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The Encyclopaedia of Ascension and Service Work - according to the consciousness of the EarthMother


Every initiate can, and must have a tangible communication with the Earthmother
* The Strategie for Sabotage - a reptilian devise 'the Fabian Effect' ..........................................................................................2
* Clairsentience Education - Precognitionship Conceptualization .......................................................................................18
* Plieades .........................................................................................................................................................................40
* The Outer Rim................................................................................................................................................................36
* The New Chakra System - including the Divine Will Centres .............................................................................................49
SERVICE WORK: Earth Work and Galactical Service Work...........................................................................................................22
* Mono Black Hole Gradation ............................................................................................................................................33
* Maldek ...........................................................................................................................................................................21
Nature has the information humans require for their personal Ascension
* An Attention Too Passive - Cavey .....................................................................................................................................30
* Ambushed ! - Hare ........................................................................................................................................................15
* Multi-Dimensional Delivery - Squid .................................................................................................................................4
Ascension management is through the Elementals
* Harmful Geometry - Food, drinks, toiletries, cleaning, clothing, furnishings. . ....................................................................41
* Chemtrails - The poisoning of the human race ...................................................................................................................8
* Afterworld - Life After Death ...........................................................................................................................................26
* Vegetarian - Honor is a Language of Light tone that must be embodied .............................................................................39
* The Ouija Board ............................................................................................................................................................34
* Past Masters - Past Manuscripts . ......................................................................................................................................24
* The Truth of Inner Earth ..................................................................................................................................................20
DISCLOSURE OF THE DRAGONSOUL REALMS ..........................................................................................................................12
Humanity has inherited the Cursing and Spelling between DragonSouls, and their disresonant personalities. .
* The Language of One ......................................................................................................................................................35
* The Maturation and Evolution of Griffon Part 1 .................................................................................................................25
FALSE GODS - FALSE 'ASCENDED MASTER' - Sananda ...............................................................................................................17
Many in spiritual/meta physical circles are still being hoodwinked by these beings.
* Resurrection & Restoration of the Genesis Protocol, through clearing karma.......................................................................10
* The Karma Dynamic and its Clearing Principle .................................................................................................................42
Cystic Fibrosis, Encephalitis, Bladder Dystrophy, Leukemia, Meningitis, Cushings Disease, Heomophilia,
* The Real Cause and their Treatments ................................................................................................................................5
* The Non-Event of Crystal Children ...................................................................................................................................29
* The Ascending Animal Species.........................................................................................................................................55
* Ascending Crystals/Stones ...............................................................................................................................................38
* Mount Sejama - South America .......................................................................................................................................27
* Ascending Community ................................................................................................................................................... 53
* The Sylphs – also cloud formation photographs inside back page ......................................................................................10
* Spirit Extension Through Elemental Consciousness ...........................................................................................................19
* Trionimal Honor. .............................................................................................................................................................32
* The Art of Detection – through the ascension- approved tools ...........................................................................................54
Creating the Karma Clearing Journal, assisting the intiate for full understanding of each karma.
* Karma Clearing Profiling Chart ........................................................................................................................................56
* 17 False God Charts.........................................................................................................................................................45
* Planets of Known Karmic Origin .......................................................................................................................................47
* Reptilian Interference Chart ............................................................................................................................................46
* Dragon Soul Chart - origins of all negative/polarity thoughtform ......................................................................................14
* Dragon Realms Chart - Source Energies/geometries ..........................................................................................................13
* Subscription Coupon and Printing Links for Chart downloads ...........................................................................................48


Heart of the
Volume 2
April - May 2010 and thankyou dear readers for your phonecalls and emails of best wishes The Fabian Effect
and success.
Published by
Pat Hess
I hope the continuing issues will delight and inspire, and assist with your Segregating by severing all lines of information and supplies
(07) 39010902 perseverence.
Perseverence, fortitude and focus are necessary aspects of ones Ascension. The Fabian Effect was something devised in Roman Times, to win a war.
Pat Hess The war was not won, because the generals had no faith in this strategy. However it has since been
Every issue will focus upon tools, especially the communing tools, as it is used successfully, by those seeing the value of cutting off all major incoming (whatever), to leave
Subscriptions this very
FreeCall - (whoever) bereft of information/supplies etc.
1800 146 268 special communing that we all need for our ascension.
Contributers this Issue This has been the strategy of the Reptilian Agenda, and it has been working.
Kletti, Xula, Ayanda, Aurora
Clairsentience and Spirit Extension, shown by a crop circle in this issue - To sever and corrupt every line of information for the spiritual ascension seeker. The main
are facilitated information line severed, has been from the upper dimensional realms.
Cover Graphic by Elemental Intervention in the individual lives of those Ascending this
GP Designs
When lines of information and supplies are severed humans are consumed by fear, doubt, and
Printing One could most definitely state it is the Earth Elementals that are bringing
Beaudesert times, suspicion. Then the enemy is able to feed them exactly what they want. The reptilians have been in
forth Ascension for the human species.
Queensland, control of everything since humans first seeding nearly 200,000 years ago, and still in control.
Australia There are levels of seniority for the Protea Elements – from dust particles to
A mass severance of truth has happened.
Planetary Consciousnesses and eventually Solar Beings governing Suns.
Head Office - Allowing those who want to control, control everything, in particular spiritual information. Not
If one wants to know ‘god’ or ‘angels’ – it is the Elementals. Not one but
All correspondence having the correct spiritual information causes wrong action.
23 Bird Street, many, in councils and temples.
Manly, 4279 The Elementals are the go-betweens for many other dimensional realms
Brisbane, All past spiritual works and most present spiritual works that have been allowed to circulate - will have
and beings. This action of stepping down to the human, is a Language of
Queensland incorrect spiritual information, therefore incorrect action.
Light Quadtone and Crop Circle, called Victorious Alternation – and it is
Tel: (07) 3901 0902 indeed a victory. Most websites, books, organisations, schools purporting to be or teach Ascension, and do not use a
It is the presence of the Elementals and the tangible connection each pendulum, do not interpret dreams and visions correctly, do not have a direct communing structure
Aurora@heart-of-the- with the EarthMother and Elementals. ascending initiate has, every aspect of humans spirituality, psychic
awarenesses, clairsentience and gifts is ALL through this presence.
MISSION STATEMENT There is nothing that has not been infiltrated in some way
Heart of the EarthMother is
the Encyclopeadia of
There is nothing, that was once beautiful and integral - that has not been corrupted in some way.
Ascension giving up to date, Blessings for Humans Eminence and Ascension
new information as it comes The EarthMother & "The reptilian agenda is akin to a large tree, with worldwide spreading branches, pretending shade,
forth from the upper Aurora
dimensional guardian
assistance and comfort, whilst unseen insidious roots, go deeper than any human can know, and
realms, to assist infiltrate everything that was once beautiful.' The EarthMother.
humans Ascension.
Ascension is acquired by
a personal communication
HAARP, Chemtrails, Genetically modification of food, medications and vaccines being pushed on
with these realms. humans, that interrupt and separate the humans etheric Subtle Body field, and dream mechanism to
Absolutely. This is why Ascension has become compromised, through being shut off from the real truths.
Please do not edit, as However it is solvable ...
this may corrupt the
original information. One CAN know.
Through a personal communion with the Elementals and EarthMother who will reveal to each and
There is no copywrite or
ownership on Ascension
every human, this length, breadth and depth of this infiltration.

All articles are original - Front Cover Information: The Multi-Dimensional Communing & Action chart is a directive from the
there is no work reproduced EarthMother using a Crop Circle. Instructions on its use will be in Volume 3.
or copied from anywhere The crop circles in this issue are the photographic property of Lucy Pringle
else. The layout of Lucys site is most appropriate for penduling, when being led to do crop circle work.


Many Nature Realms have multi-dimensional information and knowledge, which humans require to
Malignant Fungal Spore Growth
Humanity has lost a lot of this knowledge. Information and records from the Blueprint, which means
from the unconscious and sub-conscious. This loss steps down into the physical form, on what the body cystic fibrosis
can repair or not repair, and which substances the body can produce or not produce to affect repairal menangitis
and regeneration. encephalitis
Conversely there are many Nature realms that do not have this information. These realms are coughing
considered non-ascending, unable to ascend on planet Earth.
Many Nature Realms are not from Tara (pre-Earth) therefore not belonging to Earth.
Those that are not of Earth, and can transform their biology, and desire to ascend on Earth, can and will.
bladder dystrophy
This means these species have transformational information in the Core Truths.
The non-ascending realms will become extinct on Earth. leukemia
It is not a sad thing for many of these realms, Earth has been disresonant for them. Many were brought Cushings disease
here against their will, and some species went extinct upon Earth a long time ago. fatigue
The Ascending Species, have the multi-dimensional information to ascend – for themselves and for
humanity. vaccine-thema
a metallic screeching/twanging noise
What is 'multi-dimensional information' ?
On a conscious level, and in its basic state as informational text (to read) it is Universal Truths of Being THE CAUSE: Fungal Malignaty
Light. Both physical and non-physical and all specied. Fungus growth in lungs produces an overgrowth of malignant gas producing spores.
It has the ability to raise the consciousmind which in turn allows for more information to be assimilated - Causing an over growth of the disease producing microganisms spasming the protozea
this information is all in the Language of Light. The breath circulates the etheric like spores, and the saliva the necrotic discharge.
On the deeper level, that does not involve the consciousness, but involves the subconscious and the
body Elementals. THE TREATMENT:
It is information that has the ability to regenerate, heal and transform the physiology. Shorthair Plumegrass - Dichelachne micrantha
For humans ascending today, it is mainly Plant and Herb information that triggers the body to release the the stem section
healing substances and antidotes. Chemicals, substances the body has forgotten how to produce or Method : The grass stem chopped and macerated
release. boiled with Kombucha Water
1 cup chopped stem to 4 cups of Kombucha Water
Information is vibration, and oftentimes the biology can be stuck or unable to shift from something boiled for 10 minutes
without these higher vibrations overlayed. The higher vibrational information triggers the body to cooled, strained and bottled
create the required substances, that work in sync with other organs and so forth. By mouth:
The vibration of many herbs and plants, can also equate to a certain chemical formulae they have
20 mls once a day before retiring – for 7 days
within their core truths.
For the human to ascend, it takes a lot of new information to be assimilated. Intellectually, spiritually and
physically. Most of this information is previously unknown to humanity and therefore unfamiliar. The
information will be given in small segments, so the bigger picture can be built upon. There is nothing that cannot be healed throughout the Universe.
First the consciousness has to be raised or alerted to what requires healing, and the work therein.
Humans do not have any Ascension information in their records, this is why a communing system to This consciousness raising then opens the awareness to many other factors and circumstances, both
allow information to come forth, which means interpreting correctly to understand the messages. internal and external.
The ascending initiate will be contacted through the dream or their daily communing process, to be It is like an 'escalation of ideas, questions, and information seeking'.
advised what they are missing, or what is required of the initiate, to facilitate a change in the correct
direction. This is the time when you must allow the Elementals to structure your questions and the answers to
* This maybe a karma to clear, your questions.
* A plant or herb to heal or assist the biology to shift in some manner, or There is so much to know, yet to know - in such a variety of subject matter.
* A Nature /Spiritual Realm to give some information, which the initiate is now ready to receive. The more time you give to Ascension, by penduling for messages, the more messages you will receive.
The Nature Realms are a very necessary part of the ascending initiates journey, as it is the Nature Realms Not all will be completed messages, or messages that will finish the story, answer the question entirely.
that hold the multi-dimensional Map for Evolution. Oftentimes, you will get a small increment, and will be brought back to that message later, to finish...
Blessings of Love and Ascension. From Squid then the question will be answered in full.


SURRENDER A non-ascending household can still be a loving environment to start ones ascension.. it is near the mid
or later initiations that further considerations must be made in this area.

