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Changes in punching shear design in Canadian

standard CSA A23.3-04: a critical review
Ramez B. Gayed and Amin Ghali

Abstract: Provisions of the 2004 version of the Canadian standard A23.3 related to punching shear design of reinforced
concrete flat plates at their connections with columns are reviewed, with attention to the changes introduced in 2004. Revi-
sions are proposed and justified.
Key words: columns, connections, flat plate, punching, shear, stud shear reinforcement, unbalanced moment.
Résumé : Les dispositions de la version 2004 du norme canadienne A23.3 lié à la conception du cisaillement par poinçon-
nement de planchers-dalles de béton armé à leurs connexions avec des colonnes sont passées en revue, avec une attention
aux changements introduits en 2004. Des révisions sont proposées et justifiées.
Mots-clés : colonnes, connexions, plancher-dalle, poinçonnement, cisaillement, armature de cisaillement en forme de gou-
jons, moment déséquilibré.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Reinforced concrete slabs, supported directly on columns subjected to seismically induced displacements; this clause
without column capitals or beams, must be designed to is reviewed and discussed in Gayed and Ghali (2008b).
avoid punching shear failure induced by the transfer of
forces at the connections with columns. Lateral forces, in-
duced by wind or earthquakes, impose lateral displacements Provisions for punching shear design in CSA
(drifts) to flat plate structures; differential drift between con- A23.3-04
secutive floors induces bending moments in the columns. Requirement of shear reinforcement
The sum of the moments at the column ends above and be- CSA A23.3-04 (CSA 2004) requires that at an assumed
low a floor, referred to as the unbalanced moment, is trans- shear critical section:
ferred between the column and the slab. Furthermore,
gravity load patterns produce unbalanced moments at con- ½1 vf  vr
nections of the slab with the exterior (edge and corner) col-
umns, and to some extent with interior columns. This paper where vr is the factored shear stress resistance and vf is the
is concerned with the CSA A23.3-04 (CSA 2004) provisions vertical shear stress caused by the transfer of factored shear
for punching shear at slab–column connections, transferring force, Vf, combined with unbalanced moment(s), Mfx and
shear forces combined with unbalanced moments. The (or) Mfy (Fig. 1). Clause 13.3 of CSA A23.3-04 employs
standard’s relevant provisions are reviewed; modifications the eccentric shear model in calculating the distribution of
to its equations are proposed to simplify the design process vf at the assumed shear critical sections; the following equa-
and to cover essential cases frequently encountered in prac- tion is given:
tice. The 2004 version of the standard includes three
½2 vf ¼ ½Vf =ðbo dÞ þ ðvx Mfx y=Jx Þ þ ð vy Mfy x=Jy Þ
changes — from CSA A23.3-94 (CSA 1994) — that deserve
discussion. Revisions to CSA A23.3-04 are proposed. The where bo is the perimeter length of the assumed shear criti-
present paper does not cover clause 21.12.3 – added to the cal section, d is the average of distances from the extreme
standard in 2004 – on punching shear design of flat plates compression fiber to the centroids of the tension reinforce-
ments running in two orthogonal directions, the subscripts x
and y refer to two axes defined by CSA A23.3-04 as the
Received 14 September 2006. Revision accepted 3 January ‘‘centroidal axes of the critical section,’’ (x, y) is the coordi-
2008. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at nate of the point at which vf is calculated, gv is the fraction on 18 July 2008. of the unbalanced moment transferred by shear, and J is de-
R.B. Gayed and A. Ghali.1 Department of Civil Engineering, fined by CSA A23.3-04 as the ‘‘property of the critical shear
University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB section analogous to the polar moment of inertia.’’ Positive
T2N 1N4, Canada. directions of Vf, Mfx, and Mfy are indicated in Fig. 1; the ar-
Written discussion of this article is welcomed and will be rows represent the internal forces exerted by the column on
received by the Editor until 31 December 2008. the slab. The standard specifies eq. [3] for the fraction gv
and requires its use for all the connections shown in Fig. 1
1Corresponding author (e-mail: (clause

Can. J. Civ. Eng. 35: 807–819 (2008) doi:10.1139/L08-006 # 2008 NRC Canada
808 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 35, 2008

Fig. 1. Shear critical sections at d/2 from the face of: (a) interior column; (b) edge column; (c) corner column.

1 induced some designers to forgo the calculations in-

 vx ¼ 1  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1 þ ð2=3Þ b2 =b1 volved in the use of principal axes with eq. [2]
½3 (2) CSA A23.3, for the first time in 2004, explicitly ex-
1 tended the use of eq. [3] to the shear critical sections
 vy ¼ 1  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1 þ ð2=3Þ b1 =b2 having three and two sides (Figs. 1b and 1c).
(3) Clause of CSA A23.3-04 gave an optional new
where b1 and b2 are widths of the shear critical section, method for the shear design of connections of flat plates
measured in directions parallel to and perpendicular to the with corner columns. In this optional method, the trans-
span for which the moment is being determined, respec- fer of unbalanced moment is ignored in calculating the
tively. For the corner column in Fig. 1c, b1 and b2 are shear stress; a critical section ABC (Fig. 1c) is designed
widths of the shear critical section in the nonprincipal direc- for one-way shear with a resistance,
tions of x and y; i.e., b1 ¼ cx þ ðd=2Þ and b2 ¼ cy þ ðd=2Þ. pffiffiffiffi
In absence of shear reinforcement, vr : vc; where vc is ½5 vc ¼ c fc0
the shear stress resistance, provided by concrete, at a shear where b = 0.21 or other values when certain conditions,
critical section at d/2 from the column periphery. For non- specified in clause or, are satisfied.
prestressed slabs,
8 pffiffiffiffi
> 0:38c fc0 Design with shear reinforcement
> 0 1 When shear reinforcement is required, vr is the sum of the
> strengths provided by concrete, vcs, and that provided by the
< @1 þ A0:19 pffiffiffi
> 2 0

