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ASL Speech (Inventors and Inventions)

Pragun Pande

11 Com I

Today I will be speaking on the topic inventors and inventions. The word
invention has its origin from the Latin word ‘invenire’ which means to
discover. Inventions have played a vital role in the evolution of mankind and
society. From the stone-age invention of the wheel to the modern age
computer life has always evolved around the inventions.

Being a commerce student I would to talk about three major inventions

which have completely reformed the present day business environment. First
is the invention of cellphone which has accelerated business communications
at a remarkable pace. Communication is the back bone of any system and
this has become convenient with the invention of cellphone. The first
cellphone was demonstrated by John F. Mitchell and Martin Cooper of
Motorola in 1973. The second most important invention is the concept of
Electronic Money. This idea of digital cash was coined by David Chaum and
later developed by PayPal. It has not only brought convenience but also
security the business world. Computers the third invention, invented by
Charles Babbage has changed the working environment. Every task related
to a business right from creating company accounts to maintaining a
customer index to marketing can be performed easily on the computer.

I feel that inventions have touched almost every phase of human life and
have brought a qualitative change in the lifestyle. The inquisitive human
nature will always yearn for more and this will always be an ignition for
inventions in the future as well.

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