact with io on grou Centers nae iy were shallow an Ths bomb i tenet sep cen the are srnan the pata of ietonation sun ilependently of peo tte he ini uns being at ingealape often (allowed (Phan). Si Sunt for 8000 suns fest fst cs te tom ote! hangar Has, stal-fnne bil sis with tenveling cranes fared ithe eter thn howe of light, see framing, The upper 1 mncete bulges were seni create high ya zontal on bilding frames which were designe pine pally ls (Phe 11). Supertical mage was wespreal the bebe feo the fit formation often stepping a roots in the target gree (Photo € fo l}s Consent st oft Inte from Tater formations expe 2 oor Teel, These Iter babs average eonsidersby Tess stractural datage Ahan the entier nea Print af importance to targe analget qubsecond delay, penetrated. well down ino Inuit. einfrceconerteDaildings aml ung te eons and sabe oe re jue af all forsale (Phin 12 5). Over 8000 sue ect of flo aren dis Uuibuted over thew Bors ad the rf, were da nl by a single bom, Wilh tones fa fram, this bomb proved elective apne sin ory tel buildings (Photos 16 and 17) 2 a The 1/00-pound andthe 500-ponnd, gener purpose bind, Kav ntdsay tail and Ose tnd delay tn proved nly eect ayant ning, wis ares of dan Inetsecnd delay nose, were bout half ws tle ive ago dt, sel being a Choc faze soncdeay tal, peo delay now. This ates tamed upon approxiniaely 60 hits, ‘Tere fons Tess evidence. of heaey horizontal Toad Irth tee mb ant te heavier ghee Tombs mud prectieally no aprewding collapse The ee! of tv aller Lr was to puck he roofs ful of holes of sfaely uniform siz with compatively way tot METHODS OF ANALYSI rub wes fea with ical coneivble hat fined ake ad expe inde controle stati ‘dnringcombat into inten! ulin won ruby cone widely desing areas of nf doe more ak not eta tude hy the nena the Init-apnes of targt aren, and the overlapping Ai dance areas of te oF mare bomb Thee owidersions onl there pineal precled {here af average damage as 2 thease of con Hiationy oof ecnbintion ane i Tnadequaey of Average Damage “the inaeuney of vere dange 98 wens che: Aue that to bos hit uti “Thine sent re ange relative co the a azing rus of the b font detonate ‘are enter af the bain whore its full da Feateeds “Theve have baw any sees in Ire atin of areas of str dans resinatel for Fuze t cows the distibation af str Terps bon which mee dive Meso nlinge atthe Konan pant fhe idumage per hem vatied hy a factor of ur cratering bomb (ame type of bomb, mse fhrgetseame nic} ontoed Ho stetaral damage ant 3 show the dsteitions of struc tural damnage for ret its it foneral purpose bate, (7 nowertering atering bom, respectively: These hits were Tan sel ting, lt athe Nor pla i the Kavanihi Airaft Co. Again he a The carves of Fue 1a wore deawn by ye but tre sllcientysiniar nape to maga threaten ofa genera slatonship for lit ion of snag per bomb, Figure 3 init feneney town leer avernge danse for era Th cating rt for x slable yuck for omparative bh damage tah ants early Ti apom the mean ares of efectivenes: (MAP) faneepe MAE bas ben de with nny vain Sons (dfn i given enti i this ter) Tun has survived this hanieap and has proved tefily comparative mensae of bomb efetiente. Teint mathewatiea! concept which eliminates I 1; he diate ined iy nero built-pmes and overlap alton ican do noth ing sbont the stout insistence of Bomba tits tn dsr theseves widely Methods of Colotating ICLP. Thee aves val onthe of enlnitiie MAE. For an able 1 thor presentations f the asthe wal ie ftoumatancos favor tothe ase af each the seer tered to Te, Note 46, “Methods of inating the Meu Arex Ee again, Hung, Mai Han Taggea Reser a Experiments De Turton, iil Ministry of Tome Secuity Thity sate hey at The ovrogetTiee Method —the sre af a cinco ohichenclnes ny wus tart tte it exchues satanges nos: appt fete rine ange empare E die Thom a target and the caret aren highs tt. Th nnutar ing Method —he sum of 4 i tle nhc ave dazed; applicable wherere It pre to make a reasonable assigament of The Dine it-NoarAfsa Method —the sm of hair -hit dag and the ea-is dage hati by Cir respective probably a Tlse whee efectve aioe i mal compared TS ntigiles inet hits or wearer mite olate ke Binomial Methode—MARE fone fom the for, $i 0-4] where af = MAE = Nuberaf bombs Ares of target element Zenit of md fl om ant eet (i= Toal aren af damage ented by N proximation may Be obtain i apnea foro ue The nema! method, oF its expanentalapprost sah, ana for ati af ver the target areas Te noounts fr He ‘Moca for erly. Heliable resus will Slanined if fsrly uniforms distribu fal lac ocenrred upd the ara sat tn s'lange number of hte bance together. Tis supleabie where raise of efectiveness fs stl vedo dineroion of target een PROCESSING OF DATA Analyst of Dats Although icone hati in Japan are hnscent tofutnsh conelion lige eflectivones of high-explosive b helievonevorles tha they wil ves nificant adit