c fc shear reinforcement, vs. The shear-reinforced zone has to ex-
½4 vc ¼ the least of : c
> tend such that the factored shear stress, vf (eq. [2]), at d/2
> 0 1
> from the outermost peripheral line of shear reinforcement,
>  d pffiffiffiffi
> @ s þ 0:19Ac f 0 satisfies eq. [1], with vr being calculated by:
: bo c
½6 vr ¼ 0:19c fc0
where c (= 0.65) is the resistance factor for concrete;  is a
factor that accounts for low-density concrete (= 1.0 for In addition, clause of CSA A23.3-04 (CSA 2004)
normal-weight concrete); bc(‡ 1.0) is the aspect ratio of the specifies a minimum extension of the shear-reinforced zone
column; as = 4, 3 or 2 for interior, edge or corner columns, from the column face: lsh ‡ 2d.
respectively; f ’c is the specified compressive strength of CSA A23.3-04 permits headed stud shear reinforcement
concrete. To calculate vc for slabs having d > 300 mm, (SSR) and stirrups, satisfying certain anchorage conditions,
eq. [4] is multiplied by a size factor: 1300/(1000 + d). for use as shear reinforcement. Equations for the design of
SSR and stirrups are given in the CSA A23.3-04. For sim-
New provisions introduced in CSA A23.3-04 plicity of presentation, only SSR and its design equations
The following summarizes the new provisions introduced are reviewed below:
in CSA A23.3-04 (CSA 2004): pffiffiffiffi
½7 vr ¼ vcs þ vs  0:75c fc0
(1) CSA A23.3-94 (CSA 1994) required that eq. [2] refer to
the centroidal principal axes; the commentary N13.4.5.5 pffiffiffiffi
gave an equation that can replace eq. [2] when reference ½8 vcs ¼ 0:28c fc0
to centroidal nonprincipal axes is preferred. CSA A23.3-
04 removed the requirement for the use of the principal ½9 vs ¼ s Av fyv =ðbo sÞ
axes and the relevant commentary; it defined the x and y
axes as centroidal axes of the critical section. The where s (= 0.85) is the resistance factor for nonprestressed
editions of the A23.3 standard earlier than 1984 did not reinforcement, Av is the area of the vertical legs of shear re-
explicitly require reference to principal axes and, thus, inforcement on one peripheral line parallel to the column
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perimeter, fyv is the specified yield strength of shear reinfor- Fig. 2. Headed stud shear reinforcement assemblies: (a) anchorage
cement, and s is the spacing between peripheral lines of by forged heads and by rail; (b) anchorage by forged heads at top
shear reinforcement. The spacing, s, between peripheral and bottom.
lines of studs and that between the column face and the first
peripheral line of studs, s0, must satisfy:
8 pffiffiffiffi
< 0:75d when vf  0:56c fc0
½10 s pffiffiffiffi s0  0:4 d
0:50d when vf > 0:56c fc0
where vf is the the maximum shear stress due to the factored
shearing force combined with the factored unbalanced mo-
ments induced by both gravity and lateral (e.g., wind or
earthquake) loads.

Headed stud shear reinforcement

Figure 2 depicts two types of SSR assemblies, satisfying
the requirement of clause 7.1.4 of CSA A23.3-04 (CSA
2004) in providing positive anchorage at their ends. CSA Z
A23.3-04 requires that the forged heads of the studs, Vf ¼ vf da
shown at the upper ends of the studs in Fig. 2, have an Z
area of at least 10 times that of the vertical rod. Anchor- ½12 vy Mfy ¼ vf x da
age at the lower ends of the headed studs is achieved by Z
either welding the rods to a base rail (Fig. 2a) or by an- vx Mfx ¼ vf y da
other head, similar to that at the upper end, crimped into
a nonstructural steel shape (Fig. 2b). Both the base rail
and the nonstructural steel shape (Fig. 2) serve to hold the Appendix A derives eq. [2] from eq. [11] and shows that
studs in the appropriate location, direction, and spacing un- the shear stress distribution that satisfies the equilibrium
til the concrete is placed. Efficiency of both anchorage (eq. [12]) is given by eq. [2] only when x and y coincide
techniques has been experimentally verified (Dilger et al. with the centroidal principal axes, x and y. In other words,
2001). The dimensions, shown in Fig. 2, for different com- clause cannot be satisfied without the use of the
ponents of the SSR assemblies, are those required by principal axes. Example 1 (below) shows that the shear
ASTM A1044-05 (ASTM 2005). Clause 7.1.4 limits fyv of stress resulting from eq. [2], without reference to principal
SSR to 500 MPa; it also limits the concrete strength, to be axes, does not satisfy eq. [12].
used with SSR, to no less than 25 MPa.
Definitions of the parameters Jx and Jy
The CSA (2004) definition of Jx or Jy as ‘‘analogous to
Reference to principal axes polar moment of inertia’’ is ambiguous. Polar moment of in-
The shear critical sections in Figs. 1a and 1b have cen- ertia is known, in mechanics, as the second moment of a
troidal principal axes, x and y, parallel to the columns’ plane area about a point, not about an axis (x or y); but the
faces. But, the shear critical section in Fig. 1c has its cen- assumed shear critical section is a spatial nonplane surface.
troidal principal axes, x and y, in directions different from The ambiguity of the definition of J is a hurdle in account-
the centroidal nonprincipal axes, x and y . Similarly, when ing for the unbalanced moment in punching shear design,
the slab has an eccentric opening adjacent to any of the col- using eq. [2]. To satisfy the equilibrium eq. [12], Appendix
umns of Figs. 1a and 1b, the centroidal principal axes of the A shows that Jx or Jy of eq. [2] must be equal to: ‘‘d multi-
shear critical section will not be parallel to the columns’ plied by the second moment of the perimeter of the shear
faces. Consider a general shear critical section; clause critical section about centroidal principal axis x or y, respec- of CSA A23.3-04 (CSA 2004) requires that the tively.’’ For a general shear critical section, having a polyg-
shear stress due to Vf,  vx Mfx , and  vy Mfy vary linearly onal perimeter,
over the shear critical section; thus, the shear stress at any X
Jx ¼ ðd=3Þ lij ðy2i þ yi yj þ y2j Þ
point can be expressed as:
½13 X
Jy ¼ ðd=3Þ lij ðx2i þ xi xj þ x2j Þ
½11 vf ¼ c1 þ c2 x þ c3 y
where lij, (xi, yi), and (xj, yj) are the length and the coordi-
nates of the ends of a typical side ij; the summation is for
where ðx; yÞ is the coordinate of the point with respect to all the sides of the polygon. For a shear critical section in
centroidal nonprincipal axes, x and y, and c1, c2, and c3 are the shape of a closed rectangle (Fig. 1a), the Concrete de-
constants. The internal forces Vf,  vy Mfy , and vx Mfx are the sign handbook (CDH) (Cement Association of Canada
resultants of the vertical shear stress vf; thus, 2004, pp. 5–38) gives:
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dðcx þ dÞ3 dðcy þ dÞðcx þ dÞ2 stress, vf, at the shear critical section at d/2 from the periph-
½14 Jy;CDH ¼ þ ery of the corner column shown in Fig. 3a; the first is calcu-
6 2
ðcx þ dÞd 3 lated as recommended in the Concrete design handbook
þ (Cement Association of Canada 2004), while the other satis-
6 fies equilibrium (eq. [12]). The distribution of shear stress,
where cx and cy are the column dimensions parallel to the x vf, due to Vf = 180 kN combined with vx Mfx = 10 kNm
and y axes, respectively. Equation [14] gives the same result and vy Mfy = 7 kNm is calculated by eq. [2] using the non-
as eq. [13] when the relatively small term (cx + d)d3/6 is ig- principal centroidal axes x and y. The resultants of the cal-
nored. The difference between the two equations may be in- culated stress are determined to show that they do not match
significant (less than 3% in most cases), but eq. [13] can be the given internal forces.
used for the shear critical sections at d/2 from the column
For the shear critical section in Fig. 3a, d = 0.164 m and
and outside the shear-reinforced zone.
bo = 0.764 m. The Concrete design handbook (Cement As-
sociation of Canada 2004, pp. 5–38) gives the following
Example 1: shear stress distribution at critical section of
equation for Jy;CDH :
corner column
This example will illustrate two distributions for the shear