MY OWN EXPERIENCE 'Non-ascending activities' must also be scrutinised. These too are subtle.
It may come as a surprise to many, that the meta-physical arena is grossly non-ascension now. Even
The more we commune the more we can define who we are communing with. 'spiritual' organisations and activities, one must pendulum. The integrity of everything must be
The more we clear karma, the more we understand the help we are gettng, and from whom. penduled and defined
The more we vision, the more we understand where those visions are coming from. and this is what SURRENDER is about.
The same for dreams. If your guidance says dont go - you dont go
If your guidance says stay home - you stay home
When there are the realisations, definitions and awareness of all our guiding forces.
If your guidance says eat this - you eat this
When the 'environment' is right for surrender.
If your guidance says do that - you do that
SURRENDER becomes inevitable.
If you guidance says stop doing that - you stop
Surrender is infinitely more than just hearing the voices, and taking a bit of direction.
Surrender entails TOTAL attention – to be guided in all aspects of the physical life. .... getting the picture?
Through surrender, the rest of life, will become ascension and ascension related.
That is why the 'environment' - family situation has to be right for this. For how can you take all TRUST THAT GUIDANCE EXPLICITLY
direction, if some of this conflicts with a beloved or family situation. (once you have done the inner work to remove all the interfering entities)
To ascend the life must change - the family must change with you. In every aspect of your ascension, you will be guided.
We are talking There is no time when you are not guided.
* diet And you will do nothing until you ARE guided.
* time spent clearing karma/ communing and working out dreams.
* service work, that may entail travel The Language of Light is the Ordinations, moved through by Surrender.
* the family environment itself, and all it entails. The tri-tones of 'multi-creation and multi-dimensions' are all about ones creative self, being guided by
* any extra activities, may appear on the surface to be ascension related, but deeper introspection will the highest order of 'creation' - spirit and soul from the upper dimensional realms
reveal otherwise. The quadtones are even higher states of being, pertaining to the spiritual ascension master.
* friends The Orchestrations and Timing are all because of SURRENDER.
Surrender supplies the will and synchronicity, for the fine tuning of everything that is to manifest.
Conflicts, loud music and T.V. ( T.V. has its various subtle interference - noise and content). The tri-tones of multi-dimensionality and multi-specie, are all about the upper dimensional realms of
A constant stream of visitors and friends. spirit and of Nature - and the orchestrations therein when we are being mentored by them, through
Busy phone. Even time surfing the net, can take its toll. SURRENDER.
Keeping one constantly from doing the real work, which takes time.
Service work is through surrender.
Many people think they are 'communing' by' meditating'. When all they mean is they are grounding and
stilling their mind to a relaxed state of Being. Nothing is being achieved in this 'communion' - as nothing Through surrender, we become the Stewards Of All That Is.
is really achieved in most peoples 'meditation' nor their ‘grounding’. Not just of Earth, of the Universe.
The expectations of a Universal human Guardian, is immense.
To have full grounding integrity, there are karmas to clear and implants to remove. It is through surrender, we are mentored on how to expedite this very profound 'designation'
Communing in meditation, is allowing the visions to come forth, and writing them down. This is not a
test of how long you can sit in the silence. The test is how often you do it. AND how to keep us safe - as there are many who do not want humanity to acquire this level of
How often you commune, through the many tools, is the key to Surrender. mastery, they know at this level their days are numbered.
The main tools are vision, dreams and the new Communing Charts System with a Rogets Thesaurus. The Ascension Master has the knowledge, power/jurisdiction and protection, to shut them all down,
clear all interference and dissonance.
Your guides know your thoughts, and the thoughts of others. ... And this is what a Master who has surrendered, will be doing.
Your guides know your family situation, even if those around you are not ascending - this does not
exclude you from surrender. Blessings
They help you work in with a non-ascending situation - providing the environment is not too distracting Aurora
and dissonant.
Dissonance is equated with non-love.
Distraction is equated with non-ascension.


CHEMTRAILS * Intestine Purge
* Grass stem - Bothriochloa macra. Common name, Redgrass, Redleg Grass (this grass stem requires
a fermentation process)
Kombucha water
CHEMTRAIL POISONING 70 parts Kombucha water : 30 parts Fermented Redgrass
By mouth: 5 mls, 3 times a day for 2 weeks.
• A radioactive substance
• bitumen derivative * Skin scrub using the dried leaf of the Bothriocholoa macra/Redleg grass
• synthesized heroine 500 gms Calcium powder (food grade)
• propane gas 3 gms Dried Calendula petals
3 gms Geranium leaf
2 gms powdered Redleg grass leaf matter.
Chemtrail poisoning is a multi-affect poison. A thick coating rubbed vigorously onto exposed skin areas.
Its main function, in distributing a radio active substance was to shatter the humans
dream/manifesting mechanism, which in turn has more profound affects on each humans life journey. A pendulum will reveal the main affected areas to concentrate upon.
Unable to aspire to the more complex issues of true Evolution, which is Ascension.
The bitumen is deeply imbedded in the epidermis. .... .... ..... ..... .....

The effects of Chemtrails: To retreive the manifesting/dream mechanism - one must start a Daily Communing Practise with the
Elementals, as it is the Elementals that assist the individual to heal the Dream.
degradation of the manifesting process To start ones Ascension is to start the entire healing process by receiving this sort of information.
blood disorders
inability to remember
psychologicol disorders including psychopathic tendancies
multiple personality disorder
blood spotting in women

These poisons are now in many countries water supply.

A filtered water system must be used to start the body cleanse. PURGES: VOMITIVES – NAUSEANTS –
The Treatments (4) : COLONICS.
* A Nauseant Purge, releasing a poison in the bile - Salt water
* An irrigation Purge, general body - Chamomile tea There are many chemicals/poisons, vaccines and medications that need to be purged from the human
* Intestine Purge - A Native Australian grass, to release the poison from the gut form.
* A Skin Scrub – to remove the bitumen from the epidermis . Calcium powder, dried Australian Grass, Many poisons and past medications are lodged in areas of the organs and body parts, which are
dried Calendula petals, dried Geranium leaves. affecting the health in various ways.
Some just require the person to feel nausea, to ‘open a gate’, the same with vomiting.
[i]Cammomile also triggers the body to re-produce, or produce its own antidotes[/i]. Many are in the bile duct, and can be purged by a salt vomitive.
It is through the use of a pendulum that will define (a) you have something to purge and (b) what this
* Bile Purge chemical is now doing to your form.
Gargle 3 teaspoons salt in a glass of water.
Nausea or vomiting opens a gate to release. As you can see by the above list of ailments being incorrectly diagnosed, and many other ailments, also
being incorrectly diagnosed by medical and science.
* Chammomile Tea Body Irrigation It is the Elementals revealing all new information on the healing of humanity.
Dried Cammomile flowers made into a tea with filtered water
(at least half a cup - a whole cup if possible) Drunk at least 5 times a day for 3 weeks


The Sylphs are air Elementals from Saturn, assisting Earth and her Elementals for Ascension.
They are presently taking all the radio-active elements from Earth and depositing upon Saturn, Reformation - Reconstruction - Resurrection of
virtually poisoning their own planet.
As Earth moves further into her ascension, and the earth is cleansed, then a reciprocal action will be the Genesis Protocol through clearing karma.
taken to assist Saturn to cleanse itself.
The dynamic of karma is about the retreival and return of energy lost or laid upon another through a
Whilst the Sylphs do not directly communicate with humans, the Earths Elementals will act as a go- negative circumstance.
between, if there is work for the human steward to assist with. This is generally dream/vision This energy 'matter', has signatures, vibrations, and when interpreted, is thoughtform/emotion
intervention. belonging to a particular person.
CROP CIRCLE - THE PURPOSE OF THE SYLPHS The human species, is the only species that accrues karma. This is because of the incarnation system,
the nature realms do not re-incarnate.
A co-action between the Sylphs of Jupiter and Griffon to remove Earths radioactive Elements.
The square shape is the geometry of radio-activity. The most affected part of the human is the unconscious realms, which lies in the 'space between' (the
The air-elements are depicted by the 'leaf shape' in the square meridians) in the etheric body, which holds etheric ‘matter’.
The small heart and curved line, is Earth and Jupiter. Matter has been lost or accrued from another and deposited there as a darker, disresonance.
The unconscious then transmits this disresonance to the physiology, which in turn becomes all the
disresonance - diseases - illnesses - relationships.

What is in the unconscious, affects the consciousness - the behaviour, emotions and reactions of the
physical human.
What is in the unconscious, is triggered when a karmic mirror is presented.

The human is unable to become enlightened, nor can ascend with karma present.
The disresonant matter keeps the higher consciousness from being anchored, or embodied.

The Genesis Elements

There are three.
Protea, Air, Light.

Water is Protea and Air – which is proven when hydrogen bubbles are created and burst, leaving a dust
This dust is iron particles = Protea.

It is important to know this basic trut for the future EarthWork reparation and reformation in
conjunction with the Elementals and associated crop circles.


The numbers denote seniority of physical being.

Dragon origins and the affect upon Humans Soul Blueprint and Humans Life Journey. BLUE 7. Mammoth
DRAGON 10. Blue Human > Brown Skin, hazel eyes, black hair
One of the four blueprints to the Genesis Protocol is the Soul Blueprint.
11. Dolphin
The Origins of Soul, lie with the Dragon Realms.
31. Manta Ray
The Dragon Realms by their physical creation, created a new dimensional world. This would be
considered a 5th dimensional world, that only knew 6 and above. An era where there were physical YELLOW 4. Lion
worlds, but not physical species. DRAGON 12. Human > White Skin, Blue Eyes, blonde hair
This is not in this Universe, but in another long ascended beyond all being - taking the dragons with it.
Except one. RED 9. Human > orange skin, orange hair , green eyes
The Yellow Dragon. DRAGON 32. Phoenix
Yellow Dragon devised a means, whereby it could still have a physical existance, but only through a 38. Seal
connection to a human.
Yellow Dragon has since digressed itself to the Drakonian Melchizedek - an ugly, dark harmful dragon. DEEP 13. Human > black skin, black hair, black eyes
Planets ascend and become Suns, Suns ascend to white light and then disappear from 3rd GREEN 14. Whale
dimensional view. DRAGON 15. Black Wolv = (now WINGED WOLV)
24. Hare
All the Dragons brought forth other species from itself - except Violet Dragon, which was mainly air- 26. Hummingbird
mass. 27. Hyena
The dragons were a variety of sizes, and these differing sizes also brought problems within the dragon
realms, and with each other. VIOLET 1. Avian = GRIFFON
The colours were largely dependant upon states of being, actions and thoughtform. DRAGON 3. Tortoise
16. Mollusc – Land and Aquatic
This is just a generalization but true enough for the dragon realms. 17. Porpoise
If a being is very very large, it can only see the larger spectrum - has no interest in things it cannot see. 19. Otter
If a being is quite small, it sees detail, this detail becomes part of its interest. 33. Mackeral
The varied differences in all the dragonrealms, ultimately caused friction, judgement, critism, care- 34. Cavey
taking, overseeing, arrogances, vexing, discrediting, disharmony.
They inadvertantly constantly spelled and cursed each other. ORANGE 2. Insect = MEYU
DRAGON 5. Aardvark
The spells and curses are the origins of all disresonant thoughtform of the human race. 19. Otter
These have been recorded in the blueprint, have never been resolved, or removed, and one could say 21. Squid
the origins of karmic circumstance. 24. Hare
There can be a 'natural' dischord between two humans, for no apparant reason. The reason being is
36. Koala
two dragon realms that were not in accord with each other.
37. Condor
The devil is the unevolved Yellow Dragon, called the reptilian Draconian Melchizedek. GREEN 6. Reptiles
Yellow Dragon became obsessed with the blonde-blue-eyed human specie that came forth from the DRAGON 8. Frog
Yellow Dragon ensoulment progression. 18. Wombat = SASQUATCH
The Angelic and Seraphim is a devise of the Melchizedek based on the blonde Andromedan, the 20. Mahi Mahi
Melchizedek is so obsessed with. 22. Lizard Species
A few million years have passed, and still the Melchizedek cannot let go of the hold it has on this human 23. Turtle
species. 25. Honeyeater
There are many karmas, curses, spells to be released by, with, and for the blonde Andromedan. Some 28. Satas – Small human – Green/white skin, black hair, brown eyes. = 20 million years
will also release the Melchizedek from the path and journey it cannot break itself. 29. Anteater
30. Sparrow
Behind all dark arts, occult, dark practises, even mystery schools, religions and organisations with a 35. Salamander
hierachial structure – there is the Melchizedek reptilian guiding to control. 39. Tree
This is not just Earth, this is throughout the Universe, wherever the blonde Andromedan went, generally
via Nibiru – so too the Melchizedek reptilian
Protea + Air + Water Elements or .. The Various Ways an Ascending Initiate can be pulled from the Path.
ALDEBARAN = Human Species = Brown Skin + Black Hair + Hazel Eyes
Misrepresent - Tease - Fawning - Dignity - Pretence - Illusion – Invalidate - Care-taking - The ascending initiate is advised to only share their ascension with those who are interested or maybe
Competition- Hollow - Altruism - Benevolence – Fantasy ascending themselves.
YELLOW DRAGON PENTAGON ELECTRO-MAGNETISM If one shares this information with another who is not ascending, they may require proof – you will
Light + Air Elemental have no proof. Especially if you sound excited or appear focused or calm.
ANDROMEDA = Human Species = White Skin + Blonde Hair + Blue Eyes Their questions can even sound like interest, but later one, they may engage you in a debate. Or you,
Dominion - Disrespect -Deviate - Oppress - Malice - Torture - Demoniacal - Exaggeration not having all the information at hand, can be tied in knots. Or worse, have doubts about your path.
Disguise - Hunt
________________________________________________________________________________ The moment you allow another to discredit or devalue what you are doing, something dire happens
in your etheric body. You lose records.
RED DRAGON PYRAMID / TRIANGLE ELECTRICAL Kinesthetically this will come down to a cold or flu. A psychic attack.
Protea + Air + Light Elements
Many persons have a reptilian interface, this means they are 'spies'. On the lookout for ascending
ARCTURAS = Human Species = White Skin + Orange Hair + Green Eyes
initiates. The ascending initiate is a dangerous person to the reptilians.
Short Circuit - Enmity - Resentment - Churlish - Bigotry - Confuse - Science Opinionated -
This person maybe quite seductive or benevolent towards you.
Derision - Impatience - Humiliation - Persecute – poison - Revenge
May even speak some kind of 'ascending language' or confides they are reading the latest 'ascension
The next thing you know, you have a bevy of reptilians invading your home. This is their plan, to
pinpoint an ascending initiate, and then send an 'interference squad'.
Protea + Light + Water
VEGA = Human Species = Black Skin + Black Hair + Black Eyes It takes a few years of ascending, to be able to stand fast in your truth. No doubts. The right words just
Consume - Warp - Divergence - Vacillate - Reduced - Sullen - Grovel - Stew - Servility - Saturate flow to whatever type of person you are talking to, without sounding glib or mouthing the truths or
Hunted - Ritual - Sanctimonia words of others. Neither of you losing or accruing.
____________________________________________________________________________ So in the meantime, one must learn to use a type of language, that can silence anothers
VIOLET DRAGON OGREN argumentative or demeaning stance.
Air Elemental “I am still working through a massive amount of information”
Violet Dragons thoughtform was based on Universal Truth and Stewardship “I still have a long way to go, before I can speak with some definition”
____________________________________________________________________________ “Its like this – the little I do know, has made me realise I know nothing - certainly not enough to
debate Ascension”
Protea + Light Elements
ALPHA CENTAURI Using humor is the most preferred. , Humor allows for a more grounded state, than trying to explain
Codependent - Comply - Oblique - Needy - Fall back - Grudge - Betrayal - Slavery - Gamble something the initiate is only just learning to grasp themselves.
Random - Broken Will - Sneaky - Discontent - Revengeful ‘ yes, reads like garble doesn’t it – takes a lot of reading!’
____________________________________________________________________________ “ keep reading – i didn’t get it the first time either !’

