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The Encyclopaedia of Ascension and Service Work - according to the consciousness of the EarthMother


Every initiate can, and must have a tangible communication with the Earthmother
* The Strategie for Sabotage - a reptilian devise 'the Fabian Effect' ..........................................................................................2
* Clairsentience Education - Precognitionship Conceptualization .......................................................................................18
* Plieades .........................................................................................................................................................................40
* The Outer Rim................................................................................................................................................................36
* The New Chakra System - including the Divine Will Centres .............................................................................................49
SERVICE WORK: Earth Work and Galactical Service Work...........................................................................................................22
* Mono Black Hole Gradation ............................................................................................................................................33
* Maldek ...........................................................................................................................................................................21
Nature has the information humans require for their personal Ascension
* An Attention Too Passive - Cavey .....................................................................................................................................30
* Ambushed ! - Hare ........................................................................................................................................................15
* Multi-Dimensional Delivery - Squid .................................................................................................................................4
Ascension management is through the Elementals
* Harmful Geometry - Food, drinks, toiletries, cleaning, clothing, furnishings. . ....................................................................41
* Chemtrails - The poisoning of the human race ...................................................................................................................8
* Afterworld - Life After Death ...........................................................................................................................................26
* Vegetarian - Honor is a Language of Light tone that must be embodied .............................................................................39
* The Ouija Board ............................................................................................................................................................34
* Past Masters - Past Manuscripts . ......................................................................................................................................24
* The Truth of Inner Earth ..................................................................................................................................................20
DISCLOSURE OF THE DRAGONSOUL REALMS ..........................................................................................................................12
Humanity has inherited the Cursing and Spelling between DragonSouls, and their disresonant personalities. .
* The Language of One ......................................................................................................................................................35
* The Maturation and Evolution of Griffon Part 1 .................................................................................................................25
FALSE GODS - FALSE 'ASCENDED MASTER' - Sananda ...............................................................................................................17
Many in spiritual/meta physical circles are still being hoodwinked by these beings.
* Resurrection & Restoration of the Genesis Protocol, through clearing karma.......................................................................10
* The Karma Dynamic and its Clearing Principle .................................................................................................................42
Cystic Fibrosis, Encephalitis, Bladder Dystrophy, Leukemia, Meningitis, Cushings Disease, Heomophilia,
* The Real Cause and their Treatments ................................................................................................................................5
* The Non-Event of Crystal Children ...................................................................................................................................29
* The Ascending Animal Species.........................................................................................................................................55
* Ascending Crystals/Stones ...............................................................................................................................................38
* Mount Sejama - South America .......................................................................................................................................27
* Ascending Community ................................................................................................................................................... 53
* The Sylphs – also cloud formation photographs inside back page ......................................................................................10
* Spirit Extension Through Elemental Consciousness ...........................................................................................................19
* Trionimal Honor. .............................................................................................................................................................32
* The Art of Detection – through the ascension- approved tools ...........................................................................................54
Creating the Karma Clearing Journal, assisting the intiate for full understanding of each karma.
* Karma Clearing Profiling Chart ........................................................................................................................................56
* 17 False God Charts.........................................................................................................................................................45
* Planets of Known Karmic Origin .......................................................................................................................................47
* Reptilian Interference Chart ............................................................................................................................................46
* Dragon Soul Chart - origins of all negative/polarity thoughtform ......................................................................................14
* Dragon Realms Chart - Source Energies/geometries ..........................................................................................................13
* Subscription Coupon and Printing Links for Chart downloads ...........................................................................................48


Heart of the
Editorial: GRIFFIN
Volume 3
June - July 2010
The Ascension Impact Engineer
Published by Blessings for Humans Eminence and Ascension
Pat Hess The EarthMother & Griffin was revealed to Oberon workshop participants in March 2010, through the use of a smoke
(07) 39010902 machine and a specific light angle (coming through a window). Griffins face appeared and
disappeared constantly in the half hour excercise.
Pat Hess Revealing his size, beak shape and eyes.
Eyes and brow same as an Eagle, beak like a sparrow and head a metre and a half wide.
FreeCall -
1800 146 268 There were also other strategies implemented and then actions applied. A touch on the right side of
the head, and a member was able to draw some quadtone glyphs. Her hand was being guided by
Contributers this Issue Griffin.
Kletti, Xula, Ayanda, Aurora

Cover Graphic Griffin will assist the initiate to draw pictures.

GP Designs

Printing The new Multi-Dimensional Communing and Action Wheel, is another way Griffin will contact and
Beaudesert times, teach ascending intiates.
Queensland, See page ??of this issue - ‘Simulation Experience’

Head Office - Griffon will be revealing a variety of subjects, shown through a drawing.
All correspondence • An implant, the initiate is to vision and remove.
23 Bird Street,
Manly, 4279 • A device or some construction to be manufactured, to assist humans Ascension
Brisbane, • Symbols and shapes, for whatever purpose.
Queensland The interpreting of whatever one is guided to draw, will be through the Communing Charts System.
Tel: (07) 3901 0902
Email: The cover page of this Volume is Griffin revealing itself to someone with a camera.
Aurora@heart-of-the- The main part is the head of Griffin, the same as the end sphere in the crop circle

MISSION STATEMENT The Vanguard is in the Tail.

Heart of the EarthMother is The symbol of the wide open ‘V’ is ‘vanguard’ and is depicted in the v-tail section.
the Encyclopeadia of
Ascension giving up to date, The Language of One that he is bringing to Earth, is the Vanguard
new information as it comes
forth from the upper
dimensional guardian
realms, to assist
humans Ascension.
Ascension is acquired by
a personal communication
with these realms.

Please do not edit, as
this may corrupt the
original information.

There is no copywrite or
ownership on Ascension

All articles are original - Front Cover Information: The Multi-Dimensional Communing & Action chart is a directive from the
there is no work reproduced EarthMother using a Crop Circle. Instructions on its use will be in Volume 3.
or copied from anywhere The crop circles in this issue are the photographic property of Lucy Pringle
else. The layout of Lucys site is most appropriate for penduling, when being led to do crop circle work.


GENIUS COGNANCY SOPHISTRY There must be no guesswork with Ascension.
All must be known and understood – through a variety of methods to authenticate and substantiate.
Wisdom is from knowledge, experience and foresight.
The method for knowledge and information receiving is through the prescribed tools
Foresight is by correctly interpreting dreams and visions.
The method for substantiation and authentication, the same.
All dreams and visions are PsychoKinetic Automatistry by the Elementals.

The capacity to comprehend is through the Genius of the Elemental Communication.

Dreams – Symbology and CO-incidences – Nature – Dreams – Visions – Lucid Dreams – Kineseology
To master comprehension, is the mastermind and genius of the EarthMother and her Elementals, in
All must be correctly interpreted, without guessing or assuming. As some of the guesswork is drawn
the structure and progression of the Communing System.
from past non-ascending information.
Small increments of information are given, correlating to karmas, curses, spells, implants, that assist
each initiate is building upon knowledge. Some of this knowledge is merely to understand the bigger
picture that will be presented.
A direction may take the initiate to areas that will not always be very clear initially.
The Temples of Ascension, Crop Circles, Ordination levels, even the new Multi-Dimensional
Kineseology – A most important Ascension Tool.
Communing & Action Wheel. These areas are all about pushing into the unknown.
It is pure ‘will’ to understand – that will sustain and succeed.
Ascension deems more information.
This new information can assist those who are kinesthetic and kineseologists (working in the field).
Sometimes experience is necessary to fully understand – and so the experience is also presented.
Working with new information can do two things – get the work done quicker, and remove the painful
kinesiology. Even though something else may quickly follow, that too, can be dispensed with.
All Ascension knowledge is derived in this manner – therefore all ones foresight and wisdom all comes
from ones communication with the Elementals.
Knowledge is the power.

To those who are not kinesthetic, this is because the body has shut down this ability.
It can be reactived, by being led to certain karmas and implants, that have caused the physical form to
become numb.

Mindless Vernacular Basically kinesiology is the body response to someone or something.

The things are generally karmas, curses, spells, hexes, machinery, time-wedges
Another person can trigger all those.
• Ribald, coarse, crude, obscene vernacular is to be avoided as it is full of innuendo.
One can even programme in some kinesiology for notice to be taken in some areas, or boundaries and
• Anything angel-related
• Melancholia – Nostalgia
Mostly kinesiology is the body informing the person of some healing work to do.
• Sayings and glib philosophic phrases are loaded with subtle non-ascending innuendo
If the correct interpretation is not done or ignored, the kinetic response will eventually manifest as an
illness, disease, or some other dysfunction.

As with a lot of symbology, once the correct meanings are known, a new consciousness takes shape.
The same with all matters pertaining to kinesiology.


