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I am just a simple girl with a very big dream. A dream that drives me to study hard and finish my studies.
Without this dream I would certainly do not know what would be my future someday.

When I was still young I already dreamt about being a healthcare provider someday. Wearing a nursing
cap and white uniforms. I wanna help the sick and needy people out there. And right now I am a second
year college student pursuing my dream to be a nurse and eventually a doctor afterwards. I know that I
am so close in reaching my dream. That is why I am being patient because I know that I can make it to
the finish line.

Another dream of mine is to have a happy life and maintain harmonious relationship with the people
whom I love. I am pursuing my dream to be a nurse to make them proud and to reciprocate all their
hardwork and sweat. I want

I want to be a nurse. As a nurse, I will be able to use my profession anywhere in the world. I can work
with many people every day, both patients and staff.

First, I want people to feel God's love when they are under my care. I know I can never love everyone on
my own; I definitely will have to rely on Christ as an example and a source of strength. I want people to
feel loved because they are created in God's image, and he loves them.

Second, I want people in my care to feel heard-to know that I am listening. By listening, I mean active
listening. I want to understand their desires and concerns. I want to read the feelings behind their words.

Third, I want them to feel cared for in every situation, as a spiritual person, a suffering person or a dying
person. I want to be able to assess where they are spiritually and ask God how I should help each person
to come to know him. I want to be able to pray with them and share God's Word in a sensitive,
knowledgeable way.
I want suffering patients to feel the comfort of a compassionate presence. If they need to talk to
someone, I want to be able to help them think of the things that bring meaning to their lives.

Fourth, I want my patients to feel that I am a competent nurse. When I come into the room, I don't want
them to wish it were someone else. I want them to feel they are in good hands. I want to give them a
sense of hope that the other staff and I will do everything we can and do it well.

Fifth, I want to have good relationships with my colleagues. I want to be known as a hard worker and
someone the patients like. I want my work to be an example of the servanthood of Christ.

I know I can't accomplish these goals on my own. I will need to call upon God constantly. Even with his
help, I will not be able to accomplish them all the time. I need to remember that, because I get
discouraged when things do not go as planned.

I will have to keep myself healthy if I want to have the energy to attempt these goals. I want to keep God
as my motivation for nursing-as an offering of myself to him.

I want to be a nurse because I see so much potential to contribute to someone’s day. Whether that be
with a good attitude or by providing the best care I can, I know I will do my absolute best for all my
patients. I owe it to them. They certainly did not choose me as their nurse. However, I am choosing to
become a nurse and as such, I cannot afford to do them any disservice by providing mediocre care. I
study so I can one day alleviate someone’s pain and give them the same care I would provide a family
member or loved one – the best and only the best. Would you not want the same treatment for

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