GREEN DRAGON SPHERE MAGNETIC The consciousness has a hard time grasping multi-dimensional, multi-creational concepts – and so the
Light + Water Elements initiate is taken VERY slowly, step by step.
ORION = Human Species/Satas The hardest situation is a non-ascending beloved.
Co operation - Blend - Surrender Incoming information may press requirements upon you, that may compromise the relationship.
Avoidance - No Mercy - Acrimonious - Worship - Bleeding Heart - Expedient - Doormat - You are also required to change in many areas, these changes maynot sit well with the non-ascending
Optimist - Mystification - Ignorance - Hide - Misinterpret - Prostitute other.
If you do not make these changes, your ascension will stall.

If it is seen by the non-physical guardians, that this person has the potential to understand and ascend,
and if the person truly loves their partner. Then strategies are in place for these persons.
If it is seen that the other partner does not have any potential to understand, or desire or interest
cannot be generated, then the only strategy is one of separation.
Especially if this person has the capability to keep the ascending person in polarity.
e.g. Frustration, confusion, angsts, jealosies, competition, judgements etc. These all keep rolling the
ascending initiate back.
Sananda may well be the most largest false god in this galaxy.
The non-ascending family situation, is another.
One can ascend in a non-ascending family situation, but only if the family has some of the virtues of He has been pumped up, and made large by the amount of attention and focus on organisations that
an ascending family. he has placed himself the head of.
Disresonant music, T.V., a constant flow of friends, telephone/mobile phone always in use, all take Sanandas original name was Muthcan, from a whale world in Lyra.
their toll. He had a life as a whale, interfaced by a reptilian, and came to Earth via Nibiru.

You and your work must be honoured and respected. These pumped up astral beings are the heads of religions, banks and corporations - especially ones
with insignias.
With non-ascending beloveds, or even non-ascending children, the orchestrations go into play, for an Sananda is the head of the RC Church.
amicable and loving separation. It is all orchestrated by the non-physical in Divine Timing. Banks
No guilt’s or recriminations are experienced. Large manufacturing corporations
Just honour for each other’s different path. This being channels many.
And that is a beautiful thing However he does have a pattern to his deceitful words, a way of tricking the person into thinking they
have 'mastered', and so now 'is ready' 'can now hear the (secret) information' - and proceeds to tell
the person things this person has never heard before, and the listener therefore thinks he is being
given hidden knowledge, when it is just a load of old stuff, that has been circulated for eons. There is
an arrogance also, that will come through sooner or later.

Being led to the ascending beloved Sananda receives all the prayers, praying and such sent to 'god'.
Lady Nada (another false god) receives all the prayers, praying to Mary.
The partnership with no compromise. This is equated with chi stealing. When a person prays, a loss of power happens. Loss of chi, is also
Ascension Journeys of Beloveds will dove-tail. through ignorance.
Many family relationships are really karmic. Coming together to heal karma. The human has been tricked into giving these false gods chi.
With so much karma to clear, its no wonder not many are led to their true Soul partner. The Mahatma Planes, Shamballah, Nirvana, are all about this over-grown amount of light and chi
In Ascension this changes. from the human race (through prayers, mantaring etc).
With a True Soul partner, or Twin Flame, there is the chance of a more amicable relationship, based on All humans have karma with these false gods.
honor Oftentimes, the karma is with other persons, with the false gods/false ascended masters, as the 'third
Similar natures and personalities. party perpetrator' - generally the karma is about these being in the wings, being hidden yet having the
Opposites may initially attract, but in the long run, the relationship is fraught with opposition. influence upon a person, to create dire karma.
This is not the case with Twin Flames, nor with ones True Ascending Partner – whether it is a Twin Flame
Because the person thinks it is 'god' speaking, or god directing.
or not.
When it is either a false god, or a reptilian.
It is desired that humans finally have a love everlasting - so many lives of unrequited and bitter loves,
The Ascending initiate is generally led to these karmas quite early in the clearing process, so the cords
and loneliness, because of karma, curses and spells.
of attachment can be broken to these interfering beings.
Ascension deems a loving partnership to fulfil the magnanimous task ahead. Tasks that can only be
fulfilled with assistance, cooperation, patience and love.
The Elementals lead one to the other.
One of the charts in this issue, to assist in the clearing of karma, is the The False God Chart. In this chart
The person can explore are the 17 known ‘false ascended masters’ or ‘false gods’.
a) Do I know this person? This chart is the original work of the Spiritual School of Ascension.
b) Have I ever met this person? Many karmas will track back to one of these beings, but not as a perpetrator, but as a third party player.
c) Is there my perfect other near me now? For they have been ‘behind the scenes’ guiding the human to kill, lie, destroy.
d) What must I do to bring us together? It has been the human that has accrued the karma, that these beings were the real cause of.
None of them now or ever, have had any true spiritual information. Either physical or on the astral.
There maybe karma to clear or curses and spells to remove, to pave this meeting path.
Most were humans being interfered with by the unseen reptilians in their life.


CLAIRSENTIENCE EDUCATION Spirit extension through elemental consciousness
* The central glyph is the human incarnate and its field
PRECOGNITIONSHIP CONCEPTUALIZATION * Either side are two 'orbs'. Every human has two. They direct and inform.

The Elementals are the instruments whereby clairvoyance and clairaudience is facilitated. The 'orbs' are senior Elementals and conscious organisms called protoplasm (protea, light and air)
They are truncated serpant form, pointed both top and bottom, with skin like a sponge, dotted with
They are the Protoplasm Mental Mind Reader holes.
There are many crop circles showing a pointed leaf design, as per the Sylphs crop circle.
Clairvoyance is PsychoKinetic Automatistry on the Soul Body This is the shape of the Senior Elementals that guide and direct – small serpents.
Clairaudience is PsychoSensory Sophistry Automatistry on the Causal Body.
The orb pictures on the front cover of Volume 1, are the top view of the Element, that is ‘facing’ the
The physical spiritual human is considered a PyschoSensory Kinetic Automatist. camera. A ‘face on’ view.
The element is rotating that is why there are circumferential lines, instead of holes.
This means the physical human is really a spiritual construct, and is connected to all things 'spiritual', The crop circle shows a static Elemental, the skin peppered with holes.
the spirit realms, the upper dimensional realms.
Allowing the physical form to enact, portray, perceive, receive, relay, information from the spiritual They have am external skin - which has the same 'information' as all skin on all species, from the
realms through kinetic responses, into the physical form. original specie, snake.
Including clairaudience and clairvision. The internal is comprised of mushroom like bladders with gaseous matter.

Enabling the upper dimensional realms to guide, direct the physical lifes journey.

Kineseology by kinetic responses, clairvision and clairaudience are messages being given by the
Occasionally the messages or kinetic response, maybe about someone else placing negative
attentions on the person with a negative kinetic response.

With Clairvision and dreams, the message or information can be given, however the mental mind
may interprete as to the data in the mental mind.
The vision then becomes symbolic or cryptic, and requires correct interpreting.

All kineseology and clairsentience, requires tools to correctly interprete.

Channelling has been outlawed since 2000.
This is the means the lessor beings interfere. Both astral and reptilian.
Both astral and reptilian have nothing ascension they can impart.

The guardian realms will be telepathic with initiates, however this will not happen immediately.
One must first be led to the specific work to remove all interferences and learn the boundary restraints.

It behooves all initiates to pendule all the channelled works thus far – to ascertain the ascending
integrity of both the channelled and the channeller.