Kineseology is information supplied by a bodily response. It is not correct to assume any kinesthetic This new language will have the most impact on humans Ascension.
response, but to use a pendulum and charts. That is why Griffin, the teacher, is called the Ascension Impact Engineer.
Those who are acutely kinesthetic often live their lives with ongoing pain. Although using this chart There are two crop circles depicting the Language of One.
will not avoid this completely (as the kinesthetic responses are part of the body informing what The first one is revealing Griffin and Griffins shape, that will be most apparent in a photographic
requires healing) Using this chart can quickly get to the cause/reason, and a temporary measure image. As per Kellys picture on the front page.
enacted will halt that portion of kinesthtic uncomfortableness, until the correct work to completely
remove the problem, or heal the form is done. The second crop circle image with the calipers, is inferring a correlation to the English language for the
Language of One to be translated.
Once any feeling is felt pendule this list The English Language has been the one designated by Griffin to more appropriate through tonal
vibration and meaning, more closely associated to this universal Language than any other language
• Karma -needles and arrows - also viewed as a fan here on Earth.
• Curse - viewed as a merkabah
• Spear - viewed as a double barbed spear The symbols/shapes on both crop circles are the pictorial images of the vibrational shape of a
• Hook - viewed as a hook word or a concept.
• Brokering - viewed like a profile of a phone
• Time wedge – viewed as a large fine woven spring The translations will be simply presented.
• Implant - these are very individual and diverse – one has to view each one. First the shape is traced or copied, and then a word or phrase is found using the Communing Charts
• Other System.

Ownership: There will be no ambiguity, or ‘double-intendre’ type of thing.

Although all this disresonant energy is from pastlife circumstance, most kinesiology is engaged through
the mirror – or a this life same/similar circumstance – or even just having eye contact with another – Sound is the vibration. Thought is the light.
seeing something on the t.v. – going somewhere. These things trigger the unconscious that will in turn Correct tonal vernacular, depends upon correct pronunciation, which also includes correct accents.
trigger a thought or action from another to a kinesthetic response from the self.
Once the type of energy and then ownership is defined, the energy itself can be returned – for further
exploration at a later time. (the pastlife circumstance must, ultimately be dealt with)

Ownership > Perpetrator

• Self The Temple of the Language of One is curated by Kletti.
• Family member The name ‘Kletti’ means Keeper of the Light.
• Friend Curator of the Language of One.
• Work
• Other Kletti has started this mammoth task of interpreting.
No one person brings forth all the information, and this in particular, is not a one man job. Though
Now see the energy construct, and see the persons name on it, and return it to them. ultimately it will be Kletti presenting the Temple of the Language of One in some form for humans
Ascension, this will be with assistance from others.
There will be further work revealed by the Elementals, to completely resolve the issue – of why
another had laid on, on lays on, a disresonant energy (pastlife circumstances) – to investigate this a The Work:
little further one asks Other humans will be directed to assist Kletti, as co-workers and for a collaborative effort.
Do i have any work in my journal to support/assist/correlating to this kinesthetic response? This direction may come through a message, dream, or vision. And it will be something you
If yes would
• A past dream a) Be good at
• A past vision b) Love to do
• An actual circumstance/interaction
• Other When you get this direction, there is a section on the Heart of the Earthmother forum, called The
The work to completely resolve the issue, will appear in ones daily collaboration with the Elementals. Temple of the Language of One, where you can make yourself acquainted with Kletti.
This chart and immediate work, is just to halt the pain or discomfort. Your communing tools, will direct you to your actions in the interpreting of the Language of One.


THE MONSTROUS SUPER-NATURAL The painful memories are portrayed by a kinesthetic response, that must be quickly explored,
understood and dealt with.

There will be a kinesiology reactivation by seeing this implant and removing it.
Within the memory of human existence are monsters and monstrous behaviour from the super If this is not done, you will stay numb.
natural. If you release your kinesiology, please know that you do not have to experience your fears and pain all
Humans have never seen these monsters but the body has recorded monster, and monstrous by yourself, with no assistance.
behaviour. The Heart forum is a community designed to help you interprete your own monsters – and to keep
your ascension fluid.
Through implants and karma the human today, is still attached to unseen monsters and their
behaviour. The Human race and other species have been super-naturally monstered countless times on many
other worlds other than earth, and before Earth.
The monsters are revealed in visions and dreams – nightmares are often the results of pastlife Interprete and read it all correctly, and all can be healed.
SuperNatural monster behaviour.

These monsters are not fictional characters of ones imagination, but certain actions in pastlives, where
a reptilian controlled and orchestrated the pastself to perpetrate monstrous actions. Now will ‘haunt’
the individual, through dreams or visions.
Reptilians -Yahweh - Bar Mizvah
Or being the victim of such monstrous behaviours. Reptilians love rituals, and reptilians love the opportunities to interface with youngsters.
The pastself may have been an occult mother or another mind-controlled individual orchestrated to Most often done through rituals.
harm. Many of these rituals have hidden meanings and vernacular, inviting the reptilian into the lives
Or the host to a viscious Wesadrak, whose only enjoyment is to see another human suffer. of unsuspecting people.

The human has never seen a reptilian, so the visions and dreams, maynot show a ‘reptilian’ per se... Yahweh is a reptilian phrase - 'Come - End'
but a scary monster will be portrayed in some other form (that the mind will draw from – having no
parameters for reptilian). Snakes and lizards are very rarely used to depict the Melchizedek The only 'blessing' a youngster has at these rituals, is to be attached to a reptilian.
Draconian reptilian, as it would be misconstrued or misinterpreted.

Many of these actions are not just karmic (and not just a karma recorded) but also implants created in
the minds of those monstering, or being monstered.
Implants are faulty thoughtform and action, going over and over. The manifestation of being
monstered or monstering will have implants, wherever they are in the etheric form, will be attached to
the nervous system.

Implants are triggered, and then in turn will elicite or activate an emotion or thoughtform.
This will create the circumstance all over again – sometimes with a vision that if misconstrued or
misinterpreted, will make the individual think they are experiencing something in this life.
When in fact, the visions are revealing the supernatural circumstance in a pastlife.

It is the Elementals that give the visions.

Their situation is not easy, they are in the proverbial rock and hard place.
They can see that sometimes giving the vision to enlighten, or to give clarity, will not do this.
Often the individual (misinterpreting or misconstruing) will go further into fear and even madness.

The solution is to check, and re-check – and keep checking, authenticating, substantiating.
Keep checking visions and kinesiology, to put them all into perspective and the right ‘category’ for
Whether it be from pastlife or this life, in the final analysis it matters not.
Most this life interference will track back to pastlife anyway.
Interference is the painful kinesiology one experiences today – and not many experience this painful
kinesiology, as we have learnt to shut it down.


Every single human being has this implant Om is a word that has its origins in Aldebaran.
The Asian Indian is from Albyreon in the Aldebaran system.
The origins started in the days of the Annanuki.
Om means ‘out bound’. It was a motto.
The red races had the ability to remember past life circumstances. Inferring they of the brown skins/black hair, were groups leaving Albyreon, when a radio active
New races coming to Earth, had this ability also breach occurred, compromising the planet. Spaceships were used to evacuate.
This left the Annanuki looking silly, as they had none. There is no spiritual meaning in the word, or any special attainment in the tone.

The reptilians stepped in and started to manipulate all humans on this planet. The Asian Indian is from the Blue skinned Human.
Inserting a device on every humans head. The Blue Human existed on Tara.
Every human will re-incarnate what has been inserted, but overtime the implant has affected other Their demise was part of a punishment for desecrating Tara/EarthMothers favourite species, the
body parts. Buffalo.
Buffalo was on its evolutionary journey on Tara, to have individuated consciousness, as it is today on
The Annanuki from Nibiru, were presented as enlightened – the spiritual teachers. Earth.
Their capacity for spiritual enlightenment was zilch, due to the reptilians they had in tow – their
intellectual capacity was also below par. The Blue Humans hunted and ate Buffalo, which was a desecration on three counts.
Athena even had a large spiritual school – but had little to teach those that already had more abilities Desecration of the Buffalo Kingdom
than she. Desecration of their Spiritual journey
So she stripped students of their knowledge, to use for herself. Desecration of themselves/Blue Human.

How does one do this ‘stripping’? Even though Krishna is depicted an enlightened being – he and the rest of the blue humans were very
Athena would get the students to show her, then discredit or diminish their abilities as not integral, or much far from this.
not good enough – or discredit them in another area, even trouncing them from the school. Then use On Tara they were not vegetarian, and this in itself went against all spiritual principles.
the techniques or information for herself. The Blue Human, was also incredibly vain-glorious, and The Tao found it most difficult to make the
Its how the victim feels, that deems a ‘stripping’ has occurred. Blue Human attention the necessary work to ascend.

The Work:

• Athenas stripping, and correct retrieval, will be revealed in the structural nature of ones THE NAME ‘MELCHIZEDEK’
clearing process with the Elementals.
• First one has to remove their ‘Keeper Spell’ – See below. Mel – chi – zedek
• The Forgetfulness Implant is removed by placing an outline of a human in your awareness,
and allowing the Elementals to show you the implant. To keep observing whilst the hand Mel = hunt
removes it, as it may involve something other than what is on the head. Chi = power
Zedek = of society

The name Melchizedek was given to a royal faction in Maldek, when in the Vega system, over a million
The Keeper Spell years ago.
The majority of humans have this.
The Work:
If one has a keeper spell intact, it will prevent the initiate from focussing to remove implants, AND Cringe > valediction > affluence > hunt
focussing to achieve success in the vision techniques given by the elementals. There will be many implants to remove from the form that has the Melchizedek ‘print’ upon it.
These implants are inherited from ancient pastlife circumstances, from dealings with royals
The Work: (upon any planet).

• Close your eyes and see an outline of a human – then see a large blanket of dark wispy matter These implants maybe the cause of cringing, or wanting to hide – validating, the need for - the
over the entire form. See a hand pull it all away. need for affluence.
We are sincerely puppeted by our implants, karmas and time-wedges.


