Jane Speech Wirral AGM

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Jane speech Wirral AGM

2019 summary

 Well... It’s been a whirlwind 2019!

 Amazing gains across the country in the local elections, including a gain

here on the Wirral for Andy Corkhill in Oxton, a record 16 Lib Dem MEPs,

including myself, elected, the highest EVER party membership number

and the biggest recorded protest ever in the UK with last Saturday’s

people’s vote march.

 The Liberal Democrats are alive and kicking!

2020 look ahead

 2020 looks like it has the potential to continue with this theme.

 Here on the Wirral alongside a potential general election or People’s Vote,

2020 has local elections, Metro Mayor elections and the Police and Crime

Commissioner elections. A lot to be excited about and a lot to campaign

Reporting back about Brussels

 Time seems to now be spent more in Brussels than it is in Britain so it is

good to be here speaking to local activists and reporting back about my

work in the European Parliament.

 As a group of MEPs, we have been making the most of our position in the

parliament to make a difference back at home and throughout the 28

member states.

 MEP colleagues Chris Davies, who some of you may know, and Lucy

Nethsingha were successfully elected to the important position of chair in

the Legal Affairs and Fisheries committees respectively, highlighting the

fact that we are leaders in Europe, not leavers.

 Have held important meetings as a delegation with various key players in

the Brexit saga.

 Hosted a meeting talking to both British in Europe and the 3 million,

discussing their concerns and offering support in their fight to ensure

rights for all citizens in Europe.

 Met with chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier highlighting our desire to

Stop Brexit and questioned the president-elect of the European

Commission Ursula Von Der Leyen about her willingness to help in our

fight to Stop Brexit amongst other issues.

 Back at home, we undertook a hugely successful coordinated leaflet

campaign, some of you may have seen through your doors or kindly

delivered, showing the work that we have done so far in our role as MEPs

and how important the EU is in our daily lives, as well as a fantastic rousing

rally at this year’s party conference. Been an amazing experience.

 Have had the opportunity to speak at several events to thank volunteers

all-round the North West and a personal highlight, speaking at an event

to discuss the often forgotten impact Brexit has had on people’s mental

Thank you rally

 Here in my role as MEP today because of you and your support through

the years. You made the difference. You helped me with your

campaigning over the years here on the Wirral and the North West,

doorknocking for locals, building foundations and campaigning for the

Euro’s, strong Stop Brexit message.

 Need to thank every single one of you. Doing this by doing my best in my

job to represent you.

 Important we push on and grab this amazing opportunity for our party, as

the number one remain party to be the party to Stop Brexit and push for

further change in our country.

 We know this starts at the grass roots here at local level and that is why

you and all your work are all so important.

2020 Wirral campaign

 Wirral is an area that could be affected in the case of Brexit, especially

since has most of Merseyside's ports.

 Brexit would effect not only trade and jobs but leaving the EU would

make it harder for checks to take place at the ports.

 Could end up with a spike in illegal drug imports post Brexit that could

lead to higher crime rate, especially with drugs etc.

 Can refer to Kris Brown Merseyside Police Commissioner campaign here.

 Threat of losing valuable greenbelt on the Wirral. Not good for anyone or


 Threat to ecosystems and wildlife. Means species could reduce in

numbers losing natural habitats, cause increase in air pollution as less

trees etc and more traffic with more people.

 Need to stop this and develop brownfield sites first and need to make any

houses built are affordable.


 Need you to have a big year of campaigning to keep the Lib Dem brand

strong across North West.

 Vital for you to carry on the good work and add to the 6 councillors.

 Thanks and now time for any questions.

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