There is a place deep within the Earth, called Inner Earth. Now the Asteroid Belt/Milky Way and the Earths Moon.
There are no physical humans in this place.
Maldek was removed from the Vega system, and towed to this Galaxy by Nibiru.
It is a place near the centre of Earth, where dead astral consciousnesses are taken, if they have strived This planet, started to have some semblance of an evolutionary journey here in this Galaxy, having a
to attain some degree of spiritual mastery in their life. They will be the most humble of humble, and similiar world to Earth minus the oceans, and many species including humans.
there will be no reptilian influences on this person. The Asteroid Belt is the general area, where Nibiru enters this galaxy, because that is where Nibiru
Most 'spiritual masters', especially those that had any element of fame and notoriety, will not be in dumped Maldek approx 600,000 years ago.
Inner Earth, as it is potential spiritual masters that would be interfered with.
The problem with the tractoring and dumping of planets by Nibiru - means that the pathway of Nibiru
The common 'astral plane' finishes approx 2 kms underground. will then be strewn with these dumped planets. Everytime Nibiru passes, problems arise because of
the close proximity the planets will be. Which is the problem which will befall Earth.
Astral beings can go no further, because of a barrier.
This barrier is spiral shaped, and confuses the astral beings. With Maldek it was the flicking tail of moons and asteroids, trailing behind Nibiru, that destoyed
This barrier is also guarded by the Elementals, to make sure nothing or no one can pass without the Maldek.
credentials. With Earth, mild upheavals with each Nibiru passing, but each 12th passing Nibiru veers closer to
Earth and major destruction occurs.
Those that have spent their lives yearning and seeking, and quietly doing good works - these will be
the persons the Elementals will assist find Inner Earth. Upon death, the Elementals will quietly guide The Sirians were observing this potential Maldek/Nibiru disaster, and had the technology to destroy
the human to this realm. It is in the Inner Earth, there can be some degree of further learning, without the asteroid, but they did nothing.
the presence of the interfering realms. Spiritual persons were given the visions of the impending doom - and still the Sirians did nothing.
Why? because of friction and fraction between two planets - the science one that could observe, the
Their time is now. technology to assist, and the so-called spiritual one that could vision and foretell.
Ancestors can intervene, with the help of the Elementals.
The planet was destroyed.
The Ancestors from Inner Earth, can assist the ascending initiate in a variety of ways.
In this, there is karma to be resolved.
Those initiates who have done the inner work to clear attachments with the false gods, and
interferences with the reptilians, can now be contacted, with no fear of deceit and trickery. The lineages in the humans blueprint upon Earth, have Universal connections to many other worlds.
One must do this initial karmic clearing work, as this is how these non-ascending beings trick and So too, the karmas therein.
deceive, by pretending to be an Ancestor, a guardian, or a light being. Nibiruians, Andromedas, Arcturas, Sirius, Aldebaran, Orion, to name only half the worlds complicit in
destruction, deceit,
One can invoke an Ancestor for assistance, or be shown through a dream, vision or message, that an (whether the perpetrators or victims of).
Ancestor is ready to contact you. One thing is known, Nibiru is always the perpetrator.

Either way, it is a great honor. The initiate clearing karma, is to be aware of how ancient and far-flung many karmas are.
This awareness depends on reading the truths of humans ancestral lineages, planets of karmic origin,
and various knowledge pertaining
to 'karmic cause'.
The SealHood Mantle Command - (info in Volume 1) Karma clearing can sometimes be difficult at the best of times.
A few visionary persons, have had correlating visions, to substantiate the presence and power However those who have persevered and pushed through in their own karma clearing process, have
of the serpant, when the command is invoked for a difficult situation. opened the doors, and revealed the keys.
These keys are information, that make the process and each karma profiled, to be more fully
Some sense a calmness come over them, and their situation. understood.
It can be used to great effect, when the person does not know exactly what it in their field, or
what is troubling them, or interferring with them. This is the real purpose of the SealHood Mantle
GOOD KARMA BAD KARMA - There is no ‘good karma’
To level the playing field.
Karma is a negative situation, circumstance, thoughtform laid upon another.
‘Good’ karma is an oxymoron – there is no such thing


EARTH - GALAXY SERVICE WORK Conformity Initiatives by Command of the Conscious Steward
* Correct Exaggerated Overshoot Strain
The work in these publications is to first open the awareness of the problems, which can be healed * ReCast Paralyzed and Electrical Elements
through the human stewards intervention. * Correct Oscillation Over-Burden Drag
A quarter of the crop circles are devoted to revealing the problems. It is through ones Daily * Justify Resistance Warp Bow
Communing practise with the Elementals to be led to ones stewardship roles, responsibilities and * Justify Rotation
actions to correct, re-conform, and heal.
The actions are more understood when the crop circles are understood.
This work is not understood in the one reading - nor is it understood just reading this publication. The
individual must allow themselves to be led to other works for a deeper understanding, and to allow it First the understanding, to raise the awareness.
all to 'fall in place'.
The work this issue, is more about understanding the Reconvergence Points Field. Its construct, its
purpose and the compromise therein - to Earth and her Elementals. Understanding the dynamic, The course of Solar Winds creates Galactic Noise.
purpose and the corrupted Air Elements, in conjunction with this field is crucial to getting the Galactic Noise degrades the (presence) of the Nebula/Cosmic Cloud Configuration, which is, in fact
reconforming work done. the complete and full Dimensional Realm spectrum.
The Reconvergence Points Field & Course, is a 3-spherical field, where a planet oscillates and rotates
around in a certain cycles and timeframes. The solar winds are the jetstream of the larger unseen world attached to Nibiru.
The compromise for Earth and Air Elementals in this movement-field, is grave. The trajectory course of the winds is following the route of Nibiru.
The larger reptilian planet/world creates a displacement akin to a deep abyss like tube.
There are four crop circles depicting the Reconvergence Points Field /Course Protocols and The tube is the 'windcatcher'.
compromises. Your concern and a pendulum will allow the Elementals to show you these crop
circles, and then your awareness will be enhanced considerably to be taken to the next step. Nibiru: These are two planets joined. Only Nibiru can be seen. a crop circle website, is the easiest format for a pendulum to negotiate. The other larger world is the homeworld of the Melchizedek Drakonian Reptilian.

There are protocols and laws which must be understood first - to make sense of the Conforming All 'pure' non-corrupted galaxies have the nebula/cosmic cloud configuration
Commands, an Earth Stewards responsibility .. to make good a compromise, to rectify, to re-conform, This galaxy does not have this cosmic cloud configuration, due to the regular entering and exiting of
to undo. Nibiru and the super large reptilian world.
This entering and exiting has created a Galactic Noise
The crop circles depicting the following incomformities, which have been gleaned from crop circle
sites and placed in an online forum for the steward to view and fully understand the extent of Earth
Galactic noise can be detected, through instruments that can receive Ultra High Frequency.
and Elemental compromise.
See ‘Computer Links’ page in this publication.
An instrument that will receive and amplify a microwave circuit relaying a Hertzian wave.
The Work is complex, confusing at first, because of the unfamiliar language. As we all learn more The Ultra High Frequency signal relays a noise similiar to the Hertzian wave
about the Elementals, their origins, structure, their place and purpose, and what has compromised The signal is a warning sound.
them. The Earth, her origins, her place and purpose and what is compromising her - then the
information can be digested slowly and surely.
The Elementals through a pendulum, can lead you, the reader, to the right actions for all this work.


Irresolute Course Overshoot - Compromising GRAVITY - OSCILLATION - ROTATION

These in turn, affect weather, bad weather/winds, seasons, deserts, lightening, tides, light and time,

* Compromised Reconvergence Oscillation

* Compromised Bearing Pressure Weal
* Paralyzed Elements
* Dissipated Electrical Elements
* Sharp Edge Incomformity
* Irresolute Reconvergence Point Overshoot Inconformity


There is not one printed body of spiritual works today, that has any Ascension information.
Not past nor present.
Griffon - The Ascension Impact Engineer Technician
There is not one so-called ' spiritual master' or saint that has mastered the physical or Ascended. The insignia of Griffon on the crop circle of Volume 1 back page, is a pointed sphere.
Be it Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed. In the Language of One, this glyph means ATTENTION.

Those in Inner Earth are testament to the humans who have mastered in part, or strived to master in Griffon was the first specie to evolve from a Dragon.
their life, doing a semblance These had individuated consciousness, and their physical realm is where we would define 5th
of the correct work, with no ego, and no reptilian attached to them. dimension.
There is no inner earth dead human, that was famous, or is/was known in spiritual circles, spiritual
works. The Dragons had a disibility that was initially passed onto its species.
The inability to think, rationalise, reason.
All the lofty works on spiritual attainment - past and present - are only kept in circulation to prevent
Griffon was a male only specie, golden colour, body of fur, wings of feather, two legs and a head similiar
the true seeker from seeking
to a dragons, jaw and teeth.
and keep seeking.
Orange Dragon being the largest of the dragon species, (2 kms in height) Griffon was also a very large
When one keeps paying attention and attaches themselves to these non-ascending works, their true
specie. This largeness contributed to other species defining griffon as a tyrant, which was not the case.
spirituality and journey dies.
Orange Dragons original being was considered saintly, compared to the other Dragons, and this was
also the case for Griffon.
The physical species were, and still are, the guardians of any world they reside. Griffons guardianship
was hampered severely by the small-mindedness of the other dragons realms, because of their size,
The Crystalline Conversion and petty-ness of their own being and thinking.
This cannot be done from death, or the astral. It was the interactions between the various DragonRealms that caused their future species to have
It is work that can only be done through a physical incarnation. disresonant relationships between various species.
The dead astral being, no longer has its Blueprint. The Blueprint has been forwarded onto to future This still happens between the human species to this day.
As Griffon grew in numbers and became crowded packs, in house fighting started to occur, clawing
The physical human clears the karmas, which in turn reduces the space between (the unconscious) and mauling each other.
hence widening the meridians coursing the chi. This harmfulness between the griffon specie, caused them to fall in consciousness (and being)
Copious amounts of chi, facilitate many changes – and is part of the conscious raising ability. The repetitive harmfulness then created a non-evolutionary path.
Griffon was divided up, and sent to different parts of the Universe.
In reducing the unconscious realms, the human is no longer triggered to polarity/disresonance – as that It was this strategy that caused a few groups to change their way of being, by mating with another
is what has been stored in the unconscious realms. The mind, body and spirit can now work in sync to specie, the Phoenix, a Red Dragon specie.
pure soul journey and right thought and action, this can be equated with ‘ascension principles. This caused Griffon to become smaller, and changed its physical form to more bird-like.
In fact, it is when the initiate can keep their mind on Ascension and all it entails, they are more able to
quickly attain a state of being that Accepts and Allows All Things.

The form must be fully vibrating to all the Unity concepts in the Language of Light, for the body to
Undetermination to ascend
by The Ascension Impact Engineer Technician - Griffon
complete certain areas in this crystalline biology conversion
Undertermination is equated with ..
* Fence Straddling
* Fluctuating Will
* Weak Will
* Cowardly
* Viewing with no action
* Constantly reading but right action undetermined

This undetermination will cause a reptilian to stalk and attach themselves to the unsuspecting individual.
The humans field will become distorted, and difficult then to take the right action.


The discarnate, astral world of the 4th dimension is not a natural world for dead humans Mount Sejama - South America
This is because of the separated state of the consciousness, due to karma and the degradation of the There are significant mountains on this planet, that have important records for humanities ascension.
upper dimensional realms, namely the 5th, whereby 'ascension' would happen. The initiate will be guided to these mountains, to learn and to heal the past and to share.
The human is a soul spirit having the physical experience - when it no longer knew what this involved,
it became separated. This affected the outcome of death. Mount Sejama - My personal experience.
I arrived at a small tourist town, in the middle of a desert near Mount Sejama (pronounced Sahama)
In the astral is a tormented realm. The never-ending days. If there was pain upon death, this pain My one and only vision of whatever i was to do or achieve with this mountain, was a vision of being
often stays. inside a cave.
There is no beauty, no nature, just a half, hazy light, where all wander aimlessly. There is no purpose There were three stools. An elderly man with a long beard sat on one, another being i could not see,
on the astral. but knew was there
There are no opportunities to change or grow, so the dead humans consciousness stays exactly the was sitting on another, and the empty stool - i knew was for me.
same as it was when alive. The being i could not see, a pendulum confirmed another Elemental.
The astral is fraught with tormented, lessor beings, who had reptilian interference in the physical.
Many discarnate have amnesia, I had a vague notion that I, through my ascending form and consciousness, was waking up a
not knowing who or what they were in the physical. mountain.

There is an Inner and External Astral. There is a barrier separating the two, so only a particular kind of After i brought forth the vision, i promptly fell asleep - even though i knew that chair was for me, i
discarnate can be led to the Inner Astral World, known as Inner Earth. A person who has dedicated could do nothing.
their life to the spiritual search. In retrospect i discovered i was affected by the high altitude.
It was only as i brought forth the message on what i achieved by visiting this mountain, that other
The arrival of the Annanuki (greek gods) 150,000 years ago, brought the large amount of reptilians to things also fell into place.
Earth, and the large amount of early deaths and dying through their control and abuse, both reptilian
and Annanuki humans. The Annanuki stripped the original races of their spiritual being, causing In 2007 I had messages directing me to go to Bolivia - many visions and dreams were about alien
separation. apparatus, large (etheric) structures, influences in many places, some very ancient. These would be
The reptilians, residing in another Universe, achieved portals to the 4th dimension, whereby they grounded and removed by the Elementals, by the power of my stewardship role and actions.
could interfere with physical humans. Some of these 'alien influences' that have affected South American very profoundly, one in particular
is obvious - i would be shown again and again.
The 4th dimension is a transitory dimension, not considered a reality dimension.
The reptilian interference and amount of deaths that occurred in a short space of time, 'enlarged' the And now it is only as i penduled for the message to attach to Exploring Mountain Records, i finally
4th dimension, and corrupted the upper dimensional realms above the 4th dimension. have discovered the reason why we would meet.
This dimension then became the astral realm for the dead consciousness. Also in my message, the words 'well done' appeared. A salute for me, that could be put into words.