8 92
3 3 4
½cx þ ðd=2Þd þ ½cx þ ðd=2Þ d ½cy þ ðd=2Þ½cx þ ðd=2Þ d <cx þ ðd=2Þ ½cx þ ðd=2Þ =
½15 Jy;CDH ¼ þ 2 þ ½cx þ ðd=2Þ  d
12 4bo : 2 2bo ;

This equation and symmetry give: Jx;CDH ¼ Jy;CDH = The fraction gv

2.045  10–3 m4. The coordinates ðx; yÞ of points A, B, Mast (1970a, 1970b) showed by linear elastic analyses
and C (Fig. 3a) are (in metres): (–0.287, 0.096), (0.096, that the fraction  v of the unbalanced moment transferred
0.096), and (0.096, –0.287). Substitution in eq. [2] (using by shear was dependent upon the shape of the shear critical
x and y in lieu of x and y) gives the shear stress at the section. The empirical eq. [3] was based on experiments of
three points: (vf)A = 0.923 MPa, (vf)B = 2.231 MPa,
interior column–slab connections (Moe 1961; Hanson and
(vf)C = 0.363 MPa, and the shear stress distribution in
Hanson 1968). In these tests, the slabs had no shear rein-
Fig. 3b. The resultants of the shear stress in Fig. 3b are
forcement and the columns were rectangular. Thus, eq. [3]
(eq. [12]): an upward force = 180 kN, unbalanced moment
was derived for a shear critical section having the shape of
about the x axis = 5.40 kNm, and unbalanced moment
a closed rectangle at d/2 from column faces. However, a
about the y axis = 0.93 kNm. It is obvious that both com-
shear critical section outside a shear-reinforced zone
ponents of the resultant unbalanced moment do not satisfy
(Fig. 4) generally has a polygonal shape, different from that
equilibrium, by being substantially different from the given
of the shear critical section at d/2 from the column periph-
values (10 and 7 kNm, respectively).
ery; thus, when eq. [2] is used to calculate vf, different val-
Because of symmetry of the shear critical section, the ues of  v should be used for the two shear critical sections.
principal centroidal axes are, by inspection, as shown in Based on numerous elastic finite-element analyses, com-
Fig. 3c. The coordinates (x, y) of A, B, and C (in metres) bined with experimental calibration, Elgabry and Ghali
with respect to these axes are, respectively: (–0.135, 0.270), (1996) derived empirical equations for v as functions of
(0.135, 0), and (–0.135, –0.270). The given unbalanced mo- (lx/ly) and defined lx and ly as projections of the shear critical
ments transformed in the directions of the principal axes are: section perimeter over the centroidal principal x and y axes
vx Mfx = 2.121 kNm and vy Mfy = 12.021 kNm. The pa- of the shear critical section. This work confirmed Mast’s
rameters Jx and Jy, calculated by eq. [13], are: Jx = conclusion that a single empirical equation cannot apply to
3.047  10–3 m4; Jy = 30.762  10–3 m4. all critical section shapes; it also confirmed that eq. [3] is
Applying eq. [2] with Vf = 180 kN, bo = 0.764 m, and d = adequate for interior columns and derived empirical equa-
0.164 m, the unbalanced moments, Jx and Jy, from the pre- tions for  v for the critical section shapes in Figs. 1 and 4.
ceding paragraph gives vf (MPa) = 1.437 + 0.696 y + 15.775 x. Nonlinear finite-element analyses by Megally and Ghali
The shear stress distribution shown in Fig. 3d has (vf)A = (2000) and by Gayed and Ghali (2008a) showed that little
–0.505 MPa, (vf)B = 3.567 MPa, and (vf)C = –0.881 MPa. variation of v occurs as the level of shearing force and un-
It can be verified, by eq. [12], that the shear stress in balanced moments are gradually increased up to failure; this
Fig. 3d has resultant components that are exactly equal to work confirmed that the empirical equations by Elgabry and
the given values of shearing force and unbalanced moments. Ghali (1996) are adequate for ultimate strength design. The
The shear stress distribution in Fig. 3b is dependent upon same equations given below (eqs. [16]–[18]), are adopted by
the choice of the centroidal nonprincipal axes x and y. Ro- ACI 421.1R-99 (ACI Comittee 421 1999) and ACI 318-08
tating the axes any angle and applying eq. [2] would result (ACI Committee 318 2008; see section R11.11.5).
in a different stress distribution that does not satisfy the As mentioned earlier, clause of CSA A23.3-04
equilibrium eq. [12],
R as long as the rotated axes do not sat- (CSA 2004) requires that v be calculated by eq. [3] for the
isfy the equation: xy dl ¼ 0 (Appendix A). critical section at d/2 from the faces of interior, edge, and
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Fig. 3. Shear stress distribution at d/2 from faces of a corner column, Example 1: (a) centroidal nonprincipal axes x and y ; (b) shear stress
distribution, that does not satisfy equilibrium, calculated by eq. [2] with nonprincipal axes x and y ; (c) centroidal principal axes x and y;
(d) correct shear stress distribution calculated by eq. [2] with principal axes. All dimensions are in millimetres.

