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Look at the pictures and say how these things feel, smell, taste or look

Exercise 1 Complete the sentences with Exercise 3 Complete the sentences with
“sound”, “smell”, “look”, “feel” or “taste” “sound”, “smell”, “look”, “feel” or “taste”
1. Opera ___ boring. 1. car _______ expensive
2. Beer ___ bitter 2. students _______tired
3. Your massage ___strange. 3. cheese _______bad
4. Fireworks ____fantastic. 4. armchairs _______soft
5. This soap ____nice. 5. milk _______sour
6. Your sister _____ angry. 6. question_______difficult
7. The picture ___ beautiful. 7. socks _______clean
8. Biscuits ___ delicious. 8. towels _______wet
9. workers _______ busy
Exercise 2 Complete the sentences with the correct
are feels looks smells sounds tastes Exercise 4 Translate into English.
1. These flowers ____________ beautiful. 1. Весняні квіти пахнуть гарно.
2. The bread in the oven _________ wonderful! 2. Темний шоколад зазвичай гіркий на смак.
3. The wedding cake _______ beautiful. Let’s take 3. Його нова машина виглядає дорого.
a picture of it. 4. Чоловіки виглядають зайнятими.
5. Твоя ідея звучить цікаво.
4. Listen to Ann play the piano! She _______ good. 6. Суп на смак дуже солоний і гострий. Я не
5. This scarf _______very soft. I think it’s made можу його їсти.
from wool. 7. Млинці пахнуть смачно. Я б хотів спробувати
6. Yum! This soup _______ good. Do you want to одного.
try some? 8. Вечеря смакувала чудово.
9. Вони виглядають втомленими після роботи.
10. Її голос звучить тихо і привабливо.
Exercise 4
Exercise 1 1. Spring flowers smell nice.
2. Dark chocolate usually tastes bitter.
1. Opera sounds boring.
3. His new car looks expensive.
2. Beer tastes bitter 4. Men look busy.
5. Your idea sounds interesting.
3. Your massage sounds strange.
6. The soup tastes salty and spicy. I can’t eat
4. Fireworks look fantastic. it.
7. The pancakes smell delicious. I’d like to
5. This soap smells nice.
taste one.
6. Your sister looks angry. 8. The dinner tasted great.
9. They look tired after work.
7. The picture looks beautiful.
10. Her voice sounds quietly and nicely.
8. Biscuits taste delicious.

Exercise 2
1. These flowers are beautiful.
2. The bread in the oven smells wonderful!
3. The wedding cake looks beautiful. Let’s
take a picture of it.
4. Listen to Ann play the piano! She sounds
5. This scarf feels very soft. I think it’s
made from wool.
6. Yum! This soup tastes good. Do you
want to try some?

Exercise 3 Complete the sentences with

“sound”, “smell”, “look”, “feel” or “taste”
1. car looks expensive
2. students look tired
3. cheese smells\ tastes bad
4. armchairs feels soft
5. milk tastes sour
6. question sounds difficult
7. socks look clean
8. towels feel wet
9. workers look busy

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