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Stages of Psychosocial Development

Mark Klimek NCLEX Review

Erikson’s Theory explains:
§ Social development
§ Psychological development

It does not address:
§ Physical development
§ Intellectual development

It PRIMARILY describes _________________.
Particularly, how humans ______________ as they mature through _______________.

The problem:
§ Remembering _______________ of the eight stages in order
§ Remembering _______________ associated with each stage.

Instead of learning a list of 8, you will learn: “A beginning, an end, and two rows of three.”

Before learning the pattern…

1) Look at the names of the stages:

Industry Generativity Trust
Autonomy Ego Integrity
Intimacy Identity

All social and psychological behavior starts with _______________.

At the end, patients will be complete or whole…they will have ________________.

Psychosocial development starts with __________ and ends with __________.

© Mark Klimek NCLEX Review

2) Look at the remaining 6 words and group into 3 _______________:

What two words in the list focus on the concept of “ME?”
§ ____________________: the freedom for me to choose.
§ ____________________: who I am.

Return to the list. What two words relate to the concept of “US?”
§ ____________________: it takes two to have intimacy.
§ ____________________: you start a relationship with another person.

Return to the list. What two words relate to the concept of “DO?”
§ ____________________: is making or doing things.
§ ____________________: as in generate…to make or do.

Remember these three pairs!

__________ __________ __________

Autonomy Initiative Industry
Identity Intimacy Generativity

How everything fits together…

When you get a question about Erikson’s Stages:

1) Think of this diagram:


2 3 4

5 6 7


© Mark Klimek NCLEX Review

2) Remember…
§ The first circle is… ____________________.
§ The last circle is… ____________________.

§ The first row starts with a _____ word, then an _____ word, then a _____ word.
Me: _______________ Us: _______________ Do: _______________

§ The second row starts with a _____ word, then an _____ word, then a _____ word.
Me: _______________ Us: _______________ Do: _______________

3) Add age ranges for each stage…
Infancy (birth to 18 months)

Toddler (18m-3 years) Preschool (4-6y) School age (7-11y)

Adolescent (12-18y) Young adult (19-35y) Middle adult (36-65y)

Older adult (over 65y)

Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development

Start à

End à

© Mark Klimek NCLEX Review

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