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You have to know these common disease in NCLEX:

provide for physical and emotional rest
provide for special safety needs
health teaching (client and family)

provide for emotional and safety needs
prevent thromboemboli
prepare for cardioversion with atrial fibrillation if indiated
provide for physical and emotional needs with pacemaker insertion

cardiac arrest
prevent irreversible cerebral anoxic damage
establish effective circulation, respiration

angina pectoris
provide relief from pain
provide emotional support
health teaching

myocardial infarction
reduce pain, discomfort
maintain adequate circulation, stabilize heart rhythm
decrease oxygen demand/promote oxygenation, reduce cardiac workload
maintain fluid electrolyte, nutritional status
facilitate fecal elimination
provide emotional support
promote sexual functioning
health teaching

cardiac valvular defects

reduce cardiac workload
promote physical comfort and psychological support
prevent complications
prepare for surgery

cardiac catheterization & percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty

provide for safety, comfort
health teaching
prevent complications
provide emotional support
health teaching
cardiac surgery
cardiopulmonary bypass
provide emotional and spiritual support
health teaching
provide constant monitoring to prevent complications
promote comfort, pain relief
maintain fluid, electrolyte, nutritional balance
promote emotional adjustment
promote early mobilization
health teaching
heart failure (HF)
provide physical rest / reduce emotional stimuli
provide for relief of respiratory distress; reduce cardiac workload
provide for special safety needs
maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, nutritional status
health teaching

pulmonary edema
promote physical, psychological relaxation measures to relieve anxiety
improve cardiac function, reduce venous return, relieve hypoxia
health teaching (include family or significant other)

promote venous return, circulatory perfusion

disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)

prevent and detect further bleeding

promote physical and emotionl comfort
maintain fluid, electrolyte balance

chronic arterial occlusive disease

promote circulation; decrease discomfort
prevent infection, injury

provide emergency care before surgery for dissection or rupture
prevent complications postoperatively
promote comfort
health teaching
Raynaud’s phenomenon
Maintain warmth in extremities
Increase hydrostatic pressure, and therefore circulation
Health teaching
Varicose veins
Promote venous return from lower extremities
Provide for safety
Health teaching

Vein ligation and stripping

Prevent complications after discharge
Health teaching to prevent recurrence

Deep vein thrombosis (thrombophlebitis)

Provide rest, comfort, and relief from pain
Prevent complications
Health teaching

Iron deficiency anemia & Hemolytic anemia

Promote physical and mental equilibrium
Health teaching

Pernicious anemia
Promote physical and emotional comfort
Health teaching
Polycythemia vera
promote comfort and prevent complications
health teaching

leukemia (acute and chronic)

prevent, control, and treat infection
assess and control bleeding, anemia
provide rest, comfort, nutrition
reduce side effects from therapeutic regimen
provide emotional/spiritual support
health teaching

idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)

prevent complications from bleeding tendencies
health teaching

prepare for surgery
prevent postoperative complications
health teaching

fluid volume deficit

restore fluid and electrolyte balance-increase fluid intake to hydrate client
promote comfort
prevent physical injury

fluid volume excess

maintain oxygen to all cells
promote excretion of excess fluid
obtain/ maintain fluid balance
prevent tissue injury
health teaching

common electrolyte imbalances

obtain normal sodium level
prevent further sodium loss
prevent injury

obtain normal sodium level

replace lost potassium: increase potassium in diet
prevent injury to tissues
prevent potassium loss

decrease amount of potassium in body

prevent tetany
prevent tissue injury
prevent injury related to mediction administration
in less acute condition

reduce calcium intake: decrease foods high in calcium
prevent injury

provide safety
health teaching

obtain normal magnesium level

respiratory adidosis
assist with normal breathing
protect from injury
health teaching

metabolic acidosis
restore normal metabolism
prevent complications
health teaching

respiratory alkalosis
increase carbon dioxide level
prevent injury
health teaching

