NET311 - Sheet1 PDF

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Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University

College of Computer and Information Sciences

Information Technology Department
Information Security (NET 311)
Sheet#1 (Symmetric Key Encryption)

Student Name: ‫شادن عبدهللا الشعالن‬ Student ID 437001360 Section 5W5


Question 1:
A. Encrypt the following message using transposition cipher based on the key
shown below:



Using the same key, decrypt the cipher text : MASLBLATO


B. Alice wants to encrypt a message to Bob by using the Caesar cipher

algorithm and the key= 9.
The plaintext = “ENCRYPT”.


Using the same key, decrypt the message: SGYZKX

Answer: JXPQBO

Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University
College of Computer and Information Sciences
Information Technology Department
Information Security (NET 311)
Sheet#1 (Symmetric Key Encryption)

Question 2:
A. In DES, if M = 6000 3000 0800 0020 (Hex), Find the IP(M).

Original M IP(M)

IP(M)= 0000 0080 0446 4000 ( Hex)

B. Using the S-box shown below, What is the output if the input was: 010011
and 111001

Answer: 1) ( 0000 ) 2) ( 1100 )

Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University
College of Computer and Information Sciences
Information Technology Department
Information Security (NET 311)
Sheet#1 (Symmetric Key Encryption)

C. In the first step in the function F of the DES encryption, the 32-bit right side
is expanded in an expansion permutation to get a 48-bit output. Use the
expansion permutation below on the message :
R2= 0110 1001 0111 1010 1011 0010 1010 1110

Answer (binary): 001101 010010 101111 110101 010110 100101 010101 011100

D. In the step of creating the sub key for the 4th round, C3 and D3 will be shifted
to the left. Find the result of C4 and D4.

C3 = 1001110010101010111100001111
D3 = 1101111010010101100110011111

C4= 0111001010101011110000111110
D4= 0111101001010110011001111111

Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University
College of Computer and Information Sciences
Information Technology Department
Information Security (NET 311)
Sheet#1 (Symmetric Key Encryption)

Question 3:
A. Encrypt the following message “HI” By Using RSA algorithm.
Assume that P = 11 and Q = 13., and e= 3

C(H)= 7^3 mod 143

= 343 mod 143

= 343 / 143 = 2.39

= 2 * 143 = 286

= 343 – 286 = 57

C(I)= 8^3 mod 143

= 512 mod 143

= 512 / 143 = 3.58

= 3 * 143 = 429

= 512 – 429 = 83

Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University
College of Computer and Information Sciences
Information Technology Department
Information Security (NET 311)
Sheet#1 (Symmetric Key Encryption)

B. Alice and Bob exchange a shift cipher key using the Diffie-Hellman key
exchange. They agree to use the prime p = 11 and g = 7
(a) Assume Alice uses the secret value a = 6 and Bob the secret value b = 9.
Compute the intermediate values and the final key that Alice and Bob exchange

Alice= g^a mod p Bob= g^b mod p

= 7^6 mod 11 = 7^9 mod 11

=823543 mod 11 = 40353607 mod 11

=823543 / 11 = 74867 = 40353607 / 11 = 3668509.73

=74867 * 11 = 823537 = 3668509 * 11 = 40353599

=823543 – 823537 = 6 =40353607 – 40353599 = 8

Symmetric key K = 8^6 mod 11 = 3 symmetric key K = 6^9 mod 11 = 2


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