Islam and Dualism

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Islam and Dualism

For people who have never studied Islam in any great detail it must all seem very
puzzling. Those who want us to believe Islam is a religion of peace often cherry
pick verses which say things like there is no compulsion in religion and that to
kill an innocent life the equivalent of killing all humanity. This all sounds very
agreeable does it not? But then we also see the likes of ISIS and Al-Qaeda quoting
verses which prescribe killing the non-believers (kafir), slavery and mandating
barbaric punishments for those who blaspheme against Allah. So is Islam a religion
of peace, or is it a religion of warfare? The simple answer is that it�s both.
Westerners are so used to Aristotelian logic that it�s difficult for them to
comprehend a belief system with such obvious internal contradictions, but for
Muslims (many of whom rejected rationalism a long time ago) holding two
contradictory, yet equally true beliefs is second nature. To fully understand the
dualism inherent in the Qur�an it is necessary to go back and look at the life of
For 13 years Mohammed preached his religion in Mecca and managed only to gather
around 150 followers. It is from this period that we get all of the peaceful verses
in the Qur�an and the hadith. But then the Meccan�s decided to banish Mohammed
because he was a threat to the establishment. After his expulsion from Mecca,
Mohammed set his sights on the city of Medina. Recognising that his peaceful
religious message wasn�t getting him many followers, Mohammed began to formulate
his doctrine of lesser Jihad (violent struggle). If the Qur�an is read
chronologically, we can see a radical shift in the way Mohammed preached his
religion when he moved to Medina. When he got there he gave the Kafir a choice �
either submit to Allah and pay the jizya (an Islamic tax), convert or die. This
proved to be a very successful tactic for Mohammed because by the end of his life,
every single Arab in Arabia was a Muslim.
The religion of peace was ultimately unsuccessful in gaining Mohammed many
followers, but the so-called �lesser Jihad� (the violent political theocratic
version of Islam) turned out to be much stronger. Mohammed was more than aware that
his message was confusing for his followers. There is a hadith in which one of his
disciples confronted Mohammed about these contradictions because he became confused
about which version of the Qur�an is true. Mohammed�s answer was that both versions
are true, but the later verses are �stronger�. Thus began the practice of Islamic
abrogation. All the later, more violent and intolerant parts of the Qur�an helped
Mohammed spread his religion across most of the Middle East, northern Africa and
southern Europe, hence Jihad in its violent form is deemed superior to the �greater
jihad� of the early period which he described as an inner spiritual struggle.
So that is why there are so many conflicting interpretations of Islam. The Islamic
narrative doesn�t follow simple linear logic, it follows a schizophrenic form of
fuzzy logic in which it is impossible to distinguish the real Islam from a false
Islam. It�s no surprise therefore why there are so many deranged and irrational
Muslims fighting each other. You would think Allah, the all wise and all knowing
creator of the universe could think of a better way to convey the last and most
important message to mankind than this! Unless of course it wasn�t God�s message at
all, and Mohammed is just another deranged Abrahamist cult leader making this shit
up as he goes along. Which to you seems more likely?

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