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For questions number 1 to 4 fill the blank spaces of the following text with the appropriate
Many people call platypus duckbill because this animal has a bill like a duck's bill. Platypus
is an …(1)… of Tasmania and southern and eastern Australia. Although it lays eggs instead of
bearing its young alive, the platypus is a true mammal, not a reptile. It …(2)… its young with
milk as do other mammals. Platypus has a flat tail and webbed feet. Its body length is 30 to 45
cm …(3)… with a thick and woolly layer of fur. Its bill is detecting prey and stirring up mud.
Platypus' eyes and head are small. It has no ears but has ability to sense sound and light. The male
platypus has a hollow claw, or spur, on each hind leg. The spurs are connected with poison glands.
The platypus legs scratches and poisons its enemies with the spurs. Platypus …(4)… in streams,
rivers, and lakes. Female platypus usually digs burrows in the streams or river banks. The
burrows are blocked with soil to protect it from intruders and flooding. On the other hand, male
platypus does not need any burrow to stay.

1. A. Inmate 2. A. Store 3. A. Protected 4. A. Lives

B. Inhabitant B. Attend B. Masked B. Stay
C. Occupier C. Educate C. Embodied C. Keep on
D. Indigenous D. Feed D. Covered D. Hang about
E. Invader E. Nurses E. Secured E. Traverse

This text for questions 5 and 6

To: Head of Reservations

Riverview Hotel, Ontario, Canada
Subject: Advanced booking inquiry

Dear Sir:

I am writing you this letter to make a booking for your Function Hall B this coming December 12,
2012. The reservation will be for our upcoming Anniversary which will be attended by 456

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employees all in all. Please let us know if you have received this letter and inform us if you can
accommodate our request.

I hope that this letter will merit your most favorable response since we would like to have the event
held in your place. I am looking forward to spending our Anniversary in a place as beautiful and
cozy as yours. Thank you very much.

Yours truly,

Mr. John Brown

5. What does the letter talk about?

A. Advanced letter
B. Letter of bussiness
C. Letter of reservation
D. Letter of complaint
E. Invitation letter

6. What should the recipient do after accepting the letter?

A. He should attend the anniversary with the other 456 employees.
B. He should accommodate Mr. Browns’ request.
C. He should inform that the lletter was received.
D. He should confirm Mr. Brown whether he can prove the request or not.
E. He should hold the event together with Mr. Brown.

This text for questions 7 to 9

A dynamic, growing Joint venture in multi finance company is seeking self-motivated people
Marketing Staff/Loan Officer
University graduate, majoring in Business
Fluent in English
Able to operate PC
Aggressive and hardworking
Assistant to President Director
University graduate, majoring in Business
Fluent in English (Mandarin preferred)
Able to operate PC
Female under 30 years
Accounting Assistant
SMEA graduate, (Intermediary Accounting)
Female under 25 years
Good command in English preferred
Able to operate PC
High School graduate

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Female under 25 years
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and good
command in English preferred
Please submit your application in English together with your resume, transcript, a
recent photograph and your telephone number within two weeks to :

P.O. BOX 4887 JAKARTA 12048

7. To become Loan Officer applicants should meet these requirements, except …

A. Reluctant
B. Hard working
C. Good at English
D. Computer Literate
E. Majoring in business

8. “your resume, transcript, a recent photograph and your telephone ….”

The opposite of the underlined word is ….
A. Old
B. New
C. Colourful
D. Good
E. Lately

9. From the text above we know that …

A. To be receptionist applicants do not have to be female
B. Able to speak mandarin is preferred to be receptionist
C. Male applicants can apply for being a loan officers
D. Able to speak Mandarin is a must to be assistant to president director
E. Vocational school graduate can apply to be assistant director

This text for questions 10 to 13

Padang – 8.5 magnitude earthquake that occurred in Aceh last week save a latent danger.
Earthquake and tsunami is apparently still threatening the city of Padang. “Experts predict the
earthquake in Aceh today can affect the balance of subduction systems in the Mentawai that could
lead to SR 8.9 mega thrust earthquake in Padang,” said Head of Data Center for Information and
Public Relations of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Sutopo Purwo Nugroho
in his office, Jakarta, Thursday, April 19, 2012. Sutopo said the Sumatran mega thrust energy
could potentially trigger a tsunami in Padang. “8.9 quake raises tsunami potential of 6 to 10 meters
after 20 to 35 minutes of the quake. Depending on the time of the earthquake phenomenon,” he
added. The tsunami potential will not reach Jakarta. A simulation of BNPB, an earthquake with
strength of more than 8 SR and tsunami in the Sumatran mega thrust is not up to the Jakarta region,
only reach the Straits of Sunda. “So, Jakarta is safe,” he said briefly. Sutopo added, although the
potential for mega thrust earthquake and tsunami may occur, the science and current technology

