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Systems Engineering for Robotics

Turtlesim Tasks

Your job is to write a simple python publish & subscribe script that will receive information
coming from the turtlesim, and publish information back to the turtlesim with the goal of
controlling the turtle


First work your way through the pre-requirement tutorials.
Do NOT just copy and paste the code, but experiment with it and try to build your
knowledge on this area.

As two extension tasks:

1) program the turtle to drive in a square

2) program the turtle to drive in a figure of 8

There are multiple ways of achieving these tasks,

A simple solution is to publish a direction for a duration of time.
EG: publish going forward for 1s, then turning for 1s etc….
This will work well in simulation, but will pose an issue with physical robots.

A more complex, but more desirable solution is to set goals, and to compare the current
pose position with the desired pose position.

Calum Knott
V1.0 – 2/11/17

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