corner columns (Fig. 1). Furthermore, in the absence of  vx ¼ 0:40

other equations, the standard implies that the same equation  vy ¼ same as vy of eq: ½17
applies for the shear critical section outside the shear-
reinforced zone (Fig. 4); Examples 2 to 4 will show that
this can lead to the unreasonable situation in which the Example 2: use of the equation of  v in CSA A23.3-04 for
maximum shear stress vf increases indefinitely with the slab–corner column connection
outward extension of the shear-reinforced zone or requires This example will show that the use of v as required by
an excessively large shear-reinforced zone (to satisfy CSA A23.3-04 (CSA 2004) (eq. [3]) leads to a maximum
eqs. [1] and [6]). To amend the standard, it is proposed shear stress that increases with the outward extension of the
here that clause requires that v be calculated by shear-reinforced zone. Figure 5 showspaffiffiffifficorner column–slab
the following equations [ACI 421.1R-99 (ACI Committee connection transferring Vf ¼ 0:65 d2 fc0 , combined with a
421 1999)]: positive unbalanced moment about an axis parallel to the
principal y-axis and passing through
pffiffiffiffi the column’s centroid
 Interior column:
O: ðMfy ÞO ¼ ðMfx ÞO ¼ 1:46 d 3 fc0 . The resultant of ðMfx ÞO
1 and ðMfy ÞO is ðMfy ÞO ¼ 2:06 d 3 fc0 and ðMfx ÞO ¼ 0. These
 vx ¼ 1  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1 þ ð2=3Þ ly =lx forces correspond to a flat plate structure of six equal bays
½16 of span 6.0 m in both x and y directions (Fig. 1c) with a
1 slab thickness of 200 mm, designed for a service live load
 vy ¼ 1  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1 þ ð2=3Þ lx =ly of 2.4 kPa, a superimposed dead load of 1.3 kPa, and a
self-weight of 5.0 kPa. Other data are: f ’c = 30 MPa, column
 Column at an edge parallel to the y-axis (Fig. 1b): size cx  cy = 300 mm  300 mm, slab depth, d, = 164 mm,
and floor height = 3.5 m. Figure 5a shows the shape of the
 vx ¼ same as  vx of eq: ½16 shear critical section outside the shear-reinforced zone; the
parameter a in the figure equals to the distance of the shear
½17 1 critical section from the face of the column divided by d.
 vy ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1 þ ð2=3Þ ðlx =ly Þ  0:2 The plot in Fig. pffiffiffi5b
ffi shows the normalized maximum shear
0 1 0
stress, vf =ðc  fc Þ, at point C versus the dimensionless pa-
@when x  0:2;  vy ¼ 0:0A rameter a. The shear stress value, vf, at point C is calculated
ly by eq. [2], using Jy of eq. [13] and a constant value of vy =
0.4 (eq. [3], as implied by CSA A23.3-04). The unbalanced
 Corner column: moment value about the centroidal principal y-axis of the
shear critical section, at d/2 from the outermost peripheral
line of shear reinforcement, is calculated by:
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Fig. 4. Shear critical sections outside the shear-reinforced zone of: (a) interior column; (b) edge column; (c) corner column.

½19 Mfy ¼ ðMfy ÞO þ Vf xO The maximum stress 0
pffiffiffiffi is greater than 0:38c fc and
where xO is the coordinate of the column’s centroid relative smaller than 0:75c fc0 (eqs. [4] and [7]). Thus, the slab
to the centroidal principal axes of the shear critical section; thickness is adequate with the use of stud shear reinforce-
it is noted that xO is a negative coordinate whose absolute ment spaced at s £ 0.5d. Using 9.5 mm studs (Av =
value increases with a. Note that the use of axes x and y, 4p(9.5)2/4 = 284 mm2 with s = 70 mm arranged as shown
instead of x and y, in preparing Fig. 5b is permitted by in Fig. 5a, eq. [9] gives: vs = {0.85(284)(345)/[764(70)]} =
CSA A23.3-04 because both pairs of axes satisfy the defini- 1.557 MPa.
tion of this standard (centroidal axes). The indefinite in- The factored shear stress resistance is (eq. [7]):
crease of vf with the increase in a, exhibited in Fig. 5b, pffiffiffiffiffi
indicates that eqs. [1] and [6] cannot be satisfied by the out- vr ¼ vcs þ vs ¼ 0:28ð1:0Þð0:65Þ 30 þ 1:557
ward extension of the shear-reinforced zone. In other words,
a computer program, to find the extension of the shear- ¼ 2:554 MPa > vf ¼ 2:516 MPa
reinforced zone that satisfies eqs. [1] and [6] based on v
by eq. [3], would fail to find a solution. This situation Thus, the area and spacing of the shear reinforcement are
can be avoided by using  vy of eq. [18] (see Example 3). adequate.
The coordinates of the column’s centroid, O, with re-
Example 3: design of shear reinforcement for a slab– spect to that of the shear critical section outside the
corner column connection shear-reinforced zone (Fig. 5a) are (–0.418 m, 0). Statical
This example shows the design of the stud shear rein- equivalent forces at the critical section’s centroid are: Vf =
forcement required for the corner column of Example 2 96 kN, Mfx = 0, and Mfy = 96(–0.418) + 50 = 9.9 kNm.
The shear critical section at d/2 from the outermost periph-
(Fig. 5a) using  v that varies with the shape of the shear
eral line of studs (Fig. 5a) has the geometric properties: bo =
critical section (eq. [18]). Headed studs of 9.5 mm nominal
1.125 m, Jy = 1.129  10–3 m4 (eq. [13]), and  vy = 0.134
diameter and yield strength fyv = 345 MPa are used. Re-
(eq. [18]). The maximum factored shear stress occurs at
maining data are the same as in Example 2. At the centroid
point D (0.070, –0.228 m) and its value is (eq. [2]):
of the column section, the factored forces transferredpffiffiffiffibe-
tween the column and the slab are: Vf = 0:65d 2 fc0 = 96  103 0:134ð9:9  103 Þð0:070Þ
pffiffiffiffi ðvf ÞD ¼ þ
96 kN, (Mfy)O = 2:06d 3 fc0 = 50 kNm and (Mfx)O = 0. 1:125ð0:164Þ 1:129  103
The shear critical section at d/2 from the column face pffiffiffiffi
(Fig. 5a) has the properties: bo = 0.764 m, Jy = 0.762  ¼ 0:603 MPa ¼ 0:169c fc0
10–3 m4, gvy (eq. [18]) = 0.267, and xO = –0.135 m. At pffiffiffiffi
the centroid of the shear critical section, the forces trans- The maximum shear stress is less than 0:19c fc0 . Thus,
ferred between the column and the slab are: Vf = 96 kN the extension of the shear reinforcement is adequate.
and Mfy = 96(–0.135) + 50 = 37.0 kNm. The maximum
shear stress (eq. [2]) is at point B, having coordinates Example 4: design of shear reinforcement for a slab–
(0.135 m, 0): edge column connection
This example will show that the use of v as required by
96  103 0:267ð37:0  103 Þð0:135Þ CSA A23.3-04 (CSA 2004) (eq. [3]) leads to an excessively
ðvf ÞB ¼ þ large shear-reinforced zone to satisfy eqs. [1] and [6]. Fig-
0:764ð0:164Þ 0:762  103
ure 6 showspan ffiffiffiffi edge column–slab connection transferring
¼ 2:516 MPa ¼ 0:707c fc0 Vf ¼ 1:52d2 fc0 , combined with a negative unbalanced
moment about an axis parallel to the principal y-axis and
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Gayed and Ghali 813