THE WESADRAK Some pictures seem to have horns/ears – these are small bristle tuffs on the draconian rep

Some of these smaller ones, are disenfranchised through death of a person, or through a ‘abort’
Being led to karma and curses has revealed that it was the insemination of the reptilian worm/wesadrak type thing inside a human. Some will never grow much bigger than they are.
in the human race upon Earth, 150,000 years ago, that shortened the lives of the humans, who Irregardless they too, become pests.
previously lived to approx 400 years. They will sit on the shoulders of unaware humans and elicite certain emotions – very similar to
That was also the time when the Sirian Hybrid was brought to Eart by the Draconian in Nibiru, to the internal Wesadrak.
perpetuate the Draconian Melchizedek, who had lost the ability to perpetuate its own kind.

The origins of the New Zealand Maori race, and their ultimate warlike behaviour, are through the Much of the madness, hatred, and pschyopathic behaviours causing mass murder, mindless killing,
Annanuki wanting a war-like large male for their inhouse battles and fighting. This original red root and/or even a love of killing, will be from implants and/or an internal Wesadrak Because the
race, were very large and other-male oriented. Were made to become harmfuland the Anus ‘fighting Wesadrak thrives on extreme electrical charges from harm/cruelty etc.
slaves’ with Wesadraks implanted. The naturally warlike human became a madmen..
The Work:
The Draconian Melchizedek female mates with a Sirian Hybrid, and lays approx 15 eggs, that grow Invoking the SealHood Mantle Command, will remove all Wesadraks, whether internal or
into large capsules containing the Sirian Hybrid. They are fully grown when emerging from the external.
If one is led to an External Wesadrak, possibly to a lamp-post and/or electrical relay station, you
The Sirian Hybrid inseminates both male and female humans, to produce the Wesadrak. There are may want to ask some questions.
four types of Wesadraks. a) A photograph ? There is no photographic evidence of the larger external Wesadrak/
Draconian (that has not walkin in). Most digital camera photographs are interfered with by
• The young Melchizedek Draconian – from the birthed worm. the light – this is why getting a photograph is difficult. But we keep trying.
The inseminated worm grows, until the draconian starts to form, and then births itself before fully b) A tear in the etheric gridwork to be closed up. A tear is often around an electrical relay
formed. Approx 3 years. It crawls into an electrical field of a household appliance, a type of station, which the draconian uses. If your pendulum affirms there is a tear, then one can
cradle, where it finishes growing. remove the draconian AND close up the tear.
This young Draconian almost becomes part of the family. Listening to everything the family does c) If you have a digital camera, you will be guided to take the photo, THEN dispense with the
and says – and is virtually the education. If it becomes attached to any of the younger members reptilian and the tear, by using the SealHood Mantle Command.
(as a walkin), it now has all knowledge of circumstances to draw on later.
It can also read what the humans read.
The knowledge in some ‘spiritual guidance’ – may now make sense to some persons who have
been guided by channelling, by their ‘spiritual guide’. Who seems to know what they know.
• The Internal Wesadrak. Taking Night Pictures
The worm that stays and grows internal. This internal Wesadrak will adversely affect the host
mentally, emotionally and physically. A digital camera can pick up a lot of etheric matter.
Love will be hard-pressed to be felt, as the love vibration makes the reptilian feel ill. Not just the dark or interferences, but like Kellys picture on the front cover, of Griffin.
These Wesadraks have all the lower-base personality characteristics of the lessor serpents and And orbs in volume 1.
• The External older Wesadrak – Some mobile phone cameras can also pick up what the eye cannot see.
This Wesadrak, has finished its growth in the electrical appliance, but has not attached itself to a This a picture taken in England, of two Zeta craft (appropriated by the u.s. government )– transferring
host as yet. and distributing chemtrail poison
Many of these move outside the homes, and into larger electrical fields. They are over 3 metres
in length, and can no longer fly. They generally sit on lamp posts, especially those that have
electrical relay stations attached or nearby. Light and daylight interferes with most of this picture taking.
• The Disenfranchised Wesadrak So it is best done where and when there is no light.
These were the ones that inspired Vampire stories.
They are often revealed in digital camera pictures. Once you start taking pictures, and you have a Daily Communing practise, then two things will happen.
They are small, and can fly. They have no tail, because of their immaturity. a) Through the Daily Communing you will be led where and when, by the Elementals to take more
The pictures: wings with a central pointed bit between the wings. When flying they pull up their pictures – which can be a very exciting excercise.
legs and cross over their feet. Their crossed over feet is the pointed section. b) By using the Communing Charts System, you will be able to interprete the pictures you take and
Wings with legs hanging down (these make people think they are fairies). When the Wesadrak guided what to do with them.
hovers it lets down its legs, and swings them from side to side.


Particle Microbe Contamination, is through mold spores. Believe/belief, theory, supposition, suspicion, conjecture, speculation
Mold spores release gas and cause festering particle microbe contamination directs infection,
paralysing membraneous tissue. The festering particle is also cancer related in some humans. Reality Consciousness Hypothesis is often logic derived from false reasoning.
From those who maintain an expertise, or from those who maintain an experience. However some of
Festering mold spore bacteria coats membrane and creates scab. this maintaining is not the whole truth, and some of the experience is not the ‘whole experience’.
Scab from festering membrane attracts mites, that swarm. An epidemic of mite contamination causes Only part of.
Traumatic Microbe Paralysis Poison.
Spastic Paralysis is an indirect infection An example: science has defined hydrogen as a free energy source. Which it is.
The membraneous tissue then starts to disintegrate and become chalky. The chalkiness causes the However hydrogen is not ‘the whole’ – hydrogen is, in fact, an ‘immature science’. There is more
spasming paralysis, and the mite epidemic poisons the blood. about hydrogen and indeed ‘water’ – that science is still not aware of.
Sour Contamination Particle Microbe Infection Paralysis Blood is very sour. So any reasoning about free energy derived from hydrogen, is only part truth.

Traumatic Hyper Thin Membrane heralds brittleness. An example: spiritual healing has defined the chakras and etheric body matrix as intrinsic to the
Brittleness heralds Spastic Paralysis healing process. But now we are being led to understand the etheric matrix is a corruption in itself –
and the chakra colours of the 7 chakra colour spectrum, are colours of ‘ignorance’. (except green and
Pathologicol Bacteria and its contamination causes.. yellow)
One could then counter with ‘the suns spectrum are these colours, is our Solar Sun ‘ignorant?’ –
Specific Inflammation No it is not.
Cystic Fibrosis There are crop circles that are revealing this planet has a ‘late light incomformity spectrum’ , through a
Dermatitis too-slow rotational spin.
Meningitis The Ascending intiate is guided to work with the 12-chakra information and colour spectrum, that
Chronic Frailty has no primary colours.
Circulatory Collapse
An example: The passing of Nibiru is now pretty much being circulated. People having dreams,
movies, all depicting the catastrophe of the Earth. Speculation is December 2012. However the
The Treatment: ‘whole’ truth will come forth from ones communing with the Elementals. In this matter there is no
speculation or supposition. As to the exact date – where your exact place for you and your family to
Milk Thistle stem – freshly gathered, dried and powdered. (small yellow flower var.) be safe – and what you must do to this place for safe habilitation, and when to have this done.
Water Hyacinth – root stem, cleaned, minced, dried and powdered There are many Ascending Initiates who will be guided to work for Ascension, until given the go-
Chinchona Bark - powdered ahead to find their safe haven.
It is required for initiates to experience SURRENDER and all it entails as soon as possible (the
orchestrations and choreographing of all actions and events by the Elementals) thus removing any
Mold Spores (chinhona bark) nervousness and angst, that you maynot be in the right place at the right time. Experience will reveal
Infection (water hyacinth) that the Elementals ALWAYS come through for us.
Mite Swarm (chinchona bark)
Spastic Paralysis of the membrane (milk thistle)
Speculation and supposition are discouraged – until one has received the whole truth.


CHAKRA Some methods of teaching disenpower.
It is important not to disenpower another.
Ascension Teaching comes down to way-showing the prescribed work, and checking with a pendulum.
One must first be conversant with the prescribed methods of communion.
A small group of initiates were guided to a hill near Oberons dam, to observe the Earths Inaugeral 10th Proficiency make take sometime, however proficiency is not always necessary or required when
chakra being opened. assisting another to learn this prescribed method.
Even the word ‘opened’ was not entirely clear. What is required is a modicum of pendulum integrity – to check anothers words and messages.
Nothing much was observed with the physical eye - except the moving out of a large group of
kangaroos, and moving back. Checking anothers work with a pendulum is all that is required, for the other to then do the next step,
Which had some significance, but not understood at the time. or next action.
Initially, step by step – in small increments.
A couple of photos later showed an incredible large orb, that filled the entire picture – with a
harlequin design. One must be experienced with karma, curse, spell, machine, time-wedge, implant.
That was later defined as the EarthMother. Some are simple, some are complex.
Checking anothers karma profiling work, is all that is required.
This same harlequin orb – was later seen at various excercises we did at the retreat in Oberon.
This was to show the EarthMother, could be seen with the naked eye.
The same with The Tao, and the Guardians.
They all have a variety of coloured dynamics – that can be viewed, but only if one ‘trains’ their eyes. The Daily Direction Chart

Once you know the colour and the energetic dynamic, then one can practise getting their eye in. The Daily Direction Chart, combined with the other tools to receive and understand a message, is the
virtual ‘wayshower’ tool.
The 10th Chakra, has its significance in the forward rolling of Ascension for the EarthMother.
She used this chakra as the means to ‘come to the surface’. She is a large Elemental. Using this tool will keep the initiate going in the right direction.
No longer will she just use the Elementals to facilitate some of her work, she is now able to be a real It is used in conjunction with other Ascension tools.
presence herself.
If there is a message to get, oftentimes it will be a ‘part’ message, the pendulum will become
There are no Kangaroos in both pictures, so i suspect the Elementals cleared the area, just so clear unresponsive to the Thesaurus.
photographs could be taken This means that action is done – and another direction is necessary.
So determining that next action is through the Daily Direction Chart.

