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Ribble Valley Dinner Speech

 General thanks, honour to be here

 Hope to give you some interesting things to take away and a good insight

to my life as a newly elected MEP!

 One of the perks of my new job as an MEP is, of course, having assistants

who can prepare things for me, such as speeches like this!

 Many challenges when arriving in Brussels. The small things like finding

way around parliament and having an adventure on the seat in the lift to

see where you end up, finding the vegetarian counter in the canteen etc.

 One of main challenges for us arriving at EP reaction of people to us.

Overwhelmed support from our Renew Europe group and parties

throughout the other groups. Fact bill to grant UK extension passed with

such a large majority shows this. People want us there.

 Next challenge was presence of Brexit Party and their stunts. Turns out all

stories are true, lack of presence at parliament but lots of presence at the

‘Beer Factory’ pub. Childish heckling in the chamber, 0 real impact, people

have seen them for what they are.

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