Fig. 5. Design for shear at a corner column: (a) corner column of Examples 2 and 3; (b) indefinite increase of vf with the extension of
shear-reinforced zone, employing gvy of CSA A23.3-04 (CSA 2004). In part (a), the x and y shown are centroidal principal axes of the
critical section outside of the shear-reinforced zone.

passing p through
ffiffiffiffi the column’s centroid O: (Mfy)O = sectional area and the spacing of the shear reinforcement
3 0 in Fig. 6a satisfies the CSA A23.3-04 requirements. The
1:24d fc . These internal forces correspond to a flat slab
structure of equal panels, 7 m  7 m, supported on properties of the shear critical section at d/2 from the out-
500 mm  250 mm edge columns and 300 mm  300 mm ermost peripheral line of shear reinforcement (Fig. 6a) are:
interior columns; the structure is subjected to a lateral load– bo = 4.180 m; Jy = 138.735  10–3 m4 (eq. [13]);
producing unbalanced moment in a sense opposite to that xO = –0.621 m. The factored shear stress at pointpA ffiffiffiffi
due to gravity loads. Figure 6a shows the shape of the shear (–0.871, 1.147 m) is: (vf)A = 0.670 MPa = 0:188c fc0
critical section outside the shear-reinforced zone; the loca- (eq. [2]). This is less than 0:19c fc0 , indicating that the
tion of the critical section is defined by the dimensionless extension of the shear reinforcement is adequate. This ex-
parameter a. The plot in Fig. p 6bffiffiffishows
ffi the normalized max- ample shows that the use of constant vy gives 33% more
imum shear stress, ðvf ÞA =ðc  fc0 Þ at point A versus the pa- studs than what is needed (using eq. [17]).
rameter a. The shear stress value, (vf)A, is calculated by
eq. [2] with Jy calculated by eq. [13] and using two equa- Safety of the new shear design for corner
tions for v: (i) eq. [3], required by CSA A23.3-04, giving column–slab joints
vy = 0.441 based on the dimensions of the critical section
at d/2 from the column periphery and treated as constant for In the absence of shear reinforcement, clause of
all the shear critical sections outside the shear-reinforced CSA A23.3-04 (CSA 2004) permits calculation of the shear
zone; (ii) eq. [17], giving vy depending on the shape of the resistance of slabs in the assumed shear critical section at d/2
critical section that varies with a. For the shear critical sec- from the ‘‘edge’’ of a corner column by eq. [5] in lieu of
tion shown in Fig. 6a, eq. [17] eq. [4]. The new clause does not specify how to design the
pffiffiffiffigives  vy = 0.312. Figure 6b shear reinforcement and its extension when vf exceeds the
shows that ðvf ÞA  0:19c fc0 at ad ‡ 6.2d when eq. [17]
is used compared with ad ‡ 8.1d when eq. [3] is used. value permitted by eq. [5]. The Concrete design handbook
explains the calculations in applying clause to cor-
Using the data d = 164 pffiffiffimm;
ffi f ’c = 30 MPa; fyv = ner columns transferring Vf combined with unbalanced mo-
345 MPa; Vf = 1:52d2 fc0 = 225 kN; (Mfy)O = ment due to gravity load (Cement Association of Canada
1:24d3 fc0 = –35 kNm, it can be verified that the cross- 2004, pp. 5–12). The case of Vf combined with an unbal-
# 2008 NRC Canada
814 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 35, 2008

Fig. 6. Design for shear at an edge column: (a) edge column of Example 4; (b) variation of vf with the extension of shear-reinforced zone of
an edge connection. All dimensions are in millimetres.

anced moment due to earthquake load is explained on Vtest = 0; according to clause of CSA A23.3-04 —
pages 11–59 (Cement Association of Canada 2004). Ac- such a connection would fail by flexure. The unbalanced
cordingly, clause is considered satisfied, in the ab- moment, Mflex, which can produce a yield line fracture pat-
sence of shear reinforcement, when: tern is calculated and given in the 12th column of Table 1
(see Appendix B); Mtest is less than Mflex, confirming that
½20 Vf =ðbo dÞ  vceq:½5 failure was by punching (as reported by the researchers)
rather than by flexure. This indicates that clause
where bo is the perimeter of the shear critical section at d/2 cannot be a design tool that prevents punching failure.
from column faces as defined earlier (Fig. 1c). Thus, with Specimen Z-II(6) failed at Vtest less than the one-way shear,
the new option, the shear stress due to an unbalanced mo- Vc–, permitted by clause, combined with Mtest
ment need not be calculated (eq. [2]) and eq. [20] replaces smaller than Mflex. Here again, it is obvious that clause
eq. [1]. This option implies that the unbalanced moment used as explained in the Concrete design handbook
does not produce shear stress that can contribute to punch- cannot be a design criterion that prevents punching shear
ing shear failure; experimental data refuting this concept is failure.
presented by Ritchie et al. (2006). The remaining eight tests failed by punching at Vtest
Table 1 gives published data of 11 corner column–slab greater than Vc– combined with Mtest less than Mflex. It
connections that have reportedly failed by punching; the can be reasoned that the failure by punching occurred be-
shearing force and unbalanced moment at which failure oc- cause clause is not satisfied (eqs. [5] and [20]).
curred, Vtest and Mtest, are listed in the ninth and 11th col- The punching failure can also be attributed to the contribu-
umns, respectively. The tenth column gives the one-way tions of both V and M (eqs. [1] and [2]). Repetition of the
shear strength, Vc13:3:6:2 ¼ vceq:½5 bo d. Specimens Z-II(4) eight tests with Vtest set at a value less than Vc– would
and NH4 were subjected to an unbalanced moment with prove the validity of clause if the failure occurs at
# 2008 NRC Canada
Gayed and Ghali 815