In spiritual terms, what is in the mind is vibrational matter - denotes whether light or dark. Dear Reader, this is the magic of using the Thesaurus, to receive the messages - our guides can now
If the mental mind does not have the connection and knowledge of All That Is (ascension truths and fully impart the very defined words they want to say.
knowledge) the 'matter' is of a lesser dimensional realm. Aurora.
The mental mind of the average human is already in the 4th dimension - it is no higher because
Ascension truths have been locked away from all humans. The gaining of this knowledge 'enlightens'
the consciousness and form, and the mental mind is elevated from its lesser state. Information is light MT SEJAMA
and vibration.
The person dies, the mental mind is released or detached, from the physical form and wanders free in The structural origins of this mountain started in this galaxy, when Earth had awakened and started the
the astral. reformation journey. Though the Origins of the Elemental administering and maintaining Sejama, is
much older.
There is a seniority structure within the Elemental ranks - that is why one can be the consciousness of a
planet, a mountain, oceans, lakes etc.
The Elemental Sejama is a very old male, who has been with the EarthMother since her origins.
After her separation from Tara and the journey through the Universe to this galaxy.
there started something called Spontaneous Generation... bringing forth more Elements to reform the


devasted plane, and to re-start its evolutionary journey. However there have been actions and
circumstances that have prevented this. Many land masses require awakening, or require some
assistance to remove interferences that are preventing the landmass from ascending.
With my presence and the assistance of the Earth Elementals, Sejama was re-awakened to Evolution 'INCOMING CRYSTAL CHILDREN'.
and Ascension.
This is how all ascending initiates are guided to wake up and ascend the land – with consciousness The Crystal Children, to be born with fully awakened consciousness, has not happened to date.
knowledge, and their ascending form. There are none.
It was to be these children, that would waken humanity and propel Ascension.
I am being shown core being and truths of Sejama, that affects surrounding areas – in the hearts and
minds of those in the surrounds. They are called Spontaneous Instincts. There are Indigos, Pale Indigos, and Golden Children
Indigos - 3000 strands
Sejama has educated those around him to revolutionary action - extremist - radical reform. Pale Indigos - 5000 strands
Bolivia has been the breeding ground for this, due to the mindset of Sejama the spirit in the mountain. Golden Children - 8000 strands.
This has been, not because of alien interferences, but because of the alien R.C Church, that has
infiltrated every area in South America. Many of these children have been appropriated and interfered with by the unseen reptilians.
There is no protection for any ascending children, if the parents are ignorant of the interferences, and
The Spirit in the mountain, has been observing how the church infiltration has upset the balance of not ascending themselves.
the land and has castrated any evolutionary action by the humans. Pale Indigos and Golden Children have the popensity to just shut down, with these interferences.
Autism, catatonic states, and some hysteria behaviours.
Sejama is now in the process renovating true Evolution by RE-educating himself, his Elementals and
the humans in his surrounds. Amending his education by re-writing restoration and recovery of the To bring forth even higher evolved children, takes a level of karma clearing, not many have acquired.
land. Not by radical, extremist revolutionary action, but by the correct methods to Ascend. The more people clear their karma, the more incoming generations also have had their karma
cleared, the more higher evolved children
come forth.

Correct karma clearing really revolves around having a daily communing process, and a variety of
tools to get the job done quickly.
In this collaboration, the karmas are revealed, the circumstances are shown, and completions are
Spontaneous Instincts If something is not understood, more information will be given.

All Species dream If one is not having this level of communication - and attempting to clear karma, problems arise when
All Species dreamstate is intervened by the Elementals. the karmic circumstances are not understood. The problems being that one has 'pulled to themselves'
the karma to clear, and in not understanding it - then muddles around in said karma, until the initiate
That is the method can instruct and guide can start living this same karma all over again.
Possibly never even getting close to clearing it.

Clearing karma is difficult - but it is made easier by the New Communing System. The Thesaurus will
find the associated words and emotions/karma, and the Karma Clearing Tools will assist in clarifying
some of the information.


AN ATTENTION TOO PASSIVE This is the design of
A forum site to help the initiate to move ones attention from passive to Active.

Many individuals are paying attention to non-ascending words and non-ascending work in the false It is this place we, the Nature Realms, the EarthMother, The Tao and Guardians will make our
beliefs they are Ascension. presence felt in your life and your Communing process.
Many are not paying attention at all To make every facet where you place your attention work for you, to Ascend.

Being given false messages that there is nothing to do. A Promise of Service, We Strive with every fibre of our Being to fulfil. For you.
Firing passions and beliefs that one is ascending, as that is the design of some of these works.
Forking out money for work that will take them nowhere, or healing that doesnt heal, or information Cavey
they cannot use. Causing the potential to fork out more money to acquire the 'ordinations' or the through Aurora.
'higher levels' of understanding or being, that will still lead them nowhere.
False beliefs and hopes of what they are doing is Ascension work. Or who they are listening to are
authentically Ascending.
All these non-ascending works and non-ascending people pushing their false ascension work have
delayed humans ascension, and causing a grave schism in the Ascension Movement. Many of these
people who have been hoodwinked, or cannot find interest, are the key persons to bring forth, or to
further Ascension.
Not to mention the false beliefs that are now deeply ingrained in some people.
Some cannot be shifted from these false ascension beliefs.
Key persons have still to be awakened to authentic Ascension, and do the authentic work to Ascend.
Free energy devices to be led to. Kineseology
More works and tools to further Ascension.
World and Universal Service tasks to be attended to. The bodys ability to reveal and inform.
Many areas and humans upon Earth, still to be awakened to Ascension.
Ascending children to be protected. Most kinesthetic responses are about karma, curses, spells and implants.

Where are you Beloved? Using a pendulum will define the exact nature of the kinesthetic response, and the action to take.
Unfortunately these key persons are just as unprotected as the youngsters – and that is why they are One can programme in various responses to alerts that require immediate attention. Small headaches
unable to step into authentic Ascension. and stomach aches are generally these kinds of alerts.
Reading authentic Ascension works has the ability to change methods, ideas, outcomes even ethics.
The Ascending Initiate is to pay full attention to their surroundings, Nature, and any symbology that This will be the same for kineseologists, and those who have been working with kinesiology.
MAY possibly hold a message.
There are messages always in Kineseology, Dreams and Visions, and a Daily Communing Practise.
Every Ascending Initiate is important in the eyes of the spiritual realms – and they strive to impart
messages in any which way they can.
Dreams, messages and visions to interprete and act upon.
Small increments, so as not to overwhelm or confuse.
All building upon themselves, in the various areas or subjects the ascending initiate is required to
Sleep/dream time becomes very precious to the ascending initiate. It is here many messages are
given, that often will make sense of some of the messages from the chartwork Even though the dream
is symbolic, it still can portray something that words cannot.
Ascension Truth is to be shared freely with all others desiring Ascension.
There has been ways and means for initiates to share their gifts and tools without payment. Generally
these inititiates are being supported in other areas, without the necessity to take money from those in
need of authentic Ascension words and work.


From a destroyed Tara, 12 planets reformed. There is a black hole in this galaxy, caused by Nibiru.
Nine are in other galaxies In this black hole, is a planet called Thalia.
Two are in this galaxy. Earth and Thalia Thalia is a fragment of the original exploded planet called Tara, in the Aledebaran system.
And one a renegade Nibiru. There are twelve fragments that became planets.
Thalia is in a black hole in this galaxy Three stayed in the Aldebaran system, Shiva, Albyreon, Thalia.

Earth, Nibiru (ex Shiva), and Thalia are three Taran fragments. The remaining fragments, including Earth traversed the Universe to end up in a variety of other solar
The central sphere is a black hole systems, and re-started their planetary journies.
the three glyphs around the black hole, is a Language of Light Quadtone, called Trionimal Honor. Most were appropriated and corrupted by the Annanuki/Nibiru, due to Tara, the the original planets
There is to be honour bestowed on the three planets from Tara – when Nibiru returns to this Uranium wealth.
Nine planets in various solar systems At different times, both Thalia and Earth were tractored here by Nibiru, as was Maldek and Mars.
The black hole in this solar system, is to be repaired by humans assistance through ones Universal
Stewardship role and actions. The planet Thalia removed, and the reptilian world around Nibiru Nibiru is not one planet, but two. An unseen larger reptilian world that has attached itself to Nibiru.
separated and pushed down this black hole. This reptilian world cannot be returned to its original Universe as it has long since ascended.
For Shiva to be taken back to her world, and a reparation begin.
There is a strategy by the Guardians and Elementals to separate the reptilian world from Nibiru, and
The world and times of the Annanuki and Nibiru will end. guide the reptilian world into this black hole.

The Position of the Black Hole:

The black holes position can be plotted by a photogram, by first getting a celestial fix.
First the course line of Nibiru must be plotted, also by a photogram, then a frame made using three
planets as a triangular frame.
Jupiter, Sun, the Lupus Sector.
In the centre of this triangular sector is the black hole.
Nibirus entry course also runs through this triangular sector.
There is a sound to Nibirus Course - a 'warning' sound of stress
and there is another sound from the black hole, that intercepts the 'course sound'. - a hissing sound at
four second intervals.

MONO BLACK HOLE GRADATION AND TRANSITION – is the name of the healing work by the
Thalia must be removed first.
The healing work for Thalia, will begin in Volume 3 of Heart of the EarthMother


The Ouija board can be a dangerous tool. The Language of One is a tonal language symbolizing light, to complement and assist humans
It has been used by mystics for a very long time.
And it has been used by the astral reptilian Wesedraks, who interfere, also for a very long time. There is a potency in this language to spark and thrust the quantum life-spirit endeavour.
The power lies within the words.
Wesadraks have a kinetic energy, that can move certain things.
They are also the poltergeist phenomena. The origins of this language lies in the Great Central Sun - which is Theta Tauri, in the Hyades system, a
Wesadraks, smaller unseen reptilians, are everywhere, and are on the alert for any avenue they can 'white giant'.
interfere. There is only one Great Central Sun in this Universe, and it is where The Tao - The Tau emanates from.
Seances are another way they interfere. This language is being translated into English, as it is the English language that has the required syntax
They can also interfere with a pendulum. for correct translation.
That is why it is vital to make sure the field is clear of all interference, when using any spiritual tools.
All languages upon Earth are considered spiritually impotent. Encouraging human fraility and infirm
The New Communing System using a pendulum, charts and a Thesaurus, is fairly safe.
will. Creating an insipid, poor, weak human.
The Thesaurus confounds the Wesadrak and any other astral interference
A 'spiritually potent' language is one that has the ability to change the psyche - change the mood -
hence change the field of a species that uses the Language of One
Penduling for ascension authenticity
Logic Experience Endeavour Particularization
The integrity of Books, articles and websites is first ascertained by asking the percentage of Ascension In using the Language of One a natural logic occurs through experience and endeavour.
Truth in each works. The words describe a particular mental action that has a Unity characteristic.,
There is speech pronunciation, light interpretation and imagery.
• is there more than 50% truth?
Telepathic communication will occur using the Language of One through imagery representation.
• Is there less than 50% truth?
• Is there any truth?
The Language of One will be made available to all Ascension seekers.
Then one can make a further investigation It is desirable that all individuals have this translation before March 2012.
It will be in the Habilitation period after Nibiru, The Tao will telepathically instruct initiates on its use
• 10% ? - 20%? - 30%? - 40%? - 50%? - 60%? - 70%? - 80%? - 90%? – 100%? and application.
A little half circle penduling chart can be made – sectioning the ‘pie segments into the percentages When translated, The Language of One will not be circulated in normal distribution circles – because
above of the interferences and false intervention of the reptilians.
By 10’s. Those that desire humans ascension to fail, copy and ape ascension works and terminologies.
Then the rocking system can be used to define the integrity or authenticity of such. Thereby tricking the unsuspecting into thinking something is truth, when in fact, it is just something
The pendulum works better when it is made to choose – rather than asking for a yes or no swing. piggy-backing on Ascension Truth.
So give your pendulum small lists of other possibilities when asking for an answer to something.
Jot them down to pendule for the correct answer, not forgetting to add ‘or something else’/’other’ at It is not desired to make anything secret. This is not the ‘ascending way.
the bottom of your list - just in case you have all the incorrect possibilities – or there maybe something Those that desire to know, or desire to learn, will be led to the Language of One
else or different your guidance is trying to lead you to. And it will be the sincere seekers, that will be given the Language of One.
Sometimes you guides ‘have nowhere to go’. They want to give you the correct answer, but the
questioner maybe barking up the wrong tree, as to what the answer maybe (couching the question