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cannot be sure when and where will the earthquake. “So far, only the potential for earthquake
prediction and earthquake-prone areas,” he said. In a note BNPN, 188 cities or counties in
Indonesia classified as tsunami-prone areas. Source:

10. What does the text tell you about?

A. Earthquake in Aceh
B. The effects of earthquake in Aceh
C. Earthquake prediction
D. Latent danger of earthquake in Aceh
E. A report of BNPB

11. What was predicted by experts after the earthquake in Aceh?

A. There would be tsunami in Aceh
B. There would be next earthquake in Aceh
C. There would be fearful earthquake in Padang
D. There would be tsunami in Jakarta
E. The potential tsunami might not occur in strait of Sunda

12. Which information is TRUE based on the text?

A. The earthquake in Aceh occurred last week.
B. The earthquake in Aceh caused latent danger.
C. The earthquake in Aceh could not lead earthquake in Padang.
D. The potential tsunami could reach Jakarta.
E. The potential tsunami could only occur in Padang.

13. ... could potentially trigger a tsunami in Padang.

The word trigger has the similar meaning with ...
A. Generate
B. Emit
C. Overcome
D. Eliminate
E. Make

This text for questions 14 to 17

It was Sunday, the end of my holiday indeed, when friends of mine suddenly came to
my home and picked me up. They told me that we were going to go out of town. That was
unpredictable and really surprised me because there was no any confirmation before.
At 9 o’clock in the morning, we departed from my home and realized that the road was
very crowded. Then, we decided to take freeway to save the time. For about thirty minutes
later, we were out. But not arrived yet. We tried to find a store to buy some food and drink as
our provisions. After we got them, we continued our trip to Boyolali. Well, it took
approximately two hours to get there.
In the afternoon, we arrived and came in to one of my friend’s house first. There, we
could take some rest and had lunch together. After that, according to the plan, we had to
continue our trip to go to Tlatar. But, my friend’s mother asked us to take some fruit as gift.
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The fruit such as mangoes, rambutans and guava. It was out of our meant, but we accepted it.
Of course, moreover, they could complete our provisions, right?.
After we got a lot of gift, we went to Tlatar, a special nature park and pond in Boyolali.
The way to get there was really nice, we could see the fields and woods around us with the
beautiful mountain behind them. Furthermore, we could feel the fresh air which was difficult
to be found in Semarang. In Tlatar, we could swim and fishing. While some of us were
swimming, the others were fishing or just enjoyed the view. We also ordered some food and
The other and the last place we visited was Badhe Dam. It was big dam in Boyolali. We
got there when it was getting afternoon around at five o’clock. Well, the situation there was
really amazing. It was the right place to calm our self and mind. The beautiful dam with the
blue sky were really a wonderful mixture of nature. We relaxed and felt calm. And did not
forget to take pictures together.
At six, we realized that it was getting to dark, we had to back to Semarang. So, we
decided to depart right away. We were very glad and enjoyed our trip together. We would
never forget it

14. What did they do before arriving in Boyolali?

A. It took approximately two hours to get there.
B. They looked for a store to buy some food and drink.
C. They went to their friends’ house.
D. They took a rest and had lunch together.
E. They went to Tlatar.

15. How did they get the provisions before going to a special nature park and pond?
A. They tried to find a store to get some food.
B. They had lunch together in their friends’ house.
C. They took some fruits from their friends’ mother.
D. They bought some food at minimarket.
E. They brought provisions from home.

16. The followings are what they could get to the way to Tlatar, EXCEPT ...
A. The way to get there was really nice.
B. They could see the fields and woods around with the beautiful mountain behind them.
C. They could feel the fresh air which was difficult to be found in Semarang.
D. They could swim and fishing.
E. They enjoy the view along the street.

17. Which place did the writer and her friends not visit in their holiday?
A. Semarang
B. Tlatar
C. A special nature park
D. A beautiful pond
E. Badhe Dam

This text for questions 18 to 20

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Cancer cells come from normal cells because of mutations of DNA. Those mutations can
occur spontaneously. The mutations may be also induced by other factors such as: nuclear and
electromagnetic radiation, viruses, bacteria and fungi, parasites, heat, chemicals in the air, water
and food, mechanical cell-level injury, free radicals, evolution and ageing of DNA, etc. All such
factors can produce mutations that may start cancer.
Cancer cells are formed continuously in the organism. It is estimated that there are about
10,000 cancer cells at any given time in a healthy person. Why do some result in macroscopic-
level cancers and some do not? First, not all damaged cells can multiply and many of them die
quickly. Second, those which potentially divide and form cancer are effectively destroyed by the
mechanisms available to the immune system. Therefore cancer develops if the immune system is
not working properly or the amount of cells produced is too great for the immune system to

18. The text tells us about ….

A. How cancer is developed
B. How cancer is produced
C. How cancer kills people
D. The description of cancer
E. The immune system fight against cancer
19. The followings can cause the mutation of DNA which lead to cancer, EXCEPT ….
A. Fungi
B. Free radical
C. Water
D. Evolution of DNA
E. Viruses

20. Cancers can developed ….

A. If the immune system is working properly.
B. If someone eat arbitrarily.
C. If the cancer cells produced is too great to be eliminated by the immune system.
D. If many cells die quickly.
E. If the cancer cells are destroyed by the immune system.