metabolic alkalosis
obtain, maintin acid-base blance
prevent physical injury
health teaching

promote adequate ventilation
control infection
provide rest and comfort
prevent potential complications
health teaching

severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)

infection control
supportive care

relieve hypoxia
prevent complications
health teaching

pulmonary embolism
monitor for signs of respiratory distress
health teaching

relieve symptoms of the disease
health teaching

reduce spread of disease
promote nutrition
promote increased self-esteem
health teaching

promote optimal ventilation
employ comfort measures and support other body systems
improve nutritional intake
provide emotional support for client and fmily
health teaching

promote pulmonary ventilation
facilite expectoration
health teaching to prevent further attacks

assist in optimal respirations
minimize bronchial irritation
improve nutritional status

acute adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

assist in respirations
prevent complications
health teaching

pneumothorax & hemothorax

prevent damage until medical intervention available
protect against injury during thoracentesis
promote respirations
prepare client for closed chest drainage, physically and psychologically
prevent complications with chest tubes
health teaching

chest trauma
Flail chest
restore adequate ventilation and prevent further air from entering pleural cavity

thoracic surgery
preoperative care:
minimize pulmonary secretions
preoperative teaching
postoperative care:
maintain patent airway
promote gas exchange
reduce incisional stress and discomfort
prevent complications related to respiratory function
maintain fluid and electrolyte balance
postoperative teaching

preoperative care
relieve anxitety and fear
postoperative care
maintain patent airway
alleviate apprehension
improve nutritional status
health teaching

alleviate pain, relieve shock, and maintain fluid and electrolyte balance
prevent physicl complications
promote emotional adjustment and provide supportive therapy
promote wound healing – wound care
health teaching

rheumatoid arthritis
prevent or correct deformities
health teaching

lupus erythematosus
minimize or limit immune response and complications
health teaching

infectious diseases
Lyme disease
minimize irreversible tissue damage and complications
alleviate pin, promote comfort
maintain physical and psychological well-being
health teaching

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)

reduce risk of infection; slow disease progression
prevent the spread of disease
provide physical and psychological support
health teaching

The perioperative experience

Preoperative preparation
reduce preoperative and intraoperative anxiety and prevent postoperative complications
instruct in exercises to reduce complications
reduce the number of bacteria on the skin to eliminate incision contamination
reduce the risk of vomiting and aspiration during anesthesia; prevent contamination of abdominal
operative sites by fecal material
promote rest and facilitate reduction of apprehension
protect from injury;ensure final preparation for surgery
intraoperative preparation
prevent complications
promote comfort
observe for indications of malignant hyperthermia
postoperative experience
promote a safe, quiet, nonstressful environment
promote lung expansion and gss exchange
prevent aspiration and atelectasis
promote and maintain cardiovascular function
promote psychological equilibrium
maintain proper function of tubes and appatatus

general postoperative nursing care

promote lung expansion
provide relief of pain
promote adequate nutrition and fluid and electrolyte balance
assist client with elimination
facilitate wound and prevent infection
promote comfort and rest
encourage early movement and ambulation to prevent complications of immobilization

general nutritional deficiencies

prevent complications of specific deficiency
health teaching

celiac disease
altered nutrition, less than body requirements
fluid volume deficit related to loss through excessive diarrhea
knowledge deficit

prevent spread of infection to others
promote comfort

control pain
rest injured pancreas
prevent fluid and electrolyte imbalance
prevent respirtory and metabolic complications
provide adequate nutrition
prevent complications
health teaching

provide for special safety needs
relieve discomfort caused by complications
improve fluid and electrolyte balance
promote optimum nutrition within dietary restrictions
provide emotional support
health teaching

esophageal varices: life-threatening hemorrhage

provide safety measures related to hemorrhage
promote fluid balance
prevent complications of hepatic coma
provide emotional support
health teaching