Sometimes the direction will be directing the user back to a past message, dream, vision to finish, or to
tie in with another message – it maynot always be the most recent message.
The Raising Vibrations of Earth. Being directed back to old work, means one has to pendule back through their journal.
By 2015, Earth does not expect to have any North or South polar caps.
It will take approx 50 more years to start any diminishing of the oceans and waterways. Going backwards and forwards through work, greatly enhances ones pendulum integrity . Initially that
In 50 years time, the ambient temperature will be 50 degrees Celsius. is the prime purpose of getting small increments of work – and appearing all over the place.
The average age of the first wave, to ascend will be 200 years. Which is tantamount to saying the first It is the pendulum AND the Daily Direction Chart that ‘pulls it all together’ .
persons to exit this plane in the physical form will be approx 2200, and the ambient temperature is
expected to be 70 degrees Celsius.


Mid 2009, a team member, Kletti, had dreams of a free energy device.
Then leading us to relevant crop circles, which are to be used as templates.
Many more dreams came forth from other initiates, and then a forum site was created
Free Earth

Certain persons were invited to read back then, but many wanted to research tachyons and research
Which was (and still is) a waste of time, as there are no parameters or prior work that can correctly
define the new work being presented by the Elementals.
The invention is by the Elementals
And will be coached and mentored by the Elementals.

The main energy source is Protea

Protea (iron particles) are extracted from Hydrogen bubbles
Tachyons are 'worked' Protea particles.

Water is Protea and Air - water under pressure creates hydrogen, also Protea and Air.
(Elementals saying an 'hydrogen an immature science')
Burst Hydrogen releases Protea particles.
The Protea particles are worked to become Tachyons and extremely magnetic.

* Tachyons are guided to produce Phosphorous – which gathers on a tape, to produce LIGHT
* Tachyons stored to build up a bank, the extreme magnetism works 2 arms – CONVEYANCE
* Tachyons are pushed to a UV Light, which causes a distortion, that produces gas – REFRIGERATION
& HEAT. (the gas is collected under the device and stored in a tank for other uses – the gas is not used
for or in this device).

The one device, manipulates the Tachyons to produce all the other energies.
The rotunda device, is approx the size of a dinner plate
And the workings underneath about 60 cms.

Is constructed of specific dimensions and shapes, first to make the hydrogen bubbles, that are flung to
release the Protea.
The Protea particles are then moved to other areas in the device

The hydrogen then converts to Tachyons - which are directed to various other parts of the device.
Some Tachyons are pushed onto a tape, to become Phosphoros (light)
Most go into a 'treasury' bank - to be the magnetic substance, that moves two arms - the two arms
lay flat, until the device is started by a hand manipulated lever.
This part of the device has pulleys, sprockets and cogs.
The first action of pulling the arms together, and the length of the pulley rope, starts the continuing
movement (to cometogether and lay back down, through the magnetic nature of the tachyons) this
moves a central rod, that ultimately rotates a large fan.
Some tachyons (or the 'remainder' ) are distorted and release gas, through the presence of UV glass -
to produce gas that goes into a storage unit (heat and refrigeration)


The Conveyance Machine is a platform with a large fan, at the rear
and collection tank for gas under the platform (the gas is for other applications).
The arm movement that relies upon magnetic attraction, and a pulley system, moves sprockets and
A few members of the Heart forum have had success in a variety of methods, contact and delivery from
cogs, to move the fan stem. the EarthMother, The Tao, Griffin, Winged Wolv, Meyu and Sasquatch.
It is initially activated by a hand lever - which manually starts the two arms moving, then the The delivery has not always been per their original instruction. (of writing, visioning etc) Sometimes it is
movement just a feeling of love and connection.
of the hydrogen in a circular part of the device takes over, and keeps everything moving. Or maybe there is more, that we are not yet aware of as yet.

The device can be removed from the conveyance machine It is hoped the reader will be inspired to confirm these methods – and use for oneself.
and taken into the home to be used just for light. We would love to hear your experience, as there is much we can all learn.
Especially if you draw symbols and confusing shapes – sharing so you can be assisted to get them
A team member said in the beginning - getting people to relinquish their cars and trucks will be interpreted and ‘out there’ for humans Ascension.
This is true.
This conveyance device is not for now, it is for after 2012. The EarthMother and Guardians have a presence that can be seen in the physical. For some this is not
In March 2012, Nibiru on its return run/exit from this solar system, will turn this planet on its ear, so to their real form, but how the 3rd dimension interpretes their energy.
EarthMother: A touch on the top of your head
This Free Energy device, is for humans - to re-habilitate themselves in a total harmonious fashion. Energetically with the physical eye, she appears as an orb, with a green, magenta and peach, harlequin
Harmony, Unity and Love - not survival, fear, nor needy, design.
Humans are to self-govern, be self-sufficient - and then lead others to this way of being This will be in front of your face.
EarthMother can invoke feelings of love and warmth.
The EarthMother and Elementals are saying it will be through Free Energy, this can happen. Some have had a telepathic connection with her – some have had an immediate vision, that assisted in
understanding something they were stuck on.
Free Energy, will be the ONLY way, we will have full control of our lives.
The Tao: A touch on the back of your head
Energetically seen as a whirling peacock green and magenta funnelform.
By March 2012, it is desired that persons will be able to purchase certain parts, so they can construct Also in front of your face.
their own device. The plans will be free. Not entirely sure what The Tao does at this point
a) a working model must be constructed Griffin: A touch of the right side of head
b) plans shared freely Griffin was only detected in a gentle smoke-stream, of a large head, brow of an eagle and beak of a
c) parts made available, to be sold sparrow.
Though he certainly can be detected with a digital camera – as per the cover picture
Some of the parts are sourced from other areas. He creates a beautiful warmth on your back, that immediately relaxes (not the hot-flush type of
not necessarily new - warmth).
e.g. the fan is a large 4 blade fan, already commercially available. (2 metres in diameter). Griffin guides a pencil to draw shapes and pictures.
Some Shapes will be implants to see and remove.
Initiates have drawn glyphs and symbols and another brought forth the drawing of a White Serpant, so
The Work: we could all understand this strange little creature - with Griffin guidance.
Interested persons are warmly invited to the Free Earth forum site.
Winged Wolv: A touch on the left side of head
That ‘clarity gate’ that opens, is through questions asked – and allowing a modicum of confusion Energetically seen as a round geometric shape with green curved shapes within the circle.
and puzzlement to reign, until the door DOES open. Not known how he will communicate or the method he will use.
Part of the clarity gate is assisted through the use of a pendulum. Winged Wolv has a purpose. He assists initiates in times of stress – assists to get over certain ‘humps’.

Meyu: A touch of the right foot

Once you start to read, and ask yourself the questions, the dream and vision will kick in to assist
Energetically seen as a straight rainbow – big and small.
Meyu is known to give visions – can have a flow of visions.
The Elementals are sincerely wanting some interested parties to create this new invention.
Sasquatch: A touch on the left foot.
It will be through a team effort with the Elementals leading the way. Can be accompanied by a vision of Sasquatch sitting at your feet – which invokes comfort and support.
Automatic writing could be this guardians assistance.
SHAPE, ACTION, HARM The contracts and the correct removal work


THE TEMPLES OF ASCENSION Link to DragonSoul Charts

4. Temple of Service
1. Temple of Surrender
Evidence of integrity brings forth the Service work, both World and Universal Service.
The inititiate is required to surrender on two main issues, besides surrendering to the Ascension There are many areas of Service.
Dynamic, and all its requirements Assisting other humans
* The non-physical Governance, that comes forth through the Daily Communing System - to know Reptilian Detection and Removal Work
this information is precisely what you need at any given time, and going to move one through the Astral Clearing
initiations more quickly, than just a half hearted attempt to understand. Alien Clearing
* The protege-coach dynamic who is the conduit for a lot that is not understood. If the protege can Earth / Etheric Grid work
lay aside all ego, guilts (that someone is doing something the protege is unable to do do) the work can Land - waterways - service work
be proceed in a fluid manner. Nibiru related work
An agreement of permission between two persons, to favor all aspects of ascension work. Nature service work - this often entails clearing karma.
With Surrender and Divine Orchestration in play, the protege quickly becomes a colleague. Information retreiving in the group
Creative works to further Ascension - these often bring forth new tools.
2. Temple of Quorum Informing or Correcting incorrect Ascension words/work. If one is so guided.

