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This article is about the food. For other uses, see Pancake (disambiguation).
"Griddle cake" redirects here. For the Irish style bread, see Soda bread.

Scottish pancake and fruit crumpet

Crêpe opened

A    is a thin, flat cake prepared from a batter and cooked on a hot griddle or frying
pan. Most pancakes are quick breads; some use a yeast-raised or fermented batter. Most
pancakes are cooked one side on a griddle and flipped partway through to cook the other
side. Depending on the region, pancakes may be served at any time, with a variety of
toppings or fillings including jam, fruit, syrup or meat.

Archaeological evidence suggests that varieties of pancakes are probably the earliest and
most widespread types of cereal food eaten in prehistoric societies whereby dry
carbohydrate-rich seed flours mixed with the available protein-rich liquids, usually milk
and eggs, were baked on hot stones or in shallow earthenware pots over an open fire to
form a nutritious and highly palatable foodstuff.[1]

In the medieval and modern Christian period, especially in Britain, pancakes were made to
use up store items prior to the period of Lent fasting beginning on Shrovetide.
The pancake's shape and structure varies worldwide. There are numerous variations of them
throughout Europe. A crêpe is a French variety of thin pancake cooked on one or both sides
in a special crepe pan to achieve a network of fine bubbles often compared to lace - a
savory variety made from buckwheat is usually known as a galette. In Germany, pancakes
can be made from potatoes. In Italy they can be fried and stuffed with ricotta and chocolate
into what is known as a cannoli.[2]


OY 1 Etymology
OY 2 Regional varieties
mY 2.1 United Kingdom
mY 2.2 North America
mY 2.3 Asia
mY 2.4 Australia
mY 2.5 Northern Europe
mY 2.6 Central and Eastern Europe
mY 2.7 Africa
OY 3 Pancake restaurant chains
OY 4 Pancake Day
OY 5 Pancake breakfast
OY 6 See also
OY 7 References
mY 7.1 Notes
mY 7.2 Further reading
OY  External links

The Middle English word c   appears in an English culinary manuscript from



English pancakes have three key ingredients: plain flour, eggs, and milk. The batter is
runny and forms a thin layer on the bottom of the frying pan when the pan is tilted. It may
form some bubbles during cooking, which results in a pale pancake with dark spots where
the bubbles were, but the pancake does not rise. English pancakes are similar to French
crêpes, and Italian crespelle, but are not "lacy" in appearance. They may be eaten as a sweet
dessert with the traditional topping of lemon juice and sugar, drizzled with golden syrup, or
wrapped around savory stuffings and eaten as a main course. Yorkshire pudding is made
from a similar recipe, but baked instead of fried. This batter rises because the air beaten into
the batter expands, without the need for baking powder; the result is eaten as part of the
traditional roast beef dinner. Oatcakes are a savory variety of pancake particularly
associated with Staffordshire.

    are more like the American type and are served as such. In Scotland they
are also referred to as a  or a a.[5][6][7] They are made from flour,
eggs, sugar, buttermilk or milk, salt, bicarbonate of soda and cream of tartar.[5][6][7] Smaller
than American or English pancakes at about 3.5 in / 9 cm in diameter, they are made by the
traditional method of dropping batter onto a griddle (a  a in Northumberland or in
Scots). They can be served with jam and cream or just with butter. In Scotland pancakes are
generally served at teatime.

›   (known as  ,   and other names) vary considerably. Some are
very much like American pancakes, others may be made with yeast (called   )
or oatmeal (although this is also true of American pancakes) and some are like Scotch

= and 
 are sometimes considered a variety of pancake.


North Americans sometimes garnish pancakes with fruits like banana.

Raspberry chocolate chip pancakes from Vermont.

Stacks of "silver dollar" pancakes.