Text for number 21 and 22

Eat your fruits and vegetables is one of the tried and true recommendations for a healthy diet.
And for good reason, eating plenty of vegetables and fruits can help you ward off heart disease
and stroke, control blood pressure, prevent some types of cancer, a painful intestinal ailment called
diverticulitis, and guard against cataract and muscular degeneration, two common causes of vision
There is compelling evidence that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can lower the risk of
heart disease and stroke.
The largest and longest study done as part of the Harvard-based Nurses/ Health Study and
Health professionals Follow-up Study proved that higher the average daily intake of fruits and
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vegetables, the lower the chances of developing cardiovascular disease. When researchers
combined findings from the disease and stroke separately, they found a similar protective effect.
High blood pressure is a primary risk factor for heart disease and stroke. As such, it’s a
condition that is important to control. Diet can be a very effective tool for lowering blood pressure.
Vegetables and fruit are clearly an important part of a good diet. Almost everyone can benefit
from eating more of them, but variety is as important as quantity. No single fruit or vegetable
provides the entire nutrient you need to be healthy. The key lies in the variety of different vegetable
and fruit that you eat.

21. What is the main information of the text?

A. How to stay healthy
B. Getting a healthy diet
C. Preventing heart diseases
D. Eating fruits and vegetables
E. The important of consuming fruits and vegetables

22. How can we get all nutrient needed to stay healthy based on the text above?
A. Eating many fruits
B. Consuming nutrient vegetables
C. Consuming many different vegetables and fruits
D. Eating many apples and vegetables
E. Buying many varieties of vegetables and fruits

This text is for questions 23 and 24

One day, a young farm boy named Eragon finds a blue stone while hunting and tries to sell
it for money. Unsuccessful in his attempts, he takes the stone back to his cabin and lets it sit there
until it hatches into a beautiful blue dragon. Eragon realises he can talk to this secret pet dragon
with his mind, and eventually learns that he and the dragon are part of a legacy of secret heroes
called the Riders.
With the help of Brom, a wise man, Eragon matures into his destiny. The challenges he faces
include fighting along-standing war, helping an ethereal elf, and dealing with tragedy and revenge.
Certain details, such as Eragon’s revelation that he cannot read, develop this rich work and blend
together to produce a number of plot twists. The story builds suspense steadily until the end.
Remarkably, author Christopher Paolini began writing Eragon at the age of 15. Now 19, he
has already established himself as an exciting new creator whose influences include Tolkien,
McCaffrey, and others. His world is intricate, his characters believable, and his writing engaging.
Adapted from http:/

23. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

A. To entertain the readers
B. To retell a good story about Eragon
C. To review about a creative work
D. To describe a book
E. To persuade readers that something should be the case

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24. Unsuccessful in his attempts, he takes the stone back ... (paragraph 1)
The word attempts has similar meaning with ...
A. Wars
B. Trials
C. Skills
D. Works
E. Efforts

This text is for questions 25 to 30

Computer, tablet, mobile phone, and other devices connected to Internet have been the most
outstanding innovation in the history of mankind. As with every single innovation, internet has its own
advantages and disadvantages.
The target of internet has always been the communication. By the advent of computer's Internet, our
earth has reduced and has attained the form of a global village. Now we can communicate in a fraction of
second with a person who is sitting in the other parts of the world. Today for better communication, we can
avail the facilities of e-mail; we can chat for hours with our loved ones. There are plenty messenger services
in offering. With help of such services, it has become very easy to establish a kind of global friendship.
However, Internet also has disadvantageous sides. One of them is the wide spread of unsuitable
content for kids. It is a very serious issue and related to children's healthy mental life. There are thousands
of such inappropriate contents on the Internet which can be easily found.
Though, internet can also create havoc, destruction and its misuse can be very fatal, the advantages
of it outweigh its disadvantages.

