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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education (DepEd)

Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Division of Leyte
Babatngon, Leyte

Classroom Peer Influence and Student Academic Achievement

In Pagsulhugon SHS S.Y: 2019-2020
Name:_________________________________ Age:______ Date:______________
Grade & Section:__________________________ Sex:_________
Directions: Put a check (√) to the column that corresponds your answer.
SA- Strongly Agree, A- Agree, U- Undecided, D- Disagree, SD- Strongly Disagree
1. I spend time studying with my peer group.
2. My peer group influence me to study hard.
3. My friends and I work together in school activities.
4. My friends inspire me to work hard in my studies.
5. My friends help me on what to do in my academic
performance in school.
6. We always support each other when it comes to
academic challenges and requirements.
7. I always remain focused in class with my peers.
8. I discuss my learning problems with my friends and they
lend me a learning ear.
9. A group study is truly helpful in my academic journey.
10. My peers are helpful in explaining concepts I do not
11. Me and my peers like to do cutting classes.
12. My peers influences me to engage with cigarette
13. My friends influences me to bully or make fun with my
14. My peers influences me to disrespect school
15. My peers are demotivating because they don’t share
their knowledge to me.
16. My peers inside the classroom are not accepting and
17. My peers influence me to go against school rules.
18. My peers encourages me to have more time in leisure
and fun time instead of studying.
19. My peers teaches me not to be grade conscious.
20. We discuss things that are out of lessons’ coverage
during class.

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