American or Canadian pancakes (sometimes called   , 

 , or    in
the U.S.) are pancakes which contain a raising agent such as baking powder; proportions of
eggs, flour, and milk or buttermilk create a thick batter. Many recipes remind the reader
that the ingredients should be mixed until they are just combined, even if lumps remain, as
the lumps will smoothen out during the cooking process.[10][11] Sugar and spices such as
cinnamon, vanilla and nutmeg are sometimes added. The pancakes can be made sweet or
savory by adding ingredients such as blueberries, strawberries, cheese, bacon, bananas,
apples or chocolate chips to the batter. This batter is ladled or poured onto a hot surface,
and spreads to form a circle about ¼ or ѿ inch (1 cm) thick. The raising agent causes
bubbles to rise to the uncooked side, before the pancake is flipped. These pancakes, very
light in texture, are usually served at breakfast topped with maple syrup, butter, peanut
butter, jelly, jam, fruit and/or honey. Some places also serve pancakes with whipped cream.
In the Southern United States, cane syrup and molasses have also been common toppings.
Some pancake recipes call for yogurt to give the pancakes a semi-thick, relatively moist

Johnny Cakes made in Rhode Island from Kenyon's Corn Meal

    (also spelled "   ,"    , and "   ") or   
 is a cornmeal flatbread that was an early American staple food, and is still eaten in
the West Indies and Bermuda.[12] The modern johnnycake is stereotypically identified with
today's Rhode Island foods, though jonnycakes are a cultural staple in all of the northern
US.[13] A modern jonnycake is fried cornmeal gruel, which is made from yellow or white
cornmeal mixed with salt and hot water or milk, and frequently lightly sweetened.
 are a Dominican Republic version of the jonnycake. They are a
fried bread rather than a pancake and are a popular beach food.[14][15]

Sourdough was used by prospectors and pioneers to make sourdough pancakes without
having to buy yeast. Prospectors would carry a pot of sourdough to make pancakes and
bread as it could last indefinitely, needing only flour and water to replenish it.[16]
Sourdough pancakes are now a particular speciality in Alaska.[17]

A    is a thick small pancake, generally around 10 cm in diameter. Flapjacks are

often served in a stack with syrup and butter, which can be accompanied by bacon. The
terms pancake and flapjack are often confused and today in the US are nearly synonymous.
The Oxford English Dictionary records the word flapjack as being used as early as the
beginning of the 17th century, referring to a flat tart or pan-cake. Shakespeare refers to
pancakes in ï
  a  and to flap-jacks in c c   :[1]

"Come, thou shant go home, and we'll have flesh for holidays, fish for fasting-days,
and moreo'er puddings and flap-jacks, and thou shalt be welcome."
Act II Scene I

The word elements:   meaning a tossed mixture and  , an uncertain word suggesting
a variety, imply any ingredients could be called a flapjack.

     refers to a pancake about two to three inches (5 to 7 cm) in
diameter, or just a bit bigger than the pre-1979 silver dollar coins in the United States, for
which they are named. It is usually made by frying a small spoonful of the same batter as
any other pancake. One serving is usually five to ten silver dollar pancakes.

 c   or      served in American pancake houses are
bowl-shaped. They are eaten with lemons and powdered sugar, jam, or caramelized apples,
as well as fritters.

    are similar to US pancakes. Hotcakes are often made with cornmeal ²
as well as, or instead of wheat flour. Hotcakes are popular breakfast items at restaurants
throughout the country, and are often sold by street vendors in cities and during the local
celebrations of towns through the day; the vendors sell a single hotcake topped with
different sauces such as condensed milk, fruit jam or a sweet goat milk spread called


Dosa, prepared and served at a restaurant in India.

^  , an Indian style pancake with Sambhar.

 , a style of Vietnamese pancakes.