25. What is the text about?

A. Computer, tablet, and mobile phone
B. The outstanding innovation in the history of mankind
C. The advantages and disadvantages of internet
D. The misuse of internet
E. The important of internet

26. Which one of the following statements does not support the existence of internet?
A. Internet is a great innovation in communication
B. The earth is now like a small village where we can communicate easily in seconds
C. Users can simply make friend by using internet
D. Internet may give some negative impact to humankind
E. Internet is not always bad for children

27. The second paragraph focuses on ….

A. The target of internet
B. The advantages of internet
C. The communication using internet
D. Messenger services offered in internet
E. Internet as a great communication system

28. …. we can avail the facilities of e-mail (paragraph 2)

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The word avail has the closest meaning with .…
A. Use
B. Benefit
C. Exist
D. Organize
E. Distribute

29. What is the main function of internet based on the text above?
A. To send email
B. To have a chat
C. To have a communication
D. To find plenty information
E. To establish a kind of global friendship

30. It is a very serious issue and related to children's healthy mental life. (paragraph 3)
The word “it” refers to ...
A. Internet
B. The wide spread of unsuitable content for kids
C. The disadvantages side of internet
D. Inappropriate contents on the internet
E. Some services of internet

This text for questions 31 to 34

Gold is a precious metal. Gold is used as ornaments or as money.
Gold is found in many places, but in a small supply. It is often found on the surface of the
earth. Since gold is a heavy substance, it is sometimes found loose on the bottom of rivers. The
gold is found together with sand and rocks, and must be separated from them. It is simple to search
for this type of gold.
It is not usually necessary to drill for gold, but when a layer of gold is located deep below
the surface of the earth, it is possible to drill a hole into the ground. Engineers have developed
modern processes for removing gold from rocks.
Since gold is not very hard, it is sometimes melted and added to other substances for making
rings, coins, and art objects. It will be priced forever because it is beautiful, rare, and useful.

31. The text mainly discusses about ….

A. Gold
B. Type of gold
C. Previous metal
D. Rare ornaments
E. Removing gold from rocks

32. Which of the followings are unrelated with gold ... .

A. Valuable
B. Expensive
C. Precious
D. Superfluous

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E. Beautiful

33. The passage is mainly proposed to .... about gold.

A. Discuss
B. Tell
C. Elaborate
D. Explain
E. Describe

34. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE based on the text above?
A. Gold is a valuable metal.
B. There are plenty of gold spreads in many different places.
C. Gold can be found together with sand and rocks in the rivers.
D. Gold can be melted to make art object
E. It is not usually necessary to drill for gold in the rivers.

35. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph.

1. The telephone which is familiar, handy instrument becomes a highly important part of our
daily life.
2. It was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell when he was working on a telegraph
3. One of the most wonderful inventions of the past 100 years is the telephone.
4. The first telephone was invented in 1877.
5. Today there are over 250,000,000 telephones in the world and it is estimated that nearly
1,000,000,000,00 (billion) conversations take place a day.
A. 5-3-2-1-4
B. 5-2-3-4-1
C. 3-4-1-2-5
D. 3-5-2-1-4
E. 3-2-1-4-5

This text for questions 36

Pay Attention!
Our school will have a Debate Competition
• Participants: All students in our school
• It will be held from 17th-19th December
Prizes: I Rp 2.000.000,-
II Rp 1.500.000,-
III Rp 1.000.000,-
Please join us!

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36. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The competition will run for two days
B. The competition will be held after school hours.
C. The competition is in the form of written arguments.
D. The competition is in the form of spoken arguments.
E. The competition is only for students with good English.

Text for number 37 to 39

In most cases, you can transplant a tree successfully, any time, if you follow the instruction
for planting a tree. The most important thing is to …(37)… enough roots, but this ...(38)... is
difficult with a large tree. When you dig out the tree, take a ball of earth measuring about a foot
wide for every inch of diameter of the tree ...(39)... . You should dig deep enough to avoid cutting
off too many taproots. It is wise to call in a professional tree expert to transplant a tree.

37. A. Dig out 38. A. Steps 39. A. Soil

A. Plough B. Process B. Stem
B. Make C. Instructions C. Roots
C. Create D. Methods D. Leaves
D. Take E. Scheme E. Trunk

This text is for questions 40

An expectant mother has to avoid alcohol during her pregnancy. Too much alcohol in her blood
can prevent the fetus from receiving necessary nutritional supply, and the baby will be born under
the normal weight. There is also mounting’ evidence that smoking during pregnancy can do
permanent damage to a child’s health, and children of smokers tend to have higher incidence of
respiratory infection throughout their lives. Clearly, mother-to-be who smokes should think about
quitting. Likewise, expectant mothers have to be careful about the kind of exercise they do, and
all very vigorous exercise should be avoided. During pregnancy, medication must be carefully
monitored as well. Too often drugs not harmful to mother can do serious, even irreparable, damage
to the child.

40. The main idea of the above paragraph is ___ .

A. The pregnant woman must not consume alcohol.
B. The pregnant woman must do vigorous exercises.
C. The pregnant woman must take special precautions.
D. The pregnant woman must not smoke cigarettes.
E. The pregnant woman must save her baby.

Good Luck

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