Platforms for speaking and writing are furnished for the Ascending Initiate to assume the voice of
Ascension. These platforms are orchestrated appropos to the consciousness raised and ones 5. Temple of Manifestation
Ascending experience.
Raising the consciousness is a very strange action, one can have a little ascension knowledge and have All manifestation of circumstances is through the dream mechanism, all changed states of being and
done a bit of work to retreive certain unity attributes and being, but still be relatively ignorant of the thoughtform is through the karma dynamic. There is an interaction between the two. It takes clearing
whole. So it is desired that one learn to take direction from the non-physical realms, for all Ascension karma to be able to manifest ones reality, and the dream is used to understand the circumstances of
Speaking and Writing. the karma.
Ascension writing is a very specific way of writing. There is no rhetoric, flowery or effusiveness. It is
straight forward, facts. Generally giving salient points, then the descriptions in the easiest manner to The dream mechanism is in two main parts. The 7 dreamtime planes that step the circumstances
read. down in a variety of ways, and when the timing is right the circumstance will manifest into the reality
By connecting to this temple the initiate can be guided on the direction, the content and the delivery. plane.
The other mechanism is the nightly dreaming. Circumstances/concepts and information are given by
Borderline Fellowships: Be instrumental in presenting an unstinting, hospitable front, to turn or steer the Elementals, the humans mental mind 'uses' to whatever is in the consciousmind to depict the
another in the right direction. Resist attack or debate, bend, but stand firm. information being given (this is why they are deemed 'symbolic' and cryptic). The human then has to
Use a liberal amount of discretion in the company of another who is yet to understand Ascension. Do RE-interprete the remembered dream back to the correct message.
not attempt to shock or overwhelm with a lot of information.
Be intuitive as to which Ascension rewards may interest another or draw another to Ascension. 6. Temple of Excelsior Planes
Healing / clearing karma
Communing with the EarthMother and all non-physical Realms This work is yet to come forth
Being in Service to the EarthMother
Crop Circle information
etc 7. Temple of Ascension Assessment

3. Temple of DragonSouls Initiations passed brings forth an Ordination. An Ordination is a large shift in consciousness and
A profound level of healing is by way of addressing the root cause of dysfunctional being and thinking, If one is having difficulty overcoming a specific thoughtform or a patterning, or not understanding,
which is DragonSoul Being. Dragons had personality dysfunctions, which they laid upon other the Elementals can assist. Often this assistance is by having a variety of the same pushed to the self, to
dragonsouls. All dysfunctional personality base characteristics of all humans (and many other see that the thoughtform is indeed, faulty... and then one can understand. It is often a lack of
species), will track back to a dysfunctional personality or an dysfunctional interacton between understanding WHERE or HOW something that seems so inconsequential or insignificant can be
DragonSouls. harmful to another or self. You will be shown how.
This Temple can assist in the difficulty understanding the dynamic and natures of these ancient non- Ascension requires some major changes in the lifes journey - if one is unable to make these changes,
physical soul beings. or release an attachment to something, bring this temple into ones Awareness, and ask for guidance.


Connect with this Temple if there is difficulty disconnecting from non-ascending activities, and a way
See the 12 Ordination Chart for Initiatiory/Ordination Levels will be shown to you.
There are some states of being and personality characteristics that will keep the initiate imbalanced
and non-ascending.
* Being compromised * Opinionated * Feeble * Volatile * Frothy * Easy going * Wishy washy *
8. Temple of Self-Discipline Nostalgic
Extensive help and information has come forth to assist devotees who are having problems in
Ascending Daily = a Daily Communing Practise/Interpreting messages/Dreams, Clearing personality areas.
Karma/curses/spells/implants, A daily vision practise. All require a very strong element of Self- Intending the Victorious Alternation tone will invoke the assistance necessary to overcome these
Discipline. Then one is guided to step out and assist others to ascend, whilst still doing their own states, and will bring forth the inner work to resolve.
If this is something you lack, you maybe held back from having a protege. There are Guardians to 11. Temple of Multi-Dimensional Governance
assist the initiate.
Bring this temple into your Awareness, and ask for assistance. Unconditional Self-Governance for the human, is through the genius management and governance
of the upper dimensional realms on all aspects of the Ascending experience. These realms advise,
mentor, guide, inform and inspire. The solution to every crisis is given, whether it be the self or
someone close to self.
9. Temple of Vision The EarthMother - Elementals - The Tao - Nature REalms - Guardian Realms of Griffon, Meyu/White
Spider, Winged Wolv and Sasquatch.
Vision often requires a 'platform or paradigm for viewing'. When you have these, it is necessary to All will intervene in the dream and vision mechanism and the Communing System , to give a variety of
practise regularly. messages and subjects.
Non-practise or a cessation of visionary discipline may 'dry up'/halt the mechanism. Vision is by far
the best communing method - even if the visions are symbolic, as the dreams are - a symbolic vision is
often better than a message system (to find words). To have both (daily visionary practise and daily 12. Temple of Genesis Protocol
message receiving) is better than one or the other.
Meyu/White Spider can often assist with an inconsistent or insufficient vision mechanism. The original nature of all things.
Connecting with this Temple may reveal a problem, that can be resolved by removing (The text for this Temple, is not finished)
implants/machinary or karma that is affecting 'inner vision'.

13. Temple of Re-Casting Protocol

10. Temple of Time Serving
Re-casting is an action and jurisdiction of a soul, to create its reality, and Earths Ascension agreement
The Ascension Path is a very narrow, difficult path. Whilst there is a vaste amount of assistance, to protect humanity. It is through ones integral grounding that the action of re-casting is 'casting or
instruction and inspiration, from the guardian realms, if one is paying attention to matters non- grounding a being back to its Source for an assessment'. This intention/command, has the action of
ascension, this division of time will ultimately affect ones Ascension. An overabundance of the Slave removing any interference or dark agenda from ones field.
and Annanuki lineages can also affect this attenton to ascension. The initiate must have integral grounding for this protocol to have 100% immediate effect, and this
often requires a few karmas to be cleared, and some implants to be removed.
A temporary Voluntary Isolation period is suggested to those unable to attention the correct work to The initiate will be led to the work that requires grounding integrity,
produce ascension results. A voluntary solitariness in a quiet Natural area, will assist those who are
working full time, or in non-ascending relationships or situations. Or those who cannot stop reading
ascension works (which often keep the initiate from the 'doing') or those who are still 'seeking'. Both of 14. Temple of Guardians
these activites will be time consuming and prevent the initiate from the real communing work.
The Guardians of Griffon, Meyu/White Spider, Winged Wolv and Sasquatch, have very defined areas
Politics - Religions - Humanitarian/Environmental Organisations - The works of old Masters - The of guardianship, many are still being learnt, through experience with each of them.
messages from or of non-ascending Nature Species - Higher Education/Intellectual Debate - Science *Griffons role is informing and bringing forth the Language of One. It is Griffon who will mentor this
- non-ascending Geometries and Symbols - language
Fame - Mythical or Obselete Spiritual icons and ideals that have no basis for truth or Ascension - *Meyu is a protective umbrella with a few jurisdictions, some we are still learning of. She will assist in
Fulltime business or career - Philosophy - Morality - Dignity. many of the reptilian removals, especially those from others, who are unaware, or unable to do the
If one gives their attention to morality and dignity, they require others to also attention their morality removal themselves.
and dignty. Meyu is also very adept in getting people to vision. If you are having difficulty in this area, invoked the
This can then generate self-righteousness and judgement. Beloved Meyu.


* Winged Wolv who is a very loving creature, will assist in difficult areas. Some you may not even dimensional science has no understanding of 'consciousness', or conscious knowledge,
know you are having this assistance. If you are having difficulties call on Winged Wolv. understandings of the unseen realms.
* Sasquatch Protecting, loving and inspiring. The calibre of this profound and new information, has a negative effect on those that know, or have
presumed to be masters of these sciences and wisdoms.
One is guided to share, knowing the informaton will compromise, and possibly even anger.
15. Temple of Agreements The initiate must prevail. There are sanctions and benedictions to glorify the initiate and cushion any
adverse effect from detractors.
There are many that must be recognised (as interferences) to be broken. The Glorification Protocol is also afforded to the initiate who is guided to assist correction in the
And those that must be fulfilled. Ascensions of others. Generally these others have large groups and followings, but who are devoid of
the correct Ascension information.
All past promises, pacts and Agreements are enacted for Ascension. This assistance to correct, is generally unwelcome, as these persons generally think they have attained
Bringing persons together to fulfil these past Agreements made by Soul to assist Soul. These are called considerable attainments in the Ascension Initiations.
Soul Agreements.
Unfortunately there have been other sorts of agreements and pacts made to the False Gods, False
Angelics and Reptilians in pastlife circumstances. These old agreements 'enable' or 'allow' their 19. Temple of Interpretation
presence, to keep on interferring.
These promises were trickery or misrepresentation to make a human agree to something, or to allow There is a strict catechism of Interpreting all information from the Multi-Dimensions.
them access, or to allow them to use humans eternally. These agreements will be shown, for the From the initial first search in the Communing Charts System
initiate to break. Which takes you the Rogets International Thesaurus - Unabridged ,(no other Thesaurus will do)
Some are in between curses/spells and agreements - as sometimes it took a spell, to cause the human Culminating in the Final Analysis work.
to declare or vow something eternally. For full directions see 'How to Use the Communing Charts System'