In India the c (sometimes called = ) is a pancake. They can be made either sweet
or salty and are of different thicknesses in different places. They are made in a frying pan
and are of a similar batter as their European counterpart

Dosa, Appam, Neer dosa and Uttapam could be said to be another Indian pancakes. They
are prepared by fermenting rice batter and split skinned urad bean (black lentil) blended
with water. What Punjabis call a  ca which are a common breakfast food item in
the Punjab. It is a sweet pancake which can be eaten with pickles and chutney. Most of the
pithas in Assam are type of pancakes served on occasions such as Bihu.

Chinese pancakes may be either savory or sweet, and are generally made with dough rather
than batter.

In Malaysia and Singapore, a pancake-like snack known as Apam Balik or Apom Balik(in
Malay) or Ban Chian Kuih (*  in Chinese). The Chinese version is made with a
filling, traditionally ground peanut with sugar, butter and additional condiments such as
sweetened coconut or egg. Increasingly non-traditional condiments such as cheese, kaya
(egg and coconut milk custard), blueberry or chocolate are used in variations. There are
other variations, such as those made with soya bean milk replacing egg and water. The
Malay version (Apom Balik) frequently has sweet corn and condensed milk as filling.

In the Philippines, pancakes or "hotcakes" are also served with syrup (maple or imitation
corn syrup) margarine and sugar or condensed milk. They are served for breakfast, but
there are roving street stalls that sell smaller hotcakes topped with margarine and sugar as
an afternoon snack. In Vietnamese cuisine there is a variety of traditional pancakes; these
include !  and !   in southern Vietnam, and !   and !   in
central Vietnam. In Nepal, the Newar have a savory rice pancake called     cooked
with meat or eggs on top. The Indonesian pancake serabi is made from rice flour and
coconut milk. In Korea, pancakes include ,  , !a ,  , and

Banana pancakes are a menu item in Western-oriented backpackers' cafes in Asian

countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, India, and China. This has elicited the term    
c   .


In Australia and New Zealand, small pancakes (about 75mm in diameter), known as

 are also eaten. They are traditionally served with jam and/or whipped cream, or
solely with butter, at afternoon tea. However, they are also common at morning tea. They
are made with milk, self-raising flour, eggs and a small amount of icing sugar.

In some circles in New Zealand, very thin, crêpe-like or UK pancake-like pancakes (around
20 cm in diameter), are known as "flapjacks". This may refer to their thinness, making them
more likely to "flap". They are traditionally served with butter, or butter and lemon,
possibly something sweet, and then rolled up and eaten.

American style pancakes are also popular in Australasia. They are eaten for breakfast or as
a dessert, with lemon juice and sugar, butter and maple syrup, stewed fruits such as
strawberries and cream, ice cream or mascarpone.

Pannekoek with bacon and Gouda cheese

Swedish pancakes


c  , Slovak pancakes

French ", popular in France, Canada, and Brazil (where they may be called pancakes
or crêpes) are made from flour, milk, and eggs. They are thin and are usually served with a
large amount of sweet or savory filling, ranging from fruit or ice cream, to seafood (in
Brazil, most usually ground meat).
A    is a large thin pancake made of buckwheat flour, mostly associated with
the regions of Normandy and Brittany in France. It is often cooked on one side only.

German pancakes are called c  (c  and

  meaning 'pan' and 'cake').
In some regions (Berlin, Brandenburg, Saxonia) pancakes are called    , as the
term c    refers to Berliners there. In Swabia sliced pancake strips ( a) are
often served in soup. A Berliner Pfannkuchen is not a pancake; it is a doughnut.

In the Netherlands and Flanders, pancakes are called pannenkoeken and eaten at
dinnertime. Pancake restaurants are popular family restaurants and serve many varieties of
sweet, savory, and stuffed pancakes. Pannekoeken are slightly thicker than crêpes and
usually quite large (12" or more) in diameter. The batter is egg-based and the fillings can
include sliced apples, cheese, ham, bacon, candied ginger and many other ingredients ²
alone or in combination ² as well as "stroop" (molasses), a thick sugar syrup. One
classical Dutch filling is a combination of bacon and stroop.

