02 20 2020 Grade Tracking Sheet

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CHS Portfolio

Grade Tracking Sheet

Use this form to keep track of your grades over the course of this school year in all your
subject areas. Every time you have a Portfolio day, check the current status of your grades,
record where you are, and reflect on your progress. ​By April, you should have 6 of these.

NAME: Guadalupe Nuñez DATE: 02/20/2020

In the space below, insert a snapshot/screenshot of your AERIES grades right now.

What is working for you at this point in terms of your academic strategies?
I’m not quite sure if I have any academic strategies at the moment, although I do take
advantage of Silent Study Hall.

What, if anything, is making academic success difficult?

I feel as if I don't have enough time to do my homework.

What is one academic goal you have for yourself for the next four weeks?
An academic goal I have is to have a 95% or higher for my grades.

What specific actions will you take to help achieve this goal?
Portfolio 2018-19

I will do my best to not procrastinate, in order to keep good grades.

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