diaphragmatic (hiatal) hernia

presurgical: promote relief of symptoms
provide for postoperative safety needs
promote comfort and maintain nutrition
health teaching
gastroesophgel reflux disease(GERD)
promote comfort and reduce reflux episodes
health teaching

peptic ulcer disease

promote comfort
prevent/ recognize signs of complications
provide emotional support
health teaching

gastric surgery
promote comfort in the postoperative period
promote wound healing
promote adequate nutrition and hydration
prevent complications
dumping syndrome
health teaching

total parenteral nutrition

prevent infection
preent fluid and eclectrolyte imbalance
prevent complications

obtain and maintain normal sugar balance
health teaching

nonketotic hyperglycemic hyperosolar coma (NKHHC)

promote fluid and electrolyte balance

cholecystits/ cholelithiasis
nonsurgical interventions romote comfort
preoperative: prevent injury
postoperative romote comfort
prevent complications
health teaching

decrease weight, initially 10% from baseline

promote comfort

prevent postoperative complications
health teaching

bowel rest during acute episodes
promote normal bowel elimination
health teaching

ulcerative colitis & Crohn’s disease

prevent disease progression and complications
reduce psychological stress
health teaching

intestinal obstruction
obtain and maintain fluid balance
relieve pain and nausea
prevent respiratory complications
postoperative nursing care

fecal diversion-stomas
preoperative period:
prepare bowel for surgery
relieve anxiety and assist in adjustment to surgery
postoperative period:
maintain fluid balance
prevent other postoperative complications
initiate ostomy care
promote psychological comfort

reduce anal discomfort
prevent complications related to surgery
health teaching-avoid constipation

pyelonephritis (PN)
combat infection, prevent recurrence, alleviate symptoms
promote physical and emotional rest

acute glomerulonephritis
monitor fluid balance, observing carefully for complications
provide adequate nutrition
provide reasonable measure of comfort
prevent further infection & health teaching
acute renal failure (ARF)
maintain fluid and electrolyte balance and nutrition
use assessment and comfort measures to reduce occurrence of complications
maintain continual emotional support
health teaching

chronic renal failure

maintain fluid/ electrolyte balance and nutrition
employ comfort measures that reduce distress and support physical function
health teaching

reduce level of nitrogenous waste
correct acidosis, reverse electrolyte imbalances, remove excess fluid

kidney transplantation
promoe physical and emotional adjustment
encourage expression of feelings
health teching
promote uncomplicated recovery of recipient
observe for signs of rejection-most dangerous complication
maintain immunosuppressive therapy

preoperative ptimize physical and psychological functioning
promote comfort and prevent complications

renal calculi (urolithiasis)

reduce pain and prevent complications
health teaching

enourage ambulation and promote diuresis through forcing fluids

benign prostatic hyperplasia

relieve urinary retention
health teaching
promote optimal bladder function and comfort
assist in rehabilitation
urinary diversion
prevent complications and promote comfort
health teaching

preoperative care: provide emotional support and optimal physical preparation
health teaching
postoperative care
maintain patent airway and prevent aspiration
promote optimal physical and psychological function
health teaching

assist with communication

Meniere’s disease
provide safety and comfort during attacks
minimize occurrence of attacks
health teaching

otosclerosis & stapedectomy

preoperative health teaching
promote physical and psychological equilibrium
health teaching

deafnessmaximize hearing ability and provide emotional teaching

reduce intraocular pressure
provide emotional support
health teaching

cataract & cataract removal

prepare for surgery
reduce stress on the sutures and prevent hemorrhage
promote psychological well-being
health teaching

retinal detachment
reduce anxiety and prevent further detachment
health teaching
reduce intraocular stress and prevent hemorrhage
support coping mechanisms
health teaching

promote independence and provide emotional support
health teaching

traumatic injuries to the brain

sustain vital functions and minimize or prevent complications
provide emotional support and use comfort measures

increased inrcranial pressure

promote adequate oxygenation and limit further impairment

preoperative btain baseline measures
provide psychological support
prepare for surgery
prevent complications and limit further impairment

