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Paragraph No 1

Moral self-control, and external prohibition of harmful acts, are not

adequate methods of dealing with our anarchic instincts. The reason they
^adequate is that these instincts are capable of many disguises as the Devil in
medieval legend, and some of these designs deceive even the elect. The only
adequate method is to discover what are the needs of our instinctive nature, and
then to search for least harmful way of satisfying them. Since spontaneity is
what is most thwarted by machines, the only thing that can be Provided is
opportunity; the use made of opportunity must be left to the initiative of the
individual. No doubt considerable must be left to the initiative of the
individual. No doubt considerable expense would be involved, but it would not
be comparable to the expense of war. Understanding of human nature must be
the basis of any real improvement in human life. Science has done wonders in
mastering the laws of the physical world, but our own nature is much less
understood, as yet, than the nature of stars and electrons. When science learns
to understand human nature it will be able to bring happiness into our lives
which machines and the physical sciences have failed to crate.


1. Why are moral self-control and external prohibition inadequate to deal

with our anarchic instincts?
2. What is the adequate method of dealing with these instincts/
3. What is the part played by opportunity?
4. How can we improve human life?
5. How can science help humanity achieve happiness?
6. Write a precis of the above passage.
Paragraph No 2
Poverty is almost as widely shared as Islam in Afghanistan. Except for a
small number of wealthy traders, nomadic tribal leaders (Khans), and the
Royal family and its retainers, few Afghans have lived for from the basic level
of subsistence. Throughout the country their diet consists of coarse bread, tea,
and dairy products, supplemented by fruits and vegetables in season and an
occasional serving of mutton or chicken. Though food is never plentiful, the
Afghan diet during good crop years appears t be sufficient to support a
vigorous population, but the precariousness of the food supply is obvious from
the drastic and continuing erosion of the soil and the creeping desertization of
its landscape.
The poverty of most Afghan farmers and herders has imposed an
elemental quality on their culture. Values arc oriented toward social survival.
Loyalty to the primary group ultimately takes precedence over self-assertion,
despite the great importance given to personal independence. The conflict
between these competing values is a major feature of Afghan life, but in group
loyalty has necessarily played the paramount role in the shaping of attitudes
toward fellow Afghans and outsiders.


1. What is the economic condition of the people of Afghanistan?

2. What does the diet of Afghan people consist of?
3. What is the condition in good crop years?
4. Why is the food supply becoming so precarious?
5. What is the effect of poverty on most Afghan farmers?
6. What is the major feature of Afghan life?
7. Write a precis of the above paragraphs.

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