Perception of E-Wallets On Consumers - Google Forms

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11/2/2019 Survey on Consumer Behavior towards E-wallets

Survey on Consumer Behavior towards E-wallets


1. Q1. Gender *
Mark only one oval.


2. Q2. Age *
Mark only one oval.

Below 18
18 - 30
31 - 50
50 +

3. Q3. Occupation *
Mark only one oval.

Self Employeed
Home Maker 1/4
11/2/2019 Survey on Consumer Behavior towards E-wallets

4. Q4 .Which E-wallet do you prefer the most according to convenience (Rank 1 - 5 where 5 is
Highest) ? *
Mark only one oval per row.

1 2 3 4 5
Google Pay

5. Q5. How often you use an E-wallet ? *

Mark only one oval.


6. Q6. For which purpose you are likely using an E-wallet ? *

Tick all that apply.

Utility Bill Payments
Entertainment ( Food , Movie Tickets , Experiences )
Online Shopping
Transfer Money

7. Q7. Do you think Demonetization has provoked the Indian Consumers to use E-wallets ? *
Mark only one oval.

No 2/4
11/2/2019 Survey on Consumer Behavior towards E-wallets

8. Q8. Rate the following Statements according to your perception ? *

Mark only one oval per row.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
Convenience of the E-wallet in
terms of Quickness
Easy Availability of E-wallet
Services at different stores
To take the advantage of Loyal
Reward points or Discounts
Better offers and Deals on
payments through E-wallets
E - Wallets Substitute the
Physical Payment options
E - wallets has made easier due
to the Busy lifestyle.
E- wallets are more secured than
traditional payment methods.
Resistance in Older Generation in
Using E-wallets as compared to
Young Generation

9. Q9. Rate the following reasons for not using an E - wallet *

Mark only one oval per row.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
Inconvenience in completing
online payment Transactions
Financial Needs are met without
using an E-wallets
Not the acceptance of E-wallets
at Different Stores
Security is an Issue
E-wallets are complicated
Debit / Credit cards are
dominating the market 3/4
11/2/2019 Survey on Consumer Behavior towards E-wallets

10. Q10. In terms of Security Issues rate the following statements. *

Mark only one oval per row.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
Fear of E- wallet provided sharing
the confidential Information with
other companies
Access to all information if the
phone is stolen
Rise in number of cyber crimes
Threat of Malware or Viruses
being Installed in the phone

11. Q11. Do you think that E-wallets will replace physical cash for doing transactions in coming
years. *
Mark only one oval.


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