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Guide for CICSVK5 profile

Revision history
Version Date Description Author

1. CREATING PROFILE IN CICSVK5 .............................................................................. 3

2. ADDING TRANSACTIONS ................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

3. IDEA ............................................................................................................................. 6

4. MERITOR USERS ........................................................................................................ 7

1. Creating profile in CICSVK5

When creating the profile in CICS VK5 first of all check if the user has V2 account (in UDB
), if not, the account should be created.

When we create ACF2 account we should always copy the account from copy model or
user's manager. Please be careful while adding department number (it should contain
only 5 numbers from VCD and not letters).

CICSVK5 should be accessible through your SESAM menu, if not ask someone to add it
for you. When you enter the application, on the first screen you need to put 97 in the
Ange meny field:


On the next screen you can list the user by putting the ID in the field at the bottom as
show on the screenshot.
If the user is not found, you should fill in three fields at the top and press enter:

 ANVÄNDARKOD – which is user’s ID

 Avdnr – CostCentre (take from VCD) or from copy model
 Namn – should be user’s name and last name



To add transactions for a new user we should go to transaction YB09. It can be done by
putting YB09 in the VAL field. IT will take us to the screen where we can copy
transactions from source to the new user. Usually we copy transactions from user’s
manager but it can be also done by putting KMA**** (where **** is 4-digit number of
user’s department, usually beginning with 7) in the proper field.

Ange frĺn Användare – means “copy from”

till Användare - means “copy to”
Last step: IDEA

Sometimes if user receives error “?” we have to check if IDEAL index has been created
and recreate it if it doesn’t exist. To check it we should put IDEA in the VAL field.

It will take us to the screen where, on the top, we should enter: dis index user ID (where
Id is ID of the user).

If the result is different than below (if there is no ID) we should delete the profile and
create it again to recreate the IDEAL index.

To return from the choice, type: run pmeny on the top row.
3. Adding transactions
 This screen isn’t for MERITORS USERS
To check if the user has any transactions added we should enter transaction YX99. In
order to do so please type YX99 in the VAL field as shown below. This will take us to next
screen with the list of transactions.

4. Meritor users (case sent via ITSM/ SNOW)

Exemple of the cases received via ITSM:

When we receive ITSM case from Henriksson, Yvonne
<>: we should create the new account for Meritor
user with CICS VK5 profile. Sometimes the user is already created, we just should
look for him in UDB and reactive the account.

Meritor users have prefix XM* and should be created from loop. To do so, go to UDB, put
the id of copy model in: Security –ID, press enter and put C (as copy) under “action” line

On the next screen choose 2

and put XM in the Prefix field. Press enter

Type S in front of only option available. Press enter

On the next screen press F5 to generate new ID.

Copy the ID and go back to UDB. To do it press F3 and create the account the usual way.
The only difference is that in Address field we should put the number that Meritor
provides for its users. We leave the letter “T” in address field and we add the numbers
from the request.

We should add the information in the field below:

Employenumber. . . . -it’s the id without the first letter, ex for id: bpl3870- it will be pl3870
Last name. . . . . -we take the information from the request
First name . . . . -we take the information from the request
Address. . . . . . . – we leave “T” letter and we add the number from the request

We press enter. On the next screen we put the security id that we generated from the loop

On the next screen press enter :

And on the last screen put the password: in “new password” and verify
Press F8 to check if CICS parameter is added:

End press enter.

The last step to do is to change the name in UDB.

Go to UDB and type TSO ACF in command line:

Put the letter l as list and add the id after space + enter
L BPL3870

Type the command: cha id name(Barbara Pilczuk) + enter

Cha bpl3870 name(Barbara Pilczuk) + enter

!!! When the request is completed, we send the e-mail with the password and id to:
Henriksson, Yvonne


1. Put the end date in UDB (V2 ) on user’s account. To do it, we search user in
UDB, we paste user’s id in “Security-id” field. In “action” we put “u” and enter

And we put the stop date as in on the screen below and “enter”:

2. Remove the access in CICSVK5- put the letter “B” in BK: and press enter.

Technical issue with CICSVK5:

CONTACT: Melin Ewa, Nilsson Stefan (b)

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