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SUZA partners with other higher education

stakeholders in launching DALILA project

The State University of Zanzibar (SUZA) in collaboration with other
education partners have jointly launched the ‘Development of New Academic
Curricula on Sustainable Energies and Green Economy in Africa –
(DALILA)’ Project at Vuga Campus on 19th February, 2020. Professor
Hamad Issa Hassan, Dean of the School of Natural and Social Sciences
graced the official launching ceremony on behalf of Dr. Zakia Mohammed
Abubakar, the SUZA Vice Chancellor.

This European Union three years funded project through the Erasmus+ Programme will be jointly carried out
by the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA), Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), University of Cadiz (Spain),
University of Dodoma (Tanzania), Uganda Christian University (Uganda), Uganda Martyrs University
(Uganda), Sahara Ventures (Tanzania), A Sud (Italy) and INOMA (Spain).

Prof. Katiuscia Cipri, the Project Coordinator from Sapienza DALILA Project participants under discussion
University of Rome presents one of the agenda items during the launching ceremony

The project is aimed at supporting the modernization, accessibility and market-oriented of higher education in
the partner countries in order to contribute to the development of sustainable and inclusive socio-economic
growth. It also intended to answer the growing request of energy in Tanzania and Uganda and to the new job
market opportunities in the renewable energy sector in order to contribute to poverty reduction and to identify
solutions and create more access and opportunity for all students.

The DALILA project main objective is to establish six new courses on ‘Renewable Technologies’ and ‘Green
Business creation and development’ in two Universities in Tanzania and two in Uganda. The courses will be
based on an innovative approach that includes the promotion of an equal access to higher education and the
facilitation of students’ transition to work.

At large, the project is intended to benefit all local communities in particular in areas, like Tanzania and
Uganda where the need to increase energy provision is crucially linked with the objective to reduce its negative
environmental impact.

Launching ceremony is followed by three days workshop attended by project institutions’ participants from 19th
to 21st February, 2020 seeking to provide them with implementation guidelines.

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