Table 1. Experimental data of corner column–slab connections, failing by punching shear.

fc0 c d bo ave* m Vtest Vc– Mtest Mflex

Source Specimen (MPa) (mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Zaghlool and de Z-I(1) 32.7 178 121 477 1.23 62.2 74 69 27 41
Pavia (1973)
Z-II(1) 33.0 267 121 655 1.23 63.7 138 96 55 74
Z-II(2) 33.4 267 121 655 1.65 85.7 177 96 76 98
Z-II(3) 27.7 267 121 655 2.23 108.6 178 85 82 116
Z-II(4) 30.8 267 121 655 1.23 63.3 0 92 40 48
Z-II(6) 33.6 267 121 655 1.23 62.7 82 97 55 63
Z-III(1) 33.6 356 121 833 1.23 62.4 180 123 75 108
Hammill and NH1 41.5 250 114 614 1.76 88.5 147 95 83 89
Ghali (1994)
NH2 42.2 250 114 614 1.76 88.7 139 96 78 87
NH3 36.4 250 114 614 1.76 86.9 147 89 80 87
NH4 36.9 250 114 614 1.76 87.1 0 89 47 62
Note: Rows in bold type indicate connections that failed by punching at Vtest < Vc–
*ave equals to the average value of the reinforcement ratios: x and y.

Mtest close to or greater than Mflex; however, no such tests and third terms on the right-hand side of the equation
could be found in the published literature. should be interchanged.
The above discussion highlights three tests that challenge (2) Give equations for gv for different shapes of shear criti-
the validity of clause; the authors cannot find ex- cal section encountered in practice.
perimental evidence of its validity. (3) Delete clause
The above revisions will make the calculations of punch-
Finite-element analyses ing shear stresses consistent with the recommendations of
Calibration of the nonlinear finite-element software, ACI 421.1R-99 (ACI Committee 421 1999) that are the ba-
ANACAP (ANATECH 1995), with experimental data has sis of the most used software in the design of punching
shown that the ultimate strength for punching shear of slab– shear reinforcement (DECON 1996). The calculation will
column connections can be predicted by analysis with error give the only correct shear stress distribution that satisfies
varying between –9% and +26% (Megally 1998; Megally clause of CSA A23.3-04 (CSA 2004).
and Ghali 2000). Figure 7 shows a sample of the results for
interior column–slab connections subjected to shearing
force. Clause 2.3: symbols
By using the same software and analyzing similar finite- Revise definitions:
element models, results, shown in Table 2, are obtained for Jx, Jy = d multiplied by the moment of inertia of bo about
three slabs, subjected to constant V combined with unbal- x or y axis [see Eq. (13-9)]
anced moment M of increasing magnitude up to failure; V
is between 45% and 65% of Vc– The calculated unbal- x, y = centroidal principal axes of a critical section (see
Clause 13)
anced moment at failure, Mfail, is given in the 10th column
of Table 2. Mfail is substantially less than Mflex (11th column x, y = coordinates, with respect to the x and y axes, of the
of Table 2), confirming that failure is by punching, not by point where shear stress is being calculated (see Clause 13)
flexure. The numerical examples, presented in Table 2, also
Delete e, b1, b2, and their definitions. Add definitions of
refute clause of CSA A23.3-04 (CSA 2004). There
new symbols:
is no difficulty in conducting additional finite-element analy-
ses varying the geometrical data to reach the same conclusion. lx, ly = projections of the shear critical section on its prin-
cipal centroidal x and y axes (see Clause 13)
Proposed revisions to CSA A23.3-04 Modify clause to read as follows:
The objectives of the revisions to CSA A23.3-04 (CSA The fractions gvx and gvy of the moments transferred by
2004) proposed below are: shear eccentricity about the centroidal principal x and y
axes, respectively, shall be calculated as follows:
(1) To give definitions of the axes x and y and the symbols
Jx and Jy that result in shear stress distribution, satisfying For an interior column:
eq. [12], and eliminate the ambiguity in defining Jx and
Jy. An editorial revision is made: ex and ey are replaced  vx ¼ 1  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð13  8aÞ
by x and y and defined as coordinates having signs, 1 þ ð2=3Þ ly =lx
rather than distances. Note that eq. (13-9) of CSA
A23.3-04 has a printing error; ex and ey in the second
# 2008 NRC Canada
816 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 35, 2008

Fig. 7. Load versus maximum slab deflection of Specimens I-1 and I-2 (Megally 1998), subjected to transfer of shearing force only (from
Megally and Ghali 2000, with permission from ASCE).

Table 2. Results of finite-element analyses of corner column–slab connections.

fc0 c d bo ave m V Vc– Mfail Mflex

Slab (MPa) (mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
C1 25.0 250 119 619 0.56 30.0 37 77 16 28
C2 25.0 250 119 619 0.56 30.0 35 77 18 27
C3 25.0 250 114 614 0.97 45.6 48 74 28 41

1 vf ¼ ½Vf =ðbo dÞ þ ðv Mf =JÞx y

 vy ¼ 1  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð13  8bÞ
1 þ ð2=3Þ lx =ly þ ð v Mf =JÞy x ð13  9Þ

Delete clause

For an edge column, with the x-axis perpendicular to the
free edge:
 vx ¼ ðsame as Eq: 13  8aÞ ð13  8cÞ
Provisions for punching shear design of slab–column con-
nections, given in CSA A23.3-04 (CSA 2004), are critically
1 reviewed and changes are submitted. The proposed changes
 vy ¼ 1  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi simplify the design process, eliminate the ambiguity in
1 þ ð2=3Þ ðlx =ly Þ  0:2
  defining the parameter J, and cover all possible cases fre-
lx quently encountered in practice. Design examples incorpo-
when  0:2; vy ¼ 0:0 ð13  8dÞ
ly rating the revisions are presented. With these revisions, the
Canadian standard A23.3 will become consistent with the
For a corner column, with the y-axis intersecting two free recommendations of ACI 421.1R-99 (ACI Committee 421
edges: 1999).

 vx ¼ 0:40 ð13  8eÞ

 vy ¼ ðsame as Eq: 13  8dÞ ð13  8fÞ This study was funded by a research grant from the Natu-
ral Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada,
Clause should be modified to read: which is gratefully acknowledged.