Poffertjes are another Dutch pancake-type dish. They resemble American pancakes
somewhat, but are sweeter, and much smaller. The require a specially dimpled pan,
preferably in copper. The technique used also varies; they are flipped repeatedly before a
side is completely done, in order to attain a softer interior.

Scandinavian pancakes are similar to the French crêpes. They are served with jam and
whipped cream or ice cream as a main dish with a variety of savory fillings. Traditional
Swedish variations can be exotic. Beside the usual thin pancakes, called pannkakor, which
resembles the French crêpes and are eaten on Thursdays with pea soup, the Swedish cuisine
has  which resemble tiny English pancakes, and are fried several at a time in a
special pan. Others resemble German pancakes but include fried pork in the batter; these
are baked in the oven. Potato pancakes called   contain shredded raw potato, and
may contain other vegetables (sometimes the pancake batter is omitted, producing   ).
   and   are traditionally eaten with pork rinds and lingonberry jam. A
special Swedish pancake is      from Gotland, made with saffron and rice,
baked in the oven. The Norwegian variety is commonly eaten as a supper meal, with brown
cheese, jam or sugar and butter. The Icelandic pancake is very similar to a traditional
Scandinavian one but is served differently. The pancakes are usually a bit browner than the
traditional Swedish one and rolled up in usually sugar or cream.

Another special ``Swedish pancake´´ is the äggakaka (eggcake), also called skånsk
äggakaka (scanian eggcake),it is almost like an ordinary Swedish pancake but it's a lot
thicker and also a lot more difficult to make due to the risk of burning it. It's made in a
fryingpan and is about 1½ to 2 inches thick and is served with lingonberries and bacon.

Finnish pancakes greatly resemble "Plättar" and are called "Lettu". In Finland pancakes are
usually eaten as a light supper with whipped cream and pancake-jam, sugar or vanilla ice-

In Austria, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia pancakes are called palatschinken, palačinka,
and palacinka, respectively (plurals palatschinken, palačinky, palacinky). In Romania they
are called clătită (plural clătite). In countries of former Yugoslavia (Slovenia, Serbia,
Croatia, Macedonia, and Bosnia) they are called palačinka (plural palačinke). In these
languages, the word derives from Latin   , meaning cake. These pancakes are thin
and filled with apricot, plum, lingonberry, strawberry or apple jam, chocolate sauce or
hazelnut spread. Kaiserschmarrn is an Austrian pancake including raisins, almonds, apple
jam or small pieces of apple, split into pieces and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Home-made    filled with sweet white cheese (Poland)


In Hungary, pancakes called palacsinta (also derived from Latin   or Slavic
"placka") are made from flour, milk or soda water, sugar and eggs. Sweet wine is added to
the batter. The filling is usually jam, sugared and ground walnuts or poppy seeds, sugared
cottage cheese, sugared cocoa or cinnamon powder, but ± especially in hortobágyi
palacsinta ± meat and mushroom fillings are also used. Gundel palacsinta is an Hungarian
pancake, stuffed with walnuts, zest, raisins and rum, served in chocolate sauce. The dish is
often flambéed. Hungarian pancakes are served as a main dish or as a dessert.

