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‘’My Fearless Battle’’

My life began when I was born on 25th of June at Aplaya Digos City.I’m the second
child of the family.I have one sister who is now working at Malita,Davao Occidental.I lived
by my parents.My mother is a canteen vendor and my father doesn’t have permanent work.

I started school when I was 4 years old, as a kindergarten 1 student.There are lot of
experiences I have encountered in school. I started school at the very young age not just to
learn but for the reason that my sister already started studying in Kindergarten.Our house is
very near to the school named ‘’Divine angel’’.We just do a little walk everyday to go to
school.I am very talented by that time I joined declamation and story telling competition
which was held to the other school.

During elementary days I studied at Aplaya Elementary School.I’ve gain a lot of

achievements there and make my parents happy & proud.For 6 years I’m consistent to
receive an award every commencement exercises. I’m a working student since Grade 3.I’ve
experienced a lot of struggles everyday. To tell honestly we are not rich to afford luxurious
and expensive things. I’m happy and contented with my life back then,I’m not an ambitious
individual I only accept and value what I have in life.Life is hard as they have said but we
have to fight in every battles, and if we fall we must rise up again and continue to fight to all
the battles of life.

And lastly I finished Grade 6 and received an honor/ awards. I pursue my Junior high
School at Polytechnic College of Davao Del Sur Inc as a sunday high school student.I’m an
ESC granted scholar. I really want to study at Digos City National High School but since I’m
a working student I grab the opportunity to enrolled to the program.It’s so hard to adjust with
the time as a working student in weekdays and I have to go to school during Sunday.The
subjects are fully loaded and we are only given modules as our tools in studying.I’m an
achiever there,I gain a lot of friends,I became an SSG officer being the president.I handled 1st
year to 4rth year during school days.It is a bigger responsibility for me that kind of position.
But still I’m able to handle the job & duties. During my 3rd year highschool I’m one of the
participants in Quiz bee held at UM Matina Davao City.It is an honor to represent the school
but it is very nervous at the same time.A year after I’ve also joined a contest in ‘’Sabayang
Pagbigkas’’ also held at Davao City National High School that was about Christmas
time.After four years of hard works and sacrifices I finished my Junior High School at
Polytechnic College of Davao Del Sur Inc. (PCDS).

There are lot of things I like and I don’t like. I like to have fun with friends specially
having quality time with them,long conversations and hanging out with them. I like to write
poems,listening to different spoken poetry words.To be honest, I have watched already a
hundred of spoken poetry piece in youtube & facebook.It really touches my heart a
lot.Everytime I heard spoken poetry it really awakes my heart & listen to it thoroughly. I love
outdoor games specially ‘’larong pinoy’’.But what I really love is jokes.Sometimes I tell
jokes but sometimes I do jokes. It really made me happy when seeing the person smiling
because of my jokes. I love badminton & basketball. I’m not a sporty person/athletic person
but I will encounter all of those in my PE subjects.The things that I don’t like are doing stuffs
and reading books for almost 3 hours. I have only short attention span.There are lot of foods
that I don’t like the most just like balot,taho,champorado etc.The biggest thing I hate in this
world is to be compared & competition. Because I do believe that everyone of us is special
and we have our own uniqueness inside and out.

Well, by now you might know some of my personality but I am going to share you
more.Some good points of my personality are that I am cheerful,joker,brave,hardworking ,
friendly individual when it is time to meet new friends. I am not an athletic person just like
others.I’m also an approachable individual and I’m easy to get along with.Some of my bad
points are that I am little bit forgetful, well let’s say I’m quite forgetful.I have a problem on
my eyesights.I can’t clearly see the words written on the board specially when I’m sitting far
from the board specially during mathematics subject. Well, everyone of us has it’s own
different personality.

Few months later, I pursue my Senior High School.I grab the chance to study Senior
High School at Cor Jesu College taking up Associate Accountancy..During Grade 11 it is so
hard for me to adjust since it is a new environment but as days goes by I make a lot of friends
and I easily adjust with the setup. During Senior high School I gain a lot of experiences,good
times even bad times. I encountered a lot of struggles and problems during school days.I’ve
failed a lot of times but I did not surrender, I really give my best to excel and I learn to fight
and stand again with all my determination. Yes, life is so hard but I have to fight to achieve
better things in life. And also, during my Senior High days I prefer afternoon classes
mostly.But I choose the schedule 10 am in the morning but I always come late at class.For
the reason that I’m a working student in a school canteen.That was my most hardest time and
moments in my life.I work in the morning and I study in the afternoon. I’m on a hurry every
time, I usually bring my school uniform at my workplace because after my work I go straight
ahead to school. There are many unexpected times that I decided to absent when I’m running
out of time. Year passes and I’m already a Grade 12 student the same set-up when I was in
Grade 11. Months passed and Graduation preparation had come by doing pictorials,class
picture, retreat and everyday songs practice, graduation march practice etc.I’m so very happy
by that time because all of my sacrifices has been rewarded.It is an honor and proud to wear
an academic gown (toga) at the day of the graduation.It really touches my heart because I’ve
finished my Senior High School with all my determination and hard works. It is one of the
most memorable moment of my life.Even if I am very happy by that time but there is still a
little sadness in my heart it is because for all the memories we’ve made together with my
classmate.The family we’ve been build has come into an end.The memories, happiness and
moments we cherish and made for 2 years will end.I consider them as my second family
because they accept me and love me without any hesitations. Even we are all have different
ways and every one of us will be parted in other paths but I’m happy that I meet them as my
friends. As they said, ‘’Don’t cry because it ends, smile because it happens’’.

Year 2018, I entered College life in the same institution in Cor Jesu College. I took up
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. I really don’t know how I came up to this course. Way
back then, I really want to become a Human Resource Manager.Since high school I’m
planning to get a Human Resource Development Management under the BS in Business
Administration program.But I end up taking up BS in Accountancy. I experience a lot of
struggles and difficulties because of the retention policy that has been implemented by the
institution for the BSA course. CJC implemented the GWA 2.0 which is equivalent to 85 cut
off grades at the end of every semester.During the first semester I am able to cope up with all
the lessons and I have the full determination to study and passed the exams.After the first
semester ends and I am very happy that I’m still qualified with the program.Then,second
semester comes and I still pursue my course even some of my classmates shifted to another
course not because they failed but they feel the pressure and the difficulty of the course.
Second semester runs smoothly but there are times I encountered personal
problems.I’m not able to balance my time in studies. And also we experienced financial
difficulties and family problems sometimes.But still I continue to strive hard just to finish the
second semester with good grades. And so second semester ends and I feel amazed that I still
qualified to the program. But that time I finally decided to transfer to UM Digos because of
personal issues and concerns.During 2nd year I officially enrolled in UM Digos and it brings
me hope again.UM Digos opens a door of opportunity and chances to strive hard and fight.In
UM Digos I become more comfortable with the program with no pressure and worries.It
gives me the freedom to choose my class schedule since I am a working student. And now,
I’m still here in this institution happy and contented.And no matter how many times I fail, I
will rise again to experience the meaning of life..

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