16. Temple of Transformation 20. Temple of Meticulous Ascension

Transmutation, Trancendation and Transformation is all per ones communion with the mutil- The 'meticulousness' is in reference to all things magnetic and Unity.
dimensional realms assisting humans. There can be no ascension of the form with any other geometry other than the triple ball/circle,
The spiritual realms assist the human in transmuting all polarity thoughtform and Being. defined as 'Concsiousness' in the Language of Light. All higher thoughtforms and being are closely
They alert to protect from any intrusion or interference, and the methods required to restrain. associated with and to this Language of Light tone, symbol and meaning.
They assist in the trancendatory periods, in advising of any nutriments or plant/herbs need to be All other geometries and species that have anything other than the triple ball magnetic geometry are
ingested to assist the transformation of the ascending form to crystalline. alien to Earth, and Ascension.
It is also the Spiritual Realms that will direct any Transformational actions when and if needed. The non-ascending pointed, pyramidal geometries are harmful and intrusive to the ascending form.
Electrical geometry in particular has thin needle like energy piercing the etheric form.
It behooves every ascending initiate to learn which species are ascending, and which are not.
Especially the plant matter that is food, clothing and habilitation.
17. Temple of Cosmology
There is thoughtform and Being associated with all geometries.
There is a deeper relatonship between planets, suns and galaxies, which every initiate will be led to. The harmful ones have the ability to take energy from another, or cause another to lose energy.
For ascension study work or to be led to some inner healing work, from a past ancestry. It is through The Unity Paradigm - in the Language of Light and 25% of crop circles, is Unity - neutral - and non
this particular learning of the Universe that opens a new awareness. Part of this new awareness is harmful.
about the ascensions or non-ascensions of other planetary bodies.
Whilst most disresonance is removed from clearing karma of all polarity based thoughtform and
Being, it helps if the initiate understands some of the hidden, not so obvious harm, in a variety of ways
18. Temple of Glorification of communicating and being. Then strives to correct. Generally the Negative Polarities are known
and understood, the 'not so obviously harmful' are the Positive Pole polarities. It helps if one is brutally
The Glorification Cushion. honest about ones motives in understanding the harm in the positive negative polarity.
Knowing and Sharing Wisdom by those who have mastered a particular ordination require enactment
of the Glorification Protocol.
Those mastering Ascension are privy to profound multi-dimensional and Universal Truths, Sacred
Sciences which refine and redefine, many wisdoms and Laws of Science.
3 dimensional Being has 3 dimensional science which is coined as an 'immature science' - as 3


Mould spores have a severe effect upon the body. There are records of the small Satas in Orion (Zammel) , Aldebaran (Tara and Alybreon) and
They cause membranous tissue to become brittle and chalky – this brittle membrane spasms. Andromedas, and Arcturas.
Through a fast spasm action, the brittle membrane combusts. ‘Records’ are revealed through clearing karma
This is the cause of Spontaneous Combustion.
The Satas were the evolution of the Mole Kingdom.
There is also a future Combustion to be considered.
Which will not be quite the same as spasming paralysis of the membraneous tissue. Arcturas system.
Records show this small hairless human started in the Arcturas system.
Combustion will happen in the future, when the vibrations of the planet are such, if the human Nothing is known much, except that it seemed to lack a sense of Purpose and its height was governed
species are not able to match those vibrations a type of combustion will happen. by some malfunction.
Where all the dark, dense matter in the etheric body – commonly known as karma and implants will
just spasm the body, or initially will speed up the illness or diseases the dark matter is the cause of. Andromeda.
Karmas show this small human was somehow interfered with by scientists. The Satas were being
This happened in Egyptian times, with such devices as the Wands of Horus, and other devices to hybridised, the purpose will be revealed in humans karmas.
enhance the vibrations, by creating a high vibrational field in the ether . They were also used for spying by Andromedans.
Their theory was, enhance the vibrations, and one will ascend.
Tara - Aldebaran
This is not the case. On Aldebaran the Satas lived in communities deep in mountains.
Humanity has too much dark, dense matter in their etheric form. They were disliked by the outside communities, because of their foraging techniques and their over-
population. They grew nothing themselves, but would leave the mountains at night and forage in
Some of these Egyptian initiates had bodyparts that combusted, in view of what we now know about farmed land.
mold spores and their causing thin, brittle, chalky membrane – it was probably the presence of these The Satas lived to a 1000 years. The aged also had to be fed.
disease producing Pathological Bacteria, that was the cause of their Combustion.
Tara had a radio-active breach.
Raising the vibrations, without the correct biology - will cause the body to cook instead of embracing. Many were being taken to other worlds. There were deadlines, but the Satas were consumed with
their foraging of the seasonal produce, and missed all assistance to re-locate.
Any contraptions or devices to raise the vibrations will ultimately be harmful, as the consciousness
must be raised, to start the crystalline conversion. Raising the consciousness, is a ‘retreival’ of higher Aldebyreon – Aldebaran
(unity) consciousness, and this takes karma clearing, a precise method to remove the dark matter Aldebyreon was a Tara fragment, that stayed in Aldebaran.
from the unconscious ... which is the ‘space between’ the meridians. And this same circumstance happend again
A radio-active breach.
Everyone was to be taken from the poisoned planet.
The Work: But the Satas, again, would miss the deadline.

There are karma and implants from pastlife combustion. Zammel - Orion
On Zammel they lived in burrows in the ground.
The implants are from holding onto with both hands, devices similar to the wands of horus. The Annanuki would arrive with their huge hairless hunting dogs, which would terrify the Satas.
And other contraptions, the initiate would lay on a bed – and be wired into something, that The Satas started to transform into bats – at first to escape the dogs and the Annanuki. Then an
would combust them. incredible hatred started to form amongst the Satas.
The etheric form will still have those devices and contraptions as etheric implants. They started to misapply their mastery.
They started to hate, become unreasonable.
Pendule to see if you have any of these, for a vision-removal. Teaching their young about transformation, not as spiritual teachings but as a strategy of psychological
warfare, to harass.
The karmas of combustion, will be shown in your progressive clearing work. Being able to fly away.
You maybe both the victim AND the perpetrator.
If your pastself was the designer or spiritual leader that imposed these contraptions upon others. This thoughtform and behaviour unbecoming for spiritual masters, caused them to fall.
These would be considered the ‘perpetrator’. And they fell, by being locked into the Bat form.


A disease from the dogs started to spread amongst the Bat colonies on Zammel , and so they used a The Work:
Nibiru return to relocate (Nibiru collects uranium from Zammel)
The Bat Satas left Zammel, and initially went to Maldek. The work to remove spells, curses, karmas, time-wedges, may not necessarily come from having
The planet Maldek, had flying foxes. The Flying Fox and Bat species united in ‘friendship and joy’ on a Satas lineage, but the lineages of other species, who perpetrated.
Maldek, which infers some sort of same-origin. If you do have a Satas lineage, you may also have Anu lineages, or a dragon lineage that caused
something to happen to the Mole Kingdom/Satas human.
A small percentate of humans, have a Satas lineage.
This is through a human Satas relocation upon Earth, from Nibiru. The initiate will be guided to a variety of work to heal the Satas Lineage and the Bat Kingdom.

Zammel is a Taran fragment.

All Taran fragments hold uranium.
That is why the Annanuki would track all the Taran fragments, to keep mining these planets.
When they came to Zammel, they discovered the Satas – and also discovered the extreme longevity
of the Satas. Fair Skinned Human Lineages Maybe the
The Satas lived to 1000 years.
The Annanuki wanted this longevity gene for themselves. Leading Lights for Ascension
A mating went down between an Annanuki male and Satas female. The two leading lights for all other dragons and species to follow was the Yellow Dragon and the Pale
The female child was taken from her parents, to Nibiru, where she was to come to Earth. Green
She never made it. Dragon.
On Nibiru, she was inseminated with a worm/Wesadrak, and this eventually drove her mad, and to Even though Yellow Dragon eventually went mad, it still was the original template for the correct
incinerate herself. spiritual
She had two children on Nibiru, and these were brought to Earth to extract their genetics to start some practices and spiritual being.
genetic modifying for the Annanuki. Yellow Dragon brought forth pale skin and blonde hair humans.
There are no records/karmas after these children arrived on Earth – but it is the future ancestors of Green Dragon brought forth the little Satas, fair skin, black hair (even though it first came forth as Mole),
these two children that now hold the dormant Satas lineage. and this
human had 78,000 strands of DNA. And was known to transform. So transformation is in this
It is called ‘dormant’, as the Sirian grandmaster lineage could also be called dormant. template.
Too many karmas, implants, curses, spells, machinery – making all humans less, including
grandmasters. Over the last 10 years of Ascension work, the red root races (black and brown skin) and the Sirian
There are three known ‘grandmasters’ (brown skin - Siroyo, black skin - Katayy)
The Siroyan Sirian - very large human - 18,000 strands of DNA were the templates for humans Ascension.
The Katayann Sirian - elongated head – Sasquatch/Katayann indigenous mating – Australian
Indigenous – 36,000 strands This may now change.
The Satas – small human – 1 metre high – 75,000 strands
The Councils of Ascension are constantly seeking new avenues and strategies to bring forth
As the Satas lineage is awakened within some humans this will also assist those without a sirian ascension for everyone.
grandmaster lienage. If the Satas were able to transform back and forwards from Bat to human, this Once the Time-Wedges are removed from the fair, blonde human - a higher DNA template may
also means they also have the transformational records in their Blueprint. The crystalline biology is be revealed.
the only one that can do this physical transformation.
A few things must be revealed about this lineage.
• They didn’t sleep as we do today. Their nights were lucid dreaming.
• Their long age, was not as it should be. The elderly became too decrepit to forage and feed
• An obsessive desire to forage – which happened because of a lack of Spiritual Purpose.
• ‘unsuitable time’ - is now a psychological time-wedge in the Satas lineage.


