Drugs Ni Liver Cirrhosis

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Drug Name Mechanism of Action Indication and Side effect and Adverse Nursing Considerations and

Contraindication Effect Action

Lactulose Increases water content and Adjunct in the management of GI: belching, cramps, Assessment
softens the stool. Lowers portal-systemic (hepatic) distention, flatulence, ● Assess patient for
Classification the pH of the colon, which encephalopathy (PSE). diarrhea. abdominal distention,
Therapeutic: Laxatives inhibits the diffusion of Endo: hyperglycemia presence of bowel sounds, and
Pharmacologic: Osmotic ammonia from the colon into Contraindicated in: (diabetic patients) normal pattern of bowel
the blood, thereby reducing Use Cautiously in: OB, function.
Dosage and Route: Blood ammonia levels. Lactation: Safety not ● Assess color, consistency,
(Adults): 15–30 mL/day up to established. and amount of stool produced.
60 mL/day as liquid Therapeutic Effects: ● PSE: Assess mental status
Doctor’s Order Decreased blood ammonia (orientation, level of
LD of Lactulose 300ml in levels with consciousness) before and
700mL PNSS q 4hrs then improved mental status in periodically throughout
maintenance dose of 30mL PSE. Course of therapy.
daily. ● Lab Test Considerations:
Pregnancy category: B blood ammonia
Concentrations by 25–50%.
● May cause blood glucose
levels in diabetic patients.
● Monitor serum electrolytes
periodically when used
Chronically. May cause
diarrhea with resulting
hypokalemia and
● When used in hepatic
encephalopathy, adjust dose
until patient averages 2–3 soft
bowel movements
per day. During initial
therapy, 30–45 mL may be
given hourly to induce rapid
● Darkening of solution does
not alter potency.
● PO: Mix with fruit juice,
water, milk, or carbonated
citrus beverage to improve
flavor. Administer with a
full glass (240 mL) of water
or juice. May be administered
on an empty stomach for more
rapid results.
● Dissolve single dose
packets (Kristalose) in 4 oz of
water. Solution should be
colorless to slightly pale
Caution patients that this
medication may cause
belching, flatulence, or
abdominal cramping.
Health care professional
should be notified if this
becomes bothersome or if
diarrhea occurs.
Drug Name Mechanism of Action Indication and Side effect and Adverse Nursing Considerations and
Contraindication Effect Action
Rifaximin Inhibits bacterial RNA Reduction SIDE EFFECTS BASELINE ASSESSMENT
synthesis by binding of risk for recurrence of Occasional (11%–5%):  Check baseline hydration
to a subunit of bacterial overt hepatic Flatulence, headache, status: skin turgor, mucous
Classification DNA-dependent encephalopathy. OFF- abdominal discomfort, membranes for dryness,
PHARMACOTHERAPEUTIC: RNA polymerase. LABEL: Treatment of rectal tenesmus, defecation urinary status.
Antiinfective. Therapeutic Effect: hepatic encephalopathy. urgency, nausea. Rare (4%–  Assess stool frequency,
CLINICAL: Site-specific Bactericidal. 2%): Constipation, fever, consistency.
antibiotic. Contraindications: vomiting. INTERVENTION/EVALUATION
Hypersensitivity to ADVERSE EFFECTS/  Encourage adequate fluid
Dosage and Route: other rifamycin antibiotics. TOXIC REACTIONS intake.
PO: ADULTS, ELDERLY: Cautions: Hypersensitivity reaction,  Assess bowel sounds for
550 mg 2 times/ Severe hepatic impairment. superinfection peristalsis.
day occur rarely  Monitor daily pattern of bowel
activity, stool consistency.
Doctor’s Order  Assess for GI disturbances,
Rifaximin 550mg PO q 12hrs blood in stool.
Pregnancy category: C • Report if diarrhea worsens or if
occurs in stool, fever develops
48 hrs

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