The factored shear stress, vf, shall be computed from the References
following equation with the factored shear force and un- ACI Committee 318. 2008. Building code requirements for struc-
balanced moments, about the principal centroidal x and y tural concrete and commentary. ACI 318-08 and ACI 318R-08.
axes, obtained from a consistent loading: American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich.
# 2008 NRC Canada
Gayed and Ghali 817

ACI Committee 421. 1999. Shear reinforcement for slabs. ACI bo perimeter length of shear critical section
421.1R-99. American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, b1, b2 widths of the shear critical section in the nonprinci-
Mich. pal directions
c side length of a square column
ANATECH. 1995. Concrete analysis program ANACAP. Version
c1, c2, c3 constants
2.1, User’s Guide. ANATECH Consulting Engineers, San
cx, cy column dimensions in the x and y directions,
Diego, Calif. respectively
ASTM. 2005. Standard specification for steel stud assemblies for cx ; cy column dimensions in the x and y directions,
shear reinforcement of concrete. ASTM standard A1044/ respectively (Fig. 1c)
A1044M-05. American Society for Testing and Materials, West d average of distances from extreme compression
Conshohocken, Pa. fiber to the centroids of the tension reinforcements
Cement Association of Canada. 2004. Concrete design handbook. running in two orthogonal directions
3rd ed. Cement Association of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. da elemental area
CSA. 1994. Design of concrete structures. CSA standard A23.3-94. D, db, th, dimensions of headed stud shear reinforcement, de-
Canadian Standards Association, Rexdale, Ont. tp fined in Fig. 2
CSA. 2004. Design of concrete structures. CSA standard A23.3-04. e, ex, ey symbols defined in CSA A23.3-04 as ‘‘distance(s)
Canadian Standards Association, Mississauga, Ont. from centroid of section for critical shear to point
Decon. 1996. STDESIGN. Version 1.2 for Windows, Design of where shear stress is being calculated’’
punching shear reinforcement. Decon Inc., Brampton, Ont. f ’c specified concrete compressive strength
Dilger, W.H., Dechka, D., and Ghali, A. 2001. Tests on slab- fyv specified yield strength of shear reinforcement
column connections with new shear reinforcement: Decon i, j end points of a typical side
Studrail CS. Report prepared for Decon Inc. J parameter defined by CSA A23.3-04 as ‘‘property
Elgabry, A.A., and Ghali, A. 1996. Moment transfer by shear in slab- of the shear critical section analogous to polar mo-
column connections. ACI Structural Journal, 93(2): 187–196. ment of inertia’’
Jx, Jy d multiplied by the moment of inertia of bo about
Gayed, R.B., and Ghali, A. 2008a. Unbalanced moment resistance
the centroidal principal x or y axis
in slab—column connections: analytical assessment. Journal of
Jy,CDH value of the parameter J for a closed rectangle as
Structural Engineering, 134(5): 859–864. doi:10.1061/(ASCE) given by the Concrete design handbook
0733-9445(2008)134:5(859). Jy;CDH value of the parameter J for the shear critical sec-
Gayed, R.B., and Ghali, A. 2008b. Seismic design of concrete slabs tion at d/2 from the faces of a corner column as gi-
for punching shear: a critical review of Canadian standard ven by the Concrete design handbook
A23.3-04. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 35(6): 588– lij length of a typical side ij
599. doi:10.1139/L07-130. lsh distance from the column face to outermost periph-
Hammill, N., and Ghali, A. 1994. Punching shear resistance of cor- eral line of shear reinforcement
ner slab-column connections. ACI Structural Journal, 91(6): lx, ly projections of shear critical section on the centroi-
697–707. dal principal x and y axes of the shear critical sec-
Hanson, N.W., and Hanson, J.M. 1968. Shear and moment transfer tion, respectively
between concrete slabs and columns. Journal of PCA Research m flexural moment resistance per unit width of the
and Development Laboratories, 10(1): 2–16. slab
Mast, P.E. 1970a. Stresses in flat plates near columns. ACI Struc- M unbalanced moment
tural Journal, 67(10): 761–768. Mf factored unbalanced moment transferred between
Mast, P.E. 1970b. Plate stresses at columns near the free edge. ACI slab and column
Structural Journal, 67(11): 898–902. Mfail value calculated by finite element analysis for the
Megally, S.H. 1998. Punching strength of reinforced concrete slabs unbalanced moment at failure
to gravity and earthquake loading. Ph.D. dissertation, University Mflex unbalanced moment that can produce a yield line
fracture pattern
of Calgary, Calgary, Alta.
Mfx, Mfy factored unbalanced moment about centroidal prin-
Megally, S., and Ghali, A. 2000. Punching of concrete slabs due to
cipal x and y axes, respectively
column moment transfer. Journal of Structural Engineering, Mfx ; Mfy factored unbalanced moments about the centroidal
126(2): 180–189. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(2000) nonprincipal x and y axes, respectively
126:2(180). Mtest unbalanced moment at which failure occurred in a
Moe, J. 1961. Shearing strength of reinforced concrete slabs and physical test
footings under concentrated loads. Development Department s spacing between peripheral lines of shear reinforce-
Bulletin D47 (April). Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Ill. ment
Ritchie, M.H., Ghali, A., Dilger, W.H., and Gayed, R.B. 2006. Un- s0 distance between column face and first peripheral
balanced moment resistance by shear in slab-column connec- line of shear reinforcement
tions: experimental assessment. ACI Structural Journal, 103(1): vc shear strength (in stress units) provided by concrete
74–82. in absence of shear reinforcement
Zaghlool, E.R.F., and de Pavia, H.A.R. 1973. Tests of flat-plate vc–eq.[5] factored shear resistance permitted by CSA A23.3-
corner column-slab connections. Journal of the Structural Divi- 04 at the shear critical section at d/2 from the faces
sion, 99(3): 551–572. of a corner column
vcs shear strength (in stress units) provided by concrete
in presence of shear reinforcement
List of symbols vf factored shear stress
vr factored shear stress resistance
Av cross-sectional area of vertical shear reinforcement vs shear stress resistance, provided by shear reinforce-
on one peripheral line, parallel to the column peri- ment
meter V shearing force

