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Jane Trafford AGM Speech

 Most of you here know me more from my role as councillor for

Timperley than my new additional role of MEP for the North


 Great to be sat here amongst some very distinguished

parliamentarians and hopefully a group who will remain

parliamentarians for at least the next 5 years!

 After being a councillor here in Timperley for 20 years it real feels

like being back with my family being here today. However time

seems to now be spent more in Brussels than it is in Britain so it

is good to be here speaking to a local team I am very fond of and

reporting back about my work in the European Parliament.

 As a group of MEPs, we have been making the most of our

position in the parliament to make a difference back at home

and throughout the 28 member states.

 My MEP colleagues Chris Davies, who some of you may know

(can get a laugh from this as he will be next to you), and Lucy

Nethsingha were successfully elected to the important position

of chair in the Legal Affairs and Fisheries committees

respectively, highlighting the fact that we are leaders in Europe,

not leavers.

 Have held important meetings as a delegation with various key

players in the Brexit saga.

 Hosted a meeting talking to both British in Europe and the 3

million, discussing their concerns and offering support in their

fight to ensure rights for all citizens in Europe.

 Met with chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier highlighting our

desire to Stop Brexit and questioned the president-elect of the

European Commission Ursula Von Der Leyen twice about her

willingness to help in our fight to Stop Brexit amongst other

issues. This week she reiterated her desire for us to stay in the

EU and work together to acheiveing her goals, including an

ambitious Green Deal that would make the EU global leaders in

Green activities.

 Back at home, we undertook a hugely successful coordinated

leaflet campaign, some of you may have seen through your

doors and kindly delivered, showing the work that we have done

so far in our role as MEPs and how important the EU is in our

daily lives, as well as a fantastic rousing rally at this year’s party

conference. Been an amazing experience.

 Have had the opportunity to speak at several events to thank

volunteers all-round the North West and a personal highlight,

speaking at an event to discuss the often forgotten impact Brexit

has had on people’s mental health.

 Individually I’ve been working hard in my role on the EMPL

Committee. My committee the Employment and Social Affairs

committee covers a wide range of areas. This ranges from

working conditions, social security; the free movement of

workers; workers’ rights; health and safety measures at the

workplace and combatting all forms of discrimination in the


 I represent my political group on a legislative report called the

European Globalisation Adjustment Fund. When a company

goes out of business and results in a large number of

redundancies, the Member State can apply for funds in order to

help retrain and upskill with the objective that these redundant

workers will find new jobs as quickly as possible.

 Unfortunately our government has never applied for this fund

and if the unfortunate circumstances arrive I would push

strongly for them to do so.

 Brazil Delegation work, I have been particularly concerned about

the action of the Brazilian government and in the summer wrote

a letter, co-signed by my fellow Lib Dem MEPs and more, to put

pressure on President Bolsonaro to take action and do

something to stop these horrific fires.

 In my role as substitute on the Environment committee, I spoke

out and gave my support to the Environmental Implementation

Review process. This is a way to step up the implementation of

environmental policies across Europe, as without this, there is

no point in having ambitious environmental laws. I raised my

concern in this meeting that not all member states are pulling

their weight to make changes to meet these environmental


 The commission must fulfil its’ legal responsibility as the

guardian of EU law and take action against member states who

are in clear of EU law and not implementing these policies. To

tackle the climate emergency, I believe we must work together

and take our targets seriously.

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