Optimal Cash Balance Financial Management Accounting

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Optimal Cash Balance

I. THEORY (20 pts.). Select the best possible answer by 6. In the text, the “red-line method” refers to (A) The
making solid marks that fill the response completely. Use policy of drawing a red line around certain
bluepoint pen only. STRICTLY NO ERASURES. neighborhoods on a map and then refusing to sell on
credit to people who live within those areas. (B)
1. Which of the following statements is most correct? Restrictions imposed by companies that insure credit
(A) A cash management system that minimizes risks. (C) A method of controlling receivables by
collections float and maximizes disbursement float is drawing a red line on invoices of companies that are
better than one with higher collections float and expected to pay late. (D) A method of controlling
lower disbursement float. (B) A cash management inventories by drawing a red line on the inside of a
system that maximizes collections float and bin.
minimizes disbursement float is better than one with 7. Which of the following might be attributed to
lower collections float and higher disbursement efficient inventory management? (A) High inventory
float. (C) The use of a lockbox is designed to minimize turnover ratio. (B) Low incidence of production
cash theft losses. If the cost of the lockbox is less than schedule disruptions. (C) High total assets turnover.
theft losses saved, then the lockbox should be (D) All of the statements above are correct.
installed. (D) Other things held constant, a firm will 8. Ignoring cost and other effects on the firm, which of
need a smaller line of credit if it can arrange to pay the following measures would tend to reduce the
its bills by the 5th of each month than if its bills come cash conversion cycle? (A) Maintain the level of
due uniformly during the month. receivables as sales decrease. (B) Buy more raw
2. Which of the following statements is most correct? materials to take advantage of price breaks. (C) Take
(A) A good cash management system would discounts when offered. (D) Forgo discounts that are
minimize disbursement float and maximize currently being taken.
collections float. (B) If a firm begins to use a well- 9. Which of the following statements is incorrect about
designed lockbox system, this will reduce its working capital policy? (A) Holding minimal levels of
customers' net float. (C) If a firm can get its inventory can reduce inventory carrying costs and
customers to permit it to pay by wire transfers rather cannot lead to any adverse effects on profitability.
than having to write checks, this will increase its net (B) A company may hold a relatively large amount of
float and thus reduce its required cash balances. cash if it anticipates uncertain sales levels in the
(D) A firm that has such an efficient cash coming year. (C) Credit policy has an impact on
management system that it has positive net float can working capital since it has the potential to influence
have a negative checkbook balance at most times sales levels and the speed with which cash is
and still not have its checks bounce. collected. (D) The cash budget is useful in
3. Robyn Company is planning to borrow P12,000 from determining future financing needs.
the bank. The bank offers the choice of a 12% 10. Which of the following statements is most correct?
discount interest loan or a 10.19% add-on, 1-year (A) Permanent current assets are those current
installment loan, payable in 4 equal quarterly assets that must be increased when sales increase
payments. What is the approximate (nominal) rate of during an upswing. (B) Temporary current assets are
interest on the 10.19% add-on loan? (A) 20.38%. (B) those current assets on hand at the low point of the
5.10%. (C) 10.19%. (D) 12.00%. business cycle. (C) Maturity matching is considered
4. If easing a firm's credit policy lengthens the an aggressive financing policy. (D) None of the
collection period and results in a worsening of the statements above is correct.
aging schedule, then why do firms take such actions? 11. Which of the following statements concerning
(A) It normally stimulates sales. (B) To meet commercial paper is incorrect? (A) Commercial
competitive pressures. (C) To increase the firm's paper can be issued by virtually any firm so long as it
deferral period for payables. (D) Statements A and B is willing to pay the going interest rate. (B)
are correct. Commercial paper is generally written for terms less
5. The Firms generally choose to finance temporary than 270 days. (C) Commercial paper generally
assets with short-term debt because (A) Matching carries an interest rate below the prime rate. (D)
the maturities of assets and liabilities reduces risk. Commercial paper is sold to money market mutual
(B) Short-term interest rates have traditionally been funds, as well as to other financial institutions and
more stable than long-term interest rates. (C) A firm nonfinancial corporations.
that borrows heavily long-term is more apt to be 12. Which of the following statements is most correct?
unable to repay the debt than a firm that borrows (A) Trade credit is provided to a business only when
heavily short-term. (D) Sales remain constant over purchases are made. (B) Commercial paper is a form
the year, and financing requirements also remain of short-term financing that is primarily used by
constant. large, financially stable companies. (C) Short-term
