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Natalia Schiappacasse

Professor Rieman
English 1103
October 3, 2010


Birds chirp in the crisp, fall breeze; the sun lightly warming my back; students scurrying

to class; some with cell phones, some with friends, and some alone. As I sit here in the middle of

this place, surrounded by trees and buildings, I begin to notice all of the students who were, just

like me studying, reading, and writing. There was so much going on around but yet this place

was so peaceful. Sometimes to enjoy the readings that I need to do for class I need to get out

from where I am most comfortable. For me, that is my dorm room, and at home was my room. I

tend to get so distracted with other things rather than the tasks at hand that as time goes faster

and faster, my homework doesn’t seem to get done. I Begin to clean my room, check my email,

watch TV, make food anything that will keep my mind off of the school work. It was only one

day that I realized that I liked to read outside, or in a comfortable chair in the library all alone.

But thankfully I wasn’t alone. A lot of people were brought together to these different places

because of different reasons. That is what brought me to this writing to explore.

I am the type of person that cannot just sit still in a place and just watch. So I decided to

be a little creative with this project. I began to take a tour of the school. I walked to all of the

places that I loved to sit down and read my homework and to also look at some more; maybe I

could discover other places where I could do my work in piece. As I was walking around I saw a

man and woman and it reminded me of an episode that I had seen on the TV show “Gilmore

Girls.” Rory, who was attending Yale, had a favorite spot she would go to every day, or every

time she needed to study. Well, one day she was studying and some guy took her spot. She

begged and begged for him to move and get another spot, she even offered to pay him but he
wouldn’t budge. I don’t remember what happened but I decided that I wasn’t going to be a Rory

and get frustrated about a spot; I would just go to all of the others that I had discovered. I began

my journey walking from the high rises toward colvard that was the direction I planned to go. As

I peered through the little Bridge I saw so many students studying, not only by themselves but

within groups. I kept walking further and hit one of my favorites and the beginning to this story,

the white tower. Students gather here for many reasons, not just to read or write but to take a

break sometimes and just enjoy the fresh air. I know we all need that once in a while. So,

anyway, as I walked around campus I began to see all different kinds of students doing different

kinds of things. It amazes me how someone can read and listen to music at the same time, but I

know I definitely saw a lot of that. Each place had its own charm; its own peacefulness which I

could see made it easy for people to study. Each student studies where they feel comfortable,

some were on benches, some on stoops, and some on stairs. Students sat on the grass, or in the

various tables we have, even in the cafeteria. Each student adapted to his or her needs and that is

what keeps all of us going; learning to adapt.

As far as observing people, I would like to say that I greatly appreciate UNCC for its

multiple resources and for putting these great places for us. We are all different, we all have

different places we can read and write; whether it is in a noisy, crowded Starbucks, or the quiet

zone in the library. As long as we get it done we are ok. As long as we keep moving forward we

will be great. So see you soon, I am off to discover some more places and remember, please find

where you are comfortable and learn where you can and cannot get stuff done. That is the key to

your succes.

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