In Poland, thin crêpe-style pancakes are called    (pronounced   ). Like any
crêpe or blintz, they can be served with a variety of savory or sweet fillings as a main dish
or a dessert. Sweet fillings include fresh fruits (e.g. bilberries), jams, and soft white cheese
with sugar. Savory fillings include fried vegetables, fried chicken, minced meat, and a
variety of added ingredients such as potatoes, mushrooms, cabbage, or ham. The Polish
pancake was adopted by the Russian and the Ukrainian cuisines, which call them
In Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, pancakes may be breakfast food, appetizer, main course, or
even dessert. Blintzes (Russian: ɛɥɢɧɱɢɤɢ ! ) are thin crepes made without yeast.
Blini (Russian: ɛɥɢɧɵ) are thicker pancakes made from wheat or buckwheat flour, butter,
eggs, and milk, with yeast added to the batter. Blini cooking has a long history in Russia,
dating back to pagan traditions and feasts, which are reflected in today's "pancake week"
celebrated in the winter before the Great Lent. Small thick pancakes made from yogurt or
buttermilk based batter (without yeast) are called  a (ɨɥɚɞɶɢ) (diminutive:  a  
ɨɥɚɞɭɲɤɢ, further abbreviated as  a   ɥɚɞɭɲɤɢ).


Pancakes in South Africa are similar to English pancakes. They are traditionally prepared
by the Afrikaans community on gas stoves, and called   in Afrikaans, eaten on
wet and cold days. c  are served with cinnamon-flavored sugar (and sometimes
lemon juice); the sugar may be left to dissolve onto the pancake; if eaten immediately the
pancake is crispy. It is a staple at Dutch Reformed Church fetes.[20] American-style "silver
dollar" pancakes are eaten in South Africa, as "plaatkoekies" or "flapjacks". In South Africa
there is a variation of the pancake called a crumpet. It is made from self-raising flour, eggs,
milk and a pinch of salt. The smooth batter is fried in butter resulting in a slightly raised flat
cake. Crumpets are always served hot, usually for breakfast, with butter and golden syrup.

In Kenya pancakes are eaten for breakfast as an alternative to bread. They are served plain
with the sugar already added to the batter to sweeten them. Kenyan pancakes are similar to
English pancakes and French crepes.


An IHOP restaurant in Poughkeepsie, New York

In the US, Mexico and Canada, a franchised restaurant chain named International House of
Pancakes (IHOP) has restaurants serving pancakes at all hours of the day. The Original
Pancake House is another chain of pancake restaurants across the US, and Walker Brothers
is a series of pancake houses in the Chicago area that developed as a franchised spin-off of
  c   .
The popularity of pancakes in Australia has spawned the Pancake Parlour and c  
  franchised restaurants. In British Columbia and Alberta, the restaurant chain 
  serves Dutch- and Flemish-style pannenkoeken.

Main article: Shrove Tuesday

In Canada,[21] the United Kingdom,[22] Ireland,[23] New Zealand, and Australia,[24] pancakes
are traditionally eaten on Shrove Tuesday, which is also known as "Pancake Day" and,
particularly in Ireland, as "Pancake Tuesday". (Shrove Tuesday is better known in the
United States, France and other countries as Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday.) Historically,
pancakes were made on Shrove Tuesday so that the last of the fatty and rich foods could be
used up before Lent.

Charity and school events are organized on Pancake Day: in a "pancake race" each
participant carries a pancake in a frying pan. All runners must toss their pancakes as they
run and catch them in the frying pan. This event is said to have originated in Olney,
England in 1444 when a housewife was still busy frying pancakes to eat before the Lenten
fast when she heard the bells of St Peter and St Paul's Church calling her to the Shriving
Service. Eager to get to church, she ran out of her house still holding the frying pan
complete with pancake, and still wearing her apron and headscarf.[ aa] Pancake Day
is widely celebrated in Australia.

Every Shrove Tuesday since 1950 the towns of Olney[25] and Liberal, Kansas have
competed in the International Pancake Race. Only local women may compete; they race,
and their times are compared to determine the international winner. In Olney the main
women's race is augmented by races for local schoolchildren and for men.

The  !^
c   c    takes place every Shrove Tuesday, with teams
from the British lower house (the House of Commons), the upper house (the House of
Lords), and the Fourth Estate, contending for the title of Parliamentary Pancake Race
Champions. The fun relay race is to raise awareness of the work of the national brain injury
charity, Rehab UK, and the needs of people with acquired brain injury. In 2009, the Lords

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