Securing A Stable Energy Supply For Europe

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Securing a stable energy supply for Europe, meeting our current environmental

challenges and at the same time giving consumers a chance to buy electricity and gas at
affordable prices were core tasks I had undertaken, when I became European
commissioner for Energy in November 2004.

During the last two and a half years a lot has been done with the help of many, and I am
proud to share that with you.

The European Union recently made an unprecedented step. On 9 March 2007, the
European Council – that is the Heads of State and Government of the EU's 27 Member
States - agreed on an integrated climate and energy policy, backed up by a detailed
action plan. This makes the EU unique across the globe for having binding, regional
targets for energy and climate policy.

By so doing, the we will continue to take the leadership in order to build up an

international consensus on combating climate change.

This new energy policy is very solidly based on the proposals that European Commissions
made in January, 2007. It reflects a trend which has become increasingly evident in the
energy debate in Europe: that an individual Member State cannot tackle today's energy
challenges on its own.

I am glad to see that our policy approach has been warmly welcomed across the EU and
across society. You, the European citizens know that changes are needed. And you want
us to invest in cleaner energy today to ensure a better future for our children.

I will continue to work to deliver the ambitious energy and climate agenda that all of us
have agreed on! Come and contribute! Give us your opinions, ask your questions! My
website and the corresponding website of European Commission’s Directorate General for
Energy and Transport are there to provide you with the essential information on energy
policy and what Europe is doing in this field.

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