tothe mage stare of into tion provi in ertenees An eave on alpaix af the Dixon's Japanese data i not x Tempted; onty the tos signifies emrisons sel ert Wedntiv Gmetesions ie eee An ecaminaticn of Table will reveal Fiat al Talting types and for seer diferent boa, they were often tnged upon a Tied number of that tate samples of es fomparing effectiveness of the several bm mat x building type exist fr oly ne o ton Aitatenpt baa been ada to deter whether ‘ne thse da, cleat fon ld tent, do Indicate 9 general relationship. Lite {sto be pale by siping, for intane, tha the sess HE eel bly ares tere se sic tat 125 unl 329 open th att] rome tat they de ‘The dts ben tet tiation ofa actrees 0 Sloey of diferent tense vould fellow tems seitlon, The Tiere trainin of thie mation f anal prohibitiey compe tank ht ivr to ota he daa rection equation fom the masted data he tthe preted Below wes derived by the Ope tone Anti Section, Weadqurie AA 26 The Presmeclmpate Vulnerability Cor or each type of bing hve are any com Iino of peak presine and pulse of the Pint wave whl wil be atch astute he bul Tid plated shal deine xs eave for ch bailing types The nature of this relation Ship irdependene upon the strength, once, Frequency ofthe vctiee, and its ect vals lon indies Toer, certain edt Tes eesnable tn expt that tere i cet nin preset be rene if da te sta be eas, where the vale ofthe i pte A ling tex tha he design hat eae nig even thong aceon at ts impute is onal inte Tt ey to pals chich mua be rechel if damage bo Ie caure, whatever the valve of the pres That ithe sructur mes have eth nonin ‘unm imparted to i the Bis ase tha Hts kinetic energy wll cara te fre ween these Uv este fore the eatonetip sho follow sans te lon. ‘This suggests the ty of eure ar in igo 4. This rvs nay bs call impulse vulversblity eure, AA’ Te nw the minim impala which TH trea wore sete toa impulse and reste of (Ze Pa) the serncture wont ot be Seespeds- Tibco tie eere tet bs at ‘Crves ofthe type srated in Fire 4 were onstruced ang the data of Table. Unto nately, the B-type steal bling the ely type fmt which thers are sificient data to plat sch x cir St howee te AL ad 42 have Hilt cancel goers oa Shntoed by bombing. fh data from thew two building tse ‘euere to be hype snipe elerabilty 2 od sponte ve given by a sruight Hie on 4 logo pla re llteaes sh «pl. On hor plot are the fresuresmpae curves for the various bo find athe appesprate placer repeating the Thai the SEAS (ase ics) ane pte the points of damage "Thvongh the points tar the Bi steehDuldings » straight line was fied by Test sre the points Ding weed a ee Dvtion ta the nober of iombe Aine of the ne lp as ted by Ts squares othe pots for Ala and 23 ulin. Figure represents the dats on Figure plated inete ele vig curves of the type Ih ated in Figure fe nt wana for there o be a considerable spread of the data Diller tees inthe content af but, consraction eral or bas reflection wu Ia ene to expect, Tatler major variations Despite thew dade {ngs which ar neve a the actual situation of Inonb-tersestroctare this method. prories tnrans for ecinating the relative eficeney of dif ferent omnis without prodtermining the ret by ening either pr tro? an Ress of Anais In Table 6 are psa the ress of the an algsin. MAW from Table 4 are compared with these calla from Figure 6 From the inter Sections of the. prestre-inpulse vulnerability rvs athe staves of presure and inputs for the batts, rai of damage were sealed” SEA: tere aut fon thew rai. ‘The close cor {elation betwee collate and observed IAR'= rau thatthe dat may’ azure to be ea ovat eines that the possempne ru Onder of Bifetiveness—able 5 indicates the watable onder of efetivnest of ve sizes of Thombs gins 2 tel balding to be: (1) 40 pound Tightens, (2) 1000-pound ght, (3) Bit-peunt general-purpose or 280-pahd en fralpurpese, and (8) -ponnd general ur owe Similarly, the probable oer of eflctive fees against At and AB ool Dildings i (1) {oto pound lighteus, (2) 10000-pound. Tight fuse, (8) 2900eponnd general-purpose. (4) 50> ound general-parpone, nl (5) 100-pound tral purpose Malfunctioning of Hombs—tnsuficient data sere ouined to pei numerical determination Of frequency of alfancioning of high-explosive tombe in Japan. ‘The opinion, however. of men ter of sera id feats was that malin ing was negligible wth the peosible exception of the 2400 pound, genral-purpom brain the tarly highreltitade atacke.. Several unexploded Tombs ofthis type were found a the Nakajima Murathingaircinft cine plant in Tokyo; there was ome evidence of fat-aners, Percentage of Bombs on Parget—AWhongh v0 serious effort wos made to determine the percent ie of highvenplsivn bombs tat hit within the tnreet areas the data listed in Tle and posted in Figure Tare interesting provi of the Geld Table 8 shows that for ine Fapanose indi

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