Progress Report

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Dear Miss Enger,

Thus far my project has not been going according to plan. I have fallen behind on my deadlines by a few
days and still need to begin the writing process. Other classes have taken more time out of my schedule
that I had planned them to take and have given me less time to begin writing. It has been a little more
difficult that I had thought it would be too. Writing the description of my website can be a very tedious
and drawn out process. I have found it to be somewhat challenging to put my ideas into words and put
forth my ideas as I have them pictured in my head as to how they will work. With all of these setbacks
and challenges, I have begun to devise a plan to help me get back onto schedule and accomplish my
initial project.

My plan to get back onto schedule will require me to be very dedicated for basically a whole weekend
but will essentially give me the time I need to get it done. I will have to set aside this time this weekend,
November 26-28, to get all of the writing and editing steps that it takes to create a work of art. As for
the setbacks with my other classes, I will just have to set aside more time for my English 320 assignment
to get it done and become a more studious pupil. But, with all of these setbacks, I have accomplished
the critiquing process of other tutoring websites.

While searching the web I had come across other websites that had the same idea as myself. Some had
many of the qualities that I had desired in a tutoring website, but none had exactly what I was looking
for. So I had only takes some qualities from certain websites and adopted them to what I plan on
creating, or at least explaining for this project. There were many ideas that I had taken from those web
pages to make my ideas that much better for the student in need, but I still had some new ideas of my
own. Ideas of which will be explained in my report and be explained in more detail.

Other work that needs to be done would consist of the basic writing and critiquing. Other than that I
have done almost all of which I need to do to accomplish this project. It has taken me a little more time
than anticipated, but is slowing coming along. It normally takes me longer to write papers that I initially
think so I give myself a little more than usual.

Overall, I have fallen behind on my project but have devised a plan to get back on track and accomplish
the intended goal. It has brought about more difficulties that I had intended but are ones that I am able
to work through with a little persistence and hard work. What I have accomplished is my research and
ideas that I want to include in my potential website. With those being said I feel confident that I will be
able to get this project done by the required deadline and turn it in with the others.

Drew Berens

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