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Find mistakes in the following sentences:

1. . I’m so glad that he spoke in my behalf because I felt awful that I couldn’t make it to
the event.

2. It’s late. Do you think we should ask for food in the bar?

3. Jane filled the form and gave it to the government official.

4. Last night, I dreamt with being an astronaut and going to Mars.

5. I don’t think we should expect any good news.

6. Maintaining a family can be very difficult, especially if only one of the parents works.

7. I try not to lose too much time on Facebook.

8. I don’t use a watch because I don’t like the way it feels on my wrist.

9. I don’t know if I can go with you on Sunday. It depends of the time.

10. Students can fail the course if they do not attend to class regularly.

11. Not only she works all day, but also she looks after three children.

12. Chris was driving and he crashed with a parked car.

13. We are 6 in our team so I’m used to delegating tasks

14. Some people buy expensive things despite of not having much money.

15. I have a doubt about what I should do in this situation.

16. Could you tell me what’s the problem?

17. When I was a kid I liked more Christmas than Thanksgiving.

18. Do you think that he’s the right person for the job? I think yes.
19. I have a headache. - Oh, I’m going to get you an Aspirin, then.

20. Maybe they’re going to Russia to visit his family at the end of the year.

21. Put your wallet away. I invite you.

22. The restaurant is open since 11 a.m. to midnight.

23. For me the idea is okay.

24. After finishing my career in 2012 I started looking for a job.

25. The cost of living is getting each time more expensive..

26. With reason he was selected for the position –- his father-in-law is the CEO.

27. Shirley arrived in the bank at nine o’clock in the morning.

28. They are a happy marriage. They have been together for 15 years.

29. I’m sorry, do you know what’s the password?.

30: I’m sorry, what? I couldn’t hear you.

31. She approved the exam after many attempts.

32. What they showed us was the exact opposite to what we were expecting.

33. Some people think that you shouldn’t marry with someone until you have lived with
that person.

34. If you ask me, I prefer working at the office than working at home

35. I don’t have an idea who she is.

36. We were going to eat out but we ended having dinner in my house.

37. She didn’t come to the meeting despite she was sent an email earlier
38. We were so excited when we met Times Square.

39. Do you know where can I find a coffee machine?

40. I’m not used to working on Saturdays, but I will be.

41.She recommended me that I take a few days off from work.

42. I tried to explain him the problem, but he had difficulty understanding me.

43. I don’t know why you didn’t go. If I were you, I would have gone.

44. Stacy and Carl are together since last year.

45. We thought we were going to expand this year, but we actually have less people
now than we did two years ago.

46. I must admit I’m a little afraid to do this by my own.

47. It’s stifling in here, shall I open the window?

48. Never before I had seen something quite like that.

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