Behavior Guidance DB 4

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Toddler CLASS

Note Taking Guide

Megan Grable
February 4, 2020

Week 4 Videos

Toddler CLASS Dimension: Behavior Guidance

Proactive Supporting Positive Behavior Problem Behavior
Behavioral Marker Example from Behavioral Marker Example from Behavioral Marker Example from
Video Video Video
Actively monitors “you going to go Reinform Repeated Child responsibility Acknowledge
children’s behavior down that one?” expectations children who are
rewarding him for several times in a cleaning, “Cecily is
making a good clear calm voice. cleaning up, way to
choice. Modeled how to go go Cecily and
up stairs and go Abdullah”
down slide.
Communicates “you got to use the “Goes with the Made the taking of Support of self- Child is expected to
clear expectations stairs or the ladder flow” th3 costume off fun care hang up costume
and then you can for the child, himself.
go down the slide.” helping him out of Acknowledges
superman costume children who are
for him to hang up. making correct
choices, “Anya
found her spot,
Christian is looking
for his chair.”
Children Children knew how Adjusts pacing for Acknowledge Materials Allowed him to
demonstrate to clean up, they individual children which child needed accessible select which slide
understood the more support in he went down.

Developed for Brandman University based on Teachstone (2012). Toddler CLASS Dimensions Guide. Charlottesville, VA: Author
Toddler CLASS
Note Taking Guide
awareness of routines when the remving the Clothespins up in
expectations teacher talked superman costume the room for
about it. and walked over to costumes to be
Other child knew to the area with him. hung on.
go up the stairs and
down the slide.
Peer perspective- “Alicia and I are
taking going down this
slide. Right Alicia?”

I watched the videos “Feedback in the Classroom” and “Redirecting Behavior Outside”. In the video “redirecting behavior
outside” we see the teacher letting the child know the expectation of him going up the stairs and down the slide. She then took
the time to model this expectation for the child. This is an example of Modeling Appropriate Behavior “When you are able to
demonstrate positive behaviors, it reinforces children’s understanding of acceptable ways to behave.” (CLASS, pp. 13) In the
video “Feedback in the Classroom,” we see the teacher adapting the way she guides the children’s behaviors based on where
they are developmental. She supported a child who needed extra support to take off his costume. This is supported by the CLASS
Dimensions Guide, “By better understanding how a child’s behavior may be related to her stage of development, you can
respond in positive ways.” (CLASS, pp. 13) In the CDE under the Relationships, Interactions, and Guidance, topic; appropriate
expectations for behavior, we see how the competency context is, “Relies on knowledge of child development to respond
individually to children, considering each child’s age, temperament, language, communication skills, culture, interests, and
abilities.” (CA ECE, pp. 35) By being able to change the way the children are asked to do a task based on their level of
development, the teacher was more successful at obtaining the child’s cooperation. In both video’s we see indicators for the
teacher noticing other children and praising them for their positive behaviors, whether it is the little girl going down the slide with
the teacher or the children’s cleaning up toys and being able to “feed dubs.”

California's early childhood educator competencies. (2011). Sacramento, CA: California Department of Education/Child Development
Division & First 5 California. Retrieved from

Developed for Brandman University based on Teachstone (2012). Toddler CLASS Dimensions Guide. Charlottesville, VA: Author

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