There are three ways EarthMother, The Tao, Griffin, Winged, Wolv, Meyu, and Sasquatch can Spastic paralysis of the main pancreatic artery, is the cause of a dysfunctional pancreas, that can no
simulate a tangible communication experience. longer produce insulin.
The initiate being directed to the Multi-Dimensional Communing & Action Wheel
The initiate being touched on specific bodypart, and then doing the required action that each The White Serpant realm had a pancreas that determined life and death. The pancreas-artery would
guardian requires. become inflamed, this was the ‘stopping point’, of the production of insulin. White cell production
The initiate seeing the specific coloured energy form right in front of their face. increased, lowering red blood cell count. Saturation of white cell particle would coat the pancreas
with a gelatine that would paralyse the pancreas.
The Multi-Dimensional Communing & Action Wheel – front cover Volume 2 The ‘stopping point’ in the pancreas is the inflammation of the Superior Mesenteric artery. This is the
signal for the pancreas to stop insulin production. White blood cells gather around the SM artery and
The initiate is directed to this tool, from the Daily Direction Chart. build up a gelatinous substance coating the Delta Cell Secretes Somatostatin, the gelatine becomes a
As with both methods, it is all about timing. chalky cheese particle saturation that causes spastic paralysis of the pancreas..
There is a vaste disparity in ‘time’ between the 3rd dimension, 8, 9 and 15. Timing is everything, so it
is relatively pointless, thinking you can just go to the communing and action wheel, and it will work for Spastic paralysis is the cause of the cessation of insulin production
It wont – you have to be directed to it. The Treatment:
Is about understanding the Time-Wedge on humans, from the White Serpants existence and its
Using the Multi Dimensional Communing And Action Wheel problems.
2 vellum sheets or another opaque/transparent paper. Baking paper works. The time-wedge can be removed.
A planchette, made from a cardboard star (traced from the central star in the M/D Communing & Seeing and understanding all healing work, comes from the prescribed Communing Structure
Action Chart with self and the Elementals.

The initiate is directed to this tool, from the Daily Direction Chart.
White Serpant
First each vellum sheet is held upright and right angles to the M/D chart, and allowed to fall onto the Disclosure of the Serpant realms, means records are being opened and perused, to get to the origins
chart. of all matter.
The first ‘drop’ is studied, to determine the largest ‘pie’ segment to match the underneath segment This has only happened in the last few months, and still a lot to be revealed and ultimately healed.
The second drop is studied to determine the largest diamond or octagon area
The planchette held by a pen or pencil and spun, will determine another action that will synchronise White Serpant was not a snake per se, but a strange skin creature, that eventually evolved into a wort.
with the first. All flowers come from White Serpant, and its love of sexual intercourse and the female, is revealed in
every flower.
Preparing the vellum sheets – or baking paper. Tissue paper will not work, as it is too floppy.
It has to be stiff enough to stand upright. White Serpant blood cells were sugar
An outline is drawn on both sheets. Its form membraneous. Humans skin and membrane is from White Serpant, and the perineum
The outline is the entire wheel, except for the star. The diamonds, octagons and radiating lines, are bodypart is part of the main body from White Serpant.
drawn on both sheets. The male White Serpant had its penis on its head and would stay connected to female for long
Preparing the Planchette. Constantly orgasming, caused a constant saturation of white cells, which saturated the pancreas with
Cut a cardboard star, using the central star on the communing wheel. a gelatine substance that ultimately would paralyse the pancreas artery.
Colour one of the star point on your cardboard cutout
Make a small hole in the middle, large enough for the point of a pen or pencil to hold it – whilst you This was a dysfunction in the White Serpant, which is inherited by man, through a time-wedge
spin. around the pancreas.
It must spin freely.
Another disclosure has revealed that humans, lateral line etheric matrix, is all time-wedge matter.
The pure form has only vertical meridians.
It will be as each individual is led to these time-wedges (or timerifts as they were once known) – every
single organ, bone, skin, blood dysfunction from the serpants and Dragons, that has been inherited by
the human race, can be rectified.


THE PRE-EXISTANCE OF Yellow Serpant used kinesiology, vision and dream. This is the prescribed method to communicate
with the Elementals, Blue did not have this, nor could he vision.
Wanting to appear knowledgeable on the subject - Blue insisted there was a voice.
SCHIZOPHRENIA Blue Dragon lied about ‘hearing the voice of Source’.
Blue Dragon also insisted that a spiritual master has a following – as that is what Blue Dragon wanted
for himself.
Schizophrenia All this spelling, needles and hooked energy, were hooking into Yellow Dragons pschye.
Paranoid Personality
Nervous Anxiety Yellow Dragons method was not understood by the other dragons, for some it seemed like a lot of
Pschopathia Amnesia hard work. Many of the other dragons rather like charismatic Blue Dragons rhetorical interpretation
Split Personality of his ‘spiritual journey’, which came down to nonsense. However most of the Dragons were barely
Exhaustion conscious anyway, and chose to follow Blue Dragons non-ascension work – it seemed easier and
Suicide more fun.
Through profound investigation of the Yellow Dragon Soul, and its ultimate madness that became the Red Dragon had become a pawn of Blue Dragons charisma. She stalked, pestered, and constantly
dark Melchizedek Draconian. The Universal parasite who has prevented all humans from evolving pierced Yellow Dragon with her disresonant voice.
and ascending – simply because of a need of the physical human for their own existence. Yellow Dragon eventually heard voices, but they were the voices of Red and Blue Dragon. He could
Much of humans madness is through the cause of how and why Yellow Dragon went mad. not shut them off, because he became too exhausted to resume his work with his kinesiology and
From Serpant to Dragon to other species. vision, too exhausted to interprete it all – as this takes time. (which would have revealed the
The Yellow Dragon was one of the Primordial Original Serpants, which, through his ability to be needles/cursing/spelling, to remove and the ‘agreement to allow’ to break.
‘service to others’ (strength of character) became the Serpants guardian. None of the other serpents
could see this, nor did they want to be this.
This guardian-ship role deemed Yellow Serpant to be the first to evolve into something else. The Work:
A serpant with wings.
• The ‘agreement to allow’ to break
Jealosy, rankle, vitriole, venom from serpant to serpant, reigned within the Serpant realms. Though • A large time-wedge to remove, a large affair from the top of the head to the chest area.
overtime, all serpents evolved into dragons except, White and Black. White became plant and black
was too unconscious. First the agreement.
However all that rankle, vitriole, venom and petty behaviour was passed onto the Dragon Realms. Imagine a very long document, it is red, with a blue border – see the words all turn to vitriole,
The main reason the human etheric form has lateral meridians in its gridwork. nasty screeching, and then see a pair of hands tear up the document.

Yellow Dragon, was now the Senior ranking Dragon, striving for excellance and true spiritual being. The Time-Wedge
Striving to evolve. The Elementals were and still are the spiritual guides, guiding through kinesiology, • Your vision work will reveal what has to be removed first – or you can work with another
vision and dream. This was how Yellow Dragon was taking direction. visionary. The Elementals will assist anyway they can.
Basically pushing it all uphill – as some of the other dragons were also striving to bring him down. • Removing ‘what has to be removed first’ may take you on a parallel journey to assist other
They eventually did. The affected Yellow Dragon (with all the curses, spells, hooks etc) brought forth new species
that were also affected by Yellow Dragons psyche (as all the other Dragons also).
All the spears, needles, arrows, hexes, spells eventually took their toll.
For example a specie with fur, claws, horn, is all about protection and vulnerability.
Yellow Dragon became paranoid, nervous, anxious, fatigued, then he heard voices, that exhausted
The ‘vulnerability’ were how the dragons felt, or were affected by other dragons.
All this created Time-Wedges in humans etheric gridwork today.
The voices. These are the result of many hooks, spells and curses, that often have the ability to change the
The main factor that caused Yellow Dragon to hear voices, was an agreement that he made Red and ‘core truth and being’ of a human. Once the hooks are in, the human becomes puppeted by the
Blue Dragon, to allow Red Dragon to teach him. Tantamount to permission to come into his head. hooked energy.
He mainly did this, to shut her up. Hooked energy is like a pump – it works whatever is inserted, through seduction, coercion and
The voices in a schizophrenic head are not pleasant, the females voice will be screeching, screaming, other means.
vitriolic, insulting, swearing, carping, crowing, bitchy, immature – and advising suicide as the only A good example is someone that appears successful, and/or is charismatic. They hook into
means to escape – This is ALL female Red Dragon. people, and make declarations, that other people follow. When the human abandons their own
The male voice will be knowing, advisory, seeming to know, seeming to offer support LOVES giving ideals and ideas and follows anothers, a time-wedge occurs. Then subsequent lives the human
advice – but also bringing the listener down – this is the voice of the male Blue Dragon. is hooked back into something. This happened on all humans the dragons brought forth.
Puppeting the humans with false ideals and concepts, that started to appear normal behaviour.