This is why it is better to move to the Communing Charts System, and allow the pendulum to find the These are based on the Language of Light
chart words, then the Thesaurus words (using the word from the Charts), thereby answering your Single Tones - to 5000 strands
question, in a more satisfactory, using the correct words. Dual tones - to 8000 strands
Tri Tones - to 12000 strands
Quadtones to 36,000 strands


THE OUTER RIM This knowledge of intrinsic stellar relationships is a tool. Within this knowledge is the bending of the
matrix to apply 'warp' speed. But higher dimensional beings do not need spacecraft to traverse the
Universe, nor would they interfere or intervene in another planets affairs. This is tantamount to
Thats where we are. This galaxy and our Solar System is on the outer rim of the Universe. interference.
This does not appear to be the case, because the stars are all around us, however 30% of all the stars in It is unconscious species that traverses around the Universe, interfering.
the sky are reflections of other stars.
The Birth of a Planet.
The Universe started from the 'middle' – and spread outwards, but the original middle has evolved The beginning of a planet is akin to blowing up a paper bag, and it bursting.
many times to become other unseen Universes. One can see planets being formed in Nebula Clouds, it is the presence of a Nebula Cloud that
The middle or most ancient of this Universe, the stargroups and constellations, cannot be seen from denotes a purity of the galactical Genesis Protocol (the full dimensional spectrum). Elements
Earth, because she is on the outer rim. gathering and cohesing – until the timing is right for physical existance. Taking 700,000 years or so.
The middle and radiating outwards is the Universal matrix or grid. In the middle and 3/4s outwards Or even if a planet is to have a physical existance. Some planetary roles may exclude this.
this holds all 15 dimensions. When a star attains a 15 dimensional being, it shifts its reality to another There are many non-physical, or gaseous brother/sister planets, who exist to assist a planet in their
Universe, and becomes unseen to those in this Universe. solar system to ascend.
All planets that are visible as planets, are non-ascending planets, and will generally have a wobble to
their etheric subtle body field (planetary matrix). The journey starts from the projection of the Elementals and higher dimensional spiritual realms, to
A planet in a state of Ascension –starting from deep/brown red to orange star ordination. have a physical existance on the planet for their evolution.
Commonly known in astronomy as a 'brown dwarf'. 'Dwarf' only in relation to a star/sun, which is
generally larger than a planet. This is dreaming and the manifesting, of many realms.
A red sun is one with complications, a red giant even worse. The realms do not always come through correct or in alignment with the planets evolution. If it is
A white sun is a many ascended sun. seen these realms cannot evolve, or cannot change, they are dealt with in various ways. New species
are brought forth, and these are observed. When it is seen there is possiblity for ascension, The Tao
Everything travels in a circular motion in the Universe, and matter is trapped along the way to becomes involved, to assist and further the ascending species.
coagulate and become more. The more time, coagulation and cohesion, a planet is born. Often
matter is drawn to a planet or sent purposely to an emerging planet – all by the Elemental Realms. Every planet is an experiment one could say.
Even before a planet becomes physical matter, there is much consultation in the spiritual realms as to And the success of every experiment, is the planet and its species Ascension.
its eventual journey.
The Tao has now graced us with its presence, and we have started a magnificent journey of Ascension
Planets are in continual movement, of growth and re-birth, which is coined 'a planet in Evolution' , or – I hope you will join us dear Reader. Do not hover around the outer rim, jump in and share in the
in stagnation and dogma, , 'a planet devolving', and this is through interference and karma. magic.
Planets also move from one galaxy to another.
Earth has had three shifts from her galaxy of Origin. from the EarthMother

All of the suns in each constellation have a special relationship to each other. Deep ancient
relationships to their Origins, and why they make up a particular constellation or galaxy.
As too, the planets around each sun, have very special relationships to each other – they are a family.
Each one has an integral role to play for their own evolution, the suns and the galaxies evolution.
Angels and Seraphim
Whatever happens to one, affects the others.
Oftentimes it takes many tens of thousands of years to heal or correct something disastrous. There is no such thing as angels or seraphim. They are a concept, similar to religions – contrived by
In Earths case, it has taken a million years. the reptilians to cause humans to gather, supplicate, subordinate and pray to.
For humans many many millions.
Praying and any forms of supplication causes one to lose chi.
The unseen Universal matrix is also a part of these ancient stellar relationships. If there was such a This is not the method for communicating with the spiritual realms.
thing as higher dimensional space travel – they would know about these relationships to shift
themselves around the Universe, because of the connecting matrix between them. The angel/seraphimis based on the blue-eyed, blonde haired, human Andromedan form, which the
Jumping from one star to another within the relationship that each star has with the next. One defines Draconian reptilian is obsessed with.
the predestination, then defines a kin stellar relation, simply because the matrix is in alignment with Many religious and church icons have reptilian or entity attachment, preying upon those that
the kin. supplicate themselves to these icons.


STONES Being vegetarian is an Ascension Ordination.

To embody Unconditional Honor, one must not be eating the flesh of humans ascending brothers and
Angel Wing Blue Anhydrite sisters.
The Plant Realms have agreed to sustain the human species.
It is also the plant realms that have the required information to nurture the ascending form, and to
create the new substances for the crystalline biology.
Azeztulite (Quartz group)
The plant realms also trigger the body into producing or re-producing many healing substances and
poison antidotes, that the body has long forgotten how to create.
Chrysanthemum Stone There is no honor in killing and eating of flesh.
Goethite There is also no chi in dead flesh.
Herkimer Diamond Nor is there chi in processed, factory produced foods, even though they maybe vegetarian.
Jet It is chi that is just as important as nutrition, for the ascending initiate.
Kyanite Copious amounts of chi are required.
Labradorite Once the form has cleared karma, this in turn widens the space between the meridians, and this in
Peridot turn,
Petalite allows more chi to course through the etheric body form.
Prehnite Sustaining the form, whilst the body makes the crystalline changes.
Quartz The form becomes larger. The larger form requires even more chi, and more chi means different food
Shattuckite requirements.
Tanzanite The different nutritional requirements will challange all the rules of nutrition that all once knew and
Tourmaline practised.
Tugtupite The Ascending form, requires more fats, sugars and salt.
Turquoise To assist the body to make more salts, new organs are created.

There are six new glands down the front of the chest area.
A big gland around the waist
Two around the base of the neck and over the shoulder area
The glands in the pubis and testes area also enlarge.

Those who cannot make the change from meat eating to vegetarianism, may look within for the
karmas and spells.
Humanity has been spelled in various times, during devastations and upheavals - to now think the
body 'needs' flesh.
When it doesnt.
Some of the karmic work, will be closely associated with Addictions.

As one moves more fully into their Ascension, there is the added problem of non-ascending plant
species, those with electrical geometry. Ingesting these foods will give the body the incorrect
messages, and do not support the ascending form.

The Ascending Initiate is closely monitored by the Elementals, on what the body needs, at any given
The dream, vision or daily messages will inform any additions or changes that need to be made to the


If you notice the Plieades in the night-time sky, many stars close together. Plants - fruit, vegetables, herbs, flowers, essences, foods/oils, food-processing, fabrics, furnishings,
There are no physical planets left in the Plieades, they have all ascended, and are now stars/suns. perfumes, toiletries, cleaners.
It is an electrical disresonant geometry surrounding many plants and derivitives of, that cause humans
There will be no intervention from any Plieadian being. allergies.
In fact any intervention from the Plieades would be deemed an interference, and these higher The nature realms that cannot transmute to magnetic being, will become extinct.
spiritual beings
would not do this.
The majority of Nature species on Earth, have been brought here from somewhere else.
There are many being channeled today, saying they are from the Plieades. Animals, birds, insects, aquatics, plants and trees.
One may well look into the astral, for that is where all Earths interferences come from. Most have come via Nibiru and the Andromedas, although there have been a few harmless re-
locating humans who have also brought their
The Plieadian High Command, the Plieadian Spiritual Elite, the Plieadian Whatever, are all deceits own species.
and spin, to Some of these species have a disresonant DNA structure, even though many have become humans
prevent the reader, listener from seeking the correct sources of Ascension. main food source.
Therefore preventing the reader, listener from doing the correct Ascension
It is mainly the nature species from the Andromedas, that have an electrical geometry surrounding
The reason why the Plieades is so far ascended than many other galaxies and worlds, is because there them.
has been no human involvement, in any of the planets. Most of these species will not be able to transmute their electrical DNA, to magnetic and crystalline,
This fact, protects the planets from Drakonian intervention and control. so will become extinct.

There are other species from other worlds, who have 'transmutation' in their biology
These will be sponsered by an Earth specie and all are called 'Ascending Species'.

It is spoken of in science/meta physical circles, that the Universe is an electrical Universe.

It is not.
Those galaxies, planets that are electrical, as is Earth at the moment - are planets in distress and non-
A gauge to truth
Through Ascension Earth will be removing all that are, and cause or create electrical on her skin -
There are many new truths being revealed, because of the Thesaurus being added to the initiates tools. including the transmutation of Electrons
These new truths are making lies of the works/information purporting to be Ascension. in her atmosphere.

The authors of those lies, are not liars – in fact they are sincere spiritual ascension seekers without tools
to gauge the truth of what they are hearing, and the truth of who is doing the speaking.

Assuming and beliefs are the two biggest deterrents to understand true Ascension, and getting to real
truths of anyone or anything. Harm in disguise
Ascension deems absolute harmlessness in all thought and action.

There are many ways of thinking that create hexes, curses and spells for others.
Some are very subtle, but harmful nevertheless.
The harm in disguise, is gossiping and putting someone down , even in jest or joke. The jokester is
deceiving themselves if they think this is a harmless joke.