prevent injury during seizure
postseizure care
prevent or reduce recurrences of seizure activity
health teaching

transient ischemic attacks

reduce cerebral anoxia
promote cerebrovascular function and maintain cerebral perfusion
provide for emotional relaxation
client safety
health teaching


complications of fractures

types of traction

teaching crutch walking

compartment syndrome
recognizes early indications of ischemia
prevent complications

promote comfort: reduce pain, spasms, inflammation, swelling
health teaching to promote independence

total hip replacement

prevent deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary emboli
prevent infection: antibiotics
health teaching
prevent respiratory complications
prevent complications of shock or infection
prevent contractures, muscle atrophy
promote early ambulation and movement
prevent constipation
prevent dislocation of prosthesis
promote comfort
health teaching

total knee replacement

achieve active flexion beyond 70 degrees
prepare for surgery,physically and emotionlly
promote healing postoperatively

decrease discomfort
prevent kidney damage
health teaching

primary hip arthroplasty

herniated/ reptured disk

relieve pain and promote comfort
health teaching

relieve anxiety
prevent injury postoperatively
promote comfort
prepare for early discharge
health teaching

spinal cord injuries

maintain patent airway
prevent further damage
relieve edema:anti-inflammatory medications,corticosteroids
relieve discomfort,analgesics,sedatives,muscle relaxants
promote comfort
prevent complications
health teaching

posterior spinal fusion (PSF)

spinal shock
prevent injury related to shock

autonomic dysreflexia
decrease symptoms to prevent serious side effects
maintain patency of catheter
promote regular bowel elimination
prevent decubitus ulcers

protect from stress
promote physical and emotional equilibrium
prevent complications
health teaching

thyroid storm
promote physical and emotional equilibrium
prevent complications of hypocalcemia and tetany
promote comfort measures

provide for comfort and safety
health teaching

cushing’s disease
promote comfort
prevent complications
health teaching

prevent paroxysmal hypertension
prepare for surgical removal of tumor

preoperative:reduce risk of postoperative complications
postoperative promoe hormonal balance
prevent postoperative complications
health teaching

Addison’s disease
decrease stress
promote adequate nutrition
Health teaching

Multiple sclerosis
maintain normal routine as long as possible
decrease symptoms-medications as ordered

Myasthenia gravis
promote comfort
decrease symptoms
prevent complications
promote increased self-concept
health teaching

Parkinson’s disease
promote maintenance of daily activities
protect from injury

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

maintain independence as long as possible
health teaching

Guillain-Barre syndrome
prevent complications during recovery from paralysis
monitor for signs of autoimmune dysfunction
prevent tachycardia
assess cranial nerve function
maintain adequate ventilation
in acute phase:check for progression of muscular weakness
maintain nutrition
prevent injury and complications
support communication
assist with treatment of specific side effect
health teaching

External radiation:
prevent tissue breakdown
decrease side effects of therapy
health teaching
internal radiation : sealed
assist with cervical radium implantation
health teaching
internal radiation: unsealed
reduce radiation exposure of others

decrease discomfort associated with side effects of therapy
health teaching

Palliative care
make client as comfortable as possible
assist client to maintain self-esteem and identity
assist client with psychological adjustment

Types of cancer:
Lung cancer
Make client aware of diagnosis and treatment options
Prevent complications related to surgery
Assist client to cope with alternative therapies
colon and rectal cancer
assist through treatment protocol
surgery reoperative
preparefor surgery
promote comfort
postoperative :
facilitate healing
prevent complications
facilitate rehabilitation
health teaching

breast cancer
assist client through treatment protocol
prepare client for surgery
reduce anxiety and depression
prevent postoperative complications
support coping mechanisms
health teaching

uterine cancer
prostate cancer
assist client through treatment protocol
prepare client for surgery
assist with acceptance diagnosis and treatment
prevent complication during postoperative period

bladder cancer
laryngeal cancer

additional typers of cancer,etc.

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