debt, while often cheaper than long-term debt,
exposes a firm to the potential problems associated
with rolling over loans. (D) All of the statements
above are correct.
13. Which of the following statements is incorrect? (A) answers.
Commercial paper can be issued by virtually any firm
so long as it is willing to pay the going interest rate.
1. Robyn Company is evaluating a relaxation of its
(B) Accrued liabilities represent a source of free
credit policy. At present, 70% of sales are on credit
financing in the sense that no explicit interest is paid
and there is gross margin of 20%. Additional data
on these funds. (C) A conservative approach to
working capital will result in all permanent assets
Current Anticipated
being financed using long-term securities. (D) Trade
credit is often the largest source of short-term credit. Sales P500,000 P640,000
14. Which of the following statements is most correct? Credit Sales P410,000 P520,000
(A) Although short-term interest rates have Collection Expenses 3% of credit sales
historically averaged less than long-term rates, the 4% of credit sales
heavy use of short-term debt is considered to be an Collection Period 72 days 90 days
aggressive strategy because of the inherent risks of Using 360 days in a year, answer the following
using short-term financing. (B) Net working capital
questions: (A) What is the change in gross profit
may be defined as current assets minus current
liabilities. Any increase in the current ratio will associated with the proposal? (B) What is the
automatically lead to an increase in net working incremental change in collection expenses? (C)
capital. (C) If a company follows a policy of matching What is the change in average accounts receivable?
maturities, this means that it matches its use of (A) P22,000. (B) P8,500. (C) P48,000.
common stock with its use of long-term debt as
opposed to short-term debt. (D) All of the
2. Robyn Company carries a part that is popular in the
statements above are correct.
manufacture of automatic sprayers. Demand for this
15. Which one of the following aspects of banks is
part is 4,000 units per year; order costs amount to
considered most relevant to businesses when
P30 per order, and holding costs total P1.50 per unit.
choosing a bank? (A) Loyalty and willingness to
Robyn currently places four orders per year with its
assume lending risks. (B) Competitive cost of services
suppliers. Management is considering the
provided. (C) Experience of personnel. (D) Size of the
implementation of an economic order quantity
bank's deposits.
model in an effort to better manage its inventories.
16. Which of the following statements is (are) true
regarding financial measures? Statement 1. One
disadvantage of using financial measures to evaluate A. Compute Robyn's economic order quantity.
performance is that they are only available on a B. Compute total annual inventory costs if Robyn
monthly or quarterly basis. Statement 2. One reason follows the EOQ policy.
financial measures are used to evaluate performance C. How much will the company save by adopting
is that they are easily quantifiable. (A) Only 1 is true. the EOQ model?
(B) Only 2 is true. (C) Both 1 and 2 are true. (D) SOLUTIONS:
Neither 1 nor 2 is true. A. The EOQ can be figured by taking the square root of:
17. A description of an organization's values, definition (2 x annual requirement x cost per order) ÷ annual
holding cost per unit. The square root of (2 x 4,000 x
of its responsibilities to stakeholders, and
$30) ÷ $1.50, or 160,000, is 400.
identification of its major strategies is called its (A) B. The ordering cost is based on 10 orders (4,000 units
Business-level strategy. (B) Mission statement. (C) ÷ 400 units) x $30, and totals $300; the holding cost
Performance objectives. (D) Master budget. is computed on Pullman’s average inventory of 200
18. A balanced scorecard is a set of (A) Performance units (400 ÷ 2) and amounts to $300 (200 x $1.50).
measures. (B) Financial statements. (C) Budget Thus, costs at the EOQ total $600 ($300 + $300).
schedules. (D) Annual reports. Pullman is currently ordering four times each year,
19. In general, a balanced scorecard is used to evaluate resulting in order costs of $120 ($30 x 4). Each order
an organization's performance using (A) Standard is for 1,000 units (4,000 ÷ 4), which gives rise to an
costs and variance analysis. (B) Multiple financial and average inventory of 500 units (1,000 ÷ 2) and
nonfinancial measures. (C) Financial statements and holding costs of $750 (500 x $1.50). Total costs are
ratio analysis. (D) The Board of Director's audit $870 ($120 + $750), and the EOQ produces a $270
committee. savings for the firm ($870 - $600).
20. One of the results in using balanced scorecards is a
shift from a focus on financial results to a focus on 3. Next year Robyn Company expects its gross revenues
from sales to be P80 million. The company’s
(A) Maximizing market share. (B) Minimizing
treasurer has projected that its marketable securities
budgetary slack. (C) Eliminating fraudulent behavior. portfolio will earn 6.50% over the coming budget
(D) Increasing customer satisfaction. year. What is the value of one day’s float reduction
to the company? Robyn uses a 365-day year in all of
I. II. Problems (30 pts.). On the worksheet provided, show its financial analysis procedures. P 14,247
your solutions in good accounting form. Encircle final

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