Their work with humans karma clearing is immense.
In fact without their assistance, clearing karma would almost be impossible, because of their unique
abilities, knowledge and wisdoms.
Karma is created by a negative thought or action between two or many persons.
To remove a karma takes conscious knowledge of the past action, and a forgiveness or an apology. • It is the Elementals that do all the returning and retrieving of energies.
If this act of kindness or forgiveness has not happened in the life of cause, then the circumstance will Not just a global dynamic – but a Universal dynamic. The origins of many karmas, curse, spells and
be passed onto future incarnations. such are not Earth-Originated, but are still being completed.
This is compounded by the fact that one person is now very many. One person who was the
A karma enacted in previous lives, still takes the clearing initiate, conscious knowledge of the action, perpetrator or victim, can have a million future ancestors carrying this karma.
for it is through this understanding the correct forgiveness vibration is laid upon the circumstance and However, IT ONLY TAKES ONE PERSON TO CLEAR A KARMA, that many now are carrying.
the energy removed – retrieved or returned. • It is the Elementals who are monitoring the minds of every human on this planet,
Also the consciousness is raised exponentially in two ways. So the right actions can be done by the Elementals for the human, not just karma, but Ascension
1.Consciousness raising is dependant upon consciousness being retrieved that was lost. Awakening and Seeking the right works.
Energy is lost or accrued in every karmic circumstance. • It is the Elementals that guide each initiate to the correct clearing work that must
The person clearing the karma, either as the original perpetrator, or the original victim, is constantly Be done.
swapping out the disresonant matter in their own etheric body, unconscious realms. • It is the Elementals that supply the visions, to give the information about the
This swapping, is removal of the disresonant and retrieving elements of chi energy. karmas, and all other work associated with Ascension.
The Language of Light. • It is the Elementals that supply the dreams, all dreams are information. All
Reinstating pure tones in the space between the meridians – the unconscious. Dreams and visions must be interpreted correctly to keep the journey in correct motion.
This is how one becomes Enlightened, and how one embodies the Language of Light to facilitate the • It is the Elementals that move around the Subtle Body Care-taking Dynamic,
crystalline biology changes. This strategy is nothing short of brilliant, as there are very few with the grandmaster lineage on Earth.
The initiate doesn’t memorise or learn the text of the Language of Light to embody the tones and • It is the Elementals that create the symbology, the co-incidences, the actions by
vibrations, they clear karma, hence retrieve the vibrations and light. the Nature realms
2. Seeing and understanding the karmas, reveals the perpetrators as who they really are. Todays and • It is the Elementals that are part of the Kineseology Dynamic, both of body and
yesteryears. Clearing karma lifts the veils, raises the consciousness, and brings forth new mind.
awarenesses, that were not there before karma was cleared. • All clairsentience, including Telepathy, Transformation, Transmigration, will be
Through the actions and assistance of the Elementals.
Karmic matter is a combination of chi, emotions and energy signatures belonging to another. This
matter resides in the etheric form (of both parties) and becomes disresonant, as it is matter not
belonging to self.
This information and the associated charts to assist in this action, were brought forth through a
Each new life, the incarnate acquires their Subtle Body from a care-taker, complete with all records
continuing communing practise with the EarthMother and Elementals, and the Elementals close
and Blueprints of previous incarnations, including the karmic circumstances.
monitoring of initiates clearing karma.
This steps down into the unconscious realms, of the etheric form, and starts to affect the conscious
It is the EarthMother who ultimately decides on tools and spiritual practises, and it is she that deems
mind and the physical form of the incarnated individual.
this is ‘the way’ to clear karma and Ascend.
The Death and Dying Dynamic
When the form knows it is dying or death is imminent, the Subtle Body collapses itself of all chi. Upon Through a Daily Communing Practise, a defined structure and order is presented to the initiate.
death, the etheric ‘body double’ dissipates, and the four Subtle Body’s separate into two sections. • Revealing and Clearing Karma, Curses, Spells, Hexes, Machinary.
The person is now separated from the physical form, the emotional and mental subtle bodies are • Implants – which require a different process to karma clearing
released into the astral, the 4th dimension, and becomes the discarnate astral self. • Message receiving – that will work in sync with dreams and visions
The Intuitive and Creational Subtle Bodies are taken by Elelmentals to a care-taker. • Dream interpreting
• Vision practise – interpreting
The care-taker can be another family member, or not. It is generally a ‘soul family’ member. • External direction - Something to read
Sometimes the care-taker can take on some of the mental abherrations of the dead person – as these • Crop Circles
are now in the records, or part of the Subtle Body realms. The person will re-incarnate and receive
back its original Blueprint. Revealing a Karma
This can be through a variety of ways.
The Grandmaster Blueprint A karmic mirror being presented, by the trigger or reaction felt. A karmic trigger can be a person,
It is this care-taking aspect, that allows a non-ascending blueprint to Ascend. place, thing, or an action being viewed.
Those who are able to start the journey, be interested in Ascension – but their blueprints have not the Through a dream, vision or message through the Communing Charts System.
information to transform the biology into the crystalline form, are ‘lent’ such a blueprint. Through some symbolic action by a Nature Realm.
To become a living care-taker of a dead Sirian Grandmasters Blueprint.
Once the initiate starts the work, the body receives the information from the loaned Blueprint and First one pendules “is this a karma?’ and if pendulum answers ‘yes’, then a process to reveal the nuts
facilitates the crystalline conversion information into the care-taker. and bolts, through penduling charts.
The Grandmaster Blueprint, is the Sasquatch/Sirian-Katayy Human mating that had 36,000 strand
DNA template.


The tools/charts to assist the individual to map out the facts of each karma.
1. The Karma Profiling Chart. THE 17 COMMON FALSE
2. False God Chart
Reptilian Chart
Planet of Origin Chart
5. DragonRealm Chart A
6. DragonSoul Chart B
7. 2 - Communion of All Species Communing Charts (in Volume 1)
1. Kuthumi
8. Language of Light – the centre column in the Communing Chart – and the Language of Light
text in the links in Volume 1. 2. Dwajl Kuhl
Original Cause 3. Serapis Bey
These are usually quite ancient, and some difficult to comprehend, without reading some
background work on the planets, species and humans origins. 4. Hilarion
The initiate in 2002-2004 was mainly clearing Original Cause level, back to the Annanuki, 150,000
years ago, including Atlantis to present day. 5. Paul the Venecian
(Annanuki as the origins of most negative thoughtforms).
As more records were opened, and more karma cleared, initiates were taken back to life beyond
6. Lady Nada
Earth, Nibiru, Ruined/Interferred Worlds and Reptilian Interference.
Reptilian karmas and curses, took the initiate back to more ancient DragonSoul work .. and it is now 7. St. Germain
seen the DragonSouls had the ORIGINAL negative thoughtform and being, that humans are living
today. 8. Lord Matreiya
The point of clearing something at the most ancient Original Cause level, or being led to understand 9. Jahova
the work at this level, will then allow the Elementals to clear the Blueprints of associated karmas,
curses, spells up through the ages. 10. Rama
A ‘Tapestry of Ancestry’ is woven through the Ancestral/Lineage Blueprint, and all associated cause
and effect, is cleared.
11. Yahweh
Another brilliant strategy by the spiritual realms, to assist the immense backlog of humans karma.
Beloved, you are not just clearing and healing yourself. You are clearing karma for the human 12. Thoth
race – and the human race is on many worlds throughout the Universe. .
This work also allows for more incoming Crystal Children to be born. 13. Sananada
THE WORK 14. Vishnu
Creating the Karma Clearing Journal.
• A folder to hold all the charts necessary to be led to the facts of each karma, curse or spell. 15. Solaris
Preferably the type that has clear plastic sheathes, as the pages can get worn quite quickly.
• Blank pages/journal for jotting down the answers. 16. Shiva
• Pendulum and a Rogets Thesaurus
Getting Started: 17. Buddha
Allow your pendulum to reveal a range of words from the Karma Profile Chart.
Some of the answers will mean penduling the other charts.
Jotting down the answers, and building up a picture of the karmic circumstance.
Some areas in the Karma Profile Chart will require a double pendule, to reveal both the ancestral
persons, and the now persons and/or facts of the victim and the perpetrator.
The Communing Systems Charts, and a Thesaurus, will find the words, that will build up the story for
Whilst you are doing this work on a karma, the next nights dream will supply you with more
information (if you havnt already had a dream)
Pendule to check if you have – you may have missed this valuable bit of information.
Dreams are so cryptic and symbolic, it is difficult at first glance, to detect what they are really about .
Having a vision practise, will speed you through this work considerably
• A Draconian Melchizedek reptilian. Walk-in, interfacing with a human
The connection is through an implant in the brainstem. Although the ‘walkin’ is external to the form,
this connection causes a dissonance can affect a young person. Also known as possession. The person
generally becomes extremely ego-centric.

• Sirian Hybrid – often in groups. Inseminating the worm into both human genders SIRIUS * Plaatijes
The individual sirian hybrid inseminates the worm. The groups of Sirian Hybrids, hang around humans SIRIUS * Siroyo
and sexually interfere with both children and adults.
SIRIUS * Katayy
• Wesadrak : Internal & External - Causing many diseases and dysfunction
Internal: A worm that stays and grows into a small Draconian internal, severely affecting the human ALPHA CENTAURI * Daarear
host physically, emotionally and mentally. Many harmful karmas are committed through this parasite.
External: Upon the humans death the Wesadrak is also released from the etheric body to the astal.
VEGA * Dolphina
Where it becomes an even bigger interference. VEGA * Lyracos
• Melchizedek female Egg Layer ANDROMEDA
The female Melchizedek lays the nest eggs, to produce the Sirian Hybrids.
• Reptilian Worm ORION * Embaskit
Inseminated into the kundalhini channel, takes approx 5 years to mature, and the size is the length of
the humans body and quite wide. This worm depletes the human of chi, whilst being an electrical ALDEBARAN * Tara (pre-Earth)
influence internal. Causing many physical ailments.
ALDEBARAN * Shiva (now Nibiru)
• Reptilian Infant being nurtured in an electrical appliance (elec field)
Generally spends 2 years in this environment, listening to every word of the family host.
ALDEBARAN * Albyreon
ALDEBARAN * Thalia (now black hole)
• Nest, Eggs & Fence. Approx 15-20 capsules/eggs (Sirian Hybrids) w/ a surrounding fence.
The fence is generally on a tear in the earths gridwork, the fence also a beacon. GAMMA ARTERIS * Zammel

• Etheric fence as a collar on a human – Beacon USNAO2 * Teagus

If the nest is on private property, the owners will then have a replica collar (of the nest fence) around EARTH
their necks, denoting they have a nest area on their property.
• Halo above a humans head = beacon
After the person births each reptilian infant, a halo is placed above their heads, to denote they are NIBIRU
'empty and ready for another insemination'.
• Tears/rips in the Etheric Grid – portals for the reptilians to interfere
The initiate is guided where these are, so they can be pulled together and healed


Fact Finding for a Karma Profile As Earth ascends, she ascends into a twelve chakra system.
So too, for humans.
The 17 Common False God The new five chakras are where great shifts in consciousness happen, CAN happen, because of what the chakras do.
Chakras designate incoming matter to areas where biologicol changes occur through consciousness shifts.
Planet of Known Karmic Origins The body secretes certain substances through new awarenesses. Acquiring the next five, is about consciousness and awareness, and as these change so too the first seven
Reptilian Interferences Chart Earth as Tara, the original Earth once had a 12 chakra system a million years ago, but as Tara fragmented and separated, all fell in conscousness from the harm. When the fragment known as Earth resurfaced her
in this solar system, she resurfaced in survival mode. She was unable to re-gain her original status as an
ascending planet, because of reptilian interference
DragonRealm Chart
This is now being rectified in her and humans Ascension. The chakra system is changing from survival and fear to Regeneration and Re-Genesis.

DragonSoul DNA Chart

The chakras correlate to the varying dimensional realms – one could say each chakra is the informational portal for the correlating dimensional realm.
It is the thoughts occupying the mind that bring forth the new 5 chakras and change the entire chakra
system (or not). The thoughts and mindset change the experience. What is removed from the
unconscious assists this new mindset.
For the ascending initiate, keeping the mind and thoughts upon Ascension, will assist a faster acquisition of
the 12 chakra system.
SUBSCRIPTION COUPON Free It is also the subject matter of thoughts that can impede chakra and ascension growth. There are types of
thinking that slows down the etheric Subtle Body field, and causes a wobble in the field. Some
SUBSCRIPTION ADDRESS: with all actions/non-actions flatten the chakras
Heart of the EarthMother, 23 Bird St, Manly, Brisbane, Queensland. 4179 Subscriptions: Dogma – going over the same old ground
10-page booklet Researching – this also means academic research.
❑ 1 year (6 issues) - $38.00 ❑ 2 year (12 issues) - $70.00 ‘The Language of
Harking back to the past, recrimination, guilts, mourning, yearning, nostalgia all will affect the spin of the
Subtle Body field, and sabotages Ascension growth.
❑ I enclose cheque / Money Order / payable to Heart of the EarthMother and a crystal
pendulum. One can say here then how are we to learn, if we cannot 'research'.?
❑ Please Debit my Mastercard/Visa Card One learns ascension by reading and then asking the questions, and allowing the spiritual realms to answer.
No one needs to 'research'. There is nothing in old works that are ascension. There is nothing in the science
Card nos............................................................................................................................................ world or academia that has any ascension knowledge.
Name: (print) .....................................................................................................................................
All up to date information on Ascension and for ones Ascension, is brought forth through daily Communing
and Visioning Practises.
Address:............................................................................................................................................ If a planetary consciousness or specie attentions anything lessor than spiritual evolution and ascension, the
.......................................................................................................................................................... chakra dynamic and the DNA will be such.
Chakras 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 are about spiritual, higher consciousness and multi-dimensional Being, which is
Ph/Email: ........................................................................................................................................... equated as thoughtform and awarenesses.
As the thoughtform and Being changes, so too the Will.
At the centre of each chakra is a smaller chakra called a 'will centre' .
❑ 1 year - $38.00 ❑ 2 year - $70.00 The information of the Divine Will Centres, gives clarity to the new Chakra system.
Name ................................................................................................................................................ The Will Centres and Chakra system are maintained by the Elementals, and are affected by thoughtform
To have full integrity in all chakras, one must clear karma, curses and implants, this in turn changes the
Address: ........................................................................................................................................... Will.
.......................................................................................................................................................... 1st Will Centre - The Will to be Grounded and Communicate with the EarthMother
Chakra #1 - GROUNDING - the feet area
Ph/Email ............................................................................................................................................ This chakra is the grounding and mandatory recasting process.
Or order using the FreeCall Number - Freecall (excluding mobiles ) : 1800 146 268 All protection, boundaries and the Ascension Safety Network, are associated with the integrity of this