The Tasmanian Devil, has it origins in Wombat. ENLIGHTENMENT - A Dual Tone in the Language of Light
Nature: Integrative
Sasquatch and Zeta (Venezualians) are related to the Tasmanian Devil. Glyphs #35 Creativity and #19 Perseverance unite to become #69 ENLIGHTENMENT
Enlightenment is the tone that brings forth a continuous “lightening up” or rise upward in vibration
The Tasmanian Devil is dying out through an unknown and incurable disease. either in the individual or within a group. Enlightenment invokes a releasing of any and all vibrations
It was revealed the etheric matrix of this little animal, is almost made up of little pointed arrow heads, that are the most dense within the truth the individual or group embodies. This release can be likened
Put there by being hunted by a human specie. to shedding a winter coat as the warmer weather of spring approaches. As each segment of the most
dense vibrations are released, the natural outcome is a rise in vibration or ascension.
All the little arrow-heads caused Tasmanian Devil to be an aggressive little creature even amongst its
own species. The ultimate harm has stepped down as self-harm. The body is now harming itself. As you can see by Enlightenment only being a dual tone – and not a tri or a quadtone. It is considered
an early ordination in ones Ascension journey.
A grandmaster with Sasquatch lineage was led to this situation, to remove the arrowheads.
It is through Creativity and Perseverence that one becomes Enlightened.
The variety of harmful energies and their constructs, affect the living, all species are holographic, and
the hologram is the etheric gridwork #35 – CREATIVITY - A single tone
What has been inserted, and what has been removed – all affects. Silver, Lavender - Golden White
Nature: Passive
Arrowheads are in a variety of species that have been hunted in the past – not necessarily upon Earth. Creativity, passive in nature, provides the path for the flow of creative movement. The tone of creativity
emanates from source in the vibration necessary to forward the vision of source. Each aspect of source
radiates a unique tone of creativity that when fully expressed allows evolution to be experienced by all

Sasquatch Source is the beginning, from which all things manifest. The Elements. It is the presence of certain
Elementals that allows the human to experience ‘creation’ and express, which is ones ‘ascending
There will be a few karmas to clear with Sasquatch. creativity’.
A gentle creature, on most worlds he incarnated upon.
Often abused because of his gentle and obliging nature. He would be caged, scientifically poked and #19 – PERSEVERANCE – A single tone
prodded, and often in circus situations. Pale Gold - Golden White
Sirius in particular. Nature: Integrative
In the unity language of light, perseverance is similar to fueling a vision with energy over time until the
Sasquatch origins lay in the Wombat Kingdom. manifestation of the vision occurs. Perseverance also implies alignment with the result, as unity allows
The Venezualians (Zeta) were the evolutionary journey of an upright, hairless Wombat. for all creations to be in alignment, and perseverance creates this form of wholeness.

Sasquatch ascended on worlds where there were no humans. Perseverence has the colours of #5 Breath of Life (animus) and #7 Freedom. Which also means Nos
In fact, any animal specie that has ascended anywhere, would be where there were no humans. 5 & 7 must be there to acquire Perseverence, to achieve Enlightenment.
Humans would be the cause of another species evolutionary-demise, mainly because of the Draconian
intervention. The Work: Using a pendulum, define the polarities preventing you from attaining authentic
Freedom and Perseverence.
The only reason we have the true Sirian grandmaster lineage on Earth, is because of Sasquatch, Go to Freedom and Perseverence, and see which polaric side of the Unity paradigm having a
Through a mating of a Katayann indigenous (Sirian system) with a Sasquatch. These grandmasters were hold on you.
the original Australian indigenous. ( start your pendulum rocking and hold it over both sides of each of the Unity tones – then allow
your pendulum to find the word to assist a further search.
This may take you into the Thesaurus. Even though there will be karmic work to fully embody
these tones in full (and the consciousness therein) it helps to understand the polarities, and how
they impede aspects of the spiritual ascension journey.

One can understand and adjust – and allow the karmic work to appear in the flow.


There are two entirely different mechanisms involved in the dreaming. FOR DREAM AND VISION INTERPRETING
One is the 7 planes of manifestation, whereby an intention is made, to be made manifest. The seven
planes step down the intention to manifest a circumstance.
The other involves the nightly dreaming whilst asleep. Which really has no connection with the
manifesting process.
The Elementals orchestrate the whole nightly dreaming structure. Using past events in our
consciousminds, they are able to re-present them to construct a message. These messages will be
cryptic, symbolic or mixed up representations of the real message being given.

Humans can have information being given to them constantly. By day through vision, lucid
dreaming, and the message receiving process using the Communing Charts System, and by night
through remembered dreams.
One interprets the nightly dream with the Communing Charts System and the Thesaurus, and/or with
the new Shapes and Meaning Chart.

There are many reasons attributed to the distinct lack of humans ascending to date. The main one is
because not enough humans were interpreting their dreams correctly. Many discount dreams
altogether, and a few in leadership positions, don’t dream, (or remember their dreams) so dream
recording and interpreting has been lacking as an integral tool for Ascension.

The Dream Journal. To record dreams, lucid dreams, visions.

The Nightly Dream: To generate the remembrances of, one has to put a pad and pencil beside their
pillow, with a strong affirmation to remember. Through the use of the Daily Direction tool, one will
be guided to interprete a nightly dream sometime during the day, or wait until directed back
sometime in the future.

Most often, each nights dreams are not necessary to interprete immediately. As they are often
married with a future karma or service work, and having the ability (and a tool) to research back
through the dream journal.

The Work:
If a certain shape, or shapes appear in a vision, lucid dream, or dream – use the Shapes and their
Meaning Chart, and pendule through the list of words for that particular shape.
If pendulum requires it, then take that word to the Thesaurus, to have it expanded.

Interpreting dreams is one of the most difficult things to do. Some are able, some are almost
able, and some cannot.
There is definately a knack – this knack depends upon a lot of practise.

The Elementals supply the dreams and visions

The Elementals supply the Charts to interpete.
There are the Shapes and their Meanings and Geometric Shapes and Meanings, and next Volume
‘Colours and their Meanings’.
The Elementals intend to cover all bases - give as much information as possible, to assist
initiates in interpreting dreams, lucid dreams, and visions.

In having these charts, the Elementals then will present the shapes and colours as often as they
can, so you can get to the correct interpretation much quicker and easier.


Intentions activate the Will Centres, in the centre of the 12 Chakra system. Transformation is part of a Blueprint
If the species has achieved any aspect of Transformation in any life – then these records can be used for
humans Ascension.
• I intend to Ascend this physical form, this life-time
As we have been proceeding with our respective Ascensions, humans records have been opened
back further and further, until we started to do work right at the genesis level of existence.
• I intend to have clear communication with all realms guiding my Ascension
Serpants and dragons have been revealed with all their inherrant problems, that were never fixed.
• I intend to do whatever it takes to facilitate my World and Universal Service roles and tasks These inherrant problems are humans problems.
Even the existence of the same diseases that are crippling humanity today.
• I intend to have all my vision ability All can and will be rectified.
One thing has become very clear about the Dragon and Serpant Realms.
• I intend to have all kinesthetic ability
Those dragons and serpants that were ABLE to be something a bit more than all the rest, were able to
think ofothers rather than themselves – these were the dragons that true spirituality reigned.
• I intend to have full manifesting ability
They were Yellow Dragon and Pale Green Dragon.
• I intend to have full telepathic ability
Records show these two dragon clans were the most evolved, even though none of the dragons
ascended, it was their future species that started the true Evolutionary journey from Dragon.
commitment and self-governance to keep the work in motion A deeper inspection of all human species records, now they have been ‘opened’ (by persons clearing
karma). Revealing a few inconsistencies, on who or what are ‘grandmasters’ .
• I intend SURRENDER – to move more quickly through the Initiations. Individual records reveal who or what mastered what.
Who or what did any transformation.
• I intend all TRANSFORMATIONAL knowledge
Records of transformation, transmigration, levitation, are being investigated.
These are the latest results.
The Sirian Katayyan, the 36,000 DNA template, only had this template through a Sasquatch/wombat
mating. Wombat had evolved itself many times on other worlds.
The black skin, black hair of the indigenous – were of dark green dragon and had no
The Nature Realms ascension/transformational records. There are records of this human specie levitating, but not
Sasquatch has pale skin, yellow fur from Pale Green Dragon
They are an important aspect of ones Ascension, and are also considered tools.
The small Satas
With 78,000 strands DNA and known records of all transformational abilities, the little Satas is now
A Nature Realm will be used to portray something symbolic, or just be present to make the initiate seek
head of the list.
a message.
Pale skin, black hair from Pale Green Dragon.
The presence or noticing a nature realm, requires interpreting. Now the latest quest is to delve into the human species of the most highest Dragon Realm of all.
Very rarely are the messages anything about what is written about the various Nature Realm in books Yellow Dragon.
or on the net - of their supposed messages and symbology. First the madness, the paranoia, the corrupted sense of duty/obedience/obsession of Yellow Dragon
must be removed – as this has become the primary matrix from which all Andromedan/blonde
The presence of a Nature Realm is generally asking you to attention something you are missing, in some human are now bound by. All other humans followed.
aspect of whatever you are working upon. Which gave them the lower DNA, or caused a lower DNA template.
This human should really have the highest evolutionary template of them all.
The initiate is required to seek their own message, through the prescribed interpreting methods.
Getting a message for interpreting a Nature Realm is through a message from penduling the
Communing Chart and Thesaurus, and/or a vision.
Nibirus Vanguard
The 6 craft vanguard that precedes Nibiru will be entering this galaxy March 2011.
It is expected they will be visible with a telescope approximately August 2011.


• Daily Direction Chart
• Harmful Energy Chart 1
• Harmful Energy Chart 2
• Kineseology Chart
• Multi-Dimensional Communing & Action Wheel
• Dream/Vision Interpreting Charts - Page 1 - Page 2 - Page 3 - Page 4 - page 5


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