# 2008 NRC Canada

818 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 35, 2008

Vc– shear strength provided by concrete in absence of

shear reinforcement, according to CSA A23.3-04 ½A5 Jy ¼ d x dl ; Jx ¼ d y2 dl
Vf factored shear force
Vtest shearing force at failure in a physical test
Substitution of eq. [A4] in eq. [11] gives eq. [2]. From the
x, y centroidal principal axes or coordinates of points at above derivation it can be seen that eq. [2], adopted in CSA
which shear stress is calculated A23.3-04 (CSA 2004), applies only when x and y are the
x; y centroidal nonprincipal axes or coordinates of centroidal principal axes and when Jy and Jx are defined by
points at which shear stress is calculated eq. [A5]. Whereas there are infinite pairs of centroidal or-
xO coordinate of the column’s centroid relative to the thogonal axes x andR y, only the principal axes, x and y, sat-
centroidal principal axes of the shear critical section isfy the equation xydl ¼ 0.
a distance of the shear critical section from the col-
umn face divided by d
as, b, bc empirical coefficients given in clause 13 of CSA Determination of principal axes
A23.3-04 Figure 1c is an example of a shear critical section for
v fraction of unbalanced moment transferred by shear which the principal centroidal axes, x and y, are not parallel
eccentricity to the directions x and y of the column sides. The principal
 vx,  vy fraction of unbalanced moment transferred by ec- axis x or y makes an angle q, measured in clockwise direc-
centricity of shear at slab–column connection tion from the x or y axis and is given by:
 vx ; vy fraction of unbalanced moment transferred by ec-
centricity of shear at slab–column connection (with 2Jxy
the use of centroidal nonprincipal x and y axes, re- ½A6 tan 2 ¼
Jx  Jy
spectively, according to CSA A23.3-04)
 concrete density factor where Jxy is equal to d multiplied by the product of inertia
rave average value of the top reinforcement ratios rx and of the perimeter of the shear critical section about the x and
rx, ry top reinforcement ratios in x and y directions, re-
y axes.
spectively Z
c, s resistance factors for concrete and nonprestressed ½A7 Jxy ¼ d xydl
reinforcement, respectively
For a general shear critical section, having a polygonal
½A8 Jxy ¼ ðd=6Þ lij ð2x i y i þ x i y j þ x j y i þ 2 x j y j Þ
Appendix A. Principal axes
This appendix derives eq. [2] from eq. [11] with x and y where lij, ðx i ; y i Þ, and ðx j ; y j Þ are the length and the coordi-
being the principal axes and Jx and Jy equal to d multiplied nates of the ends of a typical side ij, respectively. Jx and Jy ,
by the moment of inertia of bo about the x- and y-axis, re- in eq. [A6], are second moments of area of the shear critical
spectively. Substitution of eq. [11] in eq. [12] gives: section about the centroidal nonprincipal axes x and y, re-
Z Z Z spectively (eq. [13], substituting x and y for x and y). The
½A1 Vf ¼ c1 da þ c2 xda þ c3 yda coordinates (x, y) of any point are related to the coordinates
ðx; yÞ by:
Z Z Z ½A9 x ¼ x cos þ y sin; y ¼ x sin þ y cos
½A2  vy Mfy ¼ c1 xda þ c2 x 2 da þ c3 xyda
CSA. 2004. Design of concrete structures. CSA standard A23.3-04.
½A3  vx Mfx ¼ c1 yda þ c2 xyda þ c3 y 2 da
Canadian Standards Association, Mississauga, Ont.

where da is an elemental area equal to (dl)d and dl is an

elemental length of the critical section perimeter; thus, A1. List of symbols
da ¼R bo d. Because
R x and y are centroidal axes, the inte-
bo perimeter length of shear critical section
grals xdl and ydl are nil. Furthermore, when xRand y co-
c1, c2, c3 constants
incide with the centroidal principal axes x and y, xydl ¼ 0 d average of distances from extreme compression fi-
and eqs. [A1] to [A3] become: ber to the centroids of the tension reinforcements
running in two orthogonal directions
c1 ¼ Vf =ðbo dÞ
da elemental area
dl elemental length
½A4 c2 ¼  vy Mfy =Jy i, j end points of a typical side
Jx, Jy d multiplied by the moment of inertia of bo about
c3 ¼  vx Mfx =Jx the centroidal principal x or y axis
Jx ; Jy second moments of area of the shear critical section
with Jy and Jx defined as: about the centroidal nonprincipal axes x and y, re-

# 2008 NRC Canada

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Jxy d multiplied by the product of inertia of the peri- Fig. B1. Corner column–slab connections in tests and in analyses
meter of the shear critical section about the x and y referred to in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
l length
lij length of a typical side ij
Mfx, Mfy factored unbalanced moment about centroidal prin-
cipal x and y axes, respectively
Mfx ; Mfy factored unbalanced moments about the centroidal
nonprincipal x and y axes, respectively
Vf factored shear force
x, y centroidal principal axes or coordinates of points at
which shear stress is calculated
x; y centroidal nonprincipal axes or coordinates of
points at which shear stress is calculated
(x i ; y i ), coordinates of the ends of a typical side ij
(x j ; y j )
q angle measured in clockwise direction from the x or
y axis to the principal axis x or y
 vx,  vy fraction of unbalanced moment transferred by shear
eccentricity about the centroidal principal x or y
axis, respectively
 vx ; vy fraction of unbalanced moment transferred by ec-
centricity of shear at slab–column connection (with value of flexural resistance of the slab, m, is based either on
the use of centroidal nonprincipal x and y axes, re- the measured strength of concrete and yield stress of steel
spectively, according to CSA A23.3-04) reported by the researchers in Table 1 or on nominal
strength values for the concrete and steel, assumed for the
Appendix B. Yield line analysis analyses in Table 2. The value of V substituted into eq.
The data presented in Tables 1 and 2 are, respectively, for [B1] is either equal to Vtest (ninth column of Table 1) or the
experiments and analyses of reinforced concrete slabs con- value of V listed in the eighth column of Table 2. Equation
nected to square columns of side c. The column transfers to [B1] gives the value of the unbalanced moment to be ex-
the slab an upward force V combined with unbalanced mo- pected had the failure been by flexure.
ment M (Fig. B1). The yield line analysis is used to calcu-
late the value of the unbalanced moment Mflex that would B1. List of symbols
produce failure by flexure in presence of a force V of a
given magnitude. The top reinforcement ratios, x and y, in c side length of a square column
two orthogonal directions provide approximately equal mo- m flexural moment resistance per unit width of the
ment resistance, m, for the slab. With these conditions, it slab
can be shown that the failure pattern that corresponds to the M unbalanced moment
Mflex unbalanced moment that would produce failure by
smallest value of Mflex is simply a straight line AB, shown
flexure in presence of a shearing force V of a given
in Fig. B1; the corresponding Mflex is given by: magnitude
pffiffiffi Vc V shearing force
½B1 Mflex ¼ 2 2 mc þ pffiffiffi Vtest shearing force at failure in a physical test
2 rx, ry top reinforcement ratios in x and y directions, re-
This equation is used to calculate the values in the 12th
column of Table 1 and in the 11th column of Table 2; the

# 2008 NRC Canada

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