2nd Will Centre – The Will to Forge Forwards
Chakra #2 - FORTITUDE - the knee area
This chakra relies on a Daily Communing practise to have the information on how to forge forwards, and
in what areas.
There has been secrecy and conspiracy for a very long time on this planet. Even back in Atlantean
3rd Will Centre - The Will to take Responsibility times, the same reptilian factions have ruled through the same means as they do today.
Chakra #3 – RE-DEFINING - Base of spine Through royal, titles, wealth and religion.
This chakra is multi-dimensional Awareness, assisting the upper dimensional realms, to assist the self in Nibiru distributes the Annanuki – they are the ones mind-controlled and hosts to the reptilians.
taking responsibility.
It also appears to be that way on many other planets, that Nibiru interferes with. Instigating
4th Will Centre – The Will to Self Govern themselves in hierachial positions, also instigates the reptilian agenda.
Chakra #4 - MULTI CREATIONAL GOVERNANCE - Pelvis area. Then the reptilians take over.
This chakra assists the initiate in giving birth to the new consciousness concepts and ideas.
Once the reptilians have a hold on a planet, everything is corrupted – including information.
5th Will Centre – The Will to Master the 3rd Dimension Spiritual, scientific and healing information in particular, as these real truths lead the human to the
Chakra #5 – LITERAL INTERPRETATION - Diaphragm area reptilians, and to the veils they have been able to keep in place for so long.
This chakra assists the form to create the crystalline biology
The veils are in place, to prevent full and true disclosure of the reptilian agenda, and what their
6th Will Centre - The Will to Master Ascension agenda is all about. To prevent humans acquiring any Ascension knowledge, thereby thwarting
Chakra #6 – SURRENDER - Heart area Ascension for the human race.
This chakra assists the initiate in doing 'whatever it takes' to Ascend.
True healing knowledge is karma, and one must know the intricate mechanism and method to clear ,
7th Will Centre - The Will to Multi-Creational Purpose and all Ascension knowledge is through ones communion with the spiritual realms.
Chakra #7 – COMPETENCE - Neck Humans have been separated from both of these spiritual actions.
This chakra assists the initiate in the understanding and the creation of tools.
The veils are kept in place by etheric implants inserted over many pastlife circumstances. These
8th Will Centre – The Will to See/Vision
Chakra # 8 – VISION - Forehead
implants can only be detected through vision and through the use of a pendulum.
This chakra assists through a variety of vision techniques. Each one requiring a framework for the vision to The implants do a variety of things
manifest. Each vision assisting or correlating to another message. • Cause one to turn away, or not be interested in anything remotely involving the word ‘reptilian’.
• Cause a deep fear within – that one quickly wants to shut off, therefore removing all inquiry.
9th Will Centre – The Will to have Spiritual Knowledge • Cause one to be drawn to reptilian symbols and geometry.
Chakra #9 - ATTENTION Pineal area • Beacons - Causes one to be reattached to a reptilian
Attentioning the correct areas for Spiritual Knowledge to be given.
To remove the implants, is to remove the veil, allowing the individual access to correct information.
10th Will Centre - The Will to be Fully Conscious
Chakra #10 – ALTERNATION - Crown Understanding and knowledge of reptilian behaviour and harm, is through a seeking.
This chakra assists in the understanding of Physical and Non-Physical group weaving , a quadtone called It is implants that disable this seeking.
Victorious Alternation. How the higher dimensional realms step down attentioning Ascending initiates in
a group, at all times. That each in the group may bring forth information for the other. Thereby propelling
each initiate in the group.
Unfortunately the seeking does not stop the seeker from being further influenced by a large amount of
reptilian spin and deceit that is presently being circulated in just about every area the seeker will try to
11th Will Centre - The Will to Manifest derive truth.
Chakra #11 – DREAM - Above crown – Governs Dream - Dreamtime Planes.
This chakra is a bridge for all other chakras – as the Intent and the Dream assist all other manifestation. The only thing that stands between knowing truth and non-truth is the use of a pendulum.

12th Will Centre – The Will to Attune to the Non-physical Reptilian Spin
Chakra #12 - ELEMENTAL ACCORD - Telepathic Chakra above the 11th chakra These are works, purporting to be up to date on Earths spiritual ascension, channelled by reptilians
This chakra assists the intimate relations with the non-physical to allow Ascension to come forth. and circulated by unsuspecting people, thinking they are bringing forth great information for
Telepathy and Thought Transference. humanities awareness. These persons will be hosts to reptilians.
Spin will always have a bit of information that will seem incredibly true to the reader, who has had
There is a priority to first heal the Grounding Chakra – for the initiate to have protection and boundaries. some experience with reptilian interference. Thereby drawing these people into thinking the whole
There is no integral grounding without this work being initiated.
Please pendule your own Grounding Integrity – as this is the root cause of having no protection from the thing is truth, and drawing the reader to start leaning on these types of works – the person circulating
EarthMother.. then seems to be the ‘font of information’, especially if they are given media attention – also
orchestrated by the reptilians.
All chakra attainments correlate to the Ascension Initiations and Ordinations, and these are imbedded in There will be other non-truths in the spin, that will cause the reader to not seek in the right areas.
the Dual Tones, Tri Tones, and Quadtones in the Language of Light. Some spin can also attach the reader to the reptilians.


Intuition is not enough – not near enough, to authenticate and substantiate.
This can also be proved with some people, who maintain their intuition is sacrosanct and true. These
persons will have implants, not able to take right action and define in a more precise correct manner.
By using a pendulum. The Ascending Community place is revealed through a Daily Communing Practise.
There are Ascension Schools, teaching Ascension, but no pendulum work.
There are directors of Ascension Schools maintaining the use of a pendulum, but not using themselves This place is not something the initiate decides upon, it is what the Elementals foresee for each
These persons, whether it be directors, teachers, students – if the pendulum is not being used individual.
constantly in ones daily Ascension, or muscle-testing constantly, there will be no Ascension.
There WILL be reptilian interference. It is desired that one has this place revealed, before March 2012, for the intiate to be led to the correct
accommodation in the correct, and safest area. There will be many areas unsafe, due to Nibirus
The entire meta-physical movement has been overtaken by the reptilians, there will not be any passing affect upon this planet.
ascension truths coming from this sector of the spiritual arena. Persons are channelling, when all
channelling has been banned by the Earthmother as a means for truth-gathering. Channeling is the It may well be the Elementals desire many initiates to first meet their Ascending Beloved – as it will be
method where reptilians interfere. this non-compromise that will have success in an Ascending Community.
There are certain sectors of the science fraternity – generally those who are given a voice to circulate
their incorrect theories and ideas of Ascension and Nibiru, and indeed, the Universe. If the Elementals desire you to rent, rather than purchase, the Elementals will reveal this in the
Pictures and photographs are air-brushed and images inserted to give the human ideas that there are
large spaceships out there, ready to assist the Earthhuman, ‘sun cruisers’ and the like. There is a necessary aspect to receiving messages, and taking direction, and this is called Surrender.
These are jokes being played upon humans by the reps, for humans to swallow – because of a lack of One cannot be taking direction one day, then deciding for the self the next.
an authentication system. You will come unstuck.
The people that do all this bidding, corrupting and deceiving on the reptilians behalf, are either mind-
controlled or compelled by a walkin reptilian saying they are something else. When the initiate is being guided, a large Orchestration on many levels and actions, goes into play. It
Once a person has been a minion of the reps in pastlives, they will have an implant that will draw and is easy to get in the way of all this Divine Timing and Orchestration, by making up your own mind , or
connect the reptilian to them this life, and start the control once again making a decision to do or go somewhere, when that is not what the Elementals are wanting.
Psychics and spies who work for government agencies, will be a host for a reptilian, and will discover
they have been doing this for many lifetimes. Surrender means one surrenders all decision making, all responsibilities over to the realms that are
guiding the humans to safety during Nibirus exit from this galaxy.
Removing The Veil
Any disclosure pertaining to the reptilians, be it more information or protection and restraint for self
We all like to plan ahead, everyone would like to know long in advance, before doing this or that.
and others, is through a Daily Communing with the Elementals.
Oftentimes this information to know and plan, does not happen in the time you would like. It is
It is through facts and truth, that right action can follow. It is fact and right action which broadens the
preferred that one just go with the flow and allow. To know that everything will come together in the
mind exponentially, and in this more insights and awarenesses are acquired.
exact and correct timing in the initiates best interest.
Even though one is using tools to reveal and restrain, the kinesiology and vision kicks in, to give more
instant alerts.
If one does not have all the correct knowledge on the reptilian agenda, the removal and restraint
Ones Ascending Community will be the exact place, to continue ones Ascension.
process, these new kinesthetic awarenesses will not happen.

Four main points of action to lift the veils.

1. Acquire a pendulum and put it to use constantly.
2. To read the truths of the reptilian agenda. This requires penduluming the integrity and truth of
what is about to be read. Also for the intiate to be led to the correct Ascension words to find the Group weaving
correct Ascension Work.
3. Able to be led to remove the particular implants that are impeding knowledge and right When an initiate becomes part of an Ascension Group, or an Ascending Community a networking
action. happens between the humans and the non-physical spiritual realms, called Group Weaving.
Revealing the implants and how to remove is through messages through the new Communing Charts
System. Describing the implant and where it is on the etheric form. This is how small increments of information are given to all members of the group, to ultimately derive
3. Penduluming who is integral, who isn’t and why they are not, lifts the veils. at the bigger picture.
4 Understand the various types of interference, and how they affect.
It is also a way to ensure each member is fully protected.
A dream maybe missed, or a message not understood by a member, then another member will receive
a similar message to inform the other of something that requires their immediate action.


Learning the art of detection creates the fluidity and continuity. The following group have Ascended themselves elsewhere in the Universe. Therefore can assist their
It also starts the work to ascend. own and other species to Ascend.

Detecting a karma They have certain information to assist humans Ascension and when invoked, will assist.
A dream, vision or message may also imply you have some Ascension work to do in relationship with
• through ones reaction to something some of these species.
• A manifested disease
• A kinesthetic response These are also the species, that will be SPONSERING other non-Earth animal/bird/aquatic species,
• A dream or vision that have the ability to transmute their DNA to crystalline.
• A Message using the Communing Charts System. Those that do not have the crystalline conversion in their DNA blueprint, will become extinct upon
• Using the Karma Profile Chart – if the pendulum responds, there is a karma. Earth.

Detecting a curse – spell - hex

• A kinesethetic response Otter
• A dream or vision
• A Message using the Communing Charts System
• Using the Karma Profile Chart – (it also works for curses, spells and hexes) Currawong
Detecting a machine (lives of self-cursing make a machine somewhere on the form, that causes Honeyeater
mechanised actions/responses) Squid
Dolphin Fish (mahi mahi)
• A faulty thoughtform pattern
• Visons and dreams – you may get a series of visions – as it requires to understand a few Hyena
scenarios. Anteater
• A Message from the Communing Charts System Turtle

Detecting an implant

• Vision or a dream
• A symbolic action by Nature, to alert you to the area
• A message from the Communing Charts System

Detecting reptilian interference

• Dream and Vision – keeping in mind, the mental mind has never seen a reptilian, so the visions
will not be a reptilian per se – often a scary animal or insect portrays the reptilian in a dream.
The Temporary Navigational Fix for Nibiru
• A kindly reptile or lizard may cross your path Nibiru is seen as a 'garland' of red dots.
• Reptilian Detection Chart Midway between Libra and Virgo
• A message from the Communing Charts System